Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Member Made Tutorials => Modding & Meshing Tutorials => Topic started by: Hamilton on August 18, 2011, 09:26:51 pm

Title: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on August 18, 2011, 09:26:51 pm
Part 1

Your first task to procure the following programs and scripts:
A working Python (no, not a big snake in a hardhat. well....actually...the icon does kinda look...oh never mind!)
The Ogre mesh exporter compatible with your version of Blender.
OgreCommandLine Tools (exactly the way it looks)

Blender: without this, you simply cannot mesh. It's be like trying to make a flash video without flash. It has all the tools you need to make spiffy meshes, set armatures, animate, record, render, and even build a video game! Wow.

Python: while you don't need this if you plan on meshing and never using your mesh for anything than to look nice in blender, you do need it for running all your scripts. You know, like the ones that let you import and export your work. Python is just cool that way.

Ogre mesh exporter: simply put, it's a script that will allow you to export your mesh into a .xml format.

OgreCommandLine Tools: these are the magic makers. take any .xml mesh, and they will automatically convert them to .mesh format. That's the format we need for FH!

You can get these by following the links provided:

Blender 2.59, the latest! (http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/) (it's okay to get the older version too)
Python 3, the python Blender 2.59 needs (http://www.python.org/getit/releases/3.0/) (if you have an older version of Blender, python 2.6 will be needed)
An exporter/converter compatible to Blender2.59 (http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=61485) (it's still being worked on, I have no idea how stable it is...)
The exporter for lower versions of Blender (http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/Blender+Exporter) (hay! that's what hammy uses!)
XML converter (http://www.ogre3d.org/download/tools) (it's at the bottom of the page)


Run the blender instal as you would any other program.

You can run it to test it/play with it if you like.

If I remember (it has been a few years) Python should install fairly normally to. (ok ya, just install normally, it'll make it's own folder).

I use an older exporter so, follow the readme text if you are using the exporter needed for blender2.59.
If you are going with an older blender, make sure the exporter script finds it's way to the scripts folder. You can find this here:

my computer->local drive->documents and settings->your data file (should have your name)->application data->blender foundation->blender->.blender->scripts

Lastly, install/open OgreCommandLine tools. I let mine make a new folder like the python did, to make it easier to find. But again, you can install this anywhere.

you should now be ready to get to work!

Let's take a moment to make sure everything is in it's place. Run blender. A black window should open with the dialog "Compiled with python version #.##.##         Checking for python..........got it!".

If it doesn't "get it", Python didn't install properly.

The black window will remain, but the Blender program should now be up and running.

Blender needs a prompt to locate newly installed scripts. To do this, find the little square on your screen that currently is filled with a small grid pattern.

Click on it to open a narrow drop menu. There will be an option near the end that says "scripts". it's icon is a snake.....

Click on it. you screen should change to be nearly blank. This is okay! Really!

On the header where you found that grid button, it should have a new button called "scripts".

Click on it to get another drop menu. The very last thing on the menu is "update menus".

Click on it to update your scripts.

To test that this was successful (and that you installed the exporter right) click on the "scripts" button again.

From the list, highlight "Export" and from there select "OGRE meshes".

This should cause the window to be filled with some text boxes and big buttons. (some blue, others yellow).

Welcome back!

Today, I am going to attempt to at least get to "Building a mesh". However I have much less time today, there was a storm not long ago that I had to turn my computer off for so...yeah. lol

Oh Right, today we need a screen shot!

Chances are, you screen looks something like this when you start up Blender. (my version is slightly older than Blender 2.59 so some things may look different).

In the center, we see the current mesh. A preloaded Cube. Our view is currently aligned to look down on the mesh from the top. The little arrows in the center of the mesh are your transform widget. This little tool only shows up in object mode and edit mode. It is a very handy little guy. If you pull on one of his branches, your selection will be dragged along that branches axis. (x, y, or z)

Hotkeys to replace the widget are "G" for "grab" and "x, y, z" for the axis you want to drag along. If you only hit "G", your selection will move on all the axis' at once! Not always bad but it's much easier to makesure you hit an axis key before you start dragging things around. (that's hitting "g" and then hitting either "x, y, or z" right away)

Find the red heart. The button it highlights is the windows button. This changes which window you are viewing. Currently it is on 3D view. Displayed as a grid.

Next to that is a blue heart. This is the view button. You can change the view of your camera here. Your middle mouse button, or wheel button, can also swivel the camera freely. Holding "shift" while using the middle wheel button will drag the camera around without changing the perspective. Scrolling the mouse wheel will zoom the camera in and out. And holding the "shift" key while you scroll will make the camera move on the z axis only. Your number pad also controls some camera functions. 5 swaps between perspective mode and orthographic mode. 8 and 2 swivel the came around the mesh from top to bottom. 4 and 6 swivel the camera around the mesh from side to side. 1 will set the camera to view the front of the mesh. 3 will view the side of the mesh. 7 will view the top of the mesh. and...9 does nothing...apparently.

The purple heart (or pink?) shows the select menu. Here you can find a bunch of different methods of selecting meshes/vertices/etc.

The orange heart has the mode menu. Currently, it's set to object mode. so we have a menu with options for making changes to the mesh that effects the entire mesh or multiple meshes. In edit mode, the menu has options for making changes to only the parts of a mesh you want it to.

The teal heat shows you what view mode you are in. Currently, it's in solid mode. Meaning we can only see the mesh as gray. We can't see anything that might be effected by texture. Switching to shaded mode allows you to see some of the areas effected by texture but not the texture itself. Texture mode ...well...lets you see the mesh as it will look in it's completed form. Wireframe shows the edges and polyshapes that make up your mesh but not any of the faces or gray areas. and bounding box just shows the area your mesh takes up.

At the top, in yellow, is the add menu. from here you can add new shapes to a mesh (in edit mode) or add new objects to a project (object mode).

At the very bottom are our links buttons. the first is a sphere shape. this is for our materials links so we can set up a texture for our mesh. The second...I don't use much. But the third! this is the editing button. Here you can change the name of your mesh and set modifiers tot he mesh to do some cool things.

Those little X's? those show where there is a divide between windows. Yes, you are currently looking at 3 windows on one screen. If you hover your mouse on them, you'll find you can drag them up and down to make them bigger or smaller. If you right-click on them, you can make two windows become one (deletes the window you hover into). You can also split your screen for even more windows! (I usually have at least 4 for various reasons).

Now...in object mode, you can't do much. You can move a object around but it will otherwise come out the same. You need to either use edit mode or sculpt mode to build your mesh.

If you're going for sculpt mode, here's a step to help you out:

See that long yellowish button that says "add multiers"? click on it. You may have to do this a second time, but not to many! This modifier will subdivide your mesh, automatically giving it an even amount of new vertices. Modifiers can only be done in object mode, so if you want to do this, do it now~.

You can also sub-divide your mesh by hand with the hotkey combo of "ctrl +r". this only works in edit mode. Every-time you hit this combo, a purple line will appear dividing an area of your mesh where your mouse cursor is located. Click the mouse if that is the direction you wish to make a cut. The link is now green and follows your mouse. When you have it to where you want, click the mouse again to set the seam. Your mesh will now have a few more vertices than it once did.

Repeat this until you have a good number of vertices to work with (anywhere between 10-50). you can check your vertices count at the very top right of the program. it'll say something like "ve:#-# ed:#-# fa:#-#" ve is your vertices, ed is edges, and fa is faces/polys. the first number is how many you have currently selected. the second is the total amount the mesh contains.

Now go to sculpt mode. Remember that mode menu that changes? it is now a sculpt menu! magic! Click on it for a drop menu. See where it says "sculpt properties"? click on it. (hotkey "N" does the same thing). this will open a small floating window where you can make changes to your sculpting brush.

You have my permission to now go crazy with your sculpt tool. It's okay. I use it often too :3

It occurred to me late Saturday that I accidentally omitted a key bit of information. How to select ANYTHING.

See, as default, Blender doesn't selected objects or vertices using the left mouse button. That button is used for clicking buttons and stuff.

To select anything in the 3d view (object, vertices, edge, or face) use the right mouse button. I know this can feel odd at first. I still occasional confuse the two.

You can swap the buttons in user preferences, but if you've already learned the keys and buttons to use by default, messing with the layout kinda looses it's necessity. Also, I never changed my settings, making discussing their functions much easier when you think about it.

(i wish I could expand the text box...)

More useful hotkeys:

"s". this will scale your selection. drag the mouse away from the selection to go bigger. Drag it closer to go smaller. It's better to have the mouse a little away from the center of the selection before you hit "s", otherwise you can quickly end up with an inside-out mesh! hitting an axis key "x, y, or z" will scale the selection only along that axis.

"r". This will rotate your selection. It works similar to scaling. Drag your mouse away to rotate in one direction, push toward to rotate the opposite. "x, y, and z" limit the rotation to one axis.

"ctrl+r" we covered this before, but I'll say it again: this will divide your mesh at whichever point your mouse is at. Click once to set the cut, click again to set the cut.

"shift +d" this duplicates any selection. it works immediately and the new object will be linked to your mouse (meaning it will follow where-ever the mouse moves to). The movement is free of axis constraints and can sometimes flub up a little (new object ends up way off to the y axis and deep under the z). Click the left mouse button to confirm the new location. You can prevent this by confining the movement to an axis. (our old friends the "x, y and z" keys!).

"f" will create a new face from 3-4 selected vertices. It comes most in handy when you are building a mesh from the ground up, a few vertices or edges at a time. It also helps link two sets of faces together.

"ctrl + a" this only works in object mode and is best left to when the mesh is completed. It opens a small floating window where you can set the scale and rotation of your new mesh to remain in the object data. This helps to prevent meshes from loading as teeny tiny things when you put them in the game.

About sculpting:

While it's not a bad way to mesh, it does have a few downsides.  If you use the inflate/deflate option too much, you can cause portions of the mesh to become inverted. While a good code can hide this in the game, it makes texture-wrapping a lot more difficult. The smooth option can fix this but at a cost. Smooth can also be used to much and completely flatten your mesh.

Sculpting is also very confining and usually only has good results when the vert count is excessively high. And high vert counts lead to massive lag.

It's a good place to start if your just toying with Blender.

To make the really dramatically cool stuff, you need to go it one vert group/edge at a time.

So, lets get started.

First, what are you going to make?  Can I make a suggestion? Try a rock. I know, I know, it's not that cool but listen for a moment. You are reading this to learn how to use Blender. And jumping in with say....a horse, it's just asking for trouble. You never want to start out with complex shapes. Work up to them. Otherwise, you'll burn yourself out, get super made....maybe throw your mouse at your monitor a few times, and then give up. Or worse, my inbox will be full of complaints! lol

So, let's just make a rock for now. Hey, don't be sad. It can be any shape you want. Make an arch even! That'd be cool and still be simple!

My rock is going to be symmetrical. This means that the left and right sides will look exactly the same. While I could try this by hand, I'm not that good. So I'm going to use a mirror.

But first, lets set up the screen. I want my mesh to load already in the right angle so users don't need to rotate it. In views, select "front view". Now we can align the mesh to the ground. Next, that cube is in the way. We don't need it. Select it and hit the hotkey "x". you will be prompted to confirm a deletion request. Accept.

Good, a blank "canvas" so to speak.

Next, we need to fix how meshes are added in. Currently, if we added anything, it will be facing up. We want it to face us. That top window divider? drag it down to access the user preferences.

A lot of cool stuff in here to fiddle with, but later! For now, see the row of long purple buttons at the bottom? See the one labeled "edit methods"? Click on it!

Oh boy, more options! resist the temptation to play! We are here on a mission. On the far left-hand side are the following set of buttons: "ObData" "Object" "Switch to edit mode" and "Align to view".

That last one, "align to view" is the one we want. click on it. Now drag the divider back up to hide those functions. We're done with them.

Now, we need to add a mesh. Oh but hammy, we just deleted one! Too bad! We need a new one! From the add menu, hover over "mesh" to get a list of options. The very first one will be "plane". Click on it.

The 3d window will now display a square. It is flat and gray and has 4 sides. It is very un-rock like.

The drop menu that says "object mode", click on it. select "edit mode". The square changed. You can now see it's vertices, highlighted in yellow. All the verts are selected, meaning the entire mesh is selected. Take your widget and grab it by the y axis arrow (the green one). Drag the mesh to the far right. not so far you can't see it.

Switch back to "object mode".

In the window at the bottom, on the far right side is some modifiers. These do a variety of cool stuff. And wee need that :D

Clicking "add modifier" will open a long drop menu. The  text may be small. Find the word "mirror" and select it.

A lot of new buttons. x, y, and z change where the mirror is set up. And selecting more than one puts up more mirrors (ex x and y can mirror or only z can mirror. etc etc). For now, leave it on x. Next is the "do clipping" button. This will make sure none of your changes on the edit side will cross over into the mirrors side. It also links the two side together. We want this. Click on it to activate it.

By now, you have surely noticed you have two planes on your 3d view instead of 1. That is the mirror at work. There are no other buttons we need right now, so go back to edit mode.

Now, I can't tell you EXACTLY what to do, since for all I know, you skipped my warning and went right into making a bunny rabbit. Fine, whatever.

Start by dragging your plane back to the center. not too far, just till the two left hand verts catch on the mirror.

You can re-size anything you want. Rotate, w/e.

Ta add more verts without cutting, extrude them instead! Extrude is like....well it's hard to explain exactly. What it does is it duplicates the verts you have selected but there are still linked to their older parts. So you can drag the new verts out and a face will fill in the area between them. It's sort of like...drawing but with vertices lol.

"e" is the extruding hotkey. In vert and edge mode, it will ask if you want to extrude the verts or the edges. both will work fine. in face mode, you'll get a new option "region" this will extrude entire selected areas and can quickly lead to high-poly counts.

When you need to fill in between the mesh and mirror, drag a vert over. With do clipping set up, it will automatically connect the two. If you're ambitious, you can form the whole rock with just extrusions and grab/dragging singular vertices.

Or you can just touch it up in little amounts with the sculpt brushes. To each their own really.

when you are satisfied with the look of your rock (or whatever else you made, you daredevil), go back to object mode. In the same location as we set up the mirror, there is a nifty little button labeled "apply". Click on it to turn the mirrored side into real mesh! Making your rock one solid piece! How awesome!

Now, currently, you mesh has gone through it's birth as being called "plane" or maybe "plane.01". Oy, what a lame name.

Back to the bottom window!

In the left hand box called "links and materials" are two text boxes. one says "ME:Plane" and the other "OB: Plane". Change them both to whatever you want your mesh to be called. something unique perhaps. not just "rock", that will cause problems with the game after all. how about "myrock" or "first rock".

Hit enter each time to confirm the change. In the 3d window, your mesh will now be renamed. Pretty cool.

While we're here, lets set up the texture name too.

This will come in handy as we continue.

The sphere shaped button in the bottom window, click on it.

Of the new buttons this opened, select "add new". Suddenly, arse-load of buttons! Don't panic!

Near the center is a list of options labeled "links and pipelines". The very first thing in it is a text box that reads "MA: material". Change this to set a texture name. make it unique or at least the same as your mesh. Hit enter to confirm the change.

You can test-export this now if you wish but it won't come out pretty. In the very least, you can see how the export screen is set up :3
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Thierry on August 18, 2011, 10:56:26 pm
This will be really useful for a lot of people who want to mesh.

Grrr, you are reading my mind Hammy.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Flatsoda on August 19, 2011, 07:57:52 pm

Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on August 21, 2011, 09:54:41 pm
Character limit exceeded. Guess this'll be a two parter.

To cover:
What to download.[X]
Why it's important.[X]
Where to download.[X]
How to install.[X]
How to run.[X]
Basic need-to-know functions and keys.[X]
Building a mesh.[X]
Advanced mesh building.[X]
Renaming a mesh.[X]
Applying a basic texture.[X]
Applying a texture wrap.[X]
Advanced texture mapping. [X]
Exporting a finished mesh.[X]
Exporting a mesh with multiple textures.[X]
How to convert  from .xml into .mesh format.[X]
Preparing a functioning .mat code.[X]
Testing everything in game.[X]
How to import a working .obj.

Part 2 (temporary. thinking about a new, cleaner thread.)

Okay, today we apply a simple texture! This will 1)set a unique texture to your mesh or 2)make the mesh able to display existing textures.

See, even if you only plan on using rockMat4 from the game, you still need to teach the mesh how it's supposed to display that texture. Otherwise, you can (and will!) end up with a very drab colored mesh that doesn't display any texture. OakMat/Bark, rockMat2, PalmBark. They'll all display as one color and no texture.  Hardly phenomenal, so clearly we must set the mesh to know how it should display these things.

We are going to need a new window for this.

At the top dividing line, hover your mouse over till you get the double arrows. Hit the right mouse button to open the small drop menu. Select "split screen" from the list. There will now be a vertical line following your mouse. We don't need the window right away, so click at any size then drag the new window till it is hidden off to the side.

I assume you still have your mesh up the way we left it last night. If not, click on the sphere icon again to reopen the materials tools.

If you didn't follow the steps in "renaming your mesh", and the only function you have is "add new", then go back and follow those steps. Very important.

All the way to the right hand side is a list of functions labeled "texture". It's got some blank slots you can click, and a "add new" button.

with the first slot selected, hit the "add new" button. It will change to a text box that reads "TE:tex.001"

replace the text with something relevant to your mesh/texture area.

I want to draw your attention back to the sphere buttons. Yes, plural. If you didn't notice before, you now have 2 of them. One is gray, the other is red.

We want to focus on the red one now. To the right of the red sphere is a orangey square with black spots in it. Click on that button!

some cool new stuff came up. One is a preview of your image. it's blank right now, because we haven't gotten that far.

Next is where we need for setting the image. You have the name of the current material you are working on, a list of selectable icons (the top most with the name of your texture in it),  and a drop drown menu for your texture type. Currently set on "none".

Click on the word "non" to open the drop menu. At the very bottom of the list is the word "image". Select it to get more functions to open!

We don't need the middle functions. Draw your attention to the far right. There is but one button. "load"

Click on it to open a browse window. On the left hand side at the top are two buttons. "P" will browse back by one folder (ei, go to "p"arent folder). the double arrows opens a list of frequently used and relevant file locations.

Use these to get to the location of an image you want to use as a texture. (if you thought ahead, you save a new one in "my_objects". you can borrow one from "rocks" for this mesh as it should be a simple one lol)

when you find the file you want, click on it to select it. Then, back at the top and on the right hand side, hit the big button that says "SELECT IMAGE" to set the file. Your window will return to 3d view and at the bottom, the preview square will display the image you chose.

We don't need this window anymore. But if you need to make changes, simply drag it's dividing line down till the window is no longer visible. This way, you can come back to it if you need to.

Now, remember that new window we created? drag it open. I don't recommend going any further than half way. You should still be able to view your mesh in the left hand window.

You'll notice both windows are set to 3d view. Hardly useful. In the right hand window, click on the 3d view button (the grid pattern) to open the list of window views. Select the one that reads "UV/Image Editor". It's icon is a face. Creepy.

If your mesh is in object mode, switch it to Edit mode. Also, switch out of "solid" view and instead view in "textured" mode. Your mesh will be either white or black. this is normal.

Select everything. the entire mesh should be selected.

Hit the "u" key to open a menu of options. The only ones that are of use right now are "cube projection" "cylinder from view" "sphere from view" "project from view" and "project from view (bounds)".

Select any of those for now. It should make a grid like pattern appear on the right hand window (cube projection) or a flattened/warped version of you mesh (all others).

In the right hand window is a button that is just double arrows. click on it. This list is the current images you have loaded. There should be only 1 right now and an option for a new image. Click on the image we loaded previously. This will make it appear under the grid we just made.

Go look at your mesh, it now has texture! Holy mother of god!

Of the options I showed you earlier, test them and pick the one that you think looks best on your mesh.

You mesh now has texture. If you exported it right now, it would look pretty dang awesome.

There are other texture options you could also employ. Maybe you need more than one texture? Maybe you have a thing against texture-stretch marks. Seams can come in pretty hand here!

Of course, for some meshes, simply doing a double texture is the way to go. like when you need bark and leaves for a tree. For this, two different images are best. Which also means two different texture codes.

To go about this, remember those selectable areas when we named our texture? select a second one and give it a new name. Follow the steps for setting up the image file.

Now comes the tricky part. only select the parts of your mesh that are going to have the new texture. This way, when you use the 'u' key to set it to the uv window, it will only take the info from the new texture.

Follow the steps from setting the image into the uv/image editor window and, by default, onto your selected mesh area.

And, done. Unless you are uber picky and there's something off. Honestly, if you are making leaves to go on a tree, it's better to start with only one plane of leaves. set a texture to it, then just duplicate it till your tree is well foliated.

Another way of doing more than one texture but without the hassle of multiple images, is to have all the data in one image. For instance: you could have a different image for the flower, a different image for the stem, and a different image for the leaves of your plant. Or you could have one image with those three components set up nicely on the canvas.

But hammy, if I just do a wrap with something like that, it'll look ugly and not very flower-like!

Seams! Seams make it awesome!

With a couple seams, you can use the "unwrap" function when you go to the "u" menu. Before, if we selected this, the program made it's own seams. Often very clumsily and not very useful. If you put in your own seams, you can get that unwrapped mesh to look perfect!

To create a seam, select only the verts needed to form a line at were you would like the seam to be. For example: all the verts in a line up the left side of a cylinder.

To set the seam, go to your edit menu. Near about the topish-middleish area are 4 cool sub menus. "Normals" "faces" "edges" "vertices". You want "edges". hover over it to see all the cool functions it has to offer.

The function we need is "set seam". This will turn the edges connection your selected verts to an orange color. this means that there is now a seam there. when you unwrap your uvs, this seam is where the cut will be made.

After you are satisfied with your seams, test them by using the "unwrap" function from the "u" key menu. In your uv window, you'll see shapes made from your seams, instead of a blob of grid stuffs. You can select sets of linked uvs and drag them ("g" key) till they are positioned over the image data you want them to read. ("r" rotate and "s" scale also work here but only on x and y axis. uv has no z).

Yet another way to do the same thing, is to make each part of your mesh a new plane. Stem for the flower? new plane, create shape, set texture, done. Need leaves? new plane, create shape, set texture, duplicate and position, done. Need a flower or two? new plane, create shape, set texture, done. Etc etc.

It's a little slower, but much cleaner than just using seams.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: snakebite on August 22, 2011, 09:19:46 am
:o Thanks for posting this! :D my sis is trying to learn blender and stuff :p
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on August 23, 2011, 09:33:32 pm
All that talk about exporting. How about we cover it for reals this time?

You can access this in any window you like, but the bigger ones are better for seeing everything.

In your window of choice, find the window menu button. (remember, it's the one that displays a grid in 3d view and a person in uv/image editor view)

Open the menu and select the one hat says "scripts". It's shaped like a snake....

Your window will be blank, that's okay.

There is only one option on our header. "scripts". click on it for the drop menu.

Find the word "export" and hover over it for more options.

From here, choose "OGRE mesh". click on it to make the script run.

One of your windows should look something like this:


In the red, we have your current mesh by name. This is what will be exported. there is a drop menu for selecting other meshes, if you have more than one you have been working on. If you make any changes to your mesh now, hit the "update" button.

In green is our material name. It says "scene" by default. Change it to something that matches your mesh and is unique so it won't overwrite anything. the first two blue buttons are unnecessary. Moving on.

"Rendering materials" is the option that works best for newbie users who are exporting a mesh with only one texture image set to it.

"Game engine materials" works best for the newbie users who are exporting a mesh with multiple texture images/codes.

"path:" is where your mesh will be deposited when it is exported. hit "select" to browse locations. Pick someplace easy to remember. I like depositing new exports into my ogrecommandline tools folder for easy access to the converter. The selection process works the same as when we selected an image earlier. Except instead of picking a file, you are picking a folder location.

"Fix up axis to "y" is important! always make sure it is selected (in my screenshot, it is not selected). This will make sure your mesh will load right-side up when you load it in the game.

"Skeleton name follow mesh" renames a skeleton to match the meshes current name. You don't need this unless you have an animated skeleton to export. Which you should not. you can leave it alone or deselect it.

"ogreXML converter" is optional. I don't use it. It's supposed to automatically convert your exported mesh but...meh, It's not that time consuming to do it by hand.

"Export" is the money maker. This activates the script and exports your mesh and material files and sends them to the location you picked earlier. Of course, it exports as XML format so you need to convert the mesh afterwords to get it to work in the game.

A handy tool to remember is "crtl +a". Use it in a window that is in 3d view and object mode. It will open a list of options. The very first of which is "scale and rotation to ob data". It really helps to keep your mesh from loading microscopic in the game. (scaling the whole mesh up also helps).

If you made these changes while you had a window with the exporter open, remember to hit the update button.

To convert the mesh, it's very easy. Find you newly exported mesh. If it's not in the ogrecommanline tools folder, make a copy of it and the material file (conversely, you can drag and drop it if you are in two different windows) and paste the copy into the commandlines tools folder.

See the file named "OgreXmlConverter"? This is the one you want. Select your .xml file and drag it till it is ontop of the converter. Release.

The xml file should return to it's former position. If it was a larger file, you might catch a glimpse of the converter opening and doing it's thang.

A new file will appear at the end of the list of files. it is your mesh but...it's a .mesh file! OMG magic!

you can now take the .mesh file and .material file and place them into your "my_objects" folder in feralheart.

You should open your material file now. You'll notice, if you exported using the "rendering materials" option, that the code is very...incomplete.

That's okay.

Just open any other existing material file and swipe a code form there (minus the code header [material            randomwords]). Paste it over your broken code so it replaces completely (minus the code header).

Put your image file back into the code and save.

Now, go load your mesh in object maker. It's glorious, ain't it? I'll give you a moment to let it all sink in~
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Jayfeather55 on August 27, 2011, 11:12:20 pm

Hammy, I love you :3333333
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: kyuubi1161 on August 30, 2011, 03:54:21 pm
gah! im trying to get it to work but even if i have installed everything it still doesn't say "Compiled with python version #.##.##         Checking for python..........got it!". it will open the black box for a second but then it closes it down and opens blender without giving you a chance to read it!!! :(
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on August 30, 2011, 05:25:55 pm
If the version you downloaded is the latest (blender 2.59), it may load differently than the version I used for this tutorial (blender 2.48). This may very well be completely normal.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Jayfeather55 on August 30, 2011, 07:32:26 pm

Yeah, you should be fine :)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: kyuubi1161 on August 31, 2011, 10:36:17 am
Thanks, guys! :D
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: kyuubi1161 on August 31, 2011, 10:45:50 am
I cannot find the small grid button anywhere! all i found is the two small layer grid buttons, and when i click on them it just goes to a new layer :( (http://i54BannedImageSite/inc2o8.jpg)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: kyuubi1161 on August 31, 2011, 11:16:55 am
ill download the older version, one sec
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: kyuubi1161 on August 31, 2011, 11:41:30 am
gah im such a noob its not working *hangs head in shame*
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on September 08, 2011, 02:47:41 pm
The icons aren't the same from older version to 2.59. It looks like your 'grid button' is the little square instead. It's in the same row as the layer buttons you circled. Aaaaalllll the way to the left, off by itself. *squint* looks like it has double arrows in it too for indicating a drop menu.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 22, 2011, 08:52:23 pm
Wow Hammy, you put a lot of work into this, it looks great!
Maybe, maybe I can actually start learning how to mesh with the guide.

May I ask, which version of Blender do you use? :P
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on September 23, 2011, 08:15:32 pm
I use version 2.48.1
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 27, 2011, 07:12:01 am
Ok two issues...
Stupid Blender can't seem to find my Python...
This is all I get:
http://i54BannedImageSite/68hh4z.jpg (http://i54BannedImageSite/68hh4z.jpg)

2.48 Blender, 2.6.6 Python.
Python is in drive /C:.
Blender is under /C:-> program files.

Can't find this:

my computer->local drive->documents and settings->your data file (should have your name)->application data->blender foundation->blender->.blender->scripts

I don't have a documents and setting under my local drive. >.>

This is why I gave up on Blender last time , gave me too much crap, nothing would work right -_-

Any help would be appreciated Hammy, but I don't think it's gonna work; Blender just flippin hates me...
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on September 27, 2011, 06:49:19 pm
Judging by the screen-shot, you need a python version of 2.5.5.

Does it list anything else that might be similar to documents and settings? My computer only uses XP so I'm not at all familiar with vista or windows7 set-ups o.o;;

You could try running a search in the C: drive for a folder labeled "blender foundation" or heck, ".blend" to get even closer. (bonus, after you open the folder you can hit the up folder button to backtrack out of it and learn it's location for future referencing~)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 27, 2011, 08:01:19 pm
Ok I'll try that version!

And thank goodness, I found the location using search x3 I have Windows7, very different I guess. lol
So I just put the files and folders from the exporter in there? Or just the files?

And sorry if I came off a bit snippy, I was very frustrated at that point x3
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on September 27, 2011, 08:47:36 pm
Glad you found it  |3

and yeah. The exporter stuff goes in scripts.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 28, 2011, 05:23:22 am
Ok well.. I got Python working, I was able to successfully export a mesh... But...eh

Failrock is a Fail... ::)


Totally flat x3

I think I messed up on the extruding and verts... somehow... >.>

I'll keep messing with it ::)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on September 28, 2011, 04:01:59 pm
A strange anomaly. But YAY! You got something out of blender and into the game! Party time!
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 28, 2011, 08:13:32 pm
Yes I managed to get it in-game, but unless all I want to make is walls and window shades this does me no good... ::)

I've played with it all morning, nothing is showing up solid except the base...  I'm getting frustrated, Idk what I'm doing wrong >.>

http://i55BannedImageSite/2enn3t5.jpg (http://i55BannedImageSite/2enn3t5.jpg)

http://i52BannedImageSite/qrjk7a.jpg (http://i52BannedImageSite/qrjk7a.jpg)

I hate to keep bothering you, but I can't figure it out... Help?

EDIT: I'm not getting any faces it seems when I hit extrude... Why, I have no clue >.<
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on September 28, 2011, 08:59:12 pm
thats strange. Try selecting 3 or 4 connecting verts and hit the 'f' key to make a face.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Wildcat26 on September 30, 2011, 07:20:07 pm
Ok I think I finally got it figured out, we'll see cause I'm not done yet. Lol

But i do have one question and it may be staring me in the face or may not even be possible idk? But is there any way to get separate verts to link together or no? Cause right now I'm having to manually move and shift each triangle face together to make sure there's no gaps and it looking solid.  Now is that how it's suppose to work or am I still messing up somewhere?x3

Thank you so much Hammy!
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on October 02, 2011, 06:56:45 pm
yes! there is!

To link or merge two verts together:

select two or more verts. (i usually go 2 at a time, it is slower, but it's cleaner, you'll see why)

in the edit menu, highlight the sub-menu for vertices. it'll open various option.

find the option labeled "merge" and click on it. careful not to move the mouse very far.

You will get a pop-open menu with some options.

at first
at last
at center
at cursor

Stay away form "collapse"! it will take all your verts and condense them to one point, basically destroying your mesh!

at first will merge the vertices at the position of the vert you selected first.
at last will merge the vertices at the position of the vert you selected last.
at center will merge both vertices to the area directly between the two.
at cursor will drag the now merged verts to your cursor location (the cursor being the little red circle)

the hot-key for merge is :: alt + m (hit atl and m at the same time)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Glave on October 02, 2011, 07:44:27 pm
Hammy your the best!!! +Karma!

I have been looking for something like this! <gets to work on downloading!>
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 06, 2011, 05:39:09 am
yes! there is!

To link or merge two verts together:

select two or more verts. (i usually go 2 at a time, it is slower, but it's cleaner, you'll see why)

in the edit menu, highlight the sub-menu for vertices. it'll open various option.

find the option labeled "merge" and click on it. careful not to move the mouse very far.

You will get a pop-open menu with some options.

at first
at last
at center
at cursor

Stay away form "collapse"! it will take all your verts and condense them to one point, basically destroying your mesh!

at first will merge the vertices at the position of the vert you selected first.
at last will merge the vertices at the position of the vert you selected last.
at center will merge both vertices to the area directly between the two.
at cursor will drag the now merged verts to your cursor location (the cursor being the little red circle)

the hot-key for merge is :: alt + m (hit atl and m at the same time)

I knew there was a way lol! Thank you so much Hammy, I actually have a solid object now :P

One last question, this should be it then I'll stop bothering you x3

I got an object exported and textured into the game, but it uh failed to export the mirrored part, so I had half a mesh, any ideas what went wrong? ::)

Thank you again so much!
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Glave on October 06, 2011, 07:59:09 pm
my problem here is that it seems blender 2.59 is too different from the older versions so navigating it is still a hefty problem. No worries though, I shall see what I can find out.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on October 06, 2011, 08:56:45 pm
When the mesh using a mirror is complete, go back into object mode. Where you set the mirror, there is a small button labeled "apply".  Clicking it will make the mirrored part into real mesh and the exporter will export the whole mesh instead of only half.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Wildcat26 on October 06, 2011, 10:14:21 pm
Ahh I knew I was missing something x3 Thank you a million times over Hammy!<3

Hopefully now I can quit bothering you and just karma you to death xD
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: deleted19 on October 15, 2011, 10:20:29 am
i cant find the square where you must find "scripts" please can you let me see a picture of it where that square stands please i cant find it :(
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Tearless on October 16, 2011, 05:23:46 pm
Amazing tutorial! Will definately be using this in the future.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on October 16, 2011, 07:00:59 pm
In the very first post is an image showing where everything is. While I am uncertain what exactly you are referring to, at the moment I am going to assume it is the window view button.

This is highlighted with a red heart in that image. It is on the left-hand side of the screen and is the very first button in any window.

In blender 2.59 the icon is a square and the button itself appears some-what smaller. But the location is the same.

Older versions of blender the icon is a grid pattern.

Clicking on it will pop-up a list of options. One will say "scripts". You really can't miss it. I think it's all in capitol letters, too.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on October 17, 2011, 05:41:26 am

That top window divider? drag it down to access the user preferences.

I dont understand how to drag it down. Ive got the latest version so its different theres these rectangle square things not the crossing line thing. I dont want to be downloading another Blender like Tao did cause i might end up on dial up speed until next month. Even though ur on an earlier version of Blender would u or anyone else know how to change it?

Also i cant find the Edit Methods ???

I wish i knew these things and wasnt such a noob at this.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on October 17, 2011, 01:32:15 pm
blnder 2.59 intro and tutorial downloadable content (http://cgterminal.com/2011/08/23/an-introduction-to-blender-2-59-free-ebook/)

It's a pdf, so all you need to view it is Adobe Reader. It should be way more helpful than someone with a dated version :3
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on October 18, 2011, 05:26:41 am
Ok ive finished making a mesh but im not sure where to save it or wat to call it. Also after ive made the mesh should i just follow the instructions on the first page about scripts and texture stuff? I noe u wont respond straight away so its saved as firstballoon.blend in some folder i made and put on the desktop. Is there a special name and folder it has to be called and put into?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: deathclaw99 on October 20, 2011, 10:53:15 pm
cool i love th game >^.^<   uick qus wereo yu save th suff lie objct and meshess?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Jitters on October 21, 2011, 06:42:57 pm
When I start blender I am not getting the black box at the start, the program just opens. There is no "scripts" thing either. I installed everything from the links you posted, and everything appears to be in the right place, but try as I might I have no option for scripts...
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on October 21, 2011, 08:37:59 pm
If you are using blender 2.59, it opens differently and has a vastly different setup than the version used for this tutorial. I highly recommend taking a peek at this tutorial (http://cgterminal.com/2011/08/23/an-introduction-to-blender-2-59-free-ebook/).
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Jitters on October 22, 2011, 07:59:11 am
Well, I got everything all together and working, and got a mesh exported....but it crashes FH when I try to load it, with an ogre exception.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on October 22, 2011, 03:11:12 pm
What format is the mesh currently in? mesh.xml or .mesh? mesh.xml is not the compatible format for the game and must be converted to .mesh using the converter.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Jitters on October 22, 2011, 05:44:09 pm
It's a .mesh.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on November 14, 2011, 05:22:32 am
I hav a problem with the converter, up grader and i've forgot what the other ones called but its in the OgreCommandLines folder im pretty sure. Well when i found out about material codes can be opened up in Notepad i thought other files could be too. I kinda opened a .DLL file in Notepad and cant change it back so the converter wont start up. I've been looking through Google for something to help but nothing useful so far.
Im wondering if you would know anything to fix this?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Dawnfur123 on November 29, 2011, 02:27:42 am
So do i download python AND blender????? IM CONFUZZLED
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on November 29, 2011, 06:25:45 am
So do i download python AND blender????? IM CONFUZZLED

Yes you need to download them both, but if as said on the first page if you have an older version of Blender a different python is needed.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Dawnfur123 on December 08, 2011, 12:18:35 am
Ok thanks....I might have to do that later when I get my own laptop. This one is small with GB and...KB and what not
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on December 09, 2011, 02:07:58 am
Ok ignore my post above these ive gotten the .DLL files back to normal. When i try to get the Ogre things working i keep getting the "OgreMain is missing" error when its right there at the top of the folder.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: ChunkyMonkey94 on December 12, 2011, 02:18:11 pm
Are you talking about the convert for blender or the cammand line tools?
If its not working just re-download the one that isn't working.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ktnina2 on December 19, 2011, 10:03:57 pm
I'm a bit stuck on the instaling of the conventor.  I downloded blender version 2.61 andd phython 3.0.1. That works, But I have no clue how to instal the conventor. It's realy hard to read the read me file, wich doeen't make any sense at all to me. Can someone help please?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on December 27, 2011, 12:19:22 pm
i need help with the material file. Its all random bits of words and numbers and stuff how do i make the material file?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Thierry on January 06, 2012, 12:19:49 am
i need help with the material file. Its all random bits of words and numbers and stuff how do i make the material file?
- maybe your are opening the file with a wrong character set, try notepad, try with word or
- your are opening something that are not a material script file
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on January 06, 2012, 12:27:03 am
- maybe your are opening the file with a wrong character set, try notepad, try with word or
- your are opening something that are not a material script file

If i convert a .txml file into a mesh that had no texture or material in Blender than i get the .xml files. I open them up in Notepad and get random words numbers and stuff, here ill copy the a bit of it

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <sharedgeometry vertexcount="691">
        <vertexbuffer texture_coords="0" positions="true" colours_diffuse="True" normals="true">
                <position y="-1.000000" x="0.000000" z="-0.000000"/>
                <normal y="-1.000000" x="0.000000" z="-0.000000"/>
                <colour_diffuse value="1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000"/>

It goes on for ages. How can i get it to look like those normal looking material files that you and Hammy can make?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Thierry on January 06, 2012, 12:41:46 am
im unsure if i understand correctly your problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <sharedgeometry vertexcount="691">
        <vertexbuffer texture_coords="0" positions="true" colours_diffuse="True" normals="true">
                <position y="-1.000000" x="0.000000" z="-0.000000"/>
                <normal y="-1.000000" x="0.000000" z="-0.000000"/>
                <colour_diffuse value="1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000"/>
that is the 3D model in xml format without the material script.
To convert the 3D xml model in to a 3D mesh model you need to use the ogre command line tools, (if you don't know how ask me).
Then when you have the mesh file, you create the material script. you need to know the material names of your mesh objects to make correctly your material script.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on January 06, 2012, 12:59:39 am
im unsure if i understand correctly your problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <sharedgeometry vertexcount="691">
        <vertexbuffer texture_coords="0" positions="true" colours_diffuse="True" normals="true">
                <position y="-1.000000" x="0.000000" z="-0.000000"/>
                <normal y="-1.000000" x="0.000000" z="-0.000000"/>
                <colour_diffuse value="1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000"/>
that is the 3D model in xml format without the material script.
To convert the 3D xml model in to a 3D mesh model you need to use the ogre command line tools, (if you don't know how ask me).
Then when you have the mesh file, you create the material script. you need to know the material names of your mesh objects to make correctly your material script.

I know how to convert to mesh with the ogre command line tools so im fine with that, but how do you create the material file correctly?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Thierry on January 07, 2012, 01:08:56 am

just create a new notepad document and add this:

material materialname
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
         alpha_rejection greater_equal 128

            texture mytextureimage.jpg

where is marked in red you should add the material name, and the image texture of the model. can be any image in jpg, png or bmp format.

you need to know what material name you have put at your model inside of blender.
i don't know how to use blender, I really don't know how set the material name at blender.

when saving the notepad document, you need to change the file extension from .txt to .material
NOTE: by default windows does not show extensions in file names, to show the filename extension go to folder options at your file browser.
I hope i helped with this.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on January 07, 2012, 01:20:00 am
The texture still isnt showing up, just one colour is showing. I dont know how to get that ogre window up in Blender on page 1. That might be how you do it but idk how to get it up.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Thierry on January 07, 2012, 01:23:25 am
did you do the UV maping for the model? if your model does not have any UV map it will have only one color even if the material script is correct.

PD: you can try with this if you don't know what i'm talking about.
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/UV_Map_Basics (http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/UV_Map_Basics)

or search UV maping blender in google

PD2: learn to make UV map is hard as learning to make models. Dont get frustrated.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on January 07, 2012, 01:37:07 am
Ok i dont think i did i just went into mapping and changed the projection, i didnt change the coordinates to UV if thats what you mean.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on January 15, 2012, 07:30:54 pm
You must set up the connection between mesh and material in blender. After doing this, you must then set up the uv mapping in blender.

This is all covered in detail in the tutorial.

If you exported a mesh without a material file, then the file you are opening is the .xml. which you should not do. As you've seen, it just makes a huge mess. If you'd opened a true material file, it would look similar to the ones in the games files.

I advise you to go back to the tutorials section on setting up materials and uv-mapping.

I also advise, in the future, to follow the instructions provided by tutorials rather than running off and trying to do it your own way. There's a reason the tutorial covers what it does, the way it does. It's there to guide you to success.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on January 28, 2012, 01:13:23 am
Im sorry Hammy, i tried my best to follow your tutorial but different versions different buttons, options, windows ect. I find it difficult to keep up and know what im doing with something so different.

I have managed to bring the mesh in game but i need to add the material/texture from BaseWhite to whatever im changing it too and sometimes rotate the mesh until its right side up. Once all that is done its just like any other mesh in Object Maker.

Im trying to bring that Ogre window up so i can export it right side up and with a material and texture. I have to export mine a different way by just click Export as .txml and .mesh then convert it.

I do my best to follow tutorials but when i dont know how to do this or that i end up trying to find my own way. Its just me really, thats how i work.
I understand what tutorials are for and you did explain it very well but i still couldnt figure it out. I aint the smartest person.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: SilverTW on January 28, 2012, 02:19:23 am
Blender can be hard to use
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on January 28, 2012, 02:45:34 am
Yes it can as i found out on my first few attempts.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: ChunkyMonkey94 on January 30, 2012, 08:04:08 pm
Try visiting this site so you can learn how to use blender better. (=
http://cgcookie.com/blender/ (http://cgcookie.com/blender/)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: ChunkyMonkey94 on January 30, 2012, 08:08:22 pm
I understand what it is what you are trying to do. You want to be able to put a texture onto your mesh right?
You should be able to find out how to do that with the site I sent you. Just keep trying and soon enough you'll come to a break-though. ^^
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on January 31, 2012, 12:08:33 am
I understand what it is what you are trying to do. You want to be able to put a texture onto your mesh right?
You should be able to find out how to do that with the site I sent you. Just keep trying and soon enough you'll come to a break-though. ^^

I know how to put a texture on the mesh. On the last part of the tutorial he has this ogre window opened up. Im trying to figure out how to open that window up so i can get my mesh right side up and get its texture automatically.
Unfortunatly my internets not fast enough to load any of the videos on the Blender site so most of the time i figure it out myself.

Thank you though Kevin +1 karma
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Eagleify on February 01, 2012, 03:26:30 am
I understand what it is what you are trying to do. You want to be able to put a texture onto your mesh right?
You should be able to find out how to do that with the site I sent you. Just keep trying and soon enough you'll come to a break-though. ^^

I know how to put a texture on the mesh. On the last part of the tutorial he has this ogre window opened up. Im trying to figure out how to open that window up so i can get my mesh right side up and get its texture automatically.
Unfortunatly my internets not fast enough to load any of the videos on the Blender site so most of the time i figure it out myself.

Thank you though Kevin +1 karma

Yes! I can keep up with the rest of the tutorial, but when it comes to opening up that Ogre window, I am at a loss :/ If anyone knows how to do that on the newest Blender version, that would be great.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ouuka on February 08, 2012, 07:12:45 am
Thanks for this Hammy, book marked it :) Just started using Blender recently so this will help
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: lol_lions on February 10, 2012, 03:10:58 am
Hamilton, Im sorry to say this, But as ingredient said, This tutorial just isnt helpful anymore.

1. Im pretty sure 2.59 does NOT have the grid button!

2. Without the grid button, We cant load any scripts im quite sure of it.

3. This is quite hard to follow, Since theres a lot of things removed in blender 2.59.

Not trying to tell you what to do, But im just suggesting something here.
You may want to get the newest blender, And just make a tutorial for it. Im pretty sure we cant even GET the old python anymore, And so, Even if we did have the old blender, There wouldnt be a python to work with it.

See my problem here, Hammy?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Shenzai on February 10, 2012, 06:00:22 pm
Actually, you can still find old python and old blender. I found them!
I'm using blender 2.49 with python 2.5. I've downloaded ogre blenderimport and export and a .dll that was missing and everything seems to be working fine now.

I just have one doubt for now... (on the very beginning lol...)
It's on the mirror thing.
"By now, you have surely noticed you have two planes on your 3d view instead of 1."
No... there was still just one plane...
I was following everything exactly as in the tutorial. What did I do wrong? o.o
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: ZukoRocks! on February 10, 2012, 11:26:48 pm
My sister managed to make a simple Spiked Dog Collar for Both canines and felines. Its textured and she has gotten it in the game. However for some reason the collar is too big for the neck. Heres a picture below to show you what i mean. she's tried re-opening the spiked collar and resizing it and it didnt work. Everything else seems to work fine apart from the size. She has a newer version of blender version 2.61. But yet when making normal objects that dont go on characters they come out the right size she's made them.Since its a newer version of blender exporting or importing ogre mesh files are not supported. Neither is Exporting or importing Xml files. After modelling with blender she had to use another 3d program called fragmotion to export it as a xml and then the ogre command tools to export it to a mesh. Got any ideas why it just doesnt want to shrink on the character?

http://unleashed89.deviantart.com/art/Spiked-Collar-Size-Problem-284335050 (http://unleashed89.deviantart.com/art/Spiked-Collar-Size-Problem-284335050)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Eagleify on February 11, 2012, 12:14:57 am
Nevermind, I experimented a bit, and figured out how to export and get them in game (right way up) using the newest version of Blender, Python, and the Ogre XML converter. I could post that here, if people liked. I have no idea if it is the quickest, most relible, or best method, but it works for me.

Once again, Hammy, thanks for the tutorial! It worked wonders :)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on February 11, 2012, 12:14:57 am
Hamilton, Im sorry to say this, But as ingredient said, This tutorial just isnt helpful anymore.

1. Im pretty sure 2.59 does NOT have the grid button!

2. Without the grid button, We cant load any scripts im quite sure of it.

3. This is quite hard to follow, Since theres a lot of things removed in blender 2.59.

Not trying to tell you what to do, But im just suggesting something here.
You may want to get the newest blender, And just make a tutorial for it. Im pretty sure we cant even GET the old python anymore, And so, Even if we did have the old blender, There wouldnt be a python to work with it.

See my problem here, Hammy?

Yes, exactly my point.
There are differences between the two versions, from when your version was out things have been removed and changed around. I dont even think you can get that ogre window up in 2.59, that is the main thing i need help with.

With our different versions i struggled to understand. For ages ive been looking up tutorials on Google and YouTube. Step by step i managed to understand the tools and how to export. Now im looking how to get the material and texture to work automatically on my mesh along with getting it right side up, still no luck with that.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: DarkmoonNight on February 15, 2012, 12:49:53 pm
I downloaded everything but when I open blender(2.59) and i try to export it still doesnt say xml exporter and I placed everything in scripts.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on February 15, 2012, 02:01:55 pm
I downloaded everything but when I open blender(2.59) and i try to export it still doesnt say xml exporter and I placed everything in scripts.

The python files should be placed in Scripts>> Add ons then the add on has to be installed through User Preferences. Then it can be exported as a .txml which can be converted then with the XML Converter tool.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Hamilton on February 15, 2012, 08:19:31 pm
http://www.blender.org/education-help/ (http://www.blender.org/education-help/)
http://cgterminal.com/2011/08/23/an-introduction-to-blender-2-59-free-ebook/ (http://cgterminal.com/2011/08/23/an-introduction-to-blender-2-59-free-ebook/)
http://www.google.com/#hl=en&safe=off&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=blender+2.61+tutorial&psj=1&oq=blender+2.61+tutorial&aq=f&aqi=g3g-m1g-b6&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=1561l15881l0l16978l21l20l0l1l1l3l761l7403l0.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=a40723af4d2b94e4&biw=1016&bih=634 (http://www.google.com/#hl=en&safe=off&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=blender+2.61+tutorial&psj=1&oq=blender+2.61+tutorial&aq=f&aqi=g3g-m1g-b6&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=1561l15881l0l16978l21l20l0l1l1l3l761l7403l0.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=a40723af4d2b94e4&biw=1016&bih=634)

Yes, some icons in the newer version were changed, but their LOCATIONS have not. If you had taken a gander through the rest of the thread, a lot of the differences were explained. The WINDOW VIEW BUTTON is on the LEFT hand side of the HEADER. It is a SMALL, SQUARE button with TWO SMALL ARROWS in it that indicate it as a DROP-DOWN MENU. 3-d view will be associated with a MINI CUBE IMAGE.

Whether or not YOU find the tutorial helpful, does not negate it's use to everyone else. It still has it's use and has still been helpful to a NUMBER of other players.

This tutorial is NOT the only way to work with blender. It is not some OFFICIAL PROPER way. It is but ONE way, that was learned over 3 years of hard work. And is intended only as the guide that it was written to be. It is stated over and over that the version used is older. There are LINKS RIGHT ON THE FIRST POST to the older versions.

There are LITERALLY HUNDREDS if not thousands of TUTORIALS, MANUALS, and HOW-TO GUIDES for working with a number of different versions of blender.

NONE of which will have you turned into a blender expert overnight. It just doesn't happen.

About setting up a material code linked to a mesh, THAT'S ON THE FIRST PAGE.

About the mirror, if you hit 'apply' before you had begun working, this would cause the planes to not be mirrored. Other issues may be: you are viewing the plane from the side view and mirrored across the x axis, the mirrored plane is behind the one you are viewing. OR you did not move the original plane away from the center point, so it's mirror is over-lapping the original.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Amber123 on February 17, 2012, 12:52:02 am
:O Dis :O Is :O Ama :O Ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :OOOOOOOOOOO:O:O:O!!
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: feralheartdog on February 17, 2012, 02:50:18 am
Bwah! I'm finally getting the hand of it. Due to your tutoial i can start meh corner soon!
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on February 17, 2012, 05:54:29 am
Good to hear Shanith :)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: preshus30 on February 19, 2012, 08:36:58 am
Ok I scanned through all 8 pages of this thing and still can't find the answer i need D:
OK from the top old chaps! I have 3ds max I find it super easy to use compared to this atrocious thing called blender. Anyhow, as the only way to get  objects made for FH I got blender ugh..*shivers* I've imported my design into blender; now is where the trouble starts. I have all the components you said were needed, blender recognized Python but here what i have:

This is what i have under the windows tab for options

I'm figuring That python console is what i need here...

Well here it is... (Circled in blue is a thing from the Oger add-on) below boxed in RED is the bar for the now active Python Console, there is no script button as stated there should be...

I'm so lost it's not funny anymore... Any help greatly appreciated :3
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Amber123 on February 21, 2012, 02:17:12 am
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: feralheartdog on February 21, 2012, 02:36:06 am
Ok I scanned through all 8 pages of this thing and still can't find the answer i need D:
OK from the top old chaps! I have 3ds max I find it super easy to use compared to this atrocious thing called blender. Anyhow, as the only way to get  objects made for FH I got blender ugh..*shivers* I've imported my design into blender; now is where the trouble starts. I have all the components you said were needed, blender recognized Python but here what i have:

This is what i have under the windows tab for options

I'm figuring That python console is what i need here...

Well here it is... (Circled in blue is a thing from the Oger add-on) below boxed in RED is the bar for the now active Python Console, there is no script button as stated there should be...

I'm so lost it's not funny anymore... Any help greatly appreciated :3

I was lost der to, but somehow I managed...I randomly hit buttons xD and now I'm using Blender like a pro.....TIME TO: Randomly hit buttons...(P.s: Do not slam your keybooard in frustration, for it will make more problems.)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Jayfeather55 on February 22, 2012, 04:28:17 pm

I'm thinking of livestreaming me converting some meshes ;D
I have the slightly older version of Blender thoough :/
I find it easier to use.
But, if you guise want to tune in and watch it, the link is in meh siggie.
I'm not streaming RIGHT now, obviously.
But, It'll probably be in like, 2 hours?
I need to eat food and take a shower and stuff. xD
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: feralheartdog on February 22, 2012, 08:17:53 pm
Hammy, I read and read this tutorial, and well.....your tutoial allowed meh to learn :3
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on February 23, 2012, 03:58:57 am
Well ive downloaded version 2.49 and the exporter. The texture still wont show automatically though even though ive linked a material file to the mesh.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Eagleify on February 23, 2012, 09:59:08 pm
I think I can help you guys, but I can't At the moment. When I get on my computer, I may be able to help.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on February 24, 2012, 01:57:13 pm
I think I can help you guys, but I can't At the moment. When I get on my computer, I may be able to help.

That would be nice :)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Eagleify on February 25, 2012, 01:03:50 am
Alright, I am on my computer now :)

I take it you guys have already made the models on the newest version of Blender, and you just want to know how to export them as .xml files, that appear right way up in game, with materials on them correctly.
You have probably done some of this, but I shall do it from the start for the benefit of others.

(BTW, I have no idea what the Python Console was for, I have never used it, I believe)

First, you have to install/turn on the Ogre exporter add-on, do this by going to File>User Preferences, then click on the Addons tab.

Scroll down until you find the "Import-Export Ogre Exporter", and tick the box on the right. This enables Blender to export the meshes.

Now you have to export it.
Make sure that your model is all in one component before you do so. To do this, click the Select menu down the bottom, and then click Select/Deselect All. Make sure it is all selected, not deselected. Then, click the Object menu (which is right next to select) and click Join.

Go to File>Export>Ogre 3D (.scene and .mesh)


So now, we have the export screen. Up the top, name your Mesh (in the textbox that says .scene), like you would any file, and choose where to save it. Notice it says it will save it as a .scene, but this is fine. It won't, as long as you choose the right options under the Export Ogre menu on the left.


Make sure that the boxes ticked and unticked on your screen match the ones in the screenshot above, this is vital. Just in case you can't see the pic, these are:

-Separate Materials
-Only animated bones
-Export scene
-Export selected only (unless you do not wish to export all of your model)
-Force Camera
-Force Lamps

-Copy shader programs
-Export Meshes
-Export meshes (overwrite)
-Armature Animation
-Shape Animation (Trim weights: 0.01)
-Optimise Arrays
-Export Materials
Convert IMA: None

MAKE SURE THE SWAP AXIS BOX READS: -xzy , otherwise your mesh will be the wrong way up.

Now, I have no idea what some of those boxes do, but it works with these boxes ticked.

You can press the "Export Ogre" Button now, which is next to the File Name box. It may take a little while, just let it work.

Go to where you saved your mesh. There will be a .xml file, a material file, and image(s). You have to convert the .xml, by using the Xml converter that Hammy said to download. Just drap the .xml onto the Icon or the converter, and it will do it's magic and turn it into a mesh file.

After that, just add them to FH like you would any objects :)

The textures show automatically for me in the FH object maker, so I hope this works for you, Ingredient.

I hope I helped, it took me a little bit of playing around with the settings to get it right :)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on February 25, 2012, 02:35:11 am
Eagleify your mesh is amazing and your instructions are simple and easy to follow.

Unfortunately it didnt work for me. Sometimes i get material files and sometimes i dont. If i do the codes are all muddled up looking, nothing like FH material files. Im guessing this is different for you right?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Eagleify on February 25, 2012, 09:32:31 pm
Eagleify your mesh is amazing and your instructions are simple and easy to follow.

Unfortunately it didnt work for me. Sometimes i get material files and sometimes i dont. If i do the codes are all muddled up looking, nothing like FH material files. Im guessing this is different for you right?

Thanks :)

And hmm, I don't have that problem. It always makes a material file for me, although when I do open it, it is a mess. But it still works in-game, even with their messyness. Are you sure you are clicking the "Export Material" Box? Other than that, I can't think of what your problem might be, sorry D:

Also (and this is a long shot) maybe you need it to be in Texture view mode to export materials? Just a thought, but it probably doesn't matter if you do or don't :P
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on February 26, 2012, 03:34:29 am
"Export Material" Box? Its most likely not since i dont even know where or what it is. I cant find that option when i go to the export window.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Eagleify on February 26, 2012, 06:58:44 am
That could be why. :P
If you look on my screenshot on the previous page, it shows where it is (for me, anyway) it must be there somewhere.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on February 26, 2012, 07:43:40 am
Found that option and yes its ticked. Your using Blender 2.6 right? Ive heard theres a different exporter for that version. It could possibly be the reason.

Anyway hopefully i can get this working how i want sooner or later.

EDIT: Ah i have figured out how to get the texture to automatically show. The only thing is it only shows when the code is left alone, what i mean by that is leaving it looking completely different to normal FH material codes.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Lavablaze on March 10, 2012, 03:28:22 pm
Well Ive read this multipul times and I cannot find the :: Blender needs a prompt to locate newly installed scripts. To do this, find the little square on your screen that currently is filled with a small grid pattern. ::

Where is it located? '_'  http://i42BannedImageSite/2ijm6xl.png (http://i42BannedImageSite/2ijm6xl.png)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on March 11, 2012, 01:20:42 am
So you need to install a script do you Lava?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Lavablaze on March 11, 2012, 11:45:59 pm
No i just cant find where the dropbox is to UPDATE them '~'
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Binks on March 21, 2012, 08:16:50 am


After about 36 hours(most of which consisted of getting the Python to work right) I was able to make a... a thing xD And get it into FeralHeart(EpicRockOfDesteny(I spelled destiny wrong when i was makeing the mesh, whoops)).

Completely amazing tutorial. This is just what i was hoping to find! Once i get the controls down ill be all set!

i will continue to follow this thread untell i get into the big complicated things. Simply amazing Hammy, keep up the good work!

Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: KayeLioness on April 11, 2012, 04:07:37 pm
I don't know how to place the .py files? help!
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: lugailover on April 11, 2012, 08:25:54 pm
  This helped so much!
Now I need to learn to animate my animal Meshes. 
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on April 13, 2012, 09:12:11 am
Thunderstar, you will need to search your computer for the Blender Foundation folder. From there you will need to place the file in the "scripts>>addons" folder. It shouldnt be too difficult to find ;)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Turrent on April 14, 2012, 09:33:18 am
This helped me out a lot! Thank you, Hammy ^^!!
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: kattasmith on May 11, 2012, 09:00:34 am
I still dont understand Blender is so confusing to me :(
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: darkforce on May 21, 2012, 11:00:13 pm
I made a mesh but I don't know how to save it to a .mesh file I have the latest blender.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on May 22, 2012, 08:25:38 am
You cant save it as a .mesh only a .blend. You would have to export it to make it a .mesh DarkForce.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: darkforce on May 23, 2012, 03:56:52 am
How do I export it or and what program do I need?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Eagleify on May 23, 2012, 05:26:40 am
The list of the programs that you need is in the very first post. By memory, it is the Ogre importer/exporter.
To export it you just go file> export> .scene and then choose your options. I have posted a few screenshots and instructions on how to do this a few pages back :)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Grayshadow on May 28, 2012, 06:43:35 pm
Does any of this stuff cost money to download? I'm just making sure, so that if I decide to make my own meshes I can without having to pay to have the programs. Otherwise, nice tutorial!
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Jayfeather55 on May 28, 2012, 07:59:49 pm
Nope c:
Blender, Python, and the OGRE stuff is all free :DD
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on May 29, 2012, 07:18:36 am
As Jayfeather says, its all free. One of the main reasons why i love using Blender :D
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: darkforce on June 06, 2012, 06:59:10 am
Guys >_< I'm having a hard time installing Ogre importer/exporter to blender, and the notes(Read me) are confusing. I already placed the File  (io_export_ogreDotScene.py) in the addons file..... Can someone walk me through?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on June 06, 2012, 08:21:49 am
1. After placing the files into the addons folder go onto Blender and go to User Preferences (CTRL+ALT+U)

2. A new window will show and there is a button at the bottom with the text "Install Add-On.." click that.

3. Go to the folder which has your file in it and double click it. My file is 253 KB, yous should be a similar size.

4. I think afterwards you might see something like this appear in your Import-Export tab. You just need to tick that little box.

5. The last thing is to click the "Save As Default" button after its ticked, when your done restart the program.

I think thats all there is too it. To see if it worked go to File>>Export and you should see this there...

Hope this helped DarkForce :)
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Smiling.Sin on July 01, 2012, 05:45:54 pm
Um...My blender looks nothing like the tutorials. I have Blender 2.63....This is so confusing. -3-
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: luckybirdy4 on July 03, 2012, 08:35:57 pm
Sa,e but mine's 2.61
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: luckybirdy4 on July 03, 2012, 08:41:08 pm
Can anyone help X.X?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Smiling.Sin on July 03, 2012, 10:55:09 pm
Oh well. I just gave up on it anyways. XD
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: SilverTW on July 04, 2012, 02:15:40 am
I am good at this program
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: 3 on July 15, 2012, 09:28:47 pm
I don't get the first bit at all  :(

When it says:

 The black window will remain, but the Blender program should now be up and running.

Blender needs a prompt to locate newly installed scripts. To do this, find the little square on your screen that currently is filled with a small grid pattern.

Click on it to open a narrow drop menu. There will be an option near the end that says "scripts". it's icon is a snake.....

Click on it. you screen should change to be nearly blank. This is okay! Really!

I don't know where the little square with the grid pattern is.. :c
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Reanaw on August 05, 2012, 11:22:09 am
I didn't understand anything at all. Oh well, I have given up on Blender. ::) I use now much easier program, CB model pro. And also ac3d, as long as I can..
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Moonwolf678 on August 05, 2012, 09:54:16 pm
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: ferra on August 09, 2012, 08:13:57 am
I have everything set except that I can't figure out to install the OgreXmlConverter, if my life depended on it. I would appercate some help.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Smiling.Sin on August 13, 2012, 03:14:01 pm
Aren't there any other meshing tutorials? All I need is to make one mesh and I probably can't even do that much..
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on August 14, 2012, 10:15:08 am
ferra: You shouldnt need to install it as it just comes in a folder. What i did was move the folder into local disk (C:).

Magical Narwhal: There are lots of tutorials on youtube and the Blender site, otherwise you could ask someone to make the mesh for you.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: hugrf2 on September 09, 2012, 01:26:50 am
Nice, Hammy.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: RosesThorns on September 18, 2012, 12:47:12 am
can u shorten that? how do you export it to mesh? im too lazy to find it. :l
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Fantasia_Cross on September 29, 2012, 02:29:23 am
Would you happen to know how to open one of the FeralHeart models in Blender and put it into a certain pose?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on September 29, 2012, 10:12:15 am
You would have to convert it to a .xml then import it into Blender with the Ogre importer. From there you would have to fiddle with the model.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Fantasia_Cross on September 29, 2012, 04:08:02 pm
That's the Problem, I have python, and I go into Blender and click on Import>Ogre (mesh.xml.) and it says, Python Script Error, check console
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: spiritbroken on October 21, 2012, 12:35:22 pm
i can't find a  button called "scripts"....
and my black window isn't seem to show anying...
how can i do next?
http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/pic/item/016188773912b31b9581aadb8618367ad8b4e1bb.jpg (http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/pic/item/016188773912b31b9581aadb8618367ad8b4e1bb.jpg)
hope you can enter it and find the picture
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: spiritbroken on October 21, 2012, 12:41:40 pm
and the picture can't be seen here. could you please send it to me?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Shadow13131 on October 21, 2012, 05:08:38 pm
I want to get blender :3 Is it free?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Smiling.Sin on October 21, 2012, 08:32:07 pm
I want to get blender :3 Is it free?

Yes, it is.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: luckybirdy4 on October 28, 2012, 07:19:00 pm
I installed it all but I dont get the rest of those instructions
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Xcivo on November 11, 2012, 03:56:06 am
Wow thanks for the info I always wanted to make a mesh I just need to figure out how things work since I never use these things
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Forests on November 16, 2012, 02:57:14 pm
Stupid as it may sound, I never found the little square with the grid


= Screenie of the page
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: LIONHEART201 on November 23, 2012, 08:12:55 am
Umm.. no offence but this is my first time to make a  mesh but i dont have blender and i dont know how to convert   T__T WHY THE WORLD IS LIKE THAT!?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Ingredient on November 23, 2012, 08:38:41 am
Stupid as it may sound, I never found the little square with the grid

http://www.iaza.com/work/121117C/iaza12844421559100.png (http://www.iaza.com/work/121117C/iaza12844421559100.png)

= Screenie of the page

I think the little square grid you're talking about is the picture of the cube next to the View button. Quote the part you're up to in the tutorial, i might be able to help.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Forests on November 23, 2012, 10:51:55 am
That was the part xD I never found the scripting.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Lycoris on April 25, 2013, 12:59:19 am
Blender needs a prompt to locate newly installed scripts. To do this, find the little square on your screen that currently is filled with a small grid pattern.

Click on it to open a narrow drop menu. There will be an option near the end that says "scripts". it's icon is a snake.....

Click on it. you screen should change to be nearly blank. This is okay! Really!

On the header where you found that grid button, it should have a new button called "scripts".

Click on it to get another drop menu. The very last thing on the menu is "update menus".

Click on it to update your scripts.

What the hack does that mean? I don't have that first thing so what the hack am I doing T_T
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Reanaw on July 20, 2013, 05:49:35 pm
Hello, I have been studying Blender and now I want to make something to FeralHeart. I was thinking about items. But I just don't understand anything what you have been writing. And I have newest version, 2.68, of Blender. And I'm kind of lazy to read that much text... I just wanted to be able to import/export .mesh files for FH from Blender :/
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: unnbrellas on July 24, 2013, 02:45:25 am
My brain is like "wat". I need to read this when Im not half asleep. Good job though this is the clearest mesh tutorial Ive seen. Mabye I will mesh someday....
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: duna the killer on August 10, 2013, 09:10:10 pm
Hey, I clicked the link to the Python but I could not find the download for it. Some help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: TheWalrider on August 31, 2013, 07:22:10 pm
I dont understand that with the Texture. I load the image and put it into blender, but it wont show up! Can somebody help me? :(
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: STCats007 on November 27, 2013, 05:41:39 am
I install the Python zip file, but it won't install! It is just a zip package that I don't know what to do with! Please help!
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Fantasia_Cross on December 13, 2013, 03:50:25 am
How would I import meshes into Blender? I've got version 2.49b, and I've got Python working with it, it just keeps giving me a "Python Script Error, check console". Would I be missing some scripts? I thought I had them all....
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: HakubiLee on May 23, 2014, 05:34:39 pm
Alright, well! Seems there's a problem with the blender2ogre thing. Try downloading it and see what the problem is. Any solutions?
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: shadowdash on September 09, 2015, 08:41:57 pm
I can't seem to find the little square with the grid pattern. I feel stupid, for failing the first step, but is there a screenshot or something of it's location? I use the new blender, literally installed it yesterday.
Title: Re: How to: work with Blender
Post by: Edolicious on September 11, 2015, 02:58:17 pm
Ooh, this is really informative. I've only just begun working with Blender myself, and this really helped. Thanks a bunch!