FeralHeart Creations > Other Mods/Creations
W.I.P Northern Forest Mod [Podium + WaterMill]
First off- this is Dallas. I changed my username for consistency, as Siarczek is my usual name elsewhere.
Here's just a little preview of something I'm working on. Going for a sort of Scandinavian feel. So far I have only done the podium and the Water Mill map. Before anyone asks- you can't edit the Water Mill map unless you have an older version of FH from when the map was still editable. I don't think it's possible with the current FH- if you name a map "WaterMill" or even use the Water Mill height map / mask, it will fail to export. If I can find a way around that, I'll let y'all know.
The Skyrim interface is not part of this ofc- it can be found here. I want to try making an interface for this mod. I especially want to edit the logo to change the lion to a lynx, as obviously lions do not live in this kind of environment.
I'll also be editing the loading screen pictures- still debating whether or not to just use screenshots or to actually draw scenes with native wildlife from Scandinavia / Finland / Siberia (i.e. wolf, wolverine, bear, moose, reindeer, lynx, weasel, etc).
Let me know what you think!
-heavy breathing-
This is so beautiful oh my gosh.
that make me the big happy
I absolutely love this mod whoa! Keep up the fantastic work! c:
I love the look of this! Can’t wait to download it once I get back home. Amazing work! :D
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