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where did everybody go?


im sure im not alone when i say that i miss the old feralheart, the days where the map was absolutely riddled with people. that said, where has everybody gone? has everybody just moved on? did something happen with the community? why has this game become so empty..? even posting this now its almost been a month since the last forum post. for the small handful of people that do still play the game, what do they spend their time doing? what's the average maximum amount of players online at a time these days? do they just sit there with their characters or do people still look to roleplay and have fun?

as you can see, i have so many questions, but my main ones are (how) can we revive this game? is it possible? is anyone still trying to revive it?? i understand that some people may argue that its better to just let some things go, but this game still has a special place in my heart after all of these years and i genuinely do not want to see it die. i still want to keep on enjoying this game, seeing it bustling with life, and im sure many others do too :(

i have so many fond memories of this game, my oldest account WolfGirl4, wondering why everyone was a white marshmellow because everyone used marking packs. i remember sitting in the mating centres, as cringe as it is to admit. i met and had so many fun roleplays with so many people. i was just a kid then and now i'm all grown up but hey, i still would love to enjoy this game at its climax again, even if just for a day.

anyway!!!! if anyone sees this, feel free to answer my absolute amass of questions and share your memories :3 i will keep visitng this game in hopes that there will be at least a somewhat larger crowd on there than there normally is nowadays, maybe ill see some of you around!!

a very very overly sentimental feralheart enjoyer

I've just recently resurfaced and honestly, I can't recall why I fell out of playing this game, could be any reason really.

For me, personally, I think I just lost my vibe with the game, I was very shy and didn't social as much and the role-play part for me just didn't click, no matter the many characters I've created. I hung about more and made friends slowly but as I now come back to see what's new and how it's slowly becoming lively again, my friendlist is dead, nobody is online and it's sad but that's how it is.

I too would check back every once in a while, but it's not as often as I wish it could be. ^^;

I know back when the game was booming, after we had the update a lot of people seemed to have stopped playing. I know even then it still had a decent amount of people in there when I was still playing on my old account, but I think after some time I just stopped showing up. Maybe I just fell out of it as I got older or maybe I left as soon as the numbers started getting low. It's sad to see it turn out the way it did, I just recently remembered this game and wanted to check it out. I miss the days where I would crash because of how many people were in a map.

Unfortunately, most of us grew up. We were kids when we played every day, and now we're adults with jobs, college, families, etc. and don't have time to play games like this as often anymore. Some people moved on completely, but there are others that have lingered, but just can't get on as frequently as we used to. While new people still join every now and then, its hard to keep them in the community because the majority of the original player base have moved on or just no longer have time. For a long time it was hard to gain any new players because the register button would only be available for small windows of time on random days.

Honestly the inability to register for the longest time probably killed the community more than anything else, with a lack of incoming new members, only the people already registered could play, and therefore, as they (myself included) aged out of playing the game and entering the "real world," the community started to falter. If the register button hadn't been so closed off, the community would probably not be as quiet as it is, as there would've been a more regular influx of new players that could help keep things going strong.

It's a shame, but we can only continue to try to keep it alive.


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