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is it possible for my username to be changed?


i made my username liomangeoleo when it was supposed to be lionmangeoleo

i underlined the missing letter for you. is there a way a admin or mod can change it for me please it was a noob mistake on a keyboard that can sometimes do silly things

please say you can or else all is lost for me in this pixilated world :'(

my first post and its asking for help damn im getting a good start lauph out loud

Yeah it's possible

However, if we change your username. You will get a new password mailed to the adress you registered with and the old password will ofc not work anymore.

would it be possible to change the password to one that i want if i pm you or is it generated automatically

You will be able to set a new password once you're logged in again.

ok then please do that for me then and thank you red for the lighting fast responce feline responces in game ind in rl life to i like that


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