Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Human & Humanoid Roleplays => Topic started by: Jackalfur on August 21, 2012, 09:15:24 pm

Title: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. [Inactive since 04/12/2012]
Post by: Jackalfur on August 21, 2012, 09:15:24 pm
I did not draw this picture, I just edited black edges in. Full credit goes to the original creator.

.: Behind the Mask of Unity :.

.: PLOT :.
The neighborhoods of London have been tranquil-- until now, at least. Reports of an unknown creature with a dragon's skull mask have been popping up for the last few days, and now some citizens have noticed some of their items are missing. This mysterious masquerade is now taking the risk of creeping into houses and ravaging through their yards, though its identity is safely hidden beneath its mask.
Professor Layton, his assistant, Luke Triton, and many of their allies and friends must join forces to conquer the puzzle of the legendary Mask of Unity.


Time | Morning (10/11 AM, near lunchtime)
Season | Late Summer (Temperature around 70 degrees)
Setting | London

.: RULES :.

Keep to Appropriate Language and Behavior
This roleplay is meant to be kept family-friendly. Swearing is not allowed, whether OOC or IC. Any innapropriate subjects and actions will not be tolerated. Not just because of younger viewers, but not everyone likes a lot of blood, gore, swearing and stuff like that. The Professor Layton series is child-friendly, so why shouldn't the roleplays be?

OOC Fighting
Be friends and respect eachother. Hate the character, not the person roleplaying that character! Getting along makes everyone happy, and I don't appreciate seeing out-of-character arguing and fighting on my threads. Friendly plot debates are fine, though, if they aren't meant as an offense to another member.

Mary Sues/Gary Stues
Your character isn't the most beautiful and perfect person in the universe. If any bouts of Mary-Sues/Gary Stues are sighted in an application or roleplay post, your character will be turned down immediately. Whether your character is male or female, they are not the best, and they are not leaving a trail 'o pretty/handsome everywhere they go.

Character Limit
For now, you are allowed only three characters per member. One OC and two canons, two OCs and one canon... or just three OCs. It is encouraged to have at least one canon in posession, but if one is not good at playing canon characters, it's alright.

Romance is allowed, though it is to be kept at a child-friendly level, nothing more than that. Any levels higher will not be tolerated-- just like the first rule about keeping to appropriate language and behavior.

Be Descriptive!
Please try to be descriptive on your roleplay paragraphs and applications. Laziness is usually not allowed, but if one has writers' block a minimum of a small paragraph is mandatory. But in usual posts, try to at least have a few paragraphs included within them.

Correct Grammar
Correct grammar, punctuation and capitalization is required. Typos are fine if they are not in every sentence-- we don't expect everyone to be perfect. c: But any posts of "she leapft awf of teh rewf" or "She Leapt Off Of The Roof" will not be tolerated.

Spamming is not allowed whatsoever. If you missed something or misspelled something in your previous post, the Modify option isn't there for nothing. Try not to double-post, but posting more than once on accident is fine, just try not to cause that to happen.
Bumping, on the other hand, is alright, but if the time span of no one posting is only about an hour or two, please refrain from bumping until at least a day or two passes.

Read the Rules
Please read the rules thoroughly. If you have read them, please add "This reminds me of a puzzle" somewhere after your application.

Work in progress, please do not post until finished. c:

Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, NU POSTIN')
Post by: Jackalfur on August 21, 2012, 09:15:49 pm

Main characters
Professor Hershel Layton - Played by Temporal
Luke Triton - Played by WarriorMoo
Flora Reinhold
Emmy Altava
Supporting characters
Inspector Chelmey
Don Paolo
Inspector Clamp Grosky
Jean Descole
Granny Riddleton
Dr. Schrader
Supporting characters in the first trilogy
Baron Reinhold
Lady Dahlia
Katia Anderson
Anton Herzen
Mr. Beluga
Clive Dove
Dimitri Allen
Claire Folley
Supporting characters in the second trilogy
Clark Triton
Arianna Barde
Janice Quatlane
Oswald Whistler
Melina Whistler
Amelia Ruth
Lando Ascad
Sharon Leidle
Broneph Reinel


Zecora May - Played by Temporal
Artemis Haddock - Played by WarriorMoo

Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, NU POSTIN')
Post by: Jackalfur on August 21, 2012, 09:16:03 pm

{Picture here - Not too big or too small}
Name: (Name of your character)
Gender: (Gender of your character)
Age: (Age of your character)
Ethnicity: (What nationality was your character in before London?)
Personality: (How does your character act, what are their weaknesses/strengths/likes/dislikes/etc.?)
History: (What happened in your character's past? This is optional, but encouraged)
Crush: (Who does your character really like? Optional, if none, put N/A)
Occupation: (Does your character have a job? Optional, if none, put N/A)
Description: (If not able to use a picture, what does your character look like? Be descriptive! 3+ sentences required)
Other: (Extra facts about your character. If none, put N/A)


Code: [Select]
{Picture here - Not too big or too small}

You don't need to fill out an application for a canon, but you can if you'd like. c:
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, NU POSTIN')
Post by: Jackalfur on August 21, 2012, 09:16:43 pm

Name: Zecora May
Gender: Female
Age: 13 (Around Luke's age, I think?Iseriouslydon'tknowhisage)
Ethnicity: British
Personality: As a random, outspoken girl, Zecora will say silly things at the silliest of times. She is new to researching puzzles and ancient artifacts, as which this rookie will pretend to give up and then bounce right back up to the plate, but when times get rough she'll get tense and she jumps at the slightest noise. She's just a bundle of energy, and even though she's not a morning person, she perks up surprisingly quick, and her outbursts can be amusing.
History: Born in London, her parents went away for a year vacation when she was six years old, leaving her to be tended to her grandparents. As the time went by, day by day, and then month by month, Zecora started to miss her kin, refusing to go outside until they returned. After their reunion a year later, every day went by normally, until when she grew to be eleven a mysterious creature was sighted rummaging in the garbage can. She didn't see it after that, until two years later it returned.
Zecora has a younger brother (NPC) who likes to tease her every time she turns around.
Crush: She has a little crush on Luke.
Occupation: N/A
Other: Zecora's hobby is playing an ocarina. Her theme is "(Hey You) Free Up Your Mind" from Pokemon - The First Movie.

Picture is from my DeviantArt :> (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/167/1/6/professor_layton_oc__artemis_haddock_by_neoni245-d53orb7.png)
Name: Artemis Haddock
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Ethnicity: American
Personality: Artemis is very optimistic and fun loving, with a very keen eye for archaeology. She enjoys looking over fossils of prehistoric animals of sorts, and is sometimes found in her flat researching such creatures in her freetime during the school year. She can be a stubborn willed at times, especially when it comes to defending friends and family, and has some difficulty being convinced when it comes to her own personal beliefs, whether they are right or wrong. She will deliberately break a few rules whether it is for her sake or others, especially when it comes to riding her horse around town.

History: Artemis Haddock was born in Wyoming, USA, where she lived for thirteen years of her life on a farm with her family. Over the years, money issues and commercial business slowly choked her family property of it's worth, at by the time she was twelve, her father went bankrupt. Thankfully, Artemis's mother had connections over in England, and her father used these as a way for Artemis and her mother; with her horse included, to move to the UK until he had enough money.

Artemis has been living in England ever since, as it has grown on her very much. She still retains her natural accent and love for her country, and has grown into a great Equestrian. When she was Nineteen, Artemis recieved a scholarship to Gressenheller University, and has been a student ever since. She often rides her Percheron stallion, Solomon, around town.
Crush: N/A
Occupation: Equestrian, Archaeology Student
Other: (This reminds me of a puzzle~) Artemis's theme song is "Send Me On My Way" by Rusted Root. She also owns a Guitar.
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, NU POSTIN')
Post by: Jackalfur on August 21, 2012, 09:47:01 pm

Just an extra reserved spot for members, though I doubt it'll get this big. You are free to apply now as I'm working on my character! c:
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 21, 2012, 10:20:21 pm


((Unless you already wanna rp as him, I'd love to play Luke for this :>))

Picture is from my DeviantArt :> (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/167/1/6/professor_layton_oc__artemis_haddock_by_neoni245-d53orb7.png)
Name: Artemis Haddock
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Ethnicity: American
Personality: Artemis is very optimistic and fun loving, with a very keen eye for archaeology. She enjoys looking over fossils of prehistoric animals of sorts, and is sometimes found in her flat researching such creatures in her freetime during the school year. She can be a stubborn willed at times, especially when it comes to defending friends and family, and has some difficulty being convinced when it comes to her own personal beliefs, whether they are right or wrong. She will deliberately break a few rules whether it is for her sake or others, especially when it comes to riding her horse around town.

History: Artemis Haddock was born in Wyoming, USA, where she lived for thirteen years of her life on a farm with her family. Over the years, money issues and commercial business slowly choked her family property of it's worth, at by the time she was twelve, her father went bankrupt. Thankfully, Artemis's mother had connections over in England, and her father used these as a way for Artemis and her mother; with her horse included, to move to the UK until he had enough money.

Artemis has been living in England ever since, as it has grown on her very much. She still retains her natural accent and love for her country, and has grown into a great Equestrian. When she was Nineteen, Artemis recieved a scholarship to Gressenheller University, and has been a student ever since. She often rides her Percheron stallion, Solomon, around town.
Crush: N/A
Occupation: Equestrian, Archaeology Student
Other: (This reminds me of a puzzle~) Artemis's theme song is "Send Me On My Way" by Rusted Root. She also owns a Guitar.

Code: [Select]
[url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/167/1/6/professor_layton_oc__artemis_haddock_by_neoni245-d53orb7.png]Picture is from my DeviantArt :>[/url]
Name: Artemis Haddock
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Ethnicity: American
Personality: Artemis is very optimistic and fun loving, with a very keen eye for archaeology. She enjoys looking over fossils of prehistoric animals of sorts, and is sometimes found in her flat researching such creatures in her freetime during the school year. She can be a stubborn willed at times, especially when it comes to defending friends and family, and has some difficulty being convinced when it comes to her own personal beliefs, whether they are right or wrong. She will deliberately break a few rules whether it is for her sake or others, especially when it comes to riding her horse around town.

History: Artemis Haddock was born in Wyoming, USA, where she lived for thirteen years of her life on a farm with her family. Over the years, money issues and commercial business slowly choked her family property of it's worth, at by the time she was twelve, her father went bankrupt. Thankfully, Artemis's mother had connections over in England, and her father used these as a way for Artemis and her mother; with her horse included, to move to the UK until he had enough money.

Artemis has been living in England ever since, as it has grown on her very much. She still retains her natural accent and love for her country, and has grown into a great Equestrian. When she was Nineteen, Artemis recieved a scholarship to Gressenheller University, and has been a student ever since. She often rides her Percheron stallion, Solomon, around town.
Crush: N/A
Occupation: Equestrian, Archaeology Student
Other: (This reminds me of a puzzle~) Artemis's theme song is "Send Me On My Way" by Rusted Root. She also owns a Guitar.
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 21, 2012, 10:31:54 pm
Accepted! /trail 'o happy
And sure, you can roleplay Luke! >w< I'm not very good at roleplaying canons, but I may take one later on.
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 21, 2012, 10:41:45 pm
((Huzzah!! I guess we shouldn't start until we get a few more members, ah?))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 21, 2012, 10:44:26 pm
I suppose. If this doesn't get any new members by the end of the day, we can start. C: Only because I'm so excited /shot
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 21, 2012, 11:27:33 pm
((Aha, as am I. Dunno how long it will be before we do get one, considering there's not a lot of PL fans on the forums. I tried opening a roleplay months ago, but it never worked out. Hopefully this one will do much better :D ))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 22, 2012, 03:40:33 am
((I would've joined your roleplay, but back then I didn't actually consider playing the games 'xD
I'm gonna start before I explode of excitement ;w; My head hurts right now, so this'll be a little failish.))

Voices from another room bounced in the air, sunlight streaming through an open window.

"Zecora, wake up!"

"Alright, alright... Five more minutes." Zecora yawned and rolled to one side, but realized instantly after that there was nothing beneath her. She landed on the floor with a thud, peering through one eye to see her mom at the doorway. The girl slowly got to her feet, rubbing her eyes to show her drowsiness. "Myeh. I'm up."

"Well, good morning, then." her mom replied with a smile, turning and beginning to walk back out. "Breakfast will be ready in five minutes."
"Okay. I'm hungry~" Zecora trilled, brushing herself off and giving herself an approving stretch. It never took her that long to perk up in the mornings, even though it was difficult to wake her up. She smiled and greeted the morning with a yawn, turning on one foot to fix the sheets on her bed, which were laying half on the floor. I wonder what we're having for breakfast, she wondered, her thoughts abruptly cut off by an annoyingly familiar voice. "Zekky, breakfast's ready!" her younger brother's voice echoed from down the hall. Dropping her arms to her sides, she sighed and threw a halfhearted glare over her shoulder. "Don't call me Zekky!" Then she dropped the irritated tone, and added, "I'll be done in a few minutes, I need to get dressed." Zecora shrugged away the smug response of her brother's and rummaged through the drawer for the ivory and maroon laced clothes she usually wore. Dragging them out, she changed out of her pajamas and into her daytime clothing.

After getting dressed and ready for the day, Zecora headed down to the kitchen, the scent of fresh-made pancakes wreathing around her. Her sibling, Aaron, was sitting at the table-- at least, until his sister entered the room. "Nuuuu, no questions. No questions," she repeated, raising her hands in front of her face protectively and taking a step back. "What were you writing last night? A love letter?" Aaron asked with a smug grin on his face, obviously ignoring her plead.
"I was writing down music notes for my ocarina, silly," Zecora replied, taking a seat. She poked at the arrangement of fruits and vegetables in a weaved bowl with one finger, then chose a pear and sat it on her plate. With a squeak of excitement she clapped her hands together in enthusiasm, looking up as her mother plopped a pancake on each and every plate. "Yay, food!" she gasped happily, digging in as soon as her parents said in unision, "Ready, set, dig in!"

Zecora tipped back in her chair and gave another good stretch. "Thanks for the breakfast, mother!" she thanked solemnly, dozing off into thoughts about today. I wonder what we're gonna explore today. With a smile, she grabbed her small white and red tophat and set it on her head, earning a snicker from her kin. "You're just trying to act like Professor Layton!" he teased. The girl took her hat off and hugged it in defense. "But it's my hat," she pouted jokingly, repeating the process of putting it back upon her head, then turned to the door. "I'm going outside," Zecora informed her parents, seeing her father nod in approval. "Be back before sunset!"
"I will!" she answered, tilting her hat on her head and walking out the door with a giggle.

((My post is a little bland, I think, I've gotta get ready for bed. I couldn't help but start because I'm so excited to get this roleplay started >w<
I think I got this right? Considering in the roleplay it's morning. xD))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 22, 2012, 02:37:08 pm
((That's quite fine. And I might wait a bit before I start as Luke, for now I'll just get Artie started))


It was another fine morning back at the stables, which not far from London. On horseback, it was a fifteen minute walk.
How Artemis loved to shorten that.

With a sigh, the young adult stepped out from the flat where which she had been staying overnight; it had rained rather hard the night before, which was quite unusual for this area. "Bruce, I'm heading out!" Called she, pulling her raven black ponytail behind her head.

"Oi! Be careful riding that horse, you hear? Stay on the side of the road!" Artemis could hear the croaking voice of Bruce, who was the owner of the stables and a good friend of her mother's. "Yeah, I will, I will!" Artemis gave a roll of her eyes as she step down the wooden porch stairs, which gave a creak beneath her leather boots.

The grass felt soggy beneath her feet, but thankfully that rain had turned to sunshine overnight, and it had become a perfect day for riding. She stepped over towards the pastures, where a familiar grey equine had been prancing around excitedly ever since the stablehands had let him out. "Alright, Sully! You ready to go?"

It was a rather quick action. Saddle the horse, Put on the bridle, etcetra. It was no sooner than that that Artemis was out of the stables and headed towards the city, where new adventures and the like await her. Her black hair flew behind her face, bouncing as Solomon's pounding hooves met the soil that made the path, careful to avoid the harsh, solid asphalt that was an automobile's way to get to London.

In a matter of minutes the city drew closer and closer, until the pair began to pass small abodes, apartments, and buildings that would form into clumped cement and stone towers. The path itself had turned to cobblestone, lined with cement sidewalks where the city folk could travel safely aside double decker buses and cars.

Artemis, despite having lived here for nearly ten years of her life, had never gotten used to driving an automobile; horseback was her favorite alternative.

At this point, the young adult had slowed her Percheron into a canter, having noticed the large amounts of busied people and traffic on the streets. As much as she would break the rules for her enjoyment, in this sort of case, it was best to steer clear, especially to avoid endangering other people.

Besides, she was not up for meeting with Chelmey again today.
The sound of hooves against the cobblestone began to slow into a much more gentle pace, until Solomon had come to a steady stroll towards a familiar building, what she called home while school was in session. Gressenheller was where her own flat was, where she could study and research in peace.

Artemis could recall the last time that she was in there before packing up; she was looking up something on Dromaeosaurs. "Alright, stay here, buddy." Said she, dismounting from the grey Percheron and tying his reins to a small pole.

Adjusting her red bandana, Artemis stepped up towards the University entrance, where she noticed something in the nearby newspaper stands. With an inquisitive "Hmm?" The maiden approached the metal stand, where she picked up a bundled group of paper.

It read: "MASQUERADE STRIKES AGAIN!" on the front cover.

((I guess Masquerade is it's nickname, right? And mine's a little bland as well ^^; XD))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 22, 2012, 08:41:13 pm
((Alright c: And sure, Masquerade will be the nickname~ >w<))

As she left the house and walked down the concrete stairs, the thirteen-year-old's vision was greeted by crowds of people gathering on the streets, and vehicles trying to get past them. "Huh. Busy as always," she sighed with a shrug to go along with it. Zecora had lived in London her whole life, but she still wasn't used to how social everyone was.

Gazing around, she pondered for a moment before nearing the cobblestone road. Suddenly the wind picked up and stirred a torn, crumpled newspaper from the ground, aiming it toward her. She reluctantly bent over to retrieve it, smoothing it out with one hand. What she read just confused her even more. "A masquerade?" she echoed. That name seems familiar... "Maybe it's just another criminal investigation..." As she read more, her eyes came upon a blurry picture of a tall four-legged creature. It was a dull white with a regally narrow snout like a fox's, but it wasn't as small as a fox, nor was it as big as a large dog, either. It had a skull mask hiding its face, eyes just black hollows with mysterious glowing slits in them, like pupils. It was incredibly skinny, giving the girl shivers just to look at it. Maybe it's just a myth. A creature like that can't possibly exist. she tried to convince herself, which eventually worked.

Walking along the road while trying not to get in anyone's path, Zecora laid the paper down on a bench nearby, refusing to let it trouble her. "I wonder what I'll do today," she wondered out loud, a smile stretching wide on her face. She thought about going to visit some of her friends, but then decided it would be rude to barge in just like that. After all, everyone seemed as busy as bumblebees this morning.
She snapped out of her thoughts as an old car passed right beside her, nearly surprising her enough to tip her off her feet. Staring after the mobile machine, she felt frustration tug at her nerves for a moment before moving on along the sidewalk. "Everyone must be in a hurry to get to work today," she mused, smoothing out a ruffled part of her turned sleeve. A cool morning breeze whipped through the city, weaving through houses and tall buildings to small shops. The only thought that stuck in her mind like glue was of the newspaper. Without hesitation she pushed it away with a random phrase: "Everything's better with bacon~"
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 22, 2012, 09:04:17 pm


Folding the fresh bundle of newspaper beneath a sleeved arm, Artemis took no hesitation in pushing open the main doors, which, to her suprise, were unlocked. Some of the professors must be in today. The sound of her boots, much to her own annoyance, rang out through the halls as they clacked against the shiny floors. Thank goodness they weren't caked in mud, or she'd be in big trouble.

Artemis had come here to pick up something, which wasn't anything school related, either. "Let's see here...where's the lost and found again?" She whispered to herself, resting a hand on her chin while her other arm--the one holding the newspaper, rested across her stomach. The student picked her head up to the sound of shoes clacking against the floors as well, and to her eyes came a familiar sight.

"Oh, hello, sir!" She cried. There was the Dean, commonly referred to as Delmona, stepping into the hall as he scratched the back of his head. "Artemis, a pleasure to see you. Are you alright?" He greeted her. Artemis gave a nod, uttering a light "Mm-hmm," While folding her hands behind her back, tipping back and forth on her heels. "I'm here to pick up my guitar. One of the students borrowed it and left it here." She explained. "Ah, yes, it's just outside your flat. You have a nice remainder of your summer, now!" The Dean said, waving goodbye before continuing on with his own doings.

...That was random, Artemis thought. But helpful...Oh, wait!
"Uh, sir!" Artemis hollered to the elderly man in alert. "Is Professor Layton in? I'd like to ask him something!" She asked.
Dean Delmona turned his head, and fixed his small, round glasses. "I'm afraid not. He's out doing research on some new case or something, ah..it's in the paper, that's all I know!"

Well, that answers my question then. The raven haired girl thought to herself, pulling a lock of hair behind her ears. She then pulled out that bundle of newspaper, and examined that vulpine shape that was on the cover of the page, piquing her curiousity. She then made her way up the stairs, on the search for her flat and more importantly, her cherished guitar.

((I'll do Luke in my next post. How far is Zecora from Gressenheller? Sully's around to interact with, if you'd like :3))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on August 23, 2012, 12:45:10 am
X.X Is reading the entire 'The Last Specter' wiki 'From Professor Layton's Point of View' good enough when it comes to joining? I'm terribly interested, and I want to slap myself for reading countless spoilers for what sounds like a brilliant game D>

EDIT: I'm downloading some of them onto my computer.. .O. So I should know moar by tomorow! x3.)
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 23, 2012, 01:13:38 am
((Join us, JOIN US! And yes, I recommend looking into the Layton Wiki for all your Laytonesque research and needs. o3o I've played the Last Specter and Unwound Future, and I have the Eternal Diva movie on my ipod. *w*))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 23, 2012, 02:48:01 am
Yay~! Join us! 8D I'm watching the Eternal Diva movie on YouTube. I only have the Last Specter so far, but I'm endlessly trying to beat the game. It's fun ;w;

She'd be near the top of the crossroads before the road toward Gressenheller, I think. :3 Iamnogoodwithdirections xD))

Turning onto another street, something caught her eye. A white tail-tip appeared and disappeared behind a tall-looking building, gleaming a light silver in the half-light. Huh, maybe someone lost their dog or cat? she thought, stifling a gasp of surprise. The color was familiar-- dull but still white.

"Maybe it was a pet. Yes, it must be," she sighed, half-way convincing herself the masquerade in the newspaper simply didn't exist. Playing her ocarina always soothed her, though she forgot to take it with her on the way out of the house. With another sigh, Zecora adjusted her hat and continued her stroll, humming a little tune she had learned on her ocarina. It wasn't long before she realized she had lost track of where she was even heading. She slapped her forehead dramatically and turned on her heels, standing still for a moment before trying to decide where she was going to head next. I always manage to get myself mixed up, she thought with an amused giggle.

((Sorry it's a bit short, gotta go to bed. ;A;))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 23, 2012, 01:21:11 pm
((No no, Sully is Artemis's horse XD his full name is Solomon, but he's often referred to as Sully XD))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 23, 2012, 04:06:49 pm
((dhfjksdhjfhnskj I knew I got something wrong ;w; I was rushed last night, I'm sorreh /headdesk
I feel so stupid xD))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on August 23, 2012, 04:55:04 pm
D> Don't feel stoopid.

And, I'll probaly apply tomorow or later at night .o. So nu posting! Jk, but I'd perfer if you waited for meh abit xDDD)
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 23, 2012, 06:35:54 pm
((Don't worry, we'll wait for you~ c:))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 24, 2012, 02:43:42 am
((It's fine :>))


The sound of her leather boots continued to clack against the stairs as she climbed, her arm resting on the banister and constantly pulling itself upward with the rest of her body. With a huff, Artemis soon found herself at the third floor, where her eyes quickly darted to and fro across the hallway in search for that old guitar of hers.

Finally, her dark eyes met with that black case, although it's body had gathered dust after being left untouched for quite a while. "There you are!" Said Artemis, a cheery tone in her voice. She approached the guitar rather hastily, and kneeled to unlatch the case. From there, she took out the guitar rather gently, as if it was a fragile infant, to further examine it.

  It's red, polished body was still in good condition, as was it's fine strings and black neck. Stuffing a hand into the pocket of her beige jeans, the girl took out a small, triangular pick, and strummed the acoustic without hesitation, feeling the strings vibrate.

The sound that met her ears was most unappealing to someone like her. The guitar had let out a low pitched, off key sound, making Artemis grit her teeth in displeasure. "Yep, I need to tune this thing when I get back." She said between clenched teeth. She then slid the guitar back into it's case, latching it closed with a satisfying "Click" Before pulling the strap of the case over her shoulder and cross her back.

"Mom's probably all like, Artemis, where are you? Why didn't you come home last night?" Artemis whispered to herself in an exaggerated, low tone as she rushed back down the stairs, careful not to hit the guitar case against the wall as it swung. She hadn't gotten the chance to contact her mother ever since she had left the night before to check on Sully at the stables, something she worried she would regret. Aw well, better than getting caught in the rain.


While citizens of London busied themselves with their own doings and chores, hussling down the streets to work or merely strolling along the sidewalks, a young boy had been enjoying himself as he made his way across London. Walking to Gressenheller University wasn't necessarily far, and he had done it so many times that it really didn't seem to bother him.

Luke always felt oblidged to meet the Professor in his office at Gressenheller, especially as Layton's apprentice. Along the way, he would sometimes run into some familiar figures, and would always greet them in the kindest of ways, but he never let himself get too distracted. After all, he loved going on adventures, he loved solving mysteries with the Professor. It had become so natural for him to expect a new one almost every day.

Gripping the strap of his leather satchel, the boy continued his pace until that familiar shape of Gressenheller came into sight, to which his quickened his pace in response. However, in this excitement, it wasn't long before he bumped into a young girl who had been strolling along the streets.

Luke stepped back a little, gripping his blue hat as he regained his balance. "Oh, uhm, I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, a wincing a bit as he rubbed the back of his head.

((Luke bumped into Zecora, just not sure if he knows her or not XD))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 24, 2012, 08:04:43 pm
((Alright. ;v;'
I think my brain is clearer now, so I suppose I'll go ahead and post 'xD))

Zecora was about to continue her morning stroll when she felt someone bump into her, sending her stumbling back a little in her surprise. As she recovered from the impact, her eyes came upon a young boy, supposedly about her age.

"Oh-- I'm sorry, it was my fault," she blurted out hastily, trying to hide her embarrassment while she had forgotten to respond to his own. "Did I hurt you?" The girl fixed the hat that had nearly fallen off of her head, blinking in bewilderment as she glanced at him again. He looked mildly familiar to her, but yet he didn't.
Zecora tilted her head slightly, her expression changing from anxious to mild curiosity, and the ghost of a smile appeared on her face. Her mood switched surprisingly quickly, and it was maybe even a little amusing the way she went from one expression to the other like the moon's waning and waxing.

"Who are you?" she asked, clasping her hands together silently behind her back. Isn't he the mayor's son? Though it was just a guess, and it may or may not be true, she secretly felt proud for how quick she thought of that, but she pushed that to the very edge of her mind and focused on reality.

((My mouse is going dead while I'm writing this; I promise it'll be longer next time. ;w;
If it's okay with you, this could be when they both meet eachother? If not, I'll edit. c:))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on August 24, 2012, 08:07:59 pm
(D> I'm terribly sorry guys, but I won't be able to join this roleplay, i planned for it to be my 'last', though on an Impressive Title Server I ended up joining another TT_TT

I'm really sorry for letting you down, D=)
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 26, 2012, 12:27:10 am
((Daww, it's alright, Blacki. :>))


The boy cocked his head to the side a bit at the shifting expressions on the girl's face, to which he could only pinpoint which one matched best by the tone in her voice. "Uh, no, I'm fine. It's nothing, really." Said he, tipping the brim of his sky blue cap in a gentlemanly fashion, remniscent of his mentor's own. He was about to ask what the girl was doing here, but then again, that be like asking himself what he was doing here. Any adult would wonder as to why two mere children were wandering around the city unrecognized.

Even though he was the apprentice of the esteemed Professor Layton, Luke rarely had any mention in the papers, even through the course of three years being with the Professor. At times it made him feel belittled, although Luke had come to ignore it most of the time.

His eyes lit up a bit as his attention was turned back to the girl, taken from his thoughts, and focused on the question about his own identity. Once again, the boy rested a hand on the brim of his cap again, a kind, yet seemingly prideful smile growing on his face. "Luke Triton! I'm the famous Professor Layton's apprentice; Number one!" He said with such gusto. As much as he was determined to be a true gentleman, he couldn't help but take pride in his self proclaimed title.

Just as he was about to ask about the girl's identity, Luke's attention was caught by a familiar voice up by the campus grounds. "Oi! What's a horse doing here?" It sounded strong and grumpy, which was always the tone of voice Chelmey had.


The student had stepped out of the building to find a sight that she dreaded; there was Inspector Chelmey, standing beside her Percheron horse, grumbling as he worked to untie such a tight safety knot; obviously he didn't know how easy it was to untie one by human hands. Next to him was Constable Barton, the loyal assistant police officer. Artemis had always wondered how he could handle Chelmey's temper.

Artemis barely held back the urge to flinch as the Inspector's sharp, mean eyes rested on her, and stuffed his hands into his pockets. The raven haired girl pulled her hair back from her shoulder, eyes turning away from him as she tried to avoid him. "Ahem," Chelmey called disdainfully.

Artemis gave a sigh, gaze turning heavenward for a mere moment as she rolled her eyes, before approaching the pair in a rather annoyed fashion, her lips pursed. "Yes, Chelmey, what is it now.." She hissed.

"This is your horse ma'am?"
"Yes it is."

"Well, Artemis, if you remember clearly, it says no horses on University grounds!" Spat Chelmey, pointing his index finger. "Aw c'mon, Chelmey! I was just here to pick up my guitar! Besides, Solomon wouldn't hurt anyone!" Said Artemis, stroking the grey horse's head defensively. "That's no excuse, Miss Haddock! I know you very well, and I'm not about to bend the rules with you!" The Inspector said rather sharply.

"Well la dee da. You know, why is it that every single time we meet, there's always something about me that sets you off?!" Barked Artemis.
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 26, 2012, 10:17:07 pm
((Smacks back up to the top~))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 27, 2012, 12:36:26 am
((Aw, it's alright, Blacki. If you ever have enough free time away from the other roleplays and stuff, we're always open and accepting if you change your mind! c:
Sorry for my inactivity the last day or so, I was really busy. I went to see some old ships at the dock today.
But I'm back now~ c: My birthday is next weekend and my cousin may be sleeping over at my house for a few days, so I'm not sure if I'll have a lot of time on here, but I'll try to be on as much as I can. ^^
Also, I'm gonna play Hershel Layton for this, because I want to~ xD And he's needed for the plot, too, but mostly because I wanna play him for this. 8D))

The young girl couldn't help but smile more and even manage a little giggle under her breath at Luke's proud reply, but before she could inform him of her motives or identity, a grumpy and irritated yell caused her to wobble a bit in surprise.

Looking up near the University site, Zecora saw Inspector Chelmey and his faithful assistant, Barton, confronting a citizen and her horse. What's a horse doing here, so close to Gressenheller? she wondered, tipping her head slightly. It wasn't every day an animal of that size neared so close to where many locals studied. The girl wondered if she should walk over and ask what's wrong, but then again it might also be getting in the way of the police. Turning back to Luke, she decided she should've introduced herself by now, though it may be at an awkward time.

Again, the sight of that mysterious creature swarmed her mind. Professor Layton is probably investigating that already. It's nothing to worry about, she told herself thought-wise, freeing her mind by paying more attention to the present. It was better to ignore the problems than to worry endlessly about them, at the time, anyway.

"I--um, I should introduce myself as well," she spoke up, trying to get her attention off of the ruckus over by the campus. "My name is Zecora May, or Zecora. It's nice to meet you, the Professor's number one apprentice~" The last part was meant to be as a sly joke, as of which Zecora always was full of them. She held out her hand for a kind handshake, smiling.

((I think I got this right, if you had another plot idea I can go back and edit. ^^))

"Are you sure you didn't just misplace your purse, ma'am?" the Professor inquired, pausing to jot down a few notes.

"Of course not! I had it right beside me, and then a second later after I take my eyes from it, it's gone!" the woman insisted worriedly, placing her hands on her hips in a sort of irritated way. "I looked everywhere, and I can't find it! Someone must've stolen it!"
"Now, don't rush to conclusions, ma'am," Layton advised, tipping his hat a little. "So you haven't seen it since right after you woke up?"

"No, I haven't." The girl's voice became a little less anxious.

"Right." The Professor took a folded newspaper and handed it to the citizen. "Did you see anything like this before your purse disappeared?"

"My, I do recall seeing something similar to that, but I assumed it was a stray animal..." she remembered, pointing toward the eerie four-legged creature imprinted in the daily paper. "But I wouldn't dare come to think such a creature like that existed! Maybe someone tied a skull mask to a dog's head and then let it loose?"
"We don't know as of now. It might be, but yet again it might not be. The disappearance of the legendary Mask of Unity many years back may also be involved."

"Alright, thank you, sir. I have a lot of precious trinkets in my purse from years ago, so it's a must that it comes back to me." the woman sighed in relief, bowing and turning back toward the front doorsteps. "Be sure to keep track of your belongings," Hershel called before she vanished inside the house. He turned and headed back toward Gressenheller University, where he was a professor.
The Professor Layton himself was partially stumped on this case. First a masked being lurking around the city, now items disappearing out of nowhere... Hm. But as he always said, every puzzle has an answer.
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 27, 2012, 01:17:36 am
((Meh, I've been moderately busy. Savoring as much time as I can of my last few hours of Summer; School starts tomorrow.))


Luke gave a small smile, having been partially distracted by that familiar voice as he confronted a student at Gressenheller, who was stubbornly arguing with him. Turning his head away from the occurance, Luke gave a nod of his head as the girl introduced herself as Zecora May, and seemed to be trying just as hard as he was to ignore the ruckus not far from where they stood. Zecora, huh? What a funny name! He thought to himself, half smiling at the thought.
"Nice to meet you, Zecora!" He returned the handshake, that smile on his face growing brilliantly wider with enthusiasm.

"I'm going up the Gressenheller to meet the Professor, but.." He looked over his shoulder, his round eyes still focused on the grumpy old Inspector. Luke never really liked Chelmey, and maybe if he hadn't confused him for the imposter he and the Professor had encountered at St. Mystere, that thought would be different. He too was curious as to how Barton could manage being constantly chastised by Chelmey.

At first, he didn't really want to go up there and interrupt Chelmey's "Enforcing of the law" that he usually did. Then again, maybe I can try to help without the Professor... Luke could consider himself an over-achiever, or at least try to be, and perhaps he could try to solve the minor issue on his own. Besides, his mentor would always assist the police in mysteries nowadays. With a new surge of confidence, the boy stiffened his lip, and justly stepped up towards the bickering pair.


Chelmey returned Artemis's sharp words with a gruff "Hmph," having finally untangled the safety knot that the reins of the stallion had been held them, gripping them in his hands. Artemis cocked a brow at this, before they both furrowed over her dark eyes. "Gimme those." She said crossly, snatching them the Inspector's hands. As much as he was intimidating from afar, Artemis had found ways to get through such cold looks and sneers, and put them to good use when it came to defending herself.

Chelmey's head turned to a rose red color, his nostrils flaring above his finely combed mustache. "Oi! Don't you show any of that cheek to me! You need to take a better look at the laws around here, for your own good, Miss Haddock!" Said he, waving a pointing hand up and down. The student gave another roll of her eyes, stepping closer to the large draft horse and resting a hand on his nose. "You're a tough nut to crack, aren't you?"

"Uhm, excuse me!" A young voice chirped in, interceding the argument. Both Artemis and Chelmey turned their heads, and Solomon gave a small snort as Barton's red mustache twitched. There was a young boy, about thirteen years old, clothed in a blue sweater and veridian shorts, complete with unused suspenders and a blue cap on his head. "Oi! Not you again!" Chelmey said glumly. "Where's your Professor fellow, shouldn't you be off bothering him?" He added in a rather irritated tone.

The child's lip stiffened; apparently the two knew each other. "I'm sorry, but I think I can help with this issue!"

((I should say, I always prefered Luke's UK voice over his US voice. Did you know he has two different voices? His UK voice is what is used in Eternal Diva and is exclusive to the UK versions of the Layton Series. North America has a different voice actor for him.))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 27, 2012, 11:12:39 pm
((I know how you feel. School starts tomorrow for me; back to sitting at the main computer doing schoolwork. >_<
Turns out my cousin is sleeping over until next Monday, so I probably won't be on from Friday night to Monday or Tuesday. Not really sure if she's gonna stay here until Tuesday, since she has school on that day o3o))

Zecora grinned as her new friend returned the handshake. She let go and dropped her arms back to her sides, tipping her head a bit as he spoke about meeting Professor Layton at Gressenheller. "Oh, really?" she echoed thoughtfully, stopping as she noticed Luke stepped toward the argument between the police and the student. She felt genuinely surprised-- even with all her energy, she couldn't ever muster the courage to step inbetween a fight, especially in public.

The girl reluctantly followed, having turned to mildly intimidated already. Obviously she prefered not to be the center of attention-- at least, for the moment, since she was almost always social --so she stayed back a little in an always-failed attempt to hide, though her bright turquoise-colored eyes shone with confusion and a thick layer of nothing but kindness and optimistic happiness.

((I didn't know that :O Though I noticed his voice seemed slightly different in the games, I didn't really pay any attention to it. I actually prefer his UK voice as well, too. c:  
I hope it's not too short, I couldn't think of anything good to post. ^^' I'll post Layton in my next post, need to think up something for him.))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 28, 2012, 12:05:14 am
((Welp, thank god I got my first day over with..althought it was a bit of a drag. Junior year for me.))

Luke and Artemis

((I do this whenever I have two characters that I play as in the same spot at the same time.))

"Hey, kid, no need to get into this," Artemis gave a shrug, a bead of sweat beginning to form on her forehead. This was starting to really attract some attention. "Look, all I want you to do is stay off my tail all the time. Seriously, Chelmey," The student added, a little more politely this time. "Stay off your--You're the one breaking the law here!" The inspector snapped.

Barton twitched his mustache again, looking over towards the too children. While his own mentor and the girl were arguing, the young man gave a small sigh, and rubbed his nose. "Barton! Does Chelmey know her?" Luke asked kindly, trying to ignore the quarrel as much as the plump officer was. "Oh, yeah, this happens quite often. I've gotten used to it, but the inspector never seems to give in to her, and nor does she." Replied Barton with his usual, strange tone of voice.

Luke stepped closer to Zecora, noticing that look of confusion in her turquoise eyes. In his attempt to act more gentlemanly, he gestured to the nearby bench, giving a small whisper. "You don't have to listen to us, why don't you wait over there?" He couldn't help but think of his mentor's words; "A true gentleman never rests his troubles on a lady," and kept this in mind. Hopefully with Zecora situated, he could continue on solving this own minor situation between the grumpy inspector and the stubborn student.

"Uhm, excuse me, are you a student here?" The boy finally asked, tipping his hat to Artemis. The student turned her head, raising an index finger towards Chelmey as if asking to give her a moment. "Sure am. But I was just here to pick up my guitar, see?" Artemis gripped the strap of her guitar case, which rested across her back. She quickly adjusted her red bandana around her neck while she had thought about it. "Wow, that's neat, so are you just leaving then?" Luke continued.

"Uh yeah, I was," The girl's gaze turned back onto Chelmey, that piercing look returning in her eyes. "But then Chelmey showed up and won't stop blabbering about the 'No-horse-parking-lot policy, or whatever!" Luke's eyes widened a bit. This student was quite defensive, wasn't she? And then again, so was the inspector, and he knew that for a fact.

"Inspector, can't you leave her be just this time?" The boy finally said, a concerned look in his large eyes. "Just this time? Oh no, I've run into her too many times to give in to that one, lad. Now go on back to your Professor Lettin-Layton, I'm busy!" Chelmey snarled, resting his eyes back onto the girl.

Wait, wait, wait...What?
Artemis's dark eyes grew suddenly rather large as Chelmey's final words processed in her head. "You know the Professor?" She said a loud, her gaze falling towards the young boy with surprise.

((Yeeah, this ain't goin' very well.))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 28, 2012, 02:06:58 am
((Drew a quick picture of Masquerade for future reference. I know, it's sketchy and the colors are slightly unorganized (They're also a bit darker than they were on the color palette), but I drew it in a matter of ten-fifteen minutes. ;w;
I hope school goes well for you! c: I'm not really excited about it either.))

"Oh, a-alright. Thanks." Zecora smiled slightly, still feeling a bit awkward. Her mind screamed out her annoyance for herself acting so cowardly, though she bowed gratefully and proceeded to trail over to the bench, which was near the two bickering citizens, though not so near as to hear every single word. She sat down quietly, turning over one wrist and staring at it as if to distract herself. Usually she was peppy and drowned out by enthusiasm and randomness, and one could not help but wonder if the girl had a seperate personality. But even when she acted dull, she perked up surprisingly quickly, though she had no ways of expressing it at the time, as interrupting a conflict with a random phrase would be a bit awkward to her.

Turning her arm back over, the thirteen-year old focused on a tune from a song she had learned on her ocarina. It made her smile a bit; it was the first melody she had known. She silently droned it, her eyes fixed on the ground beneath her.

Suddenly she had the feeling someone was staring at her, and looked up to see something peeking from behind one of the buildings near the Scotland Yard. A pair of hollow, lifeless eyes flashed and disappeared after a mere heartbeat. Zecora stared at the spot it was in for a few long moments, then blinked and raised her hand to press it to her forehead with a sigh. I must be hallucinating. If there hadn't have been a section in the daily newspaper about this masquerade, she could've convinced herself with just that thought, but somehow this time it didn't work as well as the time when the previous sighting of this "monstrous being" every citizen spoke of took place. It was horrifying to think that some deranged creature were to lurk in the shadows of the roads, especially taking the risk of trespassing into home property and intruding houses. Though, something just didn't feel right-- she felt she had seen the creature before, just a few years back. "Oh well," she murmured to herself, heaving another inaudible sigh and studying the ground. There was no use in worrying herself to death about it, when it might've just been a hallucination.

Soon the familiar shape of Gressenheller University came within sight.
"Hm?" Glancing toward the entrance, Layton saw Inspector Chelmey and Barton arguing with a university student and her Percheron horse. He walked over, and noticing his apprentice there as well, he tipped his hat forward in a gentlemanly fashion. "Why hello, Chelmey and Barton. Is there something the matter?" he asked calmly, flipping through the notebook he had in one hand.

((Poo, sorry Layton's is short. ono My brain is melting from my test today.))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 28, 2012, 10:54:57 pm
((Eet's so cute :3 And I'll wait til you finish then, :>))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 30, 2012, 12:18:32 am
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 30, 2012, 12:33:37 am
((Sorry for taking so long! School's taken its toll on me already x_x
And I guess my cousin is only staying over until Sunday... I don't really know what my schedule for the weekend is xD
I edited it, I hope it's okay. ;w;'))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 30, 2012, 12:56:50 am
((That's quite alright :> And they announced the title of the sixth Professor Layton game in Japan, but....Rumor is that it might be the last...))

Artemis and Luke

"Professor!" Both the student and child said in unison.
Artemis shrunk away slightly. While she was always comfortable arguing with Chelmey, she had never met the Professor outside the school campus, and her rather stubborn attitude quickly switched to nervousness, tilting her head down a bit in shame.

She never disobeyed her teacher, and the Professor was no exception. She didn't dare to speak now, allowing Chelmey to interrupt her train of thought rather abruptly. "This girl's being stubborn and all. She always bends the rules, and I'm sick and tired of it!" Snapped the inspector, crossing his arms. "The law says no horses on campus, she acts like she is completely unaware of it."

Artemis gave a huff, resting a hand on Solomon's neck, who had been staring blankly at the girl on the bench, ears perked foward in interest. She dare not look at the others around her, her eyes grown dull and stressed and a taut line formed on her lips.

"What's worse, this kid of yours decided to get himself involved! Keep a closer eye on him, Layton!" Chelmey spat.
"Hey!" Luke sneered, his lower lip stiffening as he tried to defend himself. "I was just trying to help!" He said crossly, folding his arms.

"Look," Finally, the student piped up, her voice softer, with a tone that sounded just a little short of being apologetic. "I'll say it again, all I was doing was going to pick up my guitar, and be on my way. Satisfying enough?" Her gaze rested on the inspector, once again a small gleam of dread in them. Had the Professor not been here, it was probably she would have continued her stubborn argument.
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 30, 2012, 03:18:21 am
((Aw, really? D:
I only heard that it'll be the last game starring Layton as the main protagonist, but even so, it wouldn't be the same without him ;n; I'm hoping they change their minds, but if it's been announced...))

Zecora hesitantly looked up as the Professor neared them. While she thought she had better not get involved, another part of her mind thought otherwise, and at last she spoke up when Chelmey accused Luke of getting involved. "He was just trying to help," she insisted, getting up from the bench and waving her arms dramatically. "Now, I think it's time for this argument to stop?" She lengthened the word stop a little, her random humor rushing back eventually. It wasn't long before she'd picked up the courage to speak, and the courage to act a little silly as well.

She glanced between the group, tipping her head to one side as if nothing had happened at all, though it was obvious something was bothering her, even if she didn't act like it. The incredibly skinny figure that seemed it had been staring at her before nagged at her brain, tensing her nerves slightly. "We don't have to fight, right?" she echoed her own thoughts, yet again the ghost of a shy-seeming smile on her face. It was almost like she was barely ever unhappy, and even when she was, she bounced right back up to the plate as quickly as possible.

But then, as she noticed the Professor staring at her in what seemed to be mild awe, the girl silenced and decided to let him deal with the rest. After all, he was older and wiser than she was, and at the moment Zecora thought her words wouldn't do a thing to help. "Ehe... Sorry."

Layton blinked in surprise as the young girl that had been sitting quietly on the bench walked over and spoke up. Fine words, he thought, looking at Artemis and then to Chelmey. "This young lady is right," he said thoughtfully, closing the notebook. "We don't have to cause conflict, and I'm sure Luke was just trying to help. Can you let it pass this one time, Chelmey?" he inquired, "I'll be sure it doesn't happen again. But the law does say no horse parking on the university campus, yes."

For a moment the Professor had a feeling the young light-blond haired girl had already seen the nicknamed "Masquerade," due to how uneasy she had been. Of course, it wouldn't have been the first sighting. "Instead we should focus on the present case," he continued, trying to calm the scene. "I had an encounter with a citizen who had her purse stolen not too long ago today." Rubbing his chin in thought, he cleared his throat.
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on September 01, 2012, 12:19:48 am
((I hope he'll atleast make appearances in future games, if they make them. But seriously, how did I somehow know they were gonna put Luke in an open jacket?))

Artemis and Luke

Artemis cocked a brow in interest as she noticed the blonde haired girl pipe up from the bench, waving her arms in defense of the child who had interfered, and who had apparently knew the Professor. The girl seem to acknowledge the Professor's surprise for her sudden interference, to which she apologized. "Ah, no, it's not a problem, really.." Artemis replied aloud, in an almost unbothered, yet slightly surprised tone as she pulled a lock of dark hair behind her ear, running her hand down her thick ponytail.

Chelmey gave a groan, stuffing his hands into his pockets. While he usually would argue, he truelly did see Layton as a respectable man, albeit sometimes a little too soft in the Inspector's opinion. "Alright, I'll let it slide for now. But if I catch you again with that horse here, there will be no excuse!" He muttered, giving a roll of his eyes. Almost instantly, the student's face lit up, as did the face Layton's young apprentice. "Wow, good on you!" He smiled at the young woman.

Chelmey gazed at the boy for a few moments, before resting those sharp eyes on Artemis for one final glance, and then turned away, stepping back down the streets with Constable Barton loyally following.

"Whew! And I thought he'd never leave!" Artemis gave a sigh of relief, casually wiping a hand across her forehead. "Uh..Thanks, Professor. I didn't really expect that to happen, I'll admit it. Sully here gives his thanks here, too." She said, gazing at the ground with a look of embarassment. She then ran a pale hand down the silvery gray neck of the Percheron, who turned his head slightly to catch sight of his rider.

"That's never a problem for the famous Professor Layton, right, Professor?" Luke smiled, gazing at his top-hatted mentor diligently. "Hey, so you know each other huh? Well, although it wasn't exactly necessary, thanks for standing up for me too, kiddo." The student chuckled lightly. "And uh, you too," She nodded her head towards the blonde haired girl.

 "Say, speaking of Masquerade, I was wondering about that. It intrigues me, really. I mean, how many times do you see a fox thing or whatever with a skull for a mask? Better yet, I'd like to know what kind of skull." Artemis spoke up with excitement, cocking her head to the side. "Do you think that thing stole her purse...But why would a fox steal a purse? I thought they just rummage through the garbage and rubbish." Artemis kept note on her terms, after all, this was England, not America. She had been keeping herself aware of that for ten years now.

While Artemis had been occupied with Layton, Luke quickly stepped over to Zecora, the smile on his face growing wider. "Thanks for your help. I think you can come over with us now. Don't worry, the Professor's really nice!" He said heartedly, trying to enlighten the child.

His stomach suddenly growled, catching Artemis's attention, and making her even chuckle a bit. Luke blushed with embarassment; he had slept in a little later than he should have this morning, and in such anxiety and excitement, had skipped breakfast to meet with the Professor by Gressenheller. Luke clutched his blue sweater as soon as his stomach growled again, rather loudly as well. "Uhm..Professor? Can we get something to eat?" He said with a rather innocent tone in his voice.

Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on September 02, 2012, 02:48:07 am
((Bumps to keep from falling on the second page o,o))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on September 04, 2012, 01:42:39 am
((I don't know x3 But yeah, me too.
Poo, so sorry ;n; I guess plans changed and my cousin wanted to stay until Monday, so today we brought her back to Sandusky. We had to drive the turnpike four times xD))

Zecora studied the ground a little bit, just out of earshot of Artemis's thoughts on Masquerade. She looked up as Luke thanked her, a smile creeping upon her face. "No problem," she responded in a singsong voice, adjusting her ivory hat in some sort of happy pride.

As her friend's stomach rumbled, she giggled quietly under her breath, then gave a stretch. "Food... my number one favorite noun!" she declared jokingly, folding her arms behind her head. She was always hungry, and that was that.

The girl glanced over to where the Professor was standing. Wow, I wonder what it's like to be the famous Professor Layton's apprentice. she thought to herself, somewhat amazed. It wasn't everyday when you actually met the Professor and his apprentice face-to-face.

Zecora's stomach felt hollow already, even though she had already ate earlier that morning. Right now, she guessed it was at least 10:00 AM, but she had woken up a little later than usual. "I'm actually a little hungry, too..." she admitted, struggling to hide a giggle of embarrassment.

"Hm? Of course." Layton tipped his hat a little, having been acknowledging Artemis's muse on the recent crime. He then looked to the young blond-haired lady, who wore a top-hat as well, though smaller and with an off-white color. "Do your parents know you're out?" he asked.

"Yes, I need to be back by sundown. I'm sure they won't mind," she replied with a timid smile.

"Alright, then. Would you like to join us?"

"It'd be an honor."

"Alright, then. Where shall we go? You may choose," he added, referring to the whole group with a gentlemanly hand gesture.
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on September 05, 2012, 01:20:25 am
((Little bump~ <3 I edited. I think I may be getting writers' block, it's starting to take me an hour or two to think up a long-ish reply. ;A;))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on September 05, 2012, 01:26:51 am
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on September 07, 2012, 12:43:20 am
((Post editted!! :D))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on September 08, 2012, 03:55:06 pm
((Bump. OwO))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on September 08, 2012, 06:49:50 pm
((Maybe Vinegar Grill or Cruise Cafe? I don't know xD))

"A pleasure to meet you, Artemis!" Zecora smiled. "My name is Zecora May, or Zecora, by the way."

She giggled a little at Luke's proud introduction, holding a hand to her mouth for a moment. Watching Artemis as she rode away on the Percheron, the girl cleared her throat. "Well, um, maybe we could eat at Vinegar Grill, or Cruise Cafe? Those are the only ones I know of as of now, teehee..." Obviously she had never gotten a good look at London's buildings, despite the fact she strolled the streets every single day. She usually kept her eyes ahead, or just stared at the ground as she walked.

"It's all up to you guys," she added with a stretch. "But it must be somewhere with food." The last part was obvious, though Zecora was just trying to add a little good humor. Everything seemed boring to her without it.

Layton watched as Artemis rode away on her horse, smiling a bit in amusement as Luke sighed in dismay after saying aloud that the equine didn't believe him. "Shall we wait for her to return?" It wouldn't be kind to just run off somewhere.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Zecora," he continued, holding out a hand. The young girl returned the handshake and grinned. "The pleasure's all mine, hehe~"

((I know, Layton's is very short, I have writers' block right now and I'm being pulled off for bed in a minute ;n;))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on September 12, 2012, 03:46:41 am
((Fully edited, again I'm so sorry /headdesk of shame
I hope it's not too failish at the moment, I'm being pulled from my laptop for bed in a few minutes and I haven't really got a lot to post for Layton. ;~;'))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on September 13, 2012, 01:17:55 am
((Aw, heck no. It's fine!
I myself am not allowed to use the computer until seven, and get pulled off around 9:30 on weekdays. I have a lot more time whenever I'm at dad's, though. And London Life reference... *3* Makes me want Fish and Chips...))


A grin stretched across the boy's face as his mentor exchanged greetings with his newfound friend, gripping the strap of his leather satchel rather comfortably. "The Cruise Cafe sounds great!" He concurred, nodding his head while gripping the brim of his blue newsboy cap. The cafe wasn't a far ways away from Gressenheller, although it certainly took some walking, Luke didn't feel the need to complain with a healthy stroll around town. "But, do you think she'll be back soon? I'm not very keen on waiting for a while.." He explained rather softly. Luke could just imagine the Professor's response; A true gentleman is always patient for a lady.

That was when he felt something shiver down his spine, as if he could sense that something had been watching the threesome, even for a mere moment. Perhaps Zecora's behavior wasn't just from anxiety or the like..

Luke turned his head, gripping his leather satchel a little tighter, just to make sure; there was nothing out of the ordinary behind them. Yet, Luke still felt uncomfortable. "M-maybe we should just carry on. I'm sure she'll find us."


"Bruce! Hey, Bruce!" The student's voice echoed into the small, rundown house, which sat beside the stables. She had only just made it back to the stables five minutes earlier, and within that time had quickly untacked her horse and had stored him away within his stall.

Artemis put her hand to her mouth now as the old man did not respond. "HEY! Bruce! You there?" After a few seconds, that familiar, huskey voice came into earshot. "Whot? I'm ovah' 'ere, Artemis!"

Artemis gave an audible sigh, stepping towards the open door to the man's office. Peering in, she found Bruce once again fiddling with a saddle, his neck craned a bit towards her as he had been turned away from the door for the majority of the time. "Whot is it? You're back early." Said he. "Yeah. I need a ride back into town, if you could do the favor?"

"Whot? Why? You have a horse, take him out again!"
"Well, I'm meeting with some friends to go out to eat, and you know they don't have parking spots for horses."

Bruce cocked a grey brow, stroking his scruffy beard. "When was this arranged? You know your mum wants you home. She called asking me to let you know when you got back." He added inquisitively. Artemis gave a sigh, rolling her eyes and pulling a lock of black hair behind her ear. "Look, this is important. You're just gonna have to let my mom know, alright?"

"And who is this with, then?" Bruce furrowed his brows now.
"Uh, one of my professors, actually. Problem?" Artemis cocked a brow with a challenging look on her face.
"Your professor, ay? Which one?"

Artemis gave another roll of her dark eyes. "Layton. You know that whole new case that's going on?"
Bruce turned around with a look of surprise on his face. "Don't tell me." His eyes widened in disbelief. "You, Artemis Haddock.."

He paused for a bit, pursing his lips..."Read the papers."
"Bruce!" Artemis shouted defensively. "Whot? I just never knew you would actually read the papers. I thought you hated the papers." Replied the stablehand, raising his arms in the air. "But alright, I'll make an exception this time. Hop in the car, I'll get the keys."

Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on September 15, 2012, 05:09:44 pm
((Yikes, just keeping it from falling onto the second page. :> ))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on September 15, 2012, 05:42:06 pm
((Just a quick notice, I won't be on at all tomorrow. I'm going to an Owl City concert in Columbus and I probably won't be back until 1 AM or so. ^^'))

With her stomach roaring as well, Zecora wasn't really intending to wait either. Although she had only eaten a few hours ago, before she departed for the streets, it seemed as if she hadn't had a bite to eat since yesterday. "Me neither. Maybe she'll be back in a minute," she suggested, tipping her head to one side in a curious way. It couldn't be long before Artemis returned, right?

Suddenly with the feeling that something was watching them, she tried to suppress a shiver. Zecora, are you sure the newspaper wasn't correct? the young girl questioned herself. She was never really interested in history or anything like that, yet the knowledge from the newspaper gave her the idea that this "Masquerade" fellow went back a long time ago. A mythical-like being rampaging through the town sounded more convincing; the thought of a creepy living thing who just appeared from nowhere and out of the blue just seemed like a fictional story, or at least to her. It made no sense.

"Y-yeah, maybe we should go." Zecora stopped her pause and agreed to Luke's suggestion, her voice tinged with uneasiness.

"She'll be back soon. Remember, a true gentleman is always patient for a lady." the man reminded him.

Layton himself was a little hungry as well, though his own hunger didn't matter to him at the moment. Patience was the ideal in this matter.
Suddenly a chill ran down his spine, like something was observing the trio. It only lasted for a moment or two, but the feeling was of suspense; looking around the Professor could've sworn there were two hollow eyes boring into them.

"Well... I suppose we could leave..." Though it wouldn't be very gentlemanly. he finished his sentence with a thought. Maybe they would meet Artemis on the way.
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on September 18, 2012, 01:32:31 am
((Edited. The concert was awesome <3 I got some photos and a video with my iPod, but sadly cameras don't like me. xD))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on September 18, 2012, 11:41:59 pm
((My favorite band has to be 30 Seconds to Mars. While Owl City's got some good songs, 30 Seconds to Mars just takes the cake for me.
...I'mma go ahead and further support the theory of Schizo Tech that the Layton series is also known for.))

Artemis and Luke

Luke grunted a bit, looking at the cement ground as he was admonished, just as he had expected. After a few moments, he lifted his eyes and rested his gaze when he noticed Layton shiver. "Professor..?" Luke said rather softly, a tone of concern in his voice as his mentor himself began to look around, further raising the boy's anxiety. He was relieved enough when Layton finally agreed to begin their stroll towards the cafe. With a sigh, he adjusted the strap of his satchel, and extended an arm gesturing for Zecora to walk in front of him in a gentlemanly way. He then turned his head back for one final glance, and, seeing that there was indeed nothing of interest, quickly dashed to catch up with the other two.

It had been just a little ways from where they had started when Luke heard a loud, distinguished horn of a car. At first, he thought it was traffic. Another beep sounded, the same one as what had come only moments before. Naturally, the apprentice turned his head, cocking a brow as he noticed a old, grey Morris Minor car drive towards trio. Luke was left puzzled as the car began to slow down, as well as a little nervous until he heard a familiar voice emit from the passenger seat.

"Hi guys! Sorry that took so long!" Cried Artemis as she got out of the car, careful to avoid any passing automobiles; all these years and she still hadn't gotten used to the fact that the passenger's seat was on the right side of the car here in Britain. On her shoulder was a large bag, seemingly a much larger version of Luke's own small satchel, although it was green in color. "Thanks, Bruce!" Artemis did not forget to wave her goodbye in gratitude as she dashed towards the trio.

"There you are!" Luke shouted aloud. "Ay, what's in there?" He was quick to notice the large bag on the girl's shoulder, and pointed it out in his curiousity. "Oh, I brought my laptop! I do a lot of research on stuff, and I thought I should bring this just incase." Artemis smiled, lifting the bag up a bit with her free arm. "So, uh, did you guys decide where we're going to eat?" Asked she, pulling her thick ponytail onto her other shoulder to avoid getting it caught beneath the strap of her laptop case.

"The Cruise Cafe." Answered Luke. "Awesome! I can use my laptop there!" The student smiled with glee. "Are you sure? That bag looks a bit heavy..." The boy asked, tilting his head with concern. "Do you want me to get it?" As much as he was very small in stature, he couldn't refuse an opportunity to help a lady. "Nope, I got it, besides, this bag would probably be too heavy for one your size, no offense.." Artemis pointed out with a small chuckle in her voice. "Ay! I'm not that small!" Luke said defensively, puffing out his cheeks a bit.

"Riiiight, and how old are you?" Artemis cracked a smirk on her face. "I just turned thirteen!" The boy answered sharply. Artemis paused. "Well, you still seem rather short for your age, but hey, who am I to judge, I'm short too for twenty-three." She finally gave a roll of her eyes. Luke gave a clear "Hmph" and puffed his cheeks again, crossing his arms as he began to walk again.

"Anywho...lead the way, Professor?" Artemis cocked a brow, stepping closer to her teacher. "Er, unless your apprentice wants to do it!" She raised her voice a bit to call back the boy, who quickly turned himself around. He quickly had assumed that he had strayed too far.

Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on September 21, 2012, 10:14:32 pm
((Bump. :>
There's new info on the sixth Layton game and the Professor Layton vs. Pheonix Wright crossover! :D))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on September 22, 2012, 02:39:00 am
((Bleh, I'm so slow ;w;
Awesome! I can't wait for them to come out~ C: I might get Unwound Future soon, though I don't know because Pokemon Black and White 2 comes out in less than a month. *excited armwiggle*))

Zecora smiled and nodded gratefully to Luke, running up ahead of the two. "Woohoo, what are we waitin' for?" Obviously she was glad to get moving again. "Food, here I come!" She hadn't noticed the Professor's sudden uneasiness at all, and she wasn't about to let herself be worried when food was on its way. Crossing her arms behind her head in a casual manner, the young girl hummed quietly while walking ahead, until an earsplitting honk made her heart skip a beat and set her off-balance for a mere second or two.

Another beep of the horn sounded and Zecora adjusted her hat, which had nearly fallen off the first time she wobbled in her surprise. She spun around on one heel to face a gray car-- she didn't know what kind, for she had never bothered to research on machinery, especially cars.
As a familiar voice came from inside, she tipped her head slightly to one side for a moment before even recognizing who it was. "Oh, hiya Artemis!" she called, her voice accidentally high and strained, as if she hadn't been paying attention until now.

Her eyes strayed toward the large green bag on Artemis's shoulder almost immediately, though Luke beat her to asking the question before she could. A laptop, huh? she thought. She herself had a family computer at home, though it was never used frequently and she didn't even know if it worked anymore.

With another complain from her stomach, Zecora felt as if she hadn't eaten all day. As her friend asked if Artemis wanted him to carry her bag, she smiled a bit to herself and stretched. "Hey, I'm not all that tall either, and I'm thirteen as well," she trilled, with almost a defensive-like tone in her voice, though the girl sounded and acted rather upbeat. She watched as Luke began to walk again, trying to hide a blush of embarrassment as her stomach screamed in hunger-- again.

Shaking the feeling away, the Professor began to walk, watching as Zecora sped ahead of them. Inwardly he gave a chuckle; the girl jumped right back up to being peppy so quickly it was amusing.

They hadn't traveled far before a car's horn blared. Instantly he turned his head as the noise repeated itself another time and saw a Morris Minor drive towards the trio and slow down. Layton immediately recognized the voice that emitted from the passenger seat, unlike the blond-haired thirteen-year-old, who just tilted her head slightly for a heartbeat or two. "Oh, why hello, Artemis," he greeted the woman.

Listening quietly to their conversation, he thought about the present mystery. Why would a creature be stealing from the citizens? Hmm. It made little sense, either the Masquerade thought there was priceless gold inside the purse, or it was trying to get revenge on London for something, or...

The Professor was jolted from thought as Artemis asked him if he was going to lead the way. "Oh, of course," he responded, looking up to see that his apprentice had already gone ahead of them.

((I like 30 Seconds to Mars, though I don't usually listen to hard rock music. I prefer a type of electronica or techno, though I'm alright with a little dubstep every once and a while. owo
I found a video on YouTube of the concert I went to~ <333 Though I didn't take it, of course xD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffwhNzVsS4Q (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffwhNzVsS4Q)
I had to laugh at the "HI RICK" sign at the start of the video xD))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on September 22, 2012, 03:33:09 am
((So epic. I'm saving my money for Miracle Mask. Only a month away! :3))

Artemis and Luke

It had been a long walk towards the Cruise Cafe, or at least it seemed for Artemis. Being so used to riding a horse around town had made what was a casual stroll for her teacher and acquaintances seem like a walk around the entire United Kingdom to her. She was on the verge of complaining, but held back said urge. This was a rare opportunity, and complaining wasn't a good way to spoil it. As the building came into view, the young adult gave a sigh of relief, adjusting the heavy laptop bag on her shoulder. To counter this seemingly long stroll, she was quite used to carrying heavy objects, considering there was a guitar slung across her back earlier.

"Whew. I could go for a latte or something. I need caffeine!" She said in a humorous way, stretching her arms forward for a moment. "Do you not like tea, Artemis?" Asked Luke, finally breaking his unusual silence that he had kept on their way there. "I do, I do. But I haven't had coffee in a while. I drink it a lot when school's in session. Ya' know, university stuff." The student explained, tugging at her red bandana with a free arm. Finally, as they reached the door, Artemis quickly reached to open it, unintentionally beating the apprentice to it before he had even begun to reach for it.

The bell of the door rang with a pleasant sound, alarming the nearby waiters of the customers. Artemis couldn't help but feel herself shrink a bit when she noticed many eyes fall on them, some in just plain alert, and a few others, quite naturally, in awe of the arrivals, probably because of the Professor. Must be tourists.. Thought Artemis.
"I'll uh...find us a table. Could you tell them I'd like one latte, please?" She whispered, backing away a bit as she gripped the green bag with both hands. The student then quickly turned herself around, where she spotted an empty, round table with five seats (An extra was always good to her,) and hastily stepped over to it and sat down.

She gazed over her shoulder, where she saw Luke returning the gaze with cocked brows. He felt bad, admitedly. It seemed as if as enthusiastic as she was, she didn't really enjoy a lot of attention. Turning back to Zecora, he tipped the brim of his had, smiling. "So, do you know what your getting to eat?" He asked casually in an attempt to start a conversation. He himself didn't know what he wanted to eat yet. He often wished that they had lamb here, one of his favorite foods. But then again, Luke liked a lot of foods. His stomach growled at the thought, making him blush with embarassment.

"Uh..sorry," He said, gripping his blue sweater. "I was so excited to meet the Professor I didn't even have any elevenses." Luke added with a nervous tone in his voice. Artemis barely overheard the conversation, making her smile a bit. "He must have a lot a fun hanging out with Professor Layton." She whispered.

The student then slid out her laptop, putting it on the table as she sat the bag beside her. Opening up the computer's lid, it wasn't long before she had booted it up, and soon groaned with disappointment as she gazed at the screen. "I need to organize this thing...there's stuff on here from last year..." She whispered to herself. She could easily spy one particular file that she had worked on as extra credit out of the mess, titled "Shrimptime" as she usually gave her documents odd names when saving them. "Ah, there you are, Anomalocaris document." She grinned.

((Yay abnormal prehistoric shrimp. 8D And have you seen the Professor Layton demo for Professor Layton vs. Pheonix Wright? Someone did a video of it on youtube. :) ))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on September 26, 2012, 10:31:34 pm
((Hurr, bump :3))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on September 28, 2012, 02:18:02 am
((Sorry I didn't post earlier, I was in the middle of typing my reply and then the website shut down. ;A;
I got Unwound Future during the weekend and finished it. The ending made me tear up ;w;
And no, I haven't! I'll have to check it out! c:))

As they entered the cafe, the girl couldn't help but freeze when the bell on the door rang. She usually gave a sudden surprised reaction to sounds she didn't expect, but quickly realized everything was fine. She'd just not been paying attention, she assumed.

"You know, I haven't thought of that yet..." Zecora's mouth felt flooded as she took in the many aromas of food. "Why do they have to make everything look-- and smell so appetizing here?" Her stomach felt torn apart to shreds already, though just thinking of eating made it worse.

Upon hearing Luke's stomach growl, she giggled a little bit at his embarrassment. "Nah, it's fine! I ate this morning, but I feel like I haven't had a single thing since yesterday." And thinking about food doesn't help... Zecora glanced to where Artemis was already at a table with her laptop, then looked back to her friend, though before she could continue her sentence, she heard a familiar voice join in.

Layton could see the look of surprise on Zecora's face as they entered the cafe. She had drifted into her own thoughts on the stroll, he guessed, and hadn't been aware they had arrived at their destination until now, when the bell rang.

"Of course." he responded when Artemis asked for a latte, watching her sit down at a table before glancing to the two children. "What would you two want to eat?" the Professor asked.
"Oh! Um, anything's fine, I guess. It really doesn't matter to me, but maybe something with pasta, if any? My family doesn't visit restaurants often."
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on September 29, 2012, 02:25:42 am
((Burmp, edited my post :3 Layton's is a tad short; didn't really know what else to post for him, heh... /flail))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on October 02, 2012, 12:32:29 am
((You definately should!
 I heard it might be localized and could be released in english next year.
It would make sense, since the sixth Layton game isn't coming out until 2013,
so the PL x PW crossover would be a nice fill in for us,
since that means that the sixth game won't be released until 2014 for us..

And I don't care if the Cruise Cafe doesn't have these choices in London Life, I'll make it happen!))

Artemis and Luke

Artemis stretched, reading over the old document contently. She did enjoy looking over recently made documents, otherwise facepalming in disgust at any mistakes she had made in her data, had the document been much older. For someone who majored in Paleontology, she loved going above and beyond. From time to time she glanced back towards her company who were still standing at the register. Either they haven't decided or it must be really busy this morning.. She sighed.

Artemis went with the latter of her assumptions, guessing by the several filled tables.

"They have Penne Gratin, if you'd like!" Luke piped up as Zecora suggested her craving for pasta. "I could really go for a Steak Pie right now, or maybe a Scotch Egg!" He exclaimed cheerfully. As a young boy, he had a rather legendary apetite, and could eat a whole lot without getting full, but yet, still remained as small and as thin as he was. The boy folded his arms behind his head, sighing contently at the many decisions that were on the menu.

Finally, the waitress stepped up to the register, a welcome smile on her face. "Good morning! What will you be having?"

The student sighed, smoothing out her loose ponytail again as she waited. "I hope I didn't forget my charger.." She gave a huff, and grabbed her seemingly empty green bag, searching through it desperately. What her hand felt was not thick wire, but something of a more paper like material. With a curious "Huh?" She grabbed it, pulling it out to investigate what she had found.

It was the newspaper from this morning.
The very same one with the photo of the strange fox. She couldn't help but squint at it a bit, making out those strange slits that seemed to stare hungrily at whatever had caught it's gaze. Artemis further began to focus on whatever was covering it's face, that strange mask that so piqued her interest.

A chord struck in her mind. "That's right!" She remembered that she had brought her laptop to further research the same skull in the first place. Artemis further squinted at it, and then hastily opened a custom-made program; filled with pictures of different animal skulls and the like, what she used to identify that of fossils, to try and match what was in the photo.

It was an odd mask..It reminded her, quite eerily, of those strange bird-like masks that many doctors wore during the Black Plague, which seemed like a frightening foreboding of death more than anything else...

((Just making a comparison there. It does kinda look like one of those freaky masks...))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on October 03, 2012, 11:59:36 pm
((Not much of a bump, but to celebrate the coming of Pokemon versions Black 2 and White 2, as well as Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, I did this yesterday: Wee~ (http://neoni245.deviantart.com/art/Gearing-Up-For-Puzzles-and-Pokeballs-330410758)
My deviantArt is Neoni245 :> ))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on October 05, 2012, 12:27:54 am
((Wow, your art is beautiful! ;w; That's awesome! And three more days~ *gaspeth* I can't wait any longer >w<
I'm gonna have to edit this later, I'm a bit rushed at the moment and my roleplaying inspiration is really low. ono And with your siggie request, I'm almost done-- just need to add some stuff in and clean it up a bit. I haven't forgotten, don't worry c: I've just been a bit sick.
This will be very short-- my brain is lazy at the moment and my motivation is still a little low. ;A;))

"Okiedokie then~" Zecora smiled, instantly agreeing on the choice of food Luke had made. Although at the moment every food on the menu sounded great to her, she knew she had to narrow down the choices. She couldn't have everything, but to her own amusement, that's what she felt she wanted.

The thought of that mysterious masked creature came back to her in a flash, whether she liked it or not. She wondered why it had even come to London in the first place, or if it had already lived here before all of this happened. Just picturing those hollow eyes caused her inwardly to shiver, and though she kept her reaction deeply hidden in her mind, it wasn't easy to just forget about what she thought she had hallucinated was the real deal. And the mask it wore-- Zecora was interested in what kind of mask it really was. The news of the Mask of Unity, that was stored as an ancient artifact in the museum, went missing a few years back. The young lady barely remembered seeing the section about it in the newspaper, and wondered if her parents still kept it. She'd probably have to go filing through all sorts of papers, and for an obvious reason she wasn't too keen on doing that. But maybe the newly nicknamed Masquerade was the one who stole the mask, as it went missing the same day she first saw the beast two years ago. I might be able to find the newspaper, but it would take some time.

Leaning back with an inaudible sigh, Zecora glanced up to see the waitress had arrived at the register. Her brain ached from thinking too much, and worrying about it senselessly would just cause stress-- even though she had told herself she'd stop thinking about it more than once.

He watched as Zecora drifted off into deep thought about something, and Layton guessed she was thinking about the newest, most attention-awarded news from the daily newspaper, but it seemed as though she'd had an encounter with it before. But wondering when she did was the result of his pondering.

As a waitress stepped up to the register, he bowed kindly. "Hello. Fine morning we have today, no?" he greeted, "We'll have one latte, a Penne Gratin, and... have you chosen what you'd like, Luke?" Clearly the Professor had lost his appetite for some unknown reason; he glanced toward his apprentice, extending his arm in a gentlemanly fashion.

((Derp, Layton's posts are always short. ;u;))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on October 06, 2012, 02:21:37 pm
('Kay then. :>
And thank you~)
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on October 14, 2012, 01:24:03 am
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on October 16, 2012, 03:45:03 am
((*gasthp* Finally edited my post, so sorry for keeping you waiting! D:
FH's been derping on me lately, and every time I would try to save my post it gave me a bad gateway error, along with my low motivation and brainstorming power. I think I'm recovering from both, though... I'll try to be faster in the future. ;w;))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on October 17, 2012, 02:08:06 am
((Leh edit. :3))

Artemis and Luke

The boy smiled politely as the waitress stepped up to them, holding her pen in her grip as she scribbled down the order on the tablet in her other hand. Once Layton had asked Luke what he had wanted to eat, the waitress had followed the professor's gaze to him, and Luke only smiled a bit wider.

"Steak pie, please! And some stew would be great, too!" He said gladly. "Alright, then!" Returned the waitress, scribbling down the final order before clicking her pen closed. "That'll be out shortly. Thanks again!" Luke gave a small sigh; he had to admit, to him, waiting for the food was probably the worst part when at a restaurant. At least he had good company, like his admirable mentor to occupy him during the wait. Maybe the Professor had a good puzzle up his sleeve for the boy to solve! He had always felt as if solving puzzles made time fly at a convenient pace.

He was about to ask if there were any new challenges from Layton, when he noticed the look on Zecora's face. While it seemed she was deep in thought, Luke's brows couldn't help but furrow, just a bit, in concern for his friend. He gently nudged her, gripping the strap of his satchel in his other hand tighter. "Hey, are you alright?" Luke asked softly, cocking his head. "Is something wrong? I'd be glad to help..." He tried to comfort Zecora, and gripped the brim of his hat in a gentlemanly fashion, mimicking his mentor's own.

"I know, how about a puzzle? Puzzles always help me take whatever is bothering me off my mind." He suggested, unlatching his satchel and pulling out his handy little notebook. Keeping a finger on one side, Luke scrolled through the pages in search of a good puzzle or riddle for him to give to Zecora. He let out a satisfied "Ah-ha!" As soon as he spied one. "Here's one. What occurs once in a year twice in every month, four times in every week, and six times in each and every weekend?" He asked, cocking a brow.

It had been meanwhile that Artemis had begun to dive into research-mode, clicking the mouse of her laptop incessantly and seeming to type up a storm. She groaned at the results. With this being a recent issue, it also meant that more research was still being conducted; Oh, how she hated such "cliffhangers" that kept her guessing. Perhaps the Professor would be able to share some of his finds with her. The student turned her head one final time to see if the threesome back at the register had gotten the food yet. The waiter had disappeared, but only moments after Artemis had turned her head, the lady had returned again, this time with their meals.

Finally, she thought to herself. Maybe I should have ordered something else, too. Meh well. I'll deal with that later. She swallowed her previous thoughts of ridding the taste of burnt toast in her mouth, and tried to focus on her research.

Luke had lifted his head the moment he spied the waitress again with their food, and the boy grinned happily. "Gosh, that was fast!" He cheered. "Here, I'll ask you it again later," The boy whispered to Zecora again, stuffing his notebook back into his leather satchel. "I'll take the food to the table, Professor!" He declared to his mentor, grabbing the plates. Luke was careful not to trip, and manuevered through the restaurant as cautiously as he could. Despite the crowded tables around him and the narrow spaces, Luke fared well, and gave a sigh of relief as soon as he reached the table where Artemis sat.

"Hiya," The student greeted casually. "Helping with the dishes, I see?"
"Yep!" Replied the Apprentice as he set the meals down on the table. "I'll be right back, I'll get you your drink!"
"Yeep. Thanks!" Artemis said as the boy quickly navigated through the tables again to fetch her latte. She then focused her gaze on the screen again, her eyes darking between it and the crumpled newspaper.

((Take a guess, and if you give up, highlight this: The answer is "E"))

Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on October 18, 2012, 12:30:01 am
((There we go! Post edited :> ))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on October 19, 2012, 10:10:33 pm
((Alright. c:))

"Hmm?" Zecora jolted back into the present as Luke gently nudged her. "Oh, um, it's nothing. Just... thinking about something," she finished with a hidden wave of relief as she managed to finish the rest of her final sentence without another pause. The remains of her thoughts vanished and she glanced around the restaurant, seemingly anxious, though it was just a state of mild embarrassment from being caught thinking the same thing that she'd told herself countless times to stop wondering about. She was slightly irritated with herself because of that, though as well as relieved that she was surrounded by friends that could help her take her mind off of anything that bothered her.

As Luke suggested a puzzle, she instantly perked up. "Ooh, I love puzzles~!" she agreed, even though she was no match for the puzzle-solving professor and his apprentice. Zecora tugged gently at the scarf-like piece of scarlet material that was clipped and wrapped around the collar of her white clothing, waiting for him to give out the question, then tipped her head a little as he did. What occurs once in a year twice in every month, four times in every week, and six times in each and every weekend? she repeated in her mind, though it made no sense to her, at least for the moment. "Eeh... I have to think about that a little," she admitted with a stifled giggle. Zecora hadn't been focused on her stomach's repeated complaints until now, and just thinking about food made her feel like the hunger was burning her stomach alive.

"Huh? Oh, okay." She smiled, brushing the long honey blonde bangs on either side of her face back a little, then looked back up in time to hear the Professor's response to Luke. "Alright. Thank you, Luke."

((Edited~! I'm stuck trying to think of what Layton could be doing right now... ;w;))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on October 20, 2012, 03:56:03 am
((Completed my post c: I hope it's not too bland, I'm getting a bit of a headache and I've gotta get ready for bed real soon.))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on October 22, 2012, 12:37:03 am
((Not a problem~))

Artemis and Luke

Artemis smiled again as soon as the boy returned with her latte, setting it beside her. "Thankie!" She returned, lifting her gaze from her laptop and onto the child. Luke couldn't help but giggle at Artemis's gratitude. "Your welcome, Ms. Haddock!" He said with a bit of laughter in his voice. "You don't have to say that, you know," The student remarked. "My friends call me Artie. Or Artemis, if you'd rather call me by that."

"Artemis, alright!" Luke corrected himself, and gazed at the girl's laptop screen. "What are you doing on there?" He couldn't help his natural curiousity. He rarely, if ever, used such technology as advanced as a laptop. Like the rest of his family back in Misthallery, he rather enjoyed the use of more old fashioned devices, such as his beloved typewriter.

The boy cocked his eyebrows, his round eyes locking on a familiar word which had been included in an article that Artemis had opened up on the screen; the Masquerade. "You've heard about it too, I assume?" He said a loud.
"Yup. Just found it splat on the headlines of the newspaper. Which, by the way, I rarely read the newspaper. This had just happened to catch my eye." Artemis answered, resting her index finger on the slightly wrinkled newspaper from this morning.

"Do you have something against the papers? The Professor makes the front page of the Times a lot!"
"Nah, I just don't like them. It's been that way since before I moved here. But hey, if you've got any in the archives, I'd love to read the ones with Layton on them."
"I'll keep that in mind!"

"Oh, and speaking of which.." She put a hand beside her mouth, partially cupping it in an attempt to holler over to Professor Layton and Zecora. "You guys can come over now! Before your food gets cold!" She called.
Luke gave a small sigh, furrowing his brows in concern for Zecora. "Something seems to be bothering her..."
"Eh?" Artemis cocked a brow, tilting her head to the side. "Do you think you have anything interesting that might help? I gave her a puzzle to help take her mind off of it."

"A puzzle?" Artemis cocked her other brow.
She recalled her professor's constant mention, and love, for such brainteasing things, and there was more than enough instances where he would key the phrases "Every puzzle has an answer," and "This reminds me of a puzzle," sometimes making his students groan in annoyance.
"Yeee-up. You're Layton's apprentice alright."
She said casually. Luke's worried expression broke into a wide smile, a little bit of pride showing clearly at Artemis's conclusion. Hmph, let's see that horse laugh at me now, he thought haughtily.

"But yeah, I got just the thing! I was looking at my presentation I did for a class last year on an extinct creature. I absolutely adore fossils, ya know? This little guy in my presentation is my favorite!" Artemis exclaimed, pulling up her document on Anomalocaris. Her mind raced with her questions that she wanted to ask Layton, particularly his research on the Masquerade.

It truly had her a little agitated and giddy at the same time, trying to research a masked fox rather than some sort of dinosaur for a change. Even just the thought made her shiver, but her excitement for sharing her last-year's presentation was enough to hide that small bit of anxiety, or at least enough for the two children not to see it.

((Next post: Abnormal shrimp, and Artie's got some questions Layton!))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on October 24, 2012, 08:04:20 pm
((Miracle Mask comes out in North America on the 28th! I'm so excited, I hope I can convince my parents to get it... >w<
I just noticed I put "trying to like of what Layton could be doing right now" instead of trying to think. x'D Sorry, my mistake!
Also, for your signature request, what kind of puzzle could they be working on-- like something in a notebook, or with a physical appearance, such as cleaning/putting together a fossil? I've got everything finished but that ;w;

I'm gonna edit this post this evening when I have more time, right now I've gotta finish a drawing for a contest in a group and my brain is a little deflated from my schoolwork today, sorry. ^^'))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on October 25, 2012, 10:45:28 pm
((I told my mom specifically that I'm getting it on Sunday, which is the day it comes out.
"I saved my money for it, and I've even skipped purchasing Pokemon Black and White 2! I don't care what you say, you're not stopping me now!"
I think she got the message. XD

As for the signature, they would be solving a fossil, particularly one of an Anomalocaris. Once again, Artie has a liking to them XD))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on November 01, 2012, 03:50:25 am
((Merp, I totally forgot about this! I'm so sorry. Dx Gonna just make a new post because I'm too lazy to go back and edit my other one... ;w;
Also, I got Miracle Mask yesterday~ I'll edit the canon character list with the new characters in a while. I wanna try and get young Layton (and Randall) somehow involved in this roleplay because his hair is so fluffy so I'm gonna call him Froshel (as that's his alternate/fanmade name 'x3). *dramatic superhero pose*
And alright, I'll try to have your signature done real soon. It's taking a lot longer than I expected it to be... Sorry about that, heh ^u^'
I may be adding another OC soon (for now, at least, until I decide to raise the character limit up a little more), and I've decided that canons shouldn't count against the character limit, since there aren't any more members than us at the moment c: (If that makes sense. I don't really know what I'm talking about at the moment xD) For now I won't put a limit on canon characters unless we get more members.

I've been thinking about making another PL roleplay, possibly like a pre-game life of this roleplay, or with a new plot. It would include the past characters of Miracle Mask (Younger Angela, Randall, Hershel, etc.) and I've got a few plots in mind, though I'm not sure if I should just stick with this roleplay or what... If I do make another PL roleplay I'll still keep this one running though. owo))

Zecora thought about the puzzle a bit more, her brain already tied up in knots. Even though she loved a good puzzle, she wasn't very good at them-- especially ones she had to do in her head. Puzzles with physical appearances weren't of any problem, though.
As she heard Artemis's shout, the girl's attention strayed away from her pondering as fast as it settled on the table the young woman was sitting at, as well as her friend. "Oh yay, food here I come~" she declared, as if the recent incident with crime investigations-- moreso the encounter with "Masquerade" --had never even happened in the first place; it had been swept to the far back of her mind already, at least for the moment, anyway. Zecora was aware that she'd eaten that morning, though in just a few hours' time it seemed like she hadn't had a thing since yesterday evening. Her stomach felt completely hollow, and she knew she wouldn't be able to think straight with an empty stomach.

As she strode over to the table, Zecora's mind was fully set on eating now. "I'm... so... hungry." she complained to herself halfheartedly, as if blinded and weakened by hunger, and actually she was just pretending-- even if that was just about the way to describe how she felt. "'Ello Artemis, Luke!" She smiled, taking a seat.

((Still no muse for Layton right now, I'll just say he came over and sat down. xD I shall post him next~
And happy Halloween! >w<))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on November 03, 2012, 04:58:41 pm
((Wah-ha ha! I bought the game the day it came out, as I had hoped, and beat on Wednesday! It made me feel bad for Layton, as well as Luke ;w; For Layton it's obvious, but you'll see what I mean about Luke late in the game.

I'll edit my post in a bit. A bit distracted, ya know :>))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on November 11, 2012, 03:06:57 am

Artemis and Luke
"Oi!" Artemis piped up in a rather high-pitched tone as the young blonde haired girl joined them, followed by the top hatted professor.
"Artemis wants to show us her presentation from last year!" Luke shouted aloud, grinning with excitement.
"Well, you suggested for something interesting. But okay." The student cocked a brow, pulling a thin lock of loose dark hair from her eyes. "Okay, okay uh...where's that video..." She murmured as she quickly searched through a list of documents and files on the laptop screen.

"Aha! There we go." She smiled with satisfaction as she clicked open a file labelled "Shrimptimevideo" and opened up a small video window.

"I had to narrate this thing..." Artemis rested a hand on her temple as she thought of the constant reciting and practicing. Luke giggled lightly, smiling a bit wider after finding a bit of amusement out of it. "Okay, amuse yourselves! Just don't get food on the screen!" The girl warned, crossing her arms with a quick jerk before clicking the play button.

Imagine yourself taking a swim on a warm summer's day. There's no one else around, and it's bright and sunny out, it's a perfect day for swimming.
You've been swimming for a while now, but you have yet to submerge underwater to take a look at what possibly lives below the surface. Out of curiosity, you finally do, and the sight that greets you is seemingly out of this world.

Sure, it's teeming with life, but nothing you've ever seen. Strange stalks of green rise up from the sand, and shelled creatures that look more like centipedes than shellfish crawl about. You'd expect a coral reef or some fish, but not this.

It's completely different from what your used to. These strange creatures and landscapes make it seem like your on an alien world. Well, what's hard to believe is that this was what life on Earth was around six hundred million years ago...

Artemis blinked as she notice Luke seemingly mesmerized by the screen, and gave a small roll of her eyes. Okay, now that they're distracted... The girl turned to her Professor, crossing her arms as her gaze darted from her laptop to him and then to the laptop, then to him again. She leaned a little closer, trying not to distract the children from the images on the screen. It felt weird doing this. She felt like she was intruding almost, but her curiosity drove her to fight off that feeling.

"Hey, Professor, can I speak to you? You know, in private?" Artemis asked gingerly, her arms still tightly crossed. "Over here." The girl suddenly rose from her seat, brushing off her blue shirt and adjusting her red bandana. She then gestured for the Professor to follow her to a corner of the room. Artemis weaved through several busy tables, ignoring any occassional curious looks from those sitting at each one. Once she reached the corner, the girl looked cautiously around to make sure no one was looking.

Seeing no other curious eyes, Artemis sighed with relief, a small smile of satisfaction forming on her visage before it quickly vanished, replaced by a more serious demeanor. "I know it doesn't seem to be an issue, it's just that Luke mentioned that something might be bothering Zecora, and I get the feeling it has some sort of connection with the Masquerade, so.." She gulped, chuckling lightly as she explained herself to the teacher.

"But uh...Can I ask what you've found out so far? I'm curious, really." She finally asked, clearing her throat.
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: Jackalfur on November 25, 2012, 05:32:57 am
((hdgshfhjdfg I'm so sorry for the inactivity on my part Dx
I've been incredibly busy since Thanksgiving and I've barely had the chance to get on to post here. ;w; I will post soon; I'll probably edit this post and I'll post in the Tainted Feather roleplay when I have time.))
Title: Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on December 04, 2012, 03:05:35 am
((Hurr, bump? ;w;))