Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Human & Humanoid Roleplays => Topic started by: okami129 on December 15, 2012, 10:37:45 pm

Title: )-(I'm_different)- [|Chimera/Human-rp|] [Inactive since 24/03/2013]
Post by: okami129 on December 15, 2012, 10:37:45 pm
Activating application 0.01: audio log...

There's many things the people don't know and don't even want to, like how bacon is made or what happens to the unloved shelter puppies. This time, it's a bit different, and the government had kept it well hidden underground for centuries worth. It's an underground secret testing facility hidden properly under a hospital. I's not that you think, the tests are very much different and for some... painful...
We're taken from our mothers in secret by the hospitals, making excuses like 'The child has died' or 'We couldn't save your baby.' They pull the usual sympathetic doctor act, and send the mothers home. I's easier for them when the mothers die of child birth, they don't have to make excuses then really. In order to keep their cover, they take us only occasionally, leaving a gap of healthy children and mothers to head home, and they only keep the ones they see as having potential and strength for the approximate tests. The transformation, a genetic-crossing of human DNA and beast.
We were tested to see if we could be used as weapons for the war, which is why the scientists, as we called them, or spectacle people are so picky on who they choose. If we're useless completely in every or almost every way, they simply put us down and start from scratch as our bodies are kept in god knows where. To survive, not only do we need to match our chimera form, we need to be brave, smart, agile, and many more.
Being trapped under ground, we don't know much about the world around. We don't know how to speak, how to act, what it looks like, what the sun is, and how people would take to us. Unless in stories, the half-human children thing, or possibly 'Chimera' to make things easier, is very uncommon and to some kinda scary for we're no different than the werewolfs or angels that everyone speaks about. In fact, werebeasts and winged beings are actually told by former workers to children or are discoveries of escapees. They usually end stories the same, wolf hunt or whatever.
We're often confined in blank white rooms with only fluorescent lights to brighten the room. Our bodies are bound by straight jackets unless necessary, our necks are wrapped by a choker attached to a leash, and in some cases we wear a muzzle with the leach instead of a choker.
When you look outside the door, the room is a white hallway with the same lights and theme, except doors line the walls and these doors have miniature sliding windows the size of door mail slots. The doorknobs are silver and the sliding metal window is made platinum. We're usually pale from being trapped down here anyway, treated like animals, like the half squirrels or bunny girls we think we are... we know we are...
I just want a home...
Audio record complete...

This rp is rated PG13/R for disturbing scenes, nudity, and gore
Sex will be held to a minimum or zero, too busy for it anyway
There probably be swearing, they are in California anyway so...
Use a proper font and grammar, not homestuck talk

Code: [Select]
[color=teal][Image please] - Optional
History: [Optional]
Job: (Optional)
-Description encase you have no image-
Hair color/style:
Left Eye:
Right Eye:

Code: [Select]
[color=teal][Image please] - Optional
Name to be given: (For now they start out nameless/numbers)
Animal: (Are you a rabbit chimera?)
-Description encase you have no image-
Hair color:
Left Eye:
Right Eye:
Mutation: (Like cat eyes, fox ears, rabbit legs/tail, and so on)

Authors notes to the rpers
Now that you've learned this, here's some examples of these experiments. There's the usual cat people and Faun/Satyr or even Werebeasts and fox girls. Angels once again rank in the category and so do supposed demons. Though just gonna say they lowered the dosage more on horse and other beasts so please no centaurs. Also, for some of you who don't really follow the whole plot with logic, I'd kindly advise you to read Marry Shelly's Frankenstein or somethin, it's sorta similar in the aspect of when they wake up they're like helpless children, vulnerable to the world and curious but will eventually learn to talk and act as they continue on in the outside world. And just a tip for some so the roleplay seems more serious, they pretty much also start out only with the straight jacket and choker/muzzle restraints. That's it, no fancy accessories, no dresses or skirts, the only other thing they have is an ear piercing that's a silver ball used to scan for their number, keep track of them, and so on. So when they enter the outside world, they'll need possibly some help from another human cause they've no money. The plot of the rp anyway is to fit in and find a home.
Our chat box
http://catilynsden.chatango.com/ (http://catilynsden.chatango.com/)
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on December 16, 2012, 02:30:17 am
Number: 589
Name to be given: Kiwa (Borderline)
Gender: Female
Age: 13 years
Animal: Wolf - (http://i551.photobucket.com/albums/ii460/animegurl0330/Gift_for_Anime_Yokai_Mckai2.jpg) (Ears, tail, and back paws.)
Personality: Kiwa is very shy, and will usually cower away from anything new to her. Tears might fill her eyes if she's scared enough. She will, rarely, smile and look pleasant. Even if she cowers away and frowns with all her might, she could be happy, but because of her shy nature... Lets just say that nobody might, might, discover what's making her tick. She remembers all the good times she's had, until something later in the rp happens.
Likes: Her brother and food
Dislikes: Everything else
Extra: Not that I can think of

Number: 1909
Name to be given: Torao (Tiger man)
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Animal: Fox
Personality: Torao is basically the oppisite of his sister. He likes just about everything, but loud noises. But, he can also be a stubbern pain in the ass, by not wanting to co-opperate, or just by doing anything. He doesn't like being attached to many things, except his sister or something important to him.
Likes: His sister, being lazy, and the look of himself
Dislikes: Loud sounds, doing much stuff, and being emotionally attached
Extra: N/A

Name: Zekeal (Zeke)
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Personality: [WIP]
History: [WIP]
Likes: Being himself, girls
Dislikes: [WIP]
Pets: None
House: [WIP]
Job: [WIP]
Outfit: [WIP]
Accessories: [WIP]
Scarring: [WIP]
Piercings: [WIP]
Tattoos: [WIP]
Extra: [WIP]
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on December 16, 2012, 02:39:17 am
Accepted. oDo Such a beautiful example!))
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on December 16, 2012, 03:34:09 am
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: Celeyan on December 16, 2012, 06:22:59 am
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on December 16, 2012, 11:12:20 pm
-Le falling glomps Meowmeow-
Waifu! So very accepted))

Name: Cean
Gender: Male
Age: 17 years
Personality: He comes across as emo from first impressions, wearing his hood up and acting hostile to pretty much all strangers. He has a soft side though and it rarely shows to most anyone. He seems to like to play hero even though he feels the exact opposite of one. He's a drug-addict, alcoholic, smoker, and knows how to handle things with a pistol.
History: He was the tough guy, the cool kid, the alpha. Wherever his gang went he was in the lead. He did bab things, broke laws, and so on. Then he got defeated by Oden, a subordinate. After his defeat, Cean was left to die. He was found by Todd, Tigger, and Tube-fox. They got him back to his feet and soon the gang were as thick as bros.
Likes: Relaxing, Apples, Linken Park, and reading
Dislikes: Visitors, Loud noises, Door slamming, and meat
Pets: None
House: (https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmsHnW2uDT-hPhm8cV8lUiFIc_p9UesnpznV_7doELgixvBr5-)
Living room (https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTbFiUH3LQ26tAIZ6kb6y9_ndPikdm4fwa5JZiEJ_dne1zNZPT3AQ)
Cean's room (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSspiih4xbfbfhZeOFOZIhx3dGtjwhFTWo9RLORTGyxSjbtrD6E)
Guest room (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTcHEz2m8q3nAXEHHTL5yZkNVQgFSBTQo2cM0x7baAyBzsEM_P5)
Job: McDonald fast food
Hair color/style: Spiky black hair that goes over 1 eye like emo bangs
Left Eye: Red
Right Eye: Red
Outfit: Usually baggy jeans, black T-shirt, and a hoodie or red cloak
Accessories: Bandage wrap up his arms
Scarring: A large scar across his left eye and all up the lower parts of his arms.
Piercings: A tongue piercing and ear piercings
Tattoos: A dog (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/281/b/c/cean_by_okami129-d5h7g14.jpg) and a dragon (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/230/f/4/cean__new_character__by_okami129-d5blxtb.jpg) sitting back to back with a giant blade on the wolfs back. Both the wolf and dragon are black and grey.

Name: Kirie
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Animal: Dog
Personality: A playful, cute young puppy girl with a constant want to play and chew things. She for now simply expresses er feelings through whining and puppy noises like miniature yaps and yelps. She normally is friendly to most everyone but starts out cowering from most every hand offered.
Likes: Running around, Being petted, Chewing things, Meat, and playing
Dislikes: Confinement, loud noises, pain, restraints, and loneliness
-Description encase you have no image-
Hair color: Black, straight, and long
Left Eye: White
Right Eye: White
Mutation: Has floppy black dog ears, a curly dog tail, and white eyes
Extra: None for now... soon

Name: Fuyu No Shiro Yuki Hokkyoku (Fuyu for short)
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen
Personality: She'd always loved snow and celebrations because of where she grew up. She's discrete and modest and incredibly shy. She has a wide creativity though and artistic skills. She often draws foxes and dogs and has a sort of obsession with them, feeling as if they're unnoticed, especially the platinum foxes.
Likes: Snow, Cold, Tranquility, calmness, Katanas, the Virgo zodiac, Beauty, anime/manga, and Eiko Shimamiya
Dislikes: Rain, Fire, Guns in general, Punks with high self esteem, Loud things, messy things, and her room being a mess
Pets: None
House Interior (http://hiasanrumah.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/interior-ruangan-jepang.jpg?w=570&h=377)
Room 1 (http://outsiderjapan.pbworks.com/f/1238016845/3052408416_4d97834c06.jpg)
Room 2 (http://homylicious.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Japanese-style-interior.jpg)
Work room part 1 (http://homepages.sover.net/~johnd/tokonoma.jpg)
Work room part 2 (http://www.uwishunu.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/japanese_tea_house.JPG)
Living room (http://www.rangkep.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/japanese_house_design3.jpg)
Kitchen (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_brk9bidFtBc/TDQkNNKbOmI/AAAAAAAAM7o/z4MbWiNF9Ls/s1600/(101).jpg)
Fuyu's room (http://www.homeinnovationideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/OrientalRoomDividers.jpg)
Bed (http://www.domfront.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/japst16.jpg)
Guest room (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSKshy1VP3Kar7Dbbqx6zgcd7rk4e7sw7uY6TWQIXyhLQruI1S)

Shed Exterior (http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/a5/8d/9f/tea-house.jpg)
Shed Interior (http://www.housingjapan.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Atami-Villa-Tea-House-Interior2.jpg)
Garden Gate (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4060/4686329591_ffb3d46c91.jpg)
Path To Garden (http://www.brewnotes.com/wp-content/uploads/JapaneseGardenWalkway_B652/PortlandJapaneseGardenWalkway.jpg)
Garden (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/9/13061611_59cce18446.jpg)
Pond (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/154/346659284_d7d15b5e5d.jpg)
Bridge Over Pond (http://www.tcnj.edu/~japanese/images/RedBridge.jpg)
Job: An asian shop and tea store called "The scarlet ninetails"
Hair color/style: A sorta silvery white with pure white tips, but mostly looks white though. It's long and tame and very silky, almost shiny.
Left Eye: Deep blue
Right Eye: White/Silver
Outfit: A white kimono of some sort with the faint decoration of light silver snowflakes and a light blue veil draping from her shoulder.
Accessories: A sapphire surrounded in a white/blue ice-like glass snowflake symbol used to hold the stone
Scarring:Three across her right eye sideways from a dog scratch
Piercings: None
Tattoos: The virgo symbol in this link (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me0ub32o2Y1rifkk1o2_500.jpg)
Extra: She's Asian actually, from Japan and her family just moved to America a week ago

Name: Rufioh (Rufus) Thorus (Tube-fox or Tube for short)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Personality: A bit of a flirt, actually. He's more of a pacifist compared to his gang and sorta a hopeless romantic. He often is the comic-relief in his group and usually has a smile on his pretty-boy face. He's a ladies man, always trying to impress a girl usually and often wears perfume that makes him smell more like roses.
History: He had been growing up a harsh life. His family was divorced, his father was an abusive alcoholic, and he was beaten. Despite his pretty boy charms, he was suffering badly and had ran away. He was standing on the road bridge, ready to jump... but someone stopped him. A hand grabbed his wrist. When he turned around, he saw a white-haired boy accompanied by a blonde. The boy talked some sense into him and stopped Tube from ending his life, and for that, he is forever greatful to the boy with white hair called Todd. He even gave Tube a tree-house He sticks close to the small group in hopes to repay this boy.
Likes: Girls, vodka, wine, whiskey, alcahol, Foxes, Art, Roses, and to make people smile
Dislikes: His dad, being rejected, and having his hair be a mess
Pets: None
House: (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4uvi6XPqoJ5g8rEqlpJM0KwYvLUzbQjXjYt__v85CN1tSh98KEQ)
Tube's room (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT3va1D8dFuQESNMnTgB9GQvT1FuONZG5CcUt0uefZqSw5Vh3MV)
Job: Pizza hut worker
Hair color/style: Orangish red hair with black tips
Left Eye: Violet (Lighter)
Right Eye: Violet (Darker)
Outfit: White T-shirt and baggy black jeans and a grey hoodie with a rose on it
Accessories: A silver pocket watch with the chain sticking out the pocket
Scarring: Multiple scars on his back
Piercings: Lip ring
Tattoos: A fancy rose on his black that's bleeding red and has thorns
Extra: None

Name: Cirius Tarodan (Tigger for short)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Personality: Tempermental, hostile, and hot-headed. He is usually easily pissed off by everything around him and actually can seem a bit bi-polar. He'd be from kind and friendly and even sorta a softy to wanting to punch you in the face/gut. After you get to know him, he turns out a cool dude who's attempting to cheer his bros up.
History: He was an awesome big bro to Danzig. He bought the two of them icecream and helped him through hard times. One day, they got in a motorcycle accident. They were both hospitalized, but while Tigger was only put into a short coma, Danzig had died from too much damage to the skull. Tigger awoke to the bad news and was sent into grief, unable to talk for the longest time. He was often visited by a strange dude with white hair that called himself The Todd. This boy had been helping Tigger cope and soon the two became best bros.
Likes: Smoking, laying back, peace and quiet, and dogs
Dislikes: Cats, his name, most people, his job, and people trying to tick him off
Pets: None
House: (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQn2q8Aiy0k5aPqJ2oZd-GrRk6T1trTU1-Sxi4FNm2feDLDQoAo)
Living room (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHzZAHd4n-C_5DGvRtfmNjRRMFqO_JuXZdMusZb6L6nQQR_niH)
Work room (https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQk0EwkhkJf1be3NLpZPmusqumRV_w_bb1ZalHuHo113a8TLwJGiA)
Tigger's room (https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQV5SaLOeD6ZYG6Yjhxv5PS4IGoiY6vYtsCdhod7rjaFbCZeGhm)
Guest room (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTFAA4mfLYC2iTSnmSmi9jO24914oewdsUIHVggq6D6jEr-u6M0PA)
Job: Motorcycle seller
Hair color/style: Blond
Left Eye: Gold
Right Eye: Gold
Outfit: -Points out picture- owo Too lazy to describe
Accessories: None
Scarring: A huge diamond/star shaped scar on his back
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Extra: None

Name: Enzo Thalland (Goes by The Todd)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Personality: His family is filthy rich and he gets anything he wants, so in return he doesn't want much. He's always playing little pranks on his allies to cheer them up and make them laugh. He's also slick, though, and sorta ninja-like for his agility and acrobatics. He often wears a smirk on his face and has the eyes of a trickster planning something.
History: His family was always too busy for him or Roy. They were too busy to notice anything going wrong, and when the brothers asked them for something it was resolved in money. Being busy made it so they couldn't see their parents and in return they felt... lonely. Todd did his best to keep others from feeling that loneliness as well.
Likes: Swans, Animals, scary movies, a challenge, and to make people laugh
Dislikes: Seeing people hurt, bad things happening, and being rich
Pets: 6 horses and a great Pyrenees dog called Tsuki
House: (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZK00j9o-pJyW1qBQkDxHAAVViUZ4_yOVij0EkHr_9qgqjNxPT)
Front entrance (https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcThhFKXQWzCXhC3kAyBVQLbeG3nBT2Xl-ObhQqCqz52SUR3Ug3pgg)
Pool view 1 (https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMvZ3dq24ww8u8QjCAJ73RvlQDb0CHKj8iGTXvqRQR-pkNQGHfSw)
Pool view 2 (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQPWgZIi_OpuBMb835ZaRLmfMcAUyArLOWz1wFYVEbtisevnuu6)
Living room (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkE70Zrxt_zOt_014fkztHmrFIycdrhI_XaCE795a6bhsp3MJj)
Parents room (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSh1I2YZJ4wZq-R69d-WxQddHQBC1NNoIrR3hrHTfZf-dAAfgK7)
The Todd's room (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSheyn7_McL7sv4EHBEkfRGiT4zGMD9BI77GOzk15dLCODZkod1)
Roy's room (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSdDhei-n8U4JSnif7YhLn3JVCF1pGPbC5ciEKyVjTn-MPXHtEDag)
Guest room (https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqm8XnExIV1rn6iwBbkRS4LQ6DVuQ98WJ_XGZGcKLtGC2LCNl3yA)
Job: Animal whisperer
Hair color/style: Spiky, short, and white
Left Eye: Blazing red/orange
Right Eye: Blazing red/orange
Outfit: Geans, Tshirt, and a black jacket
Accessories: A ruby pendant
Scarring: None
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Extra: Later it will be revealed, but he's Fuyu's older brother

Name: Roy Thalland
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Personality: A bit of a bookworm, actually. He's a know-it-all smart-ass who almost always has his nose buried in a book. He's more to himself and discrete for he's offten busy on the computer or in a book. He prefers to stay out of his brothers shenanigans that got Tyke killed. Like Todd, his parents are also filthy rich.
History: His family was always too busy for him or Todd. They were too busy to notice anything going wrong, and when the brothers asked them for something it was resolved in money. Being busy made it so they couldn't see their parents and in return they felt... lonely. To cope with it, he got lost in his books and pretty much ignored the real world completely other than his brother.
Likes: Books, the internet, creating detailed computer codes/hacks, and researching
Dislikes: Being interrupted, Having his book taken from him, Having nothing to read
Pets: Tsuki the Pyrenees and 6 horses
House: (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZK00j9o-pJyW1qBQkDxHAAVViUZ4_yOVij0EkHr_9qgqjNxPT)
Front entrance (https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcThhFKXQWzCXhC3kAyBVQLbeG3nBT2Xl-ObhQqCqz52SUR3Ug3pgg)
Pool view 1 (https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMvZ3dq24ww8u8QjCAJ73RvlQDb0CHKj8iGTXvqRQR-pkNQGHfSw)
Pool view 2 (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQPWgZIi_OpuBMb835ZaRLmfMcAUyArLOWz1wFYVEbtisevnuu6)
Living room (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkE70Zrxt_zOt_014fkztHmrFIycdrhI_XaCE795a6bhsp3MJj)
Parents room (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSh1I2YZJ4wZq-R69d-WxQddHQBC1NNoIrR3hrHTfZf-dAAfgK7)
The Todd's room (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSheyn7_McL7sv4EHBEkfRGiT4zGMD9BI77GOzk15dLCODZkod1)
Roy's room (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSdDhei-n8U4JSnif7YhLn3JVCF1pGPbC5ciEKyVjTn-MPXHtEDag)
Guest room (https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqm8XnExIV1rn6iwBbkRS4LQ6DVuQ98WJ_XGZGcKLtGC2LCNl3yA)
Job: Library
-Description encase you have no image-
Hair color/style: His hair is short, grey, and spiky with a blue streak in the front part sloping sideways
Left Eye: Ice blue
Right Eye: Ice blue
Outfit: A blue plaid long-sleeve shirt with a greenish brown vest and black pants
Accessories: His Spectacles
Scarring: None
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Extra: Surprisingly enough, the Thalland's and Tarodan's had a relationship before the bros. Danzig and Tyke were best childhood friends.
Title: So, a Reindeer and a Flamingo Walk Into A Lab.. (with a human.) [WIP: All]
Post by: SoaringAway on December 17, 2012, 04:00:46 am
Eliza Rhume
History: [Optional]
*A rehabilitating/retired war dog which she fondly nicknamed "Sargent Hiccup" or "Hiccup" due to odd sounds he makes. he is a mix of a Shiba Inu and German Shepard.
The residence is located in a cramped suburban district in which the houses share outer walls but they vary in size (i.e.:  one story or two ). Miss. Rhume's home is two story house (including a basement) but a rather narrow backyard not suitable for rather hyperactive dogs.
Description: :
Eyes: A faded blue with a hint of brown around the pupil.
*Guitar case
*Several bandages across her back (but concealed)
*Several surgical scars on back but bandages conceal them.
*A small pair of pearl earrings from her young prepubescent years (11~12).  
*She can be seen walking around with a guitar case on her back and playing in alleyways or on top of roofs while feeding the birds with bread.

Name to be given: "Flamingo"
Color coordination, tranquility amongst his peers, swing jazz, and high places.
Description: :
Any forms of literary, arguments and fighting, his flaws being revealed, and wrong-use of exploit.
Hair color:
An ashy blonde with a small hue of pink resting in his hair but it isn't plainly obvious unless you were extremely close to the point where you can smell his shampoo.
*His hair can change color according to his diet but he does dye his hair when given the chance as employees sympathize with the used-to-be pinked-haired man.
*His feet are similar to those of a flamingo's but he has an extra toe with a claw that curls out but his feet takes the shape of a flamingo's. Sadly, his feet have been ruined due to being forced into compressed human shoes and he has difficultly walking a bit.
*Flamingo can be considered "crippled" and might need to use crotches or a staff to walk around if he has been doing so for an extended period of time.
*Regardless of being a human genetically altered with flamingo DNA, he does have upper body strength despite his lanky appearance.  

Name to be given:
"The Horned One."  
Wrestling, loud noises, adrenaline, (oddly enough) being in groups, and friendship.
Loud noises (she is picky about what loud noises she like and dislikes; i.e.: hating dubstep yet loves large drumkits.), pacifism, being "beta" or just a "member", not being recognized for her ideas, solitude, and carnivores (she can handle omnivores.)
A bright brown that has been altered due to genetic mutation; they tend to reveal her feelings such as fear (pupils dilate which invokes frantic head movement and such.)
*Nina possess antlers that extend out of her head but doesn't disrupt her body's natural balance (despite this being only in male genetics of reindeer.) This could be explained to testosterone or genetic handling with only male reindeer DNA.
*She has an odd knack for direction but also aggression if the dominant lead is being challenged or open for grabs. Yes, bucking season so affect her but not mating season (thank God.)
*She used to have a small wagging tail that she decided to amputate when she was the age of eight since it bothered her so. There is a scar to prove it.
*Her legal first (and birth) name is Nina but her last name is unknown. However, her record does state that this first name was given by her biological father (mother died due preexisting conditions of her health.)
*She hates being referred to as one of Santa Claus' reindeer and will headbutt anyone that dares call her one; subject 904 has witnessed one of her mood swings when someone had insulted her.

Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on December 17, 2012, 05:52:09 pm
oDo Soaren!
I personally like Eliza and Flamingo. They look pretty and so original. Can't wait to see what they finish as and accept them.))
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: Celeyan on December 17, 2012, 10:45:56 pm
Uta: Yay, Tigger! And Cean! -Glomp-
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on December 17, 2012, 11:47:33 pm
Tigger/Cean: Get off me psycho chick!
I can't wait to see how this turns out. Just making a few more characters for now and a proboards but you guys can go to the chat and mini-rp for now))
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on December 17, 2012, 11:52:32 pm
*Feels central trouble brewing and looks innocent* I will be good. >:D
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: heartsgirl99 on December 18, 2012, 01:05:35 am
((hmm...I'll join this Rp *throws my characters into this post and then runs off to search for free-to-use-pictures*))

[Image please] - Optional
Number: 340
Name to be given: honey
Gender: female
Age: 10 years old
Animal: rabbit
Personality: a shy, calm girl, she mostly stares at the floor and would stray away from strangers. If she gets used to someone then she's less shy and calm. When she learns to talk then she would like to talk softly since she dons't like yelling.
Likes: animals, peace, good people.
Dislikes: meat, mean people, strangers and pain.
-Description encase you have no image-
Hair color: cream/orange
Left Eye: brown
Right Eye: brown
Mutation: her rabbit ears and tail are a bit darker then her hair color.
Extra: none.

[Image please] - Optional
Number: 738
Name to be given: aberle
Gender: male
Age: 17
Animal: kangaroo
Personality: he's friendly, protective and helpful most of the time. He is adventurous but enough to get him or someone else into trouble. He can be snappy and be rude at some points but he would rather forgive afterwards.
Likes: exploring, running, good people and animals.
Dislikes: rude people, people forcing him to do something he does not want to do, seeing people getting hurt and his ears being touched.
-Description encase you have no image-
Hair color: brown
Left Eye: hazel
Right Eye: hazel
Mutation: his back legs are like a kangaroo along with his tail and ears.
Extra: he has a australian accent.

[Image please] - Optional
Number: 848
Name to be given: Hope
Gender: female
Age: 14
Animal: American Staffordshire terrier (a breed of dog that falls into the "pitbull" category)   
Personality: a caring yet loving person, Nadia loves to play but can't help herself when she wags her tail or even lick. When she learns to talk, she'll would like to cheer people up by talking about good things or make a joke. She can be protective around her friends sometimes but still, she's a friendly chimera.
Likes: cheering people up, jokes, playing with other dogs and nice people.
Dislikes: being beaten up, lies about pitbulls, being left behind and seeing someone she cares getting hurt.
-Description encase you have no image-
Hair color: tan
Left Eye: amber
Right Eye: amber
Mutation: her tail and ears are like the american Staffordshire terrier and her eyes are dog-like.

[Image please] - Optional
Number: 595
Name to be given: scar
Gender: male
Age: 18
Animal: German Shepard
Personality: a rude, ill-tempered and a not-so-friendly chimera, scar would rather keeps things to himself. When he learns to talk, he wouldn't speak as much but he can snap sometimes.
Likes: being alone, darkness, exploring and being quiet.
Dislikes: a group of people/chimeras around him, being annoyed and being harassed.
-Description encase you have no image-
Hair color: black
Left Eye: brown
Right Eye: brown
Mutation: he has a German shepherd tail, muzzle and ears, which one of his ears is shredded.
Extra: none

((you can accept them right now if you like, I can find free-to-use pictures for them later if I can))
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: silverMarie on December 18, 2012, 02:27:26 am
(Tell me if I need to use another image.)
Number: 342
Name to be given: Kuuki
Age: 17
Animal: Rabbit
Personality: Kuuki is a rather quiet individual who tends to spend her time just staring at the wall and swimming in her dreams. She normally dreams about going outside and meeting new people since she is reall sociable even though she has never really had a chance to socialize. Her rabbit personality keeps her from being loud so she has a very soft 'voice' and fear of loud noises.
Likes: Kuuki doesn't do much, well can't do much so it is hard to tell what she likes. But from what people have seen it seems she likes to sit there and live within a dream land.
Dislikes: Kuuki hates loud noises and when people yell, she just despises it, her ears are far too sensitive for such ruckus.
Description: She has long stand-up white rabbit ears, rather long white hair, a rabbit tail, and pale skin.
Hair color:  Her hair is a silvery white color, from the rabbit DNA.
Left Eye: Her right eye is green due to the rabbit DNA.
Right Eye: Her left eye is blue from her human side.
Mutation: White Rabbit ears, a fluffy rabbit tail and whiskers.
Extra: She could hear some of the scientists conversation through the door when they pass, she has heard many things and has also learned a few things.

-Might be making one more char.-
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on December 18, 2012, 03:37:20 am
Bunnies~ owo
Kuuki is accepted, once Soaren and Stephen finish so I can accept and add them, then we can start. I only plan to make two maybe three more characters. Please let me make the first post though for reference and example.))
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: silverMarie on December 18, 2012, 03:39:38 am
Thanks for accepting owo)
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on December 18, 2012, 10:33:45 pm
http://catilynsden.chatango.com/ (http://catilynsden.chatango.com/)
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: Celeyan on December 19, 2012, 01:22:40 am
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on December 19, 2012, 07:46:49 pm
So far I've done it. I've made the board.
http://cmdscience.proboards.com/ (http://cmdscience.proboards.com/)
Please explore and converse in the chatango
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on December 21, 2012, 03:12:48 pm
Sorry to double post but
http://cmdscience.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=chpt1&action=display&thread=14 (http://cmdscience.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=chpt1&action=display&thread=14)
That's where the chimera rp will start. Where is everyone?))
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: Celeyan on December 21, 2012, 09:21:29 pm
Number: 372
Name to be given: Vaughe
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Animal: Vaughe is a mouse.
Personality:  Scared, fearful, coward, All these traits fit this chimera perfectly. He is mistrustful, skittish, and scared most of the time, and will jump at the smallest of things. What made this 'young' mouse scared isn't really a mystery that people wish to know, but the young male would probably run away before he even told you what happened. Scars cover his fragile and weak body, his ribs are practically showing. Not able to fend for himself, he relies on running and well, hiding in fear, not really ideal for anyone.
Likes: The quiet, ect
Dislikes: Dark, people, ect
Hair color: Red
Left Eye: Blue
Right Eye: Blueish green
Mutation: Vaughe has mouse ears and a slim tail the same size as a mouse tail, he has small paws curved like nails, and he has sharper front teeth than most humans.
Extra: Heeeerrrrppp

Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on December 22, 2012, 02:05:09 pm
Aww Vaughe looks so adorable and scared!  He'd be best suited with Eliza
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on January 01, 2013, 03:47:57 am
-My return- Let there be life!))
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: Tanglemask on March 24, 2013, 02:46:49 pm
-shuffles in- Is this rp still alive? I kinda wanna join
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on March 24, 2013, 04:01:25 pm
((Tangler! ^^
Unfortunately this rp is dead, but I may see if I can remake it in some way or revive this one depending on the votes. (Definitely changing the title)))
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: Tanglemask on March 24, 2013, 04:03:34 pm
Alrighty. If you do remake it send a message k?
Title: Re: )-(I'm_different)-([Rated-PG13/R|][|Chimera/Human-rp|][|Open/Accepting]
Post by: okami129 on March 24, 2013, 04:17:15 pm
Alrighty! ^^))