Community > Praise

A Thank You

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--- Quote from: Ame88 on May 16, 2021, 12:41:39 am ---FeralHeart definitely throws you through a big roller coaster. Everyone's ride varies but there are surely ups and downs we all go through. At the end though you get to look back on all those twists and turns and see where it all brought you, who's come and gone with your time here and everything you've done too.

It makes me so happy to hear that FeralHeart has given you those amazing friends, and I'm sure they will be even more happy to hear these words of yours~ This community is most certainly filled with incredible people, and we are all honored to have you long for the ride! I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank YOU for being apart of this community with us all~
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--- Quote from: Esarosa on May 16, 2021, 01:26:49 am ---This was so nice of you to write, toon! This is all so true, I as well have made so many friends and wouldn't take it back for the world! FeralHeart has given me so many memories as well, all of the events, movie nights, roleplays and more. This community is really such an amazing place, even after all of these years of being here and I know many of us feel the same way. I love you all. <3

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--- Quote from: PanzerWulff on May 16, 2021, 01:44:47 am ---Hehehe, I've said it a dozen of times before, and I'll say it again that this community is honestly the best one around full stop =), with all the fun loving members, the awesome artwork they make, to the games to be played on the forums and in-game so we can all have fun and have lot's of good laughs together, but more importantly is the memories that have been made and cherished, to the new ones that will be sparked in the future! ;D   

You Toons, are a very valuable member of this community! I really hope that you make a ton of new friends!! so make sure you have a lotta good o'l fun in doing so ya hear me.  :)

Thanks a bunch for this post, we all appreciate it <3

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Thank you all for your kind words! I really appreciate it!

--- Quote from: BloodWinsAll on May 16, 2021, 02:00:50 am --- I see my nosy self in there, you sly dog. Thank you so much for writing this! I agree wholeheartedly that this community is... like nothing else I've ever been a part of. It helped raise me, teach me values I never thought I'd have, and push me to pursue my passions when I otherwise would have left them behind.

Thank you for being one of my best friends, and through all the ups and downs, it's nice to know someone who gets my brain as you do. <3

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I appreciate you so much, thank you for getting me back into roleplaying canines! Love you! <3

This post was very touching to read. As someone who joined in very early 2012, I 100% feel the extent of your passion for this community. My online best friend whom I cherish, was someone I met here way back then, and we still talk all the time. Feralheart also shaped much of my teenage years, as I spent many hours of those years dedicating myself to FH and its community. I got to know so many people, made friends, lost friends, and joined lovely groups such as The Kreptic Circle, which I'm still in today after almost 10 years.

It's amazing how something which may not seem important to others or even matter in the slightest can have such a big impact on your life. I don't think that the amount of nostalgia and pleasant memories that I carry with me that FH created will ever disappear. I'm happy to still be here after so long, and it's nice to see other veterans roaming around still too.

I would also like to say thank you to this exceptional community. My time here will be something I will never forget.


--- Quote from: LadySigyn on May 16, 2021, 10:54:22 am ---This post was very touching to read. As someone who joined in very early 2012, I 100% feel the extent of your passion for this community. My online best friend whom I cherish, was someone I met here way back then, and we still talk all the time. Feralheart also shaped much of my teenage years, as I spent many hours of those years dedicating myself to FH and its community. I got to know so many people, made friends, lost friends, and joined lovely groups such as The Kreptic Circle, which I'm still in today after almost 10 years.

It's amazing how something which may not seem important to others or even matter in the slightest can have such a big impact on your life. I don't think that the amount of nostalgia and pleasant memories that I carry with me that FH created will ever disappear. I'm happy to still be here after so long, and it's nice to see other veterans roaming around still too.

I would also like to say thank you to this exceptional community. My time here will be something I will never forget.

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I love hearing stories like this! This community truly has such a great impact on people, especially those of us that have been here for such a long time! I wish some of the groups I had been apart of way back then were still alive and thriving like TKC is lol. Thinking about how young I was when I first started playing this game just makes me feel old, haha. I love how you put this, it's so true. I'll never forget the time I've spent on Feralheart and with people from Feralheart. I feel like FH was key to forming a lot of the personality that I have now, and for bringing me out of my shell a little.

Thanks for writing this Sigyn, it's so nice hearing others stories as well! <3

This was super sweet to read.. The game has a way to just bring people together and it created such a wonderful community of people where you do make a lot of friends and memories along the way. this reminds me of the first time i got onto the game, i made so many wonderful friends and memories but i didn't know the old maps like they did. i joined August 5th 2020. even though, they we're very welcoming and they showed me how amazing this community truly is. i disappeared for a few months as my laptop had broke and i needed a new one, i came back to what i now consider to be my home and sadly seen none of the friends i made..were on anymore. in returning i made new friends, thats where i met ferime, moon, MamaSpicy and a few other wonderful people. <3

if this community teaches you anything.. its that no matter who you are, where you are or what you are. people will accept you and you can make so many great memories.

now, i only met you in-game recently toons and actually talking to you made me realize how much of a kind person you are. you are a wonderful part of this community and im positive your an amazing friend to. its nice to hear stories from older players as they hold so much love for the game in their stories and memories

This post makes me realize how a single community can impact someone's life. Sometimes I wish I would have joined it much earlier to live through the many generations of the game and its community development. But Im just glad that there are people who have gone through it and can tell their stories and experiences for others to read on! Thank you Toon<3


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