Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Lady_Alizarin on January 13, 2016, 04:26:24 am

Title: Revenge of the Rejects?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on January 13, 2016, 04:26:24 am
Sounds like a strange title for a topic, but I didn't know what else to call it...

Anyway. We've all probably been rejected in Feral Heart by some form or way. We're all probably familiar with those we like to call mate-beggers, parent-beggers, family-beggers, or just people who want to join in on a roleplay. Often times they end up getting rejected,  but have you ever had someone try to get back at you or get "revenge" for being rejected? There have been cases where I, or someone else, politely said "No thank you" to someone wanting a mate or a parent, and they suddenly turn around and try to "hurt" or "kill" my character by means of powerplay.

Scenario One:
Me and a friend were roleplaying our dragon characters. I was the mother dragon, and my friend was the unhatched baby dragon (in a dragon egg). One ice dragoness wanted to come close to our little dragon family, and I stayed in character by playing out as the protective mother dragon. My dragon character was warning the stranger dragoness not to come to close to the nest, because she was just being a protective mother. Well then the dragoness started roleplaying on how she wanted to harm the egg by "freezing it with her ice magic". Since my dragon character didn't accept her near her nest, the ice dragoness wanted to get back at us by bringing harm to the unborn hatchling.

Scenario Two:
There was a time where a flying cub (Idk what it was, maybe just a lion cub with wings) that wanted to be adopted by our dragon family. When we politely told them no, they got upset and started trying to kill the baby dragon by means of powerplay. "Rips the hatchling away from its parents and tears his wings off and bites its throat!" We ended up  blocking them because they were disrupting our roleplay.

Scenario Three:
I witnessed a female wolf character asking a male canine character to be her mate. He and his friend kept telling her that he was not interested in being her mate. She walked off for awhile, then came back and tried to kill his character to get back at him. They ended up blocking her when she wouldn't stop harassing them. Even after she was blocked, she was all like, "I don't care. I still killed you!"

Scenario Four:
A long time ago when I was roleplaying as a grey fox vixen in a grey fox group, my character declined  the advances of a male grey fox when he asked her to be his mate. He logged off, then logged back on with a winged character that had the name "Greyfox Killer" in it. He tried hunting and killing my character as well as all the other grey foxes in the group. One of his friends whispered me and said that he was upset that no one would be his mate.

Sometimes it makes me wonder why some players would want to do that. Really what's the point of trying to harass those that declined your offer by means of "getting revenge"? Have you ever had something like this happen to you, or have you ever witnessed something like this? Any stories to share?
Title: Re: Revenge of the Rejects?
Post by: G4RG0YLE on January 13, 2016, 07:16:24 am
Never had anything like this happen to me myself, although that's probably because there are none of my character's kind, I have a green character, never been to MC, never even wanted a 'mate', and quite frankly I've never really been in a position to reject anyone - I'm secretly everyone's partner. They just don't know it yet. ;D
Seems that the revenge that the rejects desire is to kill, which is actually rather amusing. An angel on the outside, then after rejection; SUDDEN DEMON SERIAL KILLING MONSTER.
Title: Re: Revenge of the Rejects?
Post by: Nightstar on January 13, 2016, 07:25:37 am
Wow, something like this has actually never happened to me..
Might be because I'm not so much into roleplaying though. I got rejected from joining a Rp several times, but acting like this hasn't come to my mind yet. Usually I just walk of, questioning my english-skills, but I would never get that crazy over it.
I also can't really take those People serious, but still they are quite entertaining.
Title: Re: Revenge of the Rejects?
Post by: Preach on January 13, 2016, 09:19:57 am
Killing characters? No, I haven't witness that. Due to being in Flourite Plains half the time, I never encountered the problem or witness it. However, I do get lots of whispers about joining people's group, which I kindly decline the offer. Anyway, point being, I think that's wrong of them to do, and kinda pointless.
Title: Re: Revenge of the Rejects?
Post by: Kouvinxx on January 13, 2016, 01:06:38 pm
I've kinda had the same thing happen to me. Though after trying to 'kill' me, she copied my character and then threatened to report me? I feel like some people take mates too seriously.
Title: Re: Revenge of the Rejects?
Post by: Owly on January 13, 2016, 03:28:43 pm
Since I've run role plays, I've had instances where this has happened. I find it off of FH as well, since other games have trading systems, etc. Obviously, it's no surprise "mate" beggars are everywhere. They literally lurk in the oddest of places. Basically saying that I've seen this way too much to call it uncommon.

What really just makes me wonder is why people have to act like a child that didn't get the toy they wanted so they throw a tantrum...
I mean, we're basically strangers to each other, so what makes it okay to ask for their stuff, or to "hook up" even.
I dunno, I just often question it.
Title: Re: Revenge of the Rejects?
Post by: jay warfang on January 13, 2016, 08:04:36 pm
I've never had someone try to kill me after I turned them down. I did however have one cub who decided to start cussing at me when I turned them down. If I recall I was waiting for a friend by the lonely cave entry in Ficho on my melanisitic leopard when a tiny black and red cub came up and sat between my characters legs then looked up at his chin. I figured they just wanted to say something to me so I opened with some variant of "Hello. Can I help you?" which is my go to line when not actively Rping, tipping my characters head down to simulate eye contact so they knew I was speaking to them. They opened immediately with "Can you be my mom?" now I respect cutting to the chase but this was a tad unexpected so I ended up going with my first gut response and said something like "No. I'm sorry I can't. I'm waiting for a friend of mine to pop in, not to mention this character is male". Now I have not been in scenarios like this often and was unaware of what type of response I should expect but it was most certainly not what I got! This cub immediately launches into a fit of swearing, threatening and just general abusive language, now maybe because they were playing a cub my brain decided they must be a young person and I figured I'd sit there and passively take the abuse rather than provoke them. Eventually they ran whatever it was out of their system and left me alone.

 My thanks to the person who swept in to protect me from the verbal abuse. I do not recall your name but I am thankful for what you did for me.    
Title: Re: Revenge of the Rejects?
Post by: Jango_Fett on January 14, 2016, 03:46:26 pm
aside from the 'you are so mean for rejecting me im gonna kill you and block you because you are a mean person' stuff i've had happen in the past, it's never gone into roleplay form

not that i can recall currently.
Title: Re: Revenge of the Rejects?
Post by: Tessel. on January 14, 2016, 09:18:30 pm
  Hm, I don't think I've actually had this happen to me before. If it did, it was probably a while ago. I've had tons of mate beggars, but none tried to kill me thankfully. xD