Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: LemurSplendida on March 07, 2019, 03:02:45 am

Title: Toasted-Waffle's entry
Post by: LemurSplendida on March 07, 2019, 03:02:45 am
(Hullo! This is my first post so apologies if I seem a little wonky with my posts hehe~)
haha I accidentally posted this before I was ready ;v;


Name: Esutella
Age: 4,009
Gender: Female
Species: Galaxis Felis
Appearance: Standing at a quite surprising 7'8 inches tall from the shoulders, Eustella is mostly calm and gracious to those around her. Two shackles adorn both front and hind limbs, ram horns and a chain around her neck — each of these are symbols that beauty cannot be contained. Her pelt is of the galaxy- stars and planets, with the rip of her tail seemingly holding the deepest secrets of space. Her wings symbolizes the endlessness of space and how high and far it may go.

Personality: Despite her intimidating appearance, Eustella is gracious and long suffering to those around her, always eager to help her friends in time of need. She prefers to keep most of her problems to herself, not wanting others to feel sorry for her. The one thing Eustella despises most, however, is when people puff themselves up and take credit for things that another has done.

Background: Being the only remaining galaxis felis in the galaxy of A’thena, Eustella longes for the day when she’d find someone to lean on, to escape from her miserable desolation. One day she discovered the very cosmos led to seemingly endless other galaxies, one of them being the Andromeda galaxy. Filled with wonder and amazement, the young feline explored its stars, planets and asteroid systems, but somethings was still missing — socialization! It was until she reached earth that she found her true friends who stood by her even when others persecuted her because of her differences. She quickly proved that she was no laughing matter.

Other information: Eustella’s name means “Fair Star”.
Title: Re: Toasted-Waffle's entry
Post by: Azurain on March 07, 2019, 03:07:00 am
She's so pretty!
Title: Re: Toasted-Waffle's entry
Post by: LemurSplendida on March 07, 2019, 03:35:33 am
Why thank you! She was so much fun to create! c:
Title: Re: Toasted-Waffle's entry
Post by: LadySigyn on March 07, 2019, 04:02:46 am
Wow she's gorgeous! Absolutely love her background and personality. I can see you've put a lot of effort into creating this really unique character! <3
Title: Re: Toasted-Waffle's entry
Post by: Ame88 on March 07, 2019, 04:05:54 am
Very interesting character indeed! Her personality sounds very similar to one of my old characters back in the day x) Also, might I say, your username is awfully familiar. I had a friend by that username, however, on a different game. =)
Title: Re: Toasted-Waffle's entry
Post by: Jango_Fett on March 07, 2019, 06:14:24 am
digging the color scheme, and i really like the shades of purple you used.

Title: Re: Toasted-Waffle's entry
Post by: CaptainWolfskin on March 07, 2019, 06:32:18 am
✧~Galaxy Queen~✧

And is that kibou ridge I see, or is it another map?
Title: Re: Toasted-Waffle's entry
Post by: illogicalFish on March 07, 2019, 12:40:29 pm
Very interesting character you got there! Good luck!!
Title: Re: Toasted-Waffle's entry
Post by: LemurSplendida on March 07, 2019, 05:26:04 pm
Yes, that is in fact Kibou Ridge c:
Title: Re: Toasted-Waffle's entry
Post by: Astraea on March 07, 2019, 05:52:11 pm
Wow this character is indeed gorgeous to the eye. I love the color pallet and the story itself is intriguing. <3