Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Human & Humanoid Roleplays => Topic started by: lionheart2061 on August 11, 2013, 04:29:43 am

Title: ??||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||?? [Inactive since 06/09/2013]
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 11, 2013, 04:29:43 am


||Your Intro||

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The averaged sized Latina asked as she rolled you over onto your side. Your face was covered in blood, eyes have closed, and you smelled like a sewer. Before you knew it, multiple of people gathered around you, their guns to their side as the woman spoke again. "What's your name?" She demanded, her voice was rough. When you failed to answer, not on purpose, but for you were to weak, the woman hovered over you face and demanded it again, "I said, what's your name!" at this point you could feel the coldness of her M-16's barrel touch your cheek. "...*Your Name*." You managed to spit out. The woman looked you up and down before she went back to her normal stance."Who are you with?" She asked, this time her voice was softer, but still contained the edginess. "N..No one." You replied as you rolled onto your side and coughed up blood. Your head was spinning and you felt nauseated. "Search him." Two men then began to search you torn shorts' pockets for anything they could find. "He's clean." One spoke moments later.
"Lets take him back to the camp..."
**Two Hours Later**
     As you look down at your used to be wounds, you noticed they have been bandaged up. Your head was still spinning and the pain was still there when you try to stand. After you cover your self with a thin shirt you found laying on the edge of the bed, you walk out of the tent and noticed the same Latina woman standing by a post talking with a younger male, but you can't make out what it is they were saying. Few moments later she looks up and barks, "Well, I see you're finally up and about." as she comes walking towards you. Before you can reply she continues, "When you're feeling better and have your strength back, meet Alexis down in the Armory. We need to find out what your strengths are so we can see where you fit into our ranks."   
"Ranks?" You ask.
"Yes, you're one of us now, a 'Raider'."
Instead of asking more questions you just decide to nod and go with what the woman is saying, knowing you'll learn all there needs to know in time.

||Plot Summary||

It's been six months since since the riots started, people running through the streets burning buildings, blowing up cars, and killing one another. The government thought they could put an end to it by locking people up and putting them behind bars or in 'work camps' But they were wrong, all it did was stir things up a lot more. Between the times 6:00am-8:00am patrols search streets of the city looking for anyone who has survived the riots or escaped from prison/camps. If you are by chance caught, you most likely will be killed on sight or taken back to the capital where your fate will be decided.
Most of the city is abandoned, others quarantined. There aren't many safe zone inside the city, most are outside. But, the only way you can get to them is if you cross the barricade, which is heavily militarized guarded behind the capital. People like the 'Raiderz' will never be able to get past them But, I never said it was impossible...
So, Why has this happened? Well, truth to be told is, is that no one knows..Well, other than the President and his people. But, it doesn't matter why, all we know is, is that us, the Raiderz are the Last Hope for the city. And when we're ready, we go to war...
So, the real question is, are you able to survive this broken city of New York? Or, are you going to end up like the rest. 

||The City||
This is what was left of Main Street/Corner, most of the shops and restaurants were placed here. And the riots began here as well. Many bodies of the fallen still remain, but they are under the ruins.

Time Square, here is where most of us get our supplies, but must be careful. Many patrols scan this are during the day. (http://i39BannedImageSite/2yx2908.jpg)
This is the capital, it is heavily guarded by military. Also, the President((Cause of all this)), prison, and camps are located here. Behind those walls are the quarantine zones and behind those are the out skirts of the city.
This is the alley our camp is located on. It is 5 miles away from the capital and 2 away from Time Square. Patrols usually don;t come this far, hence why we chose it. But, that doesn't mean it's 100% safer here either.

||Our Camp||
This is the inside of the apartment we stay at. The 'Camp' where the armory and stuff is located in a courtyard in the back.
Address: 156 Appleton Ln 7665

Armory, to access it you must have clearance. Only a few do. Here all the weaponry supplies are located, Guns, Swords, Knives, Grenades, etc. There is't much, but our suppliers go and savage them when they are ordered to.

**There are also food tents, a small campfire ground in the middle and a couple of lunch tables.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 11, 2013, 04:29:57 am
((Not Accepting Yet))
He is the man behind all this. The one who caused the people o the city to star riots. He is also the one who ordered the military to start killing them off. This man is evil. If he dies, then maybe, just maybe, things will go back to the way they were before.  
((Not Accepting Yet/Just RP them into your post))
They are the military, the ones who patrol and heavily guard the capital/camps/prisons. They carry all sorts of fire power and do not hesitate to use it.
||The Quarantined||
These people are the ones living in the quarantined zones, most live on the streets like seen above. Only a few have homes. If extremely desperate, Raiderz may sneak into these zones and steal from others. It requires great stealth though.

Rogus/Loners are the ones who work alone, they may travel in a small group 1-3 people or so. Most kill ones for things they have. They live throughout the city and if you feel someone is watching you, don't be surprised if it is them.
This is us. We are the Raiderz, we take what we want, when we want, and how much we want. No one ever sees us coming, and we never leave a trace. We only accept the best of the best, and if you have potential. Then we train you. Enough said. Once we are ready, we go to war...
We have ranks as Raiderz, they consist of:
Leader> They are in-charge of everything. What they say goes. If you by chance have any information about anything you must report to them, it is required, that way they can mark it down and keep track. Once a week the leader will hold a meeting, only certain people are invited ((Consider your self lucky if you are)) there they talk of their final plan to bring down the President.
General> They are the Second-In-Command, the Leader's right hand man ((Or, woman)). When the leader is gone, they are in-charge and give the orders. No questions asked. They may also choose between the ranks of: Assassin or Marksman. These are side ranks, when a man/woman is needed for a job (Of their side rank they choose) they must help.
Suppliers> They go in groups, usually of two out into the city and find supplies. Anything they can get their hands onto. They must require 2-3 of  the 4 abilities of: Stealth, Speed, Hand to Hand combat skills, and think fast on their feet.
Marksman> One who is skilled in precision or shooting. Also, sometimes if a Supplier needs to travel more than 4 miles away from camp, one Marksman must accompany them. They must require 1-3 of the 4 abilities: Stealth, Skilled Shooter, Steady Shot, Fast Hands.
Cooks> These are ones who have a natural ability to cook. They cook 3 meals a day, Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. No more. Food is hard to find and we need to save as much as possible. Most of the time our meals consist of stew and bread.  No special abilities are needed for Cooks.
Assassins> Assassins are the ones who travel inside the Quarantined Zones and steal from their stores/homes. Most try to take others captive if possible, and bring them to the Raiderz leader for questioning. Or, they kill them. But, you don't have to be a murderer to hold the role of an Assassin. They must require 2-3 of the 4 abilities: Stealth, Speed, Kiting/Snaring, Skilled with Knives
Kids/Trainees> These are anyone who is under the age of 18. If you are 13-18 you are a trainee, which means you will train for any of the other ranks listed. (Leader is only given in special occasions, General is earned.). If you are younger than 13 you have no rank, and are NOT ALLOWED to leave the camp.  
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 11, 2013, 04:30:08 am
||OOC Rules||
*Hate the character not the player
*All FH rules apply
*Yes, swearing, gore, blood, etc is allowed. Just, don't do too overboard.
*Violence, yes it foes to rated M so violence is allowed.
*Sex, it is allowed but not to detailed/graphic.
*3 Character Limit
*Your character is not perfect so don't make them be
*Be literate as possible, at least four lines.. I mean, c'mon give us something to work with
*IF you plan on having something big happen (Injury/Pregnant/etc.)) PM me!
*No killing anyone's character off unless they give you the permission.
*No god-modding/power-playing

||Raiderz Laws||
*Listen to your leader(s)/Higher ranks. They have been there longer and know how our system works. If you fail to do so, then the overall leader will deal with you.
*No leaving the camp without permission or ALONE. The city is a dangerous place, not just the humans but animals too. Who knows what's lurking behind the corner...
*If you want a weapon to carry around, you must first pass a test. You don;t just get one because you want it, since there is not many to give out we must be cautious.
*If you happen to get captured by the patrols than you CAN NOT just escape, it takes time and planning. It wont be easy so don't make it seem like it.
*For the love of GOD...Be safe. I'm tired of picking up dead bodies... (( :P ))


Month: August
Season: End of Summer/Beginning of Fall
Weather: Thunder-Storms/Rain-Storms have been off & on for the past 2 weeks
Supplies: Running low on Medicine & Accessories. Food & Water should be good for the next 2-3 weeks

8/16-17/13: Our camp got attacked by squads of the military ho followed Delia and Dean back from their supply ruin to an unknown city. Everyone made it out safely to the safe house. Dawn, who was currently sick was being watched over by her older brother, Dean and Claudia, one of the nurses. Everyone was taken by shock when she passed. Meanwhile, Delia and Ben went out to find more kitchen supplies for Dotty, where they were ambushed by a few men. Ben was shot while he tried to take revenge. Hours later everyone was taken by surprise when Delia let and returned with a new face, her daughter. Along the way a small puppy made it's way to our safe house and was picked up by the kids who were playing outside, they all ran to ask Ana if they could keep it. The decision hasn't been made yet.

||Daily News||
8/11/13: The President has decided to start building more 'Work-Camps' around the city. And for Patrols to take place every 4 Hours starting on the hour of 6 am.
Tune in for tomorrow's broadcast at 5 am sharp for the Daily News Broadcast.  
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 11, 2013, 04:30:23 am

??Ana Lucia Cortez??Female??23 Years Old??


??Emma-Louise Weran??Female??21 Years Old??

??Dean Martin??Male??24 Years Old??

??Delia Zambrano??Female??25 Years Old??


??Anya Rose Williams??Female??15 Years old??

??Dawn Marie Martin??Female??10 Years Old??
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 11, 2013, 04:30:35 am

Code: [Select]
[img]Pictures go here, maximum four.[/img]
[font=timesnewroman][i]Character Quote[/i]
[b]Relationship Status:[/b]

Character Quote
Name: Your character's full name, pronunciation and meaning.
Alias: Your character's nickname(s).
Gender: Your character's gender, either male or female.
Rank: Choose from the Raiderz ranks.You must require the amount of  abilities that is stated for that rank.
Age: How old your character is, obviously in human years.
Personality: A good detailed one please.
Appearance: What your character looks like, even if you do have a picture.
Strength(s): Your character's strong points max of 6
Weaknesses: Your character's weak points, minimum 2
Crush: Your character's love interest. (Optional)
Relationship Status: Your character's relationship status. Single, boyfriend/girlfriend, married, not interested.
Other: If your character has any disabilities, put them here.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 11, 2013, 05:42:47 am
||Official Website||

*Coming Soon!!!*
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Do not post yet.||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 11, 2013, 05:48:51 am
(http://i42BannedImageSite/27ywsbr.jpg)  (http://i40BannedImageSite/316uv4o.gif)

Ana Lucia
Shut up. When I tell you to do something, you do it -- I say move, you move -- I say stop, you stop. I say jump, what do you say?
Name: Ana Lucia Cortez
Alias: Ana Lucia
Gender: Female
Rank: Leader - Female
Age: 23
On the inside, she's a teddy bear and a big pile of mush that just wants to be loved and accepted. Ana has spent her life fending for herself and then finding an equal wasn't exactly in her plans. She's stubborn and hard headed no matter how you look at the situation. She is competitive when it comes to firearms and weapons and is always the go to girl to be the fist one into the fire. She's an ask questions later and shoot first kind of girl. Generally, she's calm in tight situations...
Her anger usually takes over and she's quick to the trigger but aside from that the girl is pretty harmless on the inside.  She is not afraid to get her hands dirty by any means and won't stop till the job is done right. Patience is something the Latina lacks and as for compassion, she's got it deep inside but refuses to show it.  The lack of patience and the lack of control. Ana Lucia is a spitfire and above all; one tough -Removed by moderator-.

Ana Lucia has dark ebony hair that falls about mid-back with brown eyes and olive colored skin from her heritage. The woman is often seen with her hair pulled back in a braided ponytail and little fly away hairs curving around her chin. She's petite at the height of 5'4 and is 125 pounds. Her usual look is a black t-shirt, black BDU pants and lace up combat boots. Normally she's seen packing heavy guns and equipment, if she can get her hands on them.

*Killing Shit
*Hand to Hand combat

*Her group
*Making 'friends'
*Strawberry Ice Cream

Crush: No one
Relationship Status: Singe
Other: Nothing yet, but may add something here later...
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: Star12 on August 11, 2013, 11:40:19 am
Emma-Louise Weran
It's okay, you know? It's okay to be you. It's okay to just not be okay. It's okay to be okay. Okay?
Name: Emma-Louise Weran
Alias: Emma-Louise. Or sometimes Emma. Maybe.
Gender: Female.
Rank: General - Assassin.
Age: 21 years old.
Personality: Although Emma-Louise is known to be a ruthless assassin, underneath the seriousness is a girl that just wants to be understood. When it comes to her job, she is very hard-working and not easily distracted. If she has a target, she will get to it. No matter what. She is very determined, but can be put down if she is under estimated. She is a big softie when it comes to kids, as she adores them. She is always willing to take orders as well as to give them. Sometimes, she can feel a bit left out from the crowd as she is always on duty.
This girl is not to be underestimated, she can pull out and throw a knife in a matter of seconds. She is quite intelligent and suggests ideas to her leader, instead of pulling the trigger. She prefers a knife from a gun, as it is easier to handle and can inflict serious damage without killing someone.

Appearance: Emma-Louise has long dark hair that reaches just past her shoulders, she normally leaves it down for it to become messy and tangled. But she likes it that way. She has deep green eyes framed by her long lashes, and her skin is quite pale. She is usually seen wearing dark-coloured tight clothes, and her thick leather belt carrying her knives and guns.

* Intelligence.
* Stealth.
* Speed.
* Skills with knives.
* Determination.

* Small children.
* Thunder and lightning.
* Loud noises.

Crush: Dean Martin. (Ifthatsokay)
Relationship Status: Single.
Other: Nothing, this may change.

Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 11, 2013, 01:31:45 pm
DarkPetal, your are accepted! Beautiful application. We will start RP as soon as a few others join, also, if you wish, feel free to make up to 3 characters. :D
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 11, 2013, 10:48:39 pm
(http://i41BannedImageSite/2cgkk6g.jpg) (http://i40BannedImageSite/v2r1uw.jpg)
Dean Martin
"I've been in love, it's painful, pointless, and overrated."
Name: Dean Martin
Alias: None
Gender: Male
Rank: Marksman
Age: 24

Dean is somewhat of a joker at times, and adds a bit of fun to the situation. However when he needs to be, he is very much a soldier. He comes across as a wise-ass, a man who knows he is tough both mentally and physically and isn't afraid to let you know it. He is the classic "Shoot first, ask questions later" kind of guy.  is a nice guy. However, once on his bad side, one will realize that it's a place they really never wanted to be.
When it comes to girls, he makes a complete fool out of him self. If he wants your attention, he'll stop at nothing to get it, even if that means putting himself in danger. But, he will never flat out tell you how he feels.
||Few other traits|| Arrogant, Manipulative, Impulsive, and sensitive but doesn't show it.

     Favors dark clothing over light or colorful clothes. A staple of his wardrobe is his black leather jacket that he often wears with matching boots. He favors black or dark rinse jeans to match his dark appearance and demeanor. He is also spotted wearing a black button downs or t-shirts with matching belts.
*Hand & Hand combat
*Thinks fast on his feet

*The Military

Crush: Delia((Will be Progressed/revealed through RP))
Relationship Status: Single
Other: Dean, also has a little sister. Hurt her, and he'll make you regret it.

(http://i43BannedImageSite/k2iw7k.jpg) (http://i42BannedImageSite/106mt8i.jpg)
Dawn Martin
Character Quote
Name: Dawn Marie Martin
Alias: Pumpkin Belly ((Only her brother calls her this))
Gender: Female
Rank: Kid
Age: 10
     Due to what the world has came to, Dawn had to grow up faster than most kids her age. She knows when play time is over and when things get serious. Since she is only 10 years old, she isn't allowed to leave the camp, and she HATES it when her brother, Dean, has to. She doesn't try to, but always expects the worst is to happen o him, and he is all she has left. Other than that, she is just like any other girl her age, as in, she loves to have fun and goof off with others. But, she can be shy at times, and you never see her leave her brothers side in-less it's needed.
Traits: Shy, outgoing, witty
     Dawn has long beautiful brown hair that falls to mid back, most of the time you will see it down and in her face. Usually she wears a thin white/blue top with a jean jacket, followed by jean pants. When she is cold she will 'steal' one of Dean's baggy shirts and sleep in it.
*Intelligence ((For her age))

>>More added as she ages<<

*Her brother ((Afraid of loosing him))
*The 'shooter dudes' ((Her name for the military))
*Ice Cream/Candy

>>More added as she ages<<

Crush: Too young
Relationship Status: Single, duh
Other: Her brother is her family, and she prays to god she wont loose him.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 11, 2013, 11:34:11 pm
Accepted, Dean is added underneath the Marksman! :D If ya'll want, feel free to go and start to post.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 12, 2013, 01:54:31 am
Delia Zambrano
Sometimes dead is better.
Delia Zambrano

?Affectionate ?Adventurous ?Calm ?Determined ?Funny ?Generous ?Intelligent ?Reliable
?Emotional ?Shy ?Aggressive ?Stubborn ?Predictable ?Vengeful
Delia has a very slender body with curves in all the right places, she has a medium frame, standing at 5'7" and weighing about 138 pounds. Delia has long wavy hair that is a mixture of dark and light brown, often getting lighter when she is out in the sun for long periods of time. She tends to wear jean shorts most of the time and t-shirts and tank tops, depending on the weather. She also loves wearing her black military style boots.
?The Dark
?Archery and can throw knives
?Hand to hand combat
?She isn't too good at shooting firearms.
?Injured animals/people
Dean Martin(Will be progressed)
Relationship Status:
None at the moment.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 12, 2013, 02:45:25 am
Accepted, welcome to Last Hope! :D Y'all may post when you are ready.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 12, 2013, 03:25:32 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia was already awake before most of the others in the group did, she always woke up this early. She liked to watch the sunrise and forget about the world that was crumbling around them as the military began moving closer and closer, destroying everything in their path. She sighed as she thought about what the world used to be like, before the president took the role as their leader. It was always happy and there was no raiders or riots, it was almost perfect. After a few minutes of thinking and waiting the sun's rays slowly began to peek over the broken city a few miles away. The old cracked glass ending bright flashes towards her, as if it were some kind of code. She smiled as the warm morning sun warmed her skin with it's rays, she loved how it felt on her skin.

AS the sun was continuing to rise she turned around to go find Ana, the leader of the camp. Ana Lucia was a tough woman, but Delia knows she has a soft core, she just won't show it to the group. Delia left the roof and descended down to the floor where they slept. She walked down the hall of the old apartment building, sometimes peeking into the rooms to see who was awake. Most of the group were slowly waking up, while others had been awake for quite some time. She slowed down when she came to Dean's room, she saw him and smiled then gave a friendly wave. She looked over to Dawn, his little sister, and also flashed a gentle smile before going on her way. Finally, she came to Ana's room. She knocked on the door before entering "Ana? Are you awake?" she asked quietly, just in case she was still sleeping. She slowly walked into the room, Delia needed to tell her that she needed to go into a town that was farther away.

Luckily she was awake. "Hey Ana." she said with a smile as she walked towards her "I hope you don't mind, but I have to tell you something." Delia stopped a few feet in front of Ana before continuing "The city we normally go to for supplies has been picked dry.." she hesitated before going on "I'm going to need to go into the town that is about a days walk from here. I heard there was a pharmacy there that might have what we need. As well as food and water." She hated coming to Ana with bad news, but this was urgent. She looked out the window for a moment before looking back down to Ana. She didn't want to scavenge so far from the camp but it needed to be done, it was either that or face the cruel Winter without supplies.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 12, 2013, 03:46:09 am
((Welcome : D ))


The Latina had been awake hours before sunrise, sitting on the edge of her not-so-comfy bed. Her mind was rushing and she had a terrible headache as she tried to map out the areas of which they have been and the ones that are unfamiliar to the group. Taking a deep breathe, Ana-Lucia looked out the small old and busted up window to he right, the rising sun rays started to light up her room, getting lost in her thoughts. Uncontrollably, Ana started to remember how life was before all this, when she as a Cop for the NYCPD. Life wasn't great for her, but, it was due-able.
    A knock at the door snapped the woman back into what was now, reality. "Oh, yeah, c'mon in." She answered as she heard Delia's voice called from the other side of the wall. Ana still sat in the same position she had been in for the last few hours, listening as the woman explained the situation. Hanging on to every word that the woman had spoke, Ana finally replied after a moments hesitation. "A days walk, you say... Well, I agree with what you have mentioned so far. And, I will allow you to go. But, you must certainly not go alone." Ana-Lucia explained, for it is to dangerous for one woman on the streets.
   As Ana rose from her sitting position she walked over to the window before speaking again. "I will contact Dean Martin to accompany you on your mission, he is a very skilled Marksman. I'm sure you two will get along just fine." The Latina demanded. Before excusing herself to go and track down Dean.

((Sorry for it being kinda short and not having a lot of detail... But don;t worry, my others will))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 12, 2013, 04:22:33 am
((Of course, Delia can have a crush on Dean : ) ))
Dean Martin

   As Dean lied awake in his bed with his 10 year old little sister, Dawn, resting her head on his arms he saw Delia pass by and gave a nice smile in return. About twenty-minutes later he heard a small knock on his door. Realizing it was Ana-Lucia, the Raiderz leader call for him urgently. As he softly slid out from Dawn's grip, trying not to wake her, he got up and walked outside their room, his eyes meeting Ana's. "What's up?" He asked as he pursed his lips. The Latin's brown eyes had bags under them, he could tell she had been up for hours maybe all night.
     Quickly after Ana told Dean what her and Delia just got done discussing he went back into his room to gather a few clothes, only to be stopped by his little sister. "Hey sleepy head." He joked before giving her a soft kiss on top of her fragile head, then went back to his task. After he was done packing Dean was stopped by Dawn asking him where he was going and what was happening. The 24 year old smiled down at his sis, "Everything's OK. There's nothing to worry about, Dawn." He calmly spoke. As his eyes met her's he noticed the tears that were starting to form, Dawn usually gets emotional when he has to leave the camp, although, it's very understandable, Dean even gets it a bit too but he doesn't show it like her. "I'll be back soon, okay." He continued to try and calm her. Before he got up and walked out to go find Delia, Dean kissed her once more on her head,
"I love you."

Dawn Marie Martin

     Tears started to roll down Dawn's cheek when she realized her brother, Dean, was leaving again, and this time it wasn't just for a few hours, but, days. As the child's heart started to cry out when she hugged her brother goodbye and told him she loved him, she started to silently cry harder. She watched as he walked out the door and vanished before she crawled back into bed and hid under the covers, gripping her teddy bear;that was missing have an ear and a eye ball. for dear life. Dean gave it to her on the night she was born, and she has slept with it every night since then. "Be safe..." She mumbled in the bear's ear before silently crying herself back to sleep.

Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 12, 2013, 06:27:36 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia nodded "I understand." She thought of the many other suppliers who would like to accompany her. Her head jumped up when Ana said that she will tell Dean to take her to the next city "Oh, okay." She said with a grin. She followed Ana but branched off to go outside and tell her friends that she will be departing soon. All her friends were worried for her, but many reassured her she would be safe with Dean. Delia Thank her friends who wished her good luck and safe travels. After she was finished talking to some of the group she made her way into the kitchen area "It sure smells good!" she said with a large smile as she saw Dolly, one of the cooks working on some breakfast. "Oh! Hello dear!" Dolly was an older woman, late 60's early 70's, but she didn't look like it, she still looked young. Delia grinned then left the kitchen "I should go find Dean." She said to herself as she walked back outside. She looked at the many faces in the group but didn't spot him "Hmm, wonder where he is."

Delia soon began to walk a little fast, trying to save daylight. The sooner they left, the better. "Oof!" Delia fell backwards, landing on her butt "Ouch." she groaned as she rubbed her rear end. She looked over and saw Dean "Oh! I'm sorry." she apologized as she stood up and patted the dust off her shorts "I wasn't paying attention." She laughed a little "Well here you are. We gotta get going, if we leave now we should get there by midnight, possibly earlier." Fortunately her bag was already packed for the journey, she actually had it packed last night. She knew she would have to go to the distant city sooner or later. She let Dean pack his things so she could go talk to Ana once more. "Hey Ana, we should be back pretty late tomorrow. If not then, then the morning after. I'll try to be as fast as I can." She smiled then went to grab her things as well as the bag she would need to put the supplies in. Finally, she was ready. Delia went to go find Dean, it was time to go. After very little searching she found Dean "Ready? We got a long road ahead of us."
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: Star12 on August 12, 2013, 07:18:02 am
Emma-Louise Weran
Emma opened her eyes to the sound of talking. She groaned and turned over, her head underneath her pillow "Shut up." She growled, her eyes screwed shut. She stopped and her eyes snapped open, she sat up and ran a hand through her hair. She swung her legs round to the side of her bed, slipping on her combat boots and buckling her belt around her waist. She sighed and got up, her legs slightly wobbling and her eyes blurring. She rubbed them, taking a few steps forward and yawning. She hated mornings.
"What's everyone doing up at this time?" She wondered, they were usually up an hour or so after this. Emma-Louise picked up her backpack, just in case, and headed out of the door of the bedroom. She soon found the others standing in a group outside and raised an eyebrow, "Where are you two going?"  She asked, biting her lower lip. She glanced at their backpacks and looked between the two, her gaze slightly holding Dean's.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: FantasyDawn on August 12, 2013, 04:12:28 pm
(http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh504/Arrinanna/tumblr_lvli9dJMNt1qg2ebco1_500.jpg) (http://s1249.photobucket.com/user/Arrinanna/media/tumblr_lvli9dJMNt1qg2ebco1_500.jpg.html) (http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh504/Arrinanna/img-thing.jpg) (http://s1249.photobucket.com/user/Arrinanna/media/img-thing.jpg.html)
Anya Rose Williams
"I never had a friend,I was always alone....I guess it's better this way."
Name:Anya Rose Williams
Alias:Sunflower(this is because of her undying love for warm places)
Personality:Anya is the type of girl that prefers to keep all her problems into herself then rather discuss them with someone.She hates being bossed around,and is most likely going to do the opposite of what she is told to,unless it's something serious.Because of her harsh past,she has become considerably rash,impulsive and temperamental.There are few people older than her whom she trusts,this is why Anya remains cautious most of the time near any stranger.She prefers to not depend on anyone.Anya is a bold girl,however,she never had a friend whom she could count on,perhaps because of her ways of seeing things and her inabbility to carry a nice conversation(since she always ends up yelling,teasing or cussing).She just wants someone that can accept her the way she is.
Appearance:Anya is rather short.She has long,curly,dark brown hair that reaches past her shoulders that she sometimes ties it into a side-ponytail or just leaves it be.Her eye-colour is light brown.Anya has no preference in clothes,she will wear anything that makes her feel comfortable,this is why she's seen wearing a dark blue hoodie,black jeans and white sneakers.Her father was drunk most of the times and used to hit her even without a reason,this is why her body is covered in scars and bruises.
?Stealing things

-The poor

Relationship Status:Single
Other:She has a bad habit of stealing things from absolutely everyone,and rarely returns them when she doesn't need them anymore,so watch out for your things.

(http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh504/Arrinanna/tumblr_lgmkoc2Lho1qfgkv0o1_400.gif) (http://s1249.photobucket.com/user/Arrinanna/media/tumblr_lgmkoc2Lho1qfgkv0o1_400.gif.html)
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 13, 2013, 12:25:46 am
Accepted :) I'll have to wait.until I get home to post & add your character under I have added Anya under Trainees.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 13, 2013, 03:30:12 am
Dean Martin

After saying his goodbyes to Dawn, Dean quickly headed outside in search of Delia, the one who he will be accompanying on in their travels to the far city which is a days away. He one shouldered his black camo backpack which was filled with: His favorite baggy black rinse jeans and a matching tank top, a few flashlights, a water container and much more. Ana-Lucia had already given him his M-16 attached with a silencer and extended mags which was strapped to his back as-well and loaded with a full clip, just in-case. As he turned the sharp corner to the left he found himself colliding with a young woman. "Wa..." He started to bark until he realized who it was. "Are you okay?" He asked as he offered her his hand. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." He apologized then gave a quick half smile as his eyes met hers..

As he waited for Delia's return back from her quest to find Ana, his buddy, Mark, a 23 year old Marksman like Dean with black-hair and dark eyes came up to him. "So, you gonna get some?" He joked as he punched Dean in the right shoulder. Dean shook his head and laughed, "Nah, were just going for supplies man." He replied.
"Yeah, but you'll be gone for a few days at the most..."
"So... It's rained every day for the past two weeks, I think you might have a cuddle buddy."
Again, Dean shook his head at Mark's teasing, although, he was right about the rain, but, it doesn't necessarily mean anything.    

A few moments later Delia walked up asking if they are ready, he nodded in agreement, only to be stopped by one of the groups Assassins, Emma-Louise wondering where the two were heading, for a second Dean's eyes held her gaze, "We're going into the far city for more supplies."

((Dawn's post will be added later.))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: FantasyDawn on August 13, 2013, 06:30:05 am
(http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh504/Arrinanna/hailee.jpg) (http://s1249.photobucket.com/user/Arrinanna/media/hailee.jpg.html)

Anya Rose Williams

       Mornings.Despite most of the people in the camp waking up so early,Anya was always doing her best to get out of bed as late as possible.However,she couldn't sleep the whole night,no reason in particular.This is why she decided to make an exception,but just this once.She put on her white sneakers and approached the small piece of glass hanging to the wall that she used as a mirror.Her hair was in loose ponytail and tangled,a real mess,like usual,this is why she untied it and let it be,brushing away with her fingers the hair that was getting in her eyes.
       Anya opened the wooden door and stepped into the hallway.Her stomach was rumbling but breakfast,lunch and dinner were served only at specific hours,a smirk appearing on her face,remembering how she got into trouble last time for stealing food just because she wasn't patient enought.She didn't even wanted to think about the punishment she received then.The brown-haired girl walked boredly around,looking at what the others were doing.She saw Dean,a marksman,telling Emma-Louise,one of the assasins,that they'll be going in the city for supplies.Anya walked into the living room where she saw Kate,from the group of marksmen.The girl's eyes fell upon the weapon that Kate always used to carry around,a knife.Anya was so attached to these things,and she would always find them some use outside combat."Hey,Kate"she tried to get her attention since the woman didn't even notice her."What is it this time?she answered,quite unpleased because she didn't seemed in the mood to talk,so the trainee had to make it quick or she would be told to go away."Can I borrow your knife?"she asked in the most polite manner she knew."What for?Going to kill someone?"Kate asked,letting out a small laugh."No....nothing around that."she answered simply."Fine,but....the markswoman added,handing her the old  knife,"you don't mess around with it,you'll have it for only one minute,and then you return it to my room.If I don't find it there,you miss,you'll be in trouble.After that,Kate left the room."Hmph..."she said looking at the knife that clearily hasn't been sharpened ages ago"so many requirements for this?.The 15-year old made herself comfortable on a dusty couch and began cleaning her nails with the knife,the perfect use for it,since there was no way it could harm her.


Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 13, 2013, 08:39:54 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia jumped a little when Emma, one of the assassins, came up to them. Asking where they were going. Before Delia could give her an answer, Dean already did. She nodded "Yeah, we'll be back in a few days though." She smiled before nodding her goodbyes to her friends "I guess we should be going. Emma, watch yourself, you're one of the best." She smiled to Dean then patted his shoulder "Let's get going." She waved bye to Emma then walked past the gate that was being held open for them. She took in a deep breath before beginning the journey.

The sun had begun to set, but it was dark and gloomy. "It's going to rain." she groaned "Perfect." she huffed. "If we are lucky we might be able to find a shelter of some sort to keep us dry." As she finished rain started pouring down on top of then "So much for staying dry." she said with a sigh. Delia began to walk,then she realized she had forgotten her jacket "Hey, you should put your jacket on. You don't want to get sick." The last thing they needed was for the marksman to get sick. As the sun fell behind the mountains the temperature began to drop and the rain came down harder "Keep your eyes peeled. We have to find a place to stay." Lightening flashed across the sky, seeding a loud boom across the land. Storms always scared Delia wasn't quite sure why. Delia gulped,her skin was cold to the touch. She wasn't worried about that though, she was more concerned about the storm that had taken them by surprise. She looked to Dean "See anything?" she said through chattering teeth, both from the cold and fear. Delia stayed rather close to Dean, the thunder frightened her. "There!" Delia grabbed Dean's arm and pulled him to a small shed. The shed was old and made from metal that was rusted by now. The inside was dry enough, but it was leaking in one of the corners, it was also small, but large enough to just fit two people. Delia slammed the old door shut then plopped down on the hard floor "Finally." she said with a sigh of relief. Even though they were indoors she was still a little scared, each time there was thunder the shed shook. Delia grabbed her pack detached the sleeping bag before spreading it out onto the floor. "We should get some rest. Got a lot of work tomorrow." She said before crawling into the sleeping bag. Too bad the sleeping bag was so thin, the cold temperature seemed to creep into her sleeping bag, nipping at her bare arms. She shivered slightly then crossed her arms, maybe if she kept them close together they would warm themselves up. It didn't seem to be working but Delia was almost asleep, so she didn't care too much. With her last bit of energy she turned over to Dean "Goodnight." She yawned then crawled deeper into the bag before slowly falling asleep.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 13, 2013, 01:34:23 pm
((Welcome : D ))


    Before heading down to see what the rest of the group members were up to, Ana-Lucia decided to go back to her room and change into her normal day outfit; black t-shirt, black BDU pants and lace up combat boots, and her hair is pulled back with little fly away hairs curving around her chin.As the Latina woman let out sigh, she reached under a pillow and pulled out the only .40 Desert Eagle she had and put it in the back of her pants with her t-shirt covering it, out of site.

     As she headed outside she passed Alexis, the groups Weapon Trainer, she also decides who goes in to the Armory/Carries a weapon, etc. "Hey." Ana stops as Alexis greets her. "Hi." She returns. "I saw Delia and Dean leave this morning..." There is a little bit of edginess in her voice. "You're really going to let Dean travel with one of our finest Suppliers?" Alexis continues. Ana-Lucia glances at the ground to sigh, and gives a harsh look at Alexis. "Look, Dean isn't a bad guy. He made a mistake, we all do. Plus, he is one of our best Marksmen and I know he'll get the job done." Ana snaps back; she has known Dean since she was 6, he was like her big brother.  
"Okay..." Alexis sighs, "Well, Dotty is looking for you in the kitchen, she says it's urgent."
     Before the Latina woman headed down to the kitchen to find Dotty, Ana saw Anya;a trainee of the group and one who can't seem to restrain her urge to steal, sitting on an old couch cleaning her finger nails with a knife. Usually, Ana would have went over there and got onto her for holding a weapon, but since there were more adults here she knew they would keep their eyes on her, and plus, this wasn't the biggest thing problem on her mind at the moment.
Before she even reached the kitchen she could smell the good old smell of breakfast, "Hey, Dotty, what's up?" Ana said with a bit of concern in her voice, although she tried to hide it. Dotty then went on telling her how the kitchen was running out of supplies and what not. "It's okay, Delia and Dean went out this morning for some more, and I'm sure they'll bring back kitchen supplies." Ana explained to Dotty.

     When Ana walked back outside she looked up at the grey clouds, it was going to stat and down pour and she saw how everyone was heading back into the apartment to stay dry, so, she did the same. It was going to be a long night....
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 13, 2013, 02:44:32 pm
Dean Martin

 As Delia mentioned it was going to rain, Dean looked up and witnessed the dark and gloomy looking sky, she was right. And just as she finished talking about finding shelter it started to down pour, Dean couldn't help but smirk at her comment about staying dry. He turned to look at Delia when she mentioned he should but on his jacket, but, truth to be told, the clothing he was wearing kept it warm/almost dry. "I'll be fine." Plus, his rinse jacket wasn't really made of the finest material and can't handle being wet without proper treatment. As the Marksman kept his eyes pealed looking for shelter as he Supplier suggested, and as she asked if he had seen anything, he replied with a sigh, "Nah, not yet."
 He felt Delia's cold, and shaky body close to his, and it brought a small and faded smile upon his face; reminding him of someone he knew. Few moments later Dean was being pulled by the arm to a small and rusted down shed, big enough to fit two people, but hardly anymore. As he sat against the wall he watched as Delia pulled a sleeping bag out of her backpack she had been carrying. "Yes, we should get some rest." Dean agreed with Delia. Couple of seconds later the shed shook with the loud crash of thunder, Dean liked this type of weather for some odd reason it made him relax. Dean returned a goodnight to Delia and watched as she slightly fell asleep inside her thin sleeping bag.
 The Marksman lifted himself off the floor quietly and looked out a small and rusted old window, he couldn't help but worry about Dawn, he never spent more than a few hours away from her at the most. And he was scared what would happen, but, he did know one thing. He cold trust Ana to look after her and he knew that she would; they have known each other for 17 years... Dean went back to his normal position leaning against the wall after a few minutes. Giving a soft sigh he closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep.

Dawn Marie Martin

A loud crash of thunder awoke Dawn from her nap. "Ahh." She gave a quick yelp as she though the covers off of her. She hated storms, but, usually Dean would be here to protect her. A few seconds later a flash of lightning lit up her room, and she decided it was time to go and find the others. But mostly, she was looking for Ana-Lucia, Dean told her to always stay close to her when he wasn't around, you could say she was like her big sister. If she wasn't b Dean's side, she was by hers.
 As Dawn spotted Ana sitting on the arm of the couch in the living room area, almost everyone was in there even though it wasn't that big of a room. Dawn, still in the clothes she slept in ran over to Ana-Lucia, and she wrapped her arms around her.

Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: Star12 on August 13, 2013, 02:59:25 pm
(http://i1349.photobucket.com/albums/p741/XxvictoriaalwaysxX/twilight-star-kristen-stewart_zpscb8758b7.jpg) (http://media.photobucket.com/user/XxvictoriaalwaysxX/media/twilight-star-kristen-stewart_zpscb8758b7.jpg.html)
Emma-Louise Weran
Emma-Louise ran a hand through her dark hair and sighed as the two left. She waved briefly to the pair before sighing and sitting down in an old fallen tree beside the apartment. She leaned back against the rough bark, closing her eyes. They opened when she heard a distant clap of thunder. She stood up, brushing the dust off of her jeans. She looked down at the floor as she walked back inside, the smell of food immediately made her stomach rumble. She glanced at her watch, it was black with a sliver buckle. It was evening already, "Time flies." She muttered, biting her lip. A smile spread across her face as she saw Dolly near by "Hey, Dolly!" She called, walking over to her. "When's dinner ready?" She asked, her mouth watering. Dolly smiled at the girl's enthusiasm and threw her a piece of slightly stale bread from the table. "Eat up, Emma. You missed lunch and breakfast." She instructed. Dolly was one of only people Emma-Louise allowed to call her Emma, she always felt happier when around the older woman. "Thanks." She bit into the bread, sitting herself down in one of the two sofas in the room. Most of the springs were broken or bent, making the cushion slightly lumpy. But no one could afford the luxury of new furniture these days. She rested her head on her hand, chewing absentmindedly.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: FantasyDawn on August 13, 2013, 05:21:42 pm
(http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh504/Arrinanna/haileesteinfield.jpg) (http://s1249.photobucket.com/user/Arrinanna/media/haileesteinfield.jpg.html)

Anya Rose Williams

     Soon,more and more people started coming into the living room despite the fact that it wasn't large enough.Anya saw their leader,Ana Lucia coming here too and felt relieved because she didn't told her anything related to the weapon she had with her.Suddenly,a loud thunder made its presence felt,sending shivers down her spine.This always happened at the first one but then,the rest of the storm was no big deal.Surely,no one was outside anymore,not when it was raining so hard.
       The trainee continued being preoccupied with her finger nails and examined them carefully."Yep...nice and clean!"She didn't wanted to have to deal with an angry Kate,this is why "Sunflower" left the living room without disturbing anyone and hurried to the markswoman's room.Anya didn't bothered to knock,knowing that even the slightest sound could disturb the woman.Apparently,Kate wasn't in her bedroom."Better than having her complaining about my delay."she said to herself.The girl looked around,thinking of a good spot to leave the knife so Kate won't have to come for her,asking her for the weapon.Finally,she decided to leave it on her bed.But it isn't Anya's nature to leave a room without checking more,this is why she looked under the bed to not find only dust but also a box full of magazines."Well,well,well,where did you get these from,I wonder?"She picked one randomly,it was an old sport magazine.The 15-year old wasn't much of a sport fan but having something to read was a little better than staying inside,waiting for the storm to end and get bored.Anya took the magazine and pushed the box back under the bed.The nice smell of food was coming from the kitchen,the girl couldn't help herself from getting lured into its direction.She just walked in there and Dolly,one of the cooks,has already seen her."Hello Sunflower,I hope you're not here to take food without permission.said the cook,smiling at her."Neah,not today.Just thought I'd pass by to see if dinner's ready.The elder woman replied without looking at her:"It's almost ready,but you can have a piece of bread in case your stomach can't handle it anymore."Anya sighed."No,I can wait a few more minutes."The trainee left the kitchen and approached the window close to the door to the living room.She leaned against the cold wall and began reading the magasine when she noticed Dawn,Dean's younger sister,running into the living room,probably scared by the storm.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 13, 2013, 06:50:09 pm

  As Ana-Lucia headed into the living room where it seemed everyone started to gather around to get in away from the storm she looked out into the distance wondering about Delia and Dean, she didn't like one of her group members to be out in weather like this, but it was necessary. So, she shook any bad thoughts out of her head and sat down on the arm rest on the dusty old couch. Occasionally saying "Hello." to the ones she passed by. Right now her plan was to just get everyone fed and calm down, for some reason storms seem to freak a lot of them out, it was understandable for the kids; like Dawn who came running into her arms just a few seconds after she sat down.
"It's okay, there's nothing to worry about." Ana said in a soft and soothing voice as she gentle stroked Dawn's hair. You could say Ana had more of a motherly love for the child than a sisterly. Many people can see it in her when it comes to any kid, but more when it comes to Dawn, but, most think nothing of it other than Dean. He knows the real reason why.

Ana-Lucia lifted Dawn up and held her as Dawn's head rested on her shoulder as she cuddled with the teddy bear. She was shaking, and with Ana being soaked from the rain didn't help much either. But Dawn refused to move. As everyone started to pile in the room they were all asking questions about what they should do. Ana-Lucia grew annoyed real fast with everyone's panic, it was just a storm, there's not much they could do even if they wanted too.
 A few moments later Dotty walked in yelling that dinner was ready to be served, she then began to pass around a bowl of soup mixed with a few meat chunks and some stale bread. They have been eating the same thing for weeks now, but it's better than nothing. As Dotty came over to Ana-Lucia offering her a bowl she politely declined "Thank you but no thank you. There's others who would need it." Ana-Lucia stated, even though she hasn't eaten all day, but, she was never much of one anyway so it didn't bother her. She could go days without eating if she wanted, since she grew up in that lifestyle. Dawn was still in her lap while she was eating the soup and her shaky started to ease. Ana watched as she scarf down her food, "No one's going to take it from you." She teased.

Ana waited until Dawn finished before you moved her to the couch and headed off back to her room. She needed to figure out what their next move was. As she turned on her small radio she listened to the broadcasts coming from the Capital, the man was talking about what the President had suggested about more 'Work Camps' and the Patrols every 4 hours on the hour starting at 6 am. She also concluded the broadcast in her journal. Her journal is filled with all the information about all that is happened. When their next meeting is held she will present it to everyone.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 13, 2013, 08:30:58 pm
Delia Zambrano
She didn't sleep well, not well at all. She slowly sat up, not being able to go back to sleep "So much for a good nights rest.." The rain had slowed but the lightening and thunder were still booming and flashing across the land. She looked over to Dean, it looked like he was sleeping, but it was too dark to tell. She sighed then rubbed some left over water off of her forehead before standing up. She felt cooped up in here, "Maybe it's time for a little fresh air, even if it is raining." She slowly opened to door, unfortunately it let out aloud creak "Shit.." she looked to Dean, it didn't look like it woke him. She stepped outside, her boots sinking into the mud, almost making her slip "Woah." She said as she caught her self on the wall of the shed.

Delia couldn't tell what time it was, it was still cloudy and gloomy. The rain had definitely lightened up, just a few showers that weren't as bad as before. The storm looked like it was moving towards camp "I hope they take this well..Better than me." She said with a sigh. She hoped that the sun would come up soon, that way they could keep moving, get this over with. She hoped that the military wouldn't come out here for a patrol, they wold be screwed. Just as she said that a beam of washed over her "Dammit." She ducked behind the shed, she wasn't sure of they saw her. If they did she would have to draw them away from here. "Come out with your hands up!" A man yelled "Oh man..Oh man.." she began to panic. She didn't know where to run, to the hill to her right or to the left, an open field. Running to her right, she would be able hide on the other side. Running through the field would be a death sentence. She took in deep breath, she couldn't let them find Dean, he would be caught off guard. Finally, she ran.

"Hey! Over here!" She waved her arms before running up the muddy hill. She could hear the men behind her chasing her up the hill. "Stop! Or we will have to shoot!" Delia was on top of the hill "Where to hide?" she said as she frantically looked around. "There!" she said as she hurried down the hill. "Woah!" she yelled as she slipped and rolled down the hill, rolling through thorn bush. Luckily she only suffered a few cuts on her arms and her cheek, nothing too serious. Delia jumped up an ran to the spot where she could hide, a hole. The hole was just large enough for her to squeeze into. Soon, their footsteps were right next to her. She held her breath, she didn't think about the tracks she left leading right to her "..Shit.." "Hey! There are tracks over here!" Delia could see them now, there were three of them, heavily armed. "They lead to this hole over here." Delia backed as far back as she could, what was she going to do?
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope|| ??||Rated PG-13 - M||??||Accepting||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 13, 2013, 09:15:19 pm
Dean Martin

Dean opened his left eye as he noticed Delia move for the door, when she opened the door he quickly closed his eye again. A few moments passed and he stood, he wasn't aware of the military patrols that were outside. Reaching into his backpack, Dean pulled out his water container and took a few gulps, a few spills ran down his neck and onto his shirt, when he finished he wiped his mouth off on his sleeves. "What is she doing?" He asked himself, since she had been out there for a couple of minutes now. When he Dean opened the door Delia was nowhere in sight, although he saw a few lights off in the distance headed up a hill. "Oh, shit." He mumbled to himself as he quickly ran back to grap is M-16.  Dean started to take off full speed towards the hill with his Assault Rifle strapped to his back, unable to see the lights of the patroller's guns through the rainy fog, he knew they were on the other side of the hill. So, that's where he took off to. When he reached the top of the hill he saw the three men's lights, but he didn't fire. For he as to far. So, he decided to use stealth mode by silently sliding down the muddy hill and crouching behind a few bushes. Suddenly his head jerked up when he heard one of them yell that they had found tracks, he knew they were talking about Delia's tracks. "Shit." He mouthed.

Luckily to Dean's advantage, none of the patrollers were on guard, and he could take them out one by one and still save ammo. 'Never shoot in-less you have to' is one of Dean's rules for firing a weapon. Quickly, Dean found a stick that laying on the ground beside him, and this gave him an idea. Dean lifted the stick into the air and tossed it over behind a large boulder not far from him, he was going to try and lure on of the men out. The three patrollers turned their attention towards the sound of the stick breaking, not sure what it was."It came from over there, behind the rock.." One of the men barked. "Well, go check it out." Another one ordered, Dean could tell just by the way the men spoke that they had just gotten into the busy of patrolling. Again, another advantage.
As the man became invisible to the other's eyes behind the boulder, Dean made his move by wrapping his left forearm around his neck and straggling him to death.  

Once Dean knew that the man was dead he quickly scurried away from the area and left the body in the open. "What was it!?" One of the men yelled, but there was no reply. As they started to turn their attention back to the hole that Delia was hiding in,  Dean snuck up behind them and stated in a serious, but playfully way "Didn't daddy ever tell you not to wander away from home, especially at night? It's dangerous." Before either of the men could reply, Dean had already wasted a clip in both of them. After he watched their bodies hit the ground Dean ran over to the hole , but which he wasnt able to see down in "Delia, you in there?" he asked.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 14, 2013, 12:07:25 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia was prepared to take them on her own until they got distracted by something else. She sat there, relief flowing through her body "Thank god." Delia then heard a familiar voice before some thumps as something hit the ground. "What is going on out there?" She backed up a little farther, slightly worried. "Delia, you in there?" Delia yelped in fright, then smiled when she knew who it was. Out of relief she jumped out of the hole and gave Dean a hug "Thank you. I didn't know what I was going to do." She kept her arms around him then released him "Let's get out of here. Once they don't respond to their superiors they will send more." Delia began to make her way up the slippery hill, slipping here and there, but making it up.

She turned around to help Dean up, but slipped and fell on her rear end, pulling Dean down with her "Oh my, I'm sorry." she said while laughing. She stood back up and helped him up "We gotta go get our stuff, then head out." She carefully made her way down the hill then into the shed with Dean behind her. She packed all her things then got ready to sling her pack over her shoulder until she realized her clothes were filthy. She sighed then pulled out a pair of jean shorts a dark grey t-shirt "Turn around for a second." She chuckled "Yes, I'm serious." , she waited for him to turn around then quickly changed her clothes "Okay, let's go." By now the sun had begun to peek over the horizon, lighting up their path and warming their bodies "That's more like it." She looked to Dean "Ready?"
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 14, 2013, 12:36:36 am
Dean Martin

 As Dean wrapped her in his arms "You're welcome." he said softly before releasing her. Dean looked up at the hill from which they came as Delia suggested that they got a move on, "Agreed." Dean spoke as he bent down to grabbed the weapons from the corpses of the patrollers, they only had a couple of clips and pistols, but they'll do. The two had difficulty making it back up the slippery hill, Dean constantly smirking at Delia's struggle as she would slip here and there,  but karma bit him in the ass and made him do the same.

As they made it to the top and delia offered a hand, but ended up slipping and pulling them both down. Their faces were inches apart and at that moment every muscle in Dean's body screamed to kiss her, but he denied it, "It's cool." he laughed. They both managed to their feet and headed back to the shed with Dean stealing glances at her on the way. When they reached the shed Dean's stuff was pretty much packed so he waited for Delia to get her stuff. "Oh c'mon..." Dean teased as Delia told him to turn around so she could change her wet clothes into her dry ones. "Fine.." He sighed playfully as he turned to face the window. When Delia mentioned she was done he turned around and then headed outside. The sun was lurking behind the wills in the distance and the air started to warm, "Ready." he implored.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 14, 2013, 06:53:20 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia nodded, they were almost there, maybe just a few more miles, but she knew more military would be coming..Looking for their comrades. Delia looked at Dean, a small smile on her face, everyone knew she had a crush on him. It was obvious. She didn't know if he knew or not, they didn't really talk much. Delia looked away from him "We should be there soon, but keep an eye out for the military. They will be out looking for their friends." She began to walk a little faster, trying to save some daylight. "If we get there early I can find what we need then stay the night there, then we will leave in the morning. If everything goes right of course." Delia's head snapped around when she heard the sound of an engine "Get down!" she whispered as she dropped down on her stomach. If they were lucky they wouldn't notice them, but there was absolutely no cover.

She looked at Dean, who was right next to her, she was scared. She wasn't meant for this kind of stuff, she was just meant to go into the cities and take what they needed. She looked away then back to the vehicle, which had stopped "I think they are getting out..Do they see us?" She began to panic, she didn't know what to do. This time there were six of them, they never traveled in large numbers. Then a scary thought came to her mind "Are you sure all of those men were dead?" Delia thought that maybe one of the men that chased her earlier might have survive then radioed help. The six men began walking around the area, obviously looking for something..or someone. "I don't think they see us, we might be able to get out of here." She crawled closer to him, her face next to his "We can probably make it to that shrub over there." She pointed to his right "Let's go." she whispered as she nudged him then began to crawl in front of him. She checked behind him to make sure he was following "Stay close." She hurried to the shrub then sat up "They shouldn't be able to see us behind here." She turned her head quickly, her lips brushing against his "Oh!" She looked away "Uhm..Well..Uhh.." she sputtered out "We uhh. Just gotta wait for them to move on..Then we can keep going." Delia looked away,she was embarrassed.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: Star12 on August 14, 2013, 08:05:04 am
Emma-Louise Weran
Emma-Louise was pacing along the side of the wall. She had been pacing all night and hadn't even noticed the sun come up and was in deep thought. She winced as she felt a hand grip her shoulder and turned around, her hand hovering over her knife. She breathed a sigh of relief as she realised it was only Hunter, her best friend. He frowned at her, "You haven't slept at all. What's bugging you?" He asked, his brows furrowed in concern. She sighed and shrugged, biting her bottom lip. He grabbed her hand and dragged her over to the sofa, the living room was nearly empty so there was no danger of anyone hearing them. "It's him, isn't it?" Hunter's face grew softer, he was the only one that knew. She slightly nodded her head and sighed again. She didn't want to talk. She didn't feel like talking to anyone. She knew that Delia and Dean had a thing for each other, especially Delia and she wanted to be happy for them. But she just couldn't. Hunter pulled her in for a quick hug and whispered in her ear "Well, just remember. You have to fight for things you care about. To do things you care about." He pulled away and stood up, pursing his lips. Emma-Louise gave a weak half-smile and stood up with him, standing next to him. "Lets go and get some fresh air." He suggested.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: FantasyDawn on August 14, 2013, 09:10:38 am
(http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh504/Arrinanna/haileesteinfield.jpg) (http://s1249.photobucket.com/user/Arrinanna/media/haileesteinfield.jpg.html)

Anya Rose Williams

    The girl quit her reading when she heard Dolly announce that dinner is ready.It was about time her stomach will receive some food,at least  here at the camp,three meals a day were enough to keep them all well-fed,even if the food wasn't the best of all.Without waiting anymore,Anya left the magasine on a table in the hallway and swiftly walked into the living room where dinner will be served.She found a free sit left on a sofa and took it,waiting for Dolly to show up.Soon,said cook entered the full room with bowls of soup and stale bread.This was served for breakfast,lunch and dinner,they rarely ate anything else.
      But when thinking a little,it was a lot better than the time when she lived with her father.Only one meal was what she got,and then she'd go to clean the whole house.If something was left uncleaned,this became a reason for her father to hit her.She felt quite happy that she took the decision to run away and was found by the Raiderz.But taking away all thoughts about her past,"Sunflower" gladly took a bowl of soup and a piece of bread,brushing away with her fingers her hair,she started eating.A deep silence occured as all of them were enjoying their meal,the soup in the bowl was dissapearing so fast,Anya's stomach was asking for more but enought was enought.She'll just have to wait for the next meal.By the time they all finished eating,the storm ended.The brown-haired girl went outside,taking a deep breath of the fresh air.She loved seeing the sun up in the sky althought it still was cold,thanks to the rain earlier.Anya knew exactly where to go.
     Making her way throught the puddles of water,she reached one of the trees in the campsite which was close to the armoury.The trainee climbed up the tree with ease and made herself comfortable on a branch.They were just at the end of August but leaves already began to fall.This used to be her hiding spot during the summer,no one could've seen her throught the green crown of the tree,but now it was useless.However,the only thing she wanted now was to just daydream,having a good view of the entire camp.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 14, 2013, 02:03:25 pm

 Ana waited 20 minutes before she decided to head back to the others, she needed answers and the broadcaster wasn't giving the ones she wanted nor any that would help them. Most of the group members know nothing about what is planned for the future;the war, just a few do, like Dean and a couple others. More will know in time. As Ana made it to the outside she noticed Emma-Louise and Hunter, "Emma-Louise," she called "I'll be back in a few hours. You're in-charge." before walking away, she  gave a soft nod towards Hunter as in saying "Hello" Usually she would already have Emma-Louise and a few others on a job, but, with the weather how it is and what the broadcaster said about patrollers every 4 hours, she didn't want many people away from the site. Not if something was to happen, so, she was going to wait for Delia and Dean's return.
Ana-Lucia walked to the back of the apartment building of their camp, looking back occasionally to make sure no one was following. She climbed over the fence and as she hit the pavement below, she pulled her .40 Desert Eagle out of the back of her pants and aimed down the street; she was now outside of their campsite. Ana walked a few blocks and then headed East for a few more. When she reached a small white, two-story house with the windows all boarded up, she jogged over to the right side of the porch and crouched down as she pulled a few vines that covered a gap out of the way. She then covered the hole back up from the inside and towards walked to the back of the house. The basement was wet and gloomy, half of one side is flooded, most likely one of the pipes had broken. Soon reaching a dark haired man who was tied down to a chair, his face was black and blue with his left eye swollen shut.
"So, you going to talk now? Or, are we going to get physical again?" She asked with a bit of humor in her voice.
"Wha..What do you want?" The man stuttered as he tried to look up at her
"What do I want? What do I want? ... I want to go home, I want to, I don't know, have a family. Live a normal life. But, no, I can't. I can't because this is the world we live in now, all because of your boss." She snarled as she pulled the man's head back, gripping onto his hair and lifted her pistol up to where it's barrel touched his cheek.
"Now, tell me what he plans to do if his idea fails, now." Ana-Lucia lifts the the gun in the air and collides the end of it with his face, causing the man to cough up a bit of blood.  When he denies to answer, Ana_Lucia starts to beat him half to death. When she finishes about ten minute later, she sits down on a crate that rests on the cold tile floor of the basement, catching her breath while listening to the man cough up more and more blood. Many people didn't know this, but Ana-Lucia knew/has tons of ways she can torture you to a bloody core and still save room for more.
After the man spits out the last bit of blood in his mouth, he looks over to Ana, "So .. why didn't you,.. you know, try start a family. I mean, before all of this." There was a bit of change in his voice, bit of pity, but Ana did her best to ignore it.
"..." The Latina looked up at the ceiling, "I did."
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 14, 2013, 03:37:43 pm
Dean Martin

 Dean looked forward towards the rising sun, unaware that Delia was smiling at him and of her crush. When it came to the opposite sex, Dean was very...Unpredictable, I guess some would say. Only Ana-Lucia knows why, most have even thought they would end up together in the long run, but they both made it clear towards one another that their love is more along the lines as a sibling. "I agree, but we have to move fast and cat like." He joked and began to walk at Delia's pace. "Alright.." He implored. As they walked a little further Dean heard the same engine as Delia and the both went prone, "I wasted a clip in both of them.."

After a moments hesitation Dean remembered. "Oh -Removed by Moderator-, the guy I straggled, I didn't have time to check his pulse, the other two were fixing to open fire in the hole you were in." He stated. Seconds later Delia mentioned about a shrub as she pointed to his right and the began to crawl silently. When the reached it, they both sat up, next thing he knew Delia's lips her brushing against his. He could tell she was embarrassed by the sound of her voice and how she couldn't find the words to say. All Dean could do was smirk, "Alright..." He agreed.

Dawn Marie Martin

Dawn's stomach growled when she heard Dolly call that dinner was ready, they are only served 3 meals a day since there isn't that much. After she finished her soup and bread Ana-Lucia moved her to the sofa so she could stand, Dawn watched as she exited the room, always wondering where she wanders to..."Grown up stuff." She heard a voice call from beside her, it was James, another Trainee;he had blonde hair and beep green eyes. "I wish I was a grown up..." Dawn said in a sweet voice as she watched everyone around her eat their dinner and talk.
"It has it's up and downs." He explained before he got up and ventured off.
As morning started to come Dawn raced off to find something to keep her busy for awhile until Dean made it home, safely. 
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: Star12 on August 14, 2013, 04:08:21 pm
Emma-Louise Weran
Emma-Louise nodded at Ana-Lucia's request and ran a hand through her dark hair. She exchanged glances with Hunter, "Hey." He said, a hint of shyness in his voice. Hunter was never the one to talk the most, but compared to Emma-Louise, he was very chatty. They walked around the campsite in silence, their eyes darting around in case of any unwanted visitors. Emma-Louise looked up, noticing a girl sitting in a tree a few yards away. She jumped, closing her hand over her knife. She peered closely through the dead branches and recognised the face of Anya, one of the trainees. The woman nodded her head in greeting and continued her walk around the perimeter of the campsite. She sighed and finally broke the comfortable silence, "You know, I get so bored when we're not out on the job. And when we are, I love it. The adrenaline, the danger. Every single part of it." She said quietly, so that only Hunter could hear. That was the first time she had talked in a day and Hunter nodded his head in agreement, his eyes distant.
They both rounded another corner, approaching where they started. Emma raised an eyebrow, watching as the sun peaked over the horizon. "Its gonna be a long day."  Hunter's voice interrupted her thoughts, she turned walked back into the apartment, leaving him to watch the sunrise. She collapsed onto her bed, picking up her only book. She stared at the cover, it was Little Red Riding Hood. Emma-Louise had read it around fifty times, and knew the words of some of the longest passages off by heart.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 14, 2013, 05:09:35 pm

 "What do you mean, you did?" He asked.
Ana couldn't help but give him a disgusted look, 'Why is he asking me this -Removed by Moderator-?' she wondered. "It doesn't matter, now does it?" She spat back. "Now, you're doing a lot of talking, just not about the right stuff. So, you ready to give it a go?" Her voice was raspy. "I'll talk.." The man cave as she was about to hit him again with the end of her pistol once more.
"He's planning on taking the kids and putting them into 'Work Camps'
 The man explained. "He wants to separate them from the others." He continued,
"Why!?" Ana interrupted.
"I don't know why! If you were planning to get to highly secretive information than maybe you should've thought about snagging a Commanding Officer." The man hollered as he spat on Ana-Lucia's combat boots. Ana grew more impatient by the second. As she backed away from the man after hitting him a few more times, she looked down at her Desert Eagle, it was loaded with one bullet at the moment. "I'll see you in Hell." She hissed before she shot him right between the eyes. It seemed like it took Ana a few moments to catch her breathe, but it ended up being another hour and a half. She sat against the cold wall on the floor, she had killed many people before, and that wasn't what made her heart race. It was the fact that she was fixing to start talking about her family, the one God denied to give her.

 As she left the basement of the home from which her prisoner's motionless body lies, Ana-Lucia decided to take the tunnels back to camp; they run underground. Ana made a mistake by letting her guard down because at that point a Rogue tackled her to the ground demanding for her weapons. She was taller than with red hair, but not very intimidating for Ana. The first few punches the Latina threw missed and she ended up getting slammed to the wall head first. The Rogue tried grabbing her again but Ana was able to push her off and get a nice kick to her gut. When she went to swing at her again the girl elbowed her in the shoulder and slammed her into the corner putting handcuffs on her left wrist. When she was too busy locking the cuffs Ana used her free hand to strike her in the lower belly. When the latina got to her feet she grabbed the girl's shoulders and head butted her once more.
 This chick was smart though, she was able to gain her stance again, jumping up and wrapping her legs around Ana's neck and grabbing her arm, pulling her to the ground and locking her into a flying armbar. Determined to get free, Ana bit the girl's leg to where it drew blood, causing the redhead to release her. Ana rolled over onto her stomach and as she was about to stand her opponent kicked her in the face, causing her to do a backwards somersault. When both the girls managed to get to their feet, Ana realized that the redhead was standing in front of a stair case. So the Latina charged and tackled her, both of them hitting the stair's rusted metal bar and landing on the ground.
Ana was the first one up and she pinned the girl to the ground, she wrapped the handcuff around her fist and repeatedly punched her, until she knew she was either knocked out or dead.

As the Latina returned back to the camp the same way she came, she only had a deep cut under left eye, a split on her right eyebrow, her left eye was already turning black and blue, and her ribs were killing her, but, she would live. But, she tried to silently sneak back to her room and clean herself up good before anyone could see her.     

((Yes, I tried to describe the fight scene that is in the gif... So, the scene does not belong to me. It belongs to the people who made Fast and the Furious 6))

Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 14, 2013, 05:44:43 pm
Delia Zambrano
Delia Nodded, she could faintly hear the men talking amongst themselves "They are around here somewhere." Delia gulped, they knew. She looked at Dean then back to the men "Thank god." she said with relief, they were getting in their truck. She closed her eyes for a moment "It looks we have a little luck on our side. Let's go." Delia made sure the men were far enough away before leaving the cover of the shrub and began walking. Delia almost jumped in happiness when the tops of large buildings began to rise above to hill in front of them "Finally!" she said with a laugh. She shouldn't get to happy yet, they weren't out of the woods. Cities usually had soldiers in them, either searching or stopping for a break. "When we get in there, be careful. No one gets hurt today. Alright?" She wasn't talking about the soldiers, they could get hurt all they want, she wasn't really talking about herself either.

Finally, they arrived in the city, Delia didn't know the name of it, but she didn't really care either. They arrived just before sundown, but still had time to scavenge the area. Hours later, with no problems, Delia had everything the amp would need "It's amazing how this place wasn't fully cleared out yet." The sun had disappeared an hour ago, but the full moon lit their path "It's beautiful out tonight, I hope it doesn't rain." She took in a deep breath of the cool air, she actually felt at pace, like the world around them wasn't falling apart. She opened her eyes "I guess we should find a place to sleep." Delia wished she could sit outside all night and watch the moon and the stars, but if she didn't get any rest she wouldn't be able to make the trip back. Delia walked down the street to an old hotel that she was in earlier "We can sleep here." Once they were in a room she noticed there was only one bed "Really?" she said with a sigh. She began to take out her sleeping bag "You have the bed." she was used to sleeping on the floor anyway.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 14, 2013, 06:14:34 pm
Dean Martin

 Dean stayed crouched behind the shrub along with Delia until the soldiers were in their truck and out of sight. "I believe so.." He agreed with Delia's comment about luck being on their side. He couldn't help but smile at Delia enthusiasm when they saw the tops of buildings in the distance. "Alright.." He laughed, by the way she spoke, Dean knew he was talking about him. What could you say? He likes to impress the ladies.

When they arrived to the city, Dean hesitated. He knew this place, at least, he thinks he does. There was no doubt that he had been here before but he just couldn't put his finger on it. But then it hit him, this was his home, this this where it all started. Where he met Ana, where he went to school, Dawn being bown, and when he had his first love. As Dean tried to fight the memories of everything that came rushing back into his mind he heard Delia's speak about how this place wasn't picked dry already. "Yeah... It's weird." He agreed. As they watched the night sky Dean thought it would have been a good time to kiss her again, but, he chickened out. When they reached the hotel room and noticed there was only one bed he heard Delia sigh and say he could have it. "No," he paused, "You have the bed. I don't need a comfortable place to close my eyes. Besides, Some one has to keep watch. I can go days without sleep and still manage a 20 mile hike. You sleep." He demanded nicely, even given a small smile.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: FantasyDawn on August 14, 2013, 06:47:20 pm
(http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh504/Arrinanna/haileesteinfield.jpg) (http://s1249.photobucket.com/user/Arrinanna/media/haileesteinfield.jpg.html)

Anya Rose Williams

     Anya watched the others from the branch she was sitting how they were walking around.Some of the kids started playing around games like tag,hide-and-seek and many more.How much she wished she would have played with someone when she was their age.Getting tired of her hair getting in her eyes(because it was a little windy),she tied it into a ponytail.
     Her  attention was caught by two people walking near the tree.It didn't took her long to recognise Emma-Louise and Hunter.The assasin spotted her and it looked like she was going to take out her knife,thinking she could've been an intruder but luckily,she recognised her aswell."Hello Em!Anya greeted her,calling her by a nickname she would oftenely use to adress to her instead using her full name.Emma nodded her head in sign of greeting and continued walking with Hunter.Another hours passed by,Anya decided to walk behind the apartment building,where some of the trainees used to meet.There was no specific hour when they came there,sometimes there were no one around.The only thing she prayed was to not find Lucy or Bella,two trainee girls older than her that used to bully her.It wasn't like she wouldn't fight back,but two against one,not fair.
       She made her way there and found nobody but a figure that was climbing over the fence.It was undoubtly Ana-Lucia.She must've left the camp again and came back.But by the way she was walking,she could tell something was wrong.She ran towards her and saw that she looked terribly,and that,yes,it was a deep cut under her eye."What happened to you?"she asked,showing concern to the leader.   
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 14, 2013, 07:14:01 pm

As she tried to get to her room without being noticed she was stopped by Anya, asking what had happened. "Nothing." She protested, for one Anya was too young to be aware of the business  Ana does outside the camp. So, she walked passed her and headed to her room, the door was cracked a little so she could hear if anyone was coming or if something went wrong. As she washed her face to get rid of all the dirt and to clean out her wounds she bit the inside of her lip to hold the screams in. The water was brunig her cuts, and her eye eye was looking worse. "Damnit." She mumbled, there were no more anti-biotics left, now she was praying Delia and Dean would return soon and safe. Ana let her hands fill with water as she held her breath and splashed her face.  
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 15, 2013, 06:28:19 am
Not going to be able to post till sometime tomorrow. Sorry x.x)
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: Star12 on August 15, 2013, 12:31:23 pm
Emma-Louise Weran
The dark-haired woman watched silently as the day passed, she had read her book a while ago and was leaning against the door frame. She sighed and walked over to her bed, pulling off the thin sheet and pillow. She glanced outside, the weather was nice, but it was still lightly raining. She shrugged on her jacket and headed outside, the sheet trailing along the muddy ground. She hoisted it up over her shoulder and approached the tree on the outskirts of the camp, its branches were thick but there were few of them. She threw the sheet and pillow up so that it draped over one of the highest branches. Emma-Louise pulled herself up onto the first branch, and began to make her way to the sheet and pillow. Once she reached the top, she arranged the cushion so that it propped against the trunk and the sheet so that it provided a thin layer of warmth for her when night came. The young woman leaned against the rough bark of the trunk, singing very quietly to herself. She often came here to think and would usually spend the night in the tree, on the look out for any unwanted visitors.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 16, 2013, 01:42:36 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia crossed her arms then plopped down, just like a child "But I already laid out my sleeping bag." she smirked. She quickly slipped into her sleeping bag with her head where her feet were supposed to go, her feet hanging out the open end. She began to laugh "See, all ready for bed..Kind of.." Delia laid in there for a moment "Besides I'm used to the floor." Finally, she wiggled out of the sleeping bag and was sitting crossed-legged on the wood floor. She looked over to the bed, it was about a queen size. They could always share the bed, if it came down to that. "You just have the bed, really." She smiled. To be honest, Delia wasn't even tired, She would probably be up for a few more hours. Delia sighed then stood up and went out to the balcony, luckily the moon was still shining bright in the sky, lighting up the ruined city.

She wrapped her arms around her torso, it was chilly out, too cold to be sleeping outside, lucky for them; they were inside. Hopefully tomorrow night will be a little warmer when they will be sleeping outside. Delia placed her hands on the cold metal that wrapped around the platform "It really is nice out, minus the cold weather. Sometimes cold can be nice though." She looked over to Dean "Do you think we would have ever met if this never happened? I sometimes wonder if I would have ever met all these amazing people if things stayed 'normal." Delia asked before looking back at the moon "There are times where I wish the world went back to the way it was, but then I think that I might have never met you guys if this didn't happen." She sighed "What were your plans before all this happened?" Delia looked down at the ground below "I wanted to have a family by now, but the president ruined that for me." Delia felt a warm tear slowly roll down her cheek. Delia looked into his eyes, she sat there for a moment before looking away. She wanted to tell him how she felt about him but she was afraid, afraid of being hurt again. "Maybe we should lay down, so we don't sleep in."
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 16, 2013, 04:31:04 am
Dean Martin

Dean threw his head back while laughing a bit, "Right.." He said looking down at where Delia had laid out her sleeping bag. As Delia argued for Dean to take the bed he gave a her a soft eyebrow lift, thinking that it was big enough for the both of them. But, he also believed it would be inappropriate to say so, and Dean wasn't that type of guy, at least not anymore. Dean's eyes couldn't help but follow as Delia walked out to the balcony, sighing in a bit of relief as he saw the moon still high in the sky.

He gave a her a soft look as she spoke about the cold weather, nodding his head in agreement. "I don't know..." Dean admitted, returning the look to Delia. As she asked him what he would have done if things didn't happen how they did, he looked to the ground. "I was in the Navy Seals, wanted to settle down with the woman I had loved. But..." At this point Dean was holding tears back, he never spoke about what had happened a week before Ana-Lucia offered him a job on the Raiderz team. As Delia opened up about how she wished she could started a family, Dean wrapped his arms around her waist and wiped away the tear that had wandered from her eye. 'Kiss her you idiot! Do it now.' He yelled at himself. He wanted too, but, then the thought of Alice creeped into his mind. The way he felt when the patrollers took her captive and how he failed to rescue her. Deep down Dean knew he had to let her go, but he just wasn't ready. 6 months wasn't enough time to get over someone you had loved for 5 years, not for Dean.  "Right..." Dean nodded before heading back inside.
'Dammit' he thought after he passed up the opportunity to lay one on her. Dean was blind to see Delia's true feelings for him, and the ones he had towards her was undefined to him, he wasn't sure what he felt, but, he knew it was something for sure.

Dawn Marie Martin

As Dawn was playing with a few other kids her age, she felt a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach. Sure enough, Dawn vomited up her dinner before fainting to the wet and muddy ground. "Help!" One of the kids screamed, couple of seconds later Dotty ran over who was just next door in one of the tents. "Oh my god, someone, go find Ana-Lucia. Quick!" She ordered as she lifted Dawn into her arms and hurrying to the living room, laying her down softly on the old and dusty couch. She felt her forehead while the other kids were telling what had happened, although, Dotty wasn't a nurse or doctor, she knew Dawn was burning up and she had a temperature.
The elder lady rushed to find a rag or something she could get wet to place it on the young girl's head to cool her off, until Ana arrived.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 16, 2013, 05:24:10 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia still wasn't tired, even though she felt like she could sleep for years. She laid there for what seemed like ages, trying to sleep but her mind was on other things. She needed to walk, walk anywhere. She slowly and quietly exited her sleeping bag then looked at Dean, who she couldn't tell was asleep or not, before leaving the room. Delia walked down the empty hall, well at least she thought it was empty. Thoughts swarmed her mind, like busy bees in a hive. There were so many answer less questions racing through her head that it gave her a headache. She was so deep in thought she didn't realize how far she went away from the room they had occupied for the night "Crap, better get back." she said to herself as she made her way back to the room. Suddenly she heard something, it sounded all too familiar. A truck's engine. "- Content Removed by Moderator -! They followed us."

"Find the girl! She is the one who took out our men!" Delia was confused, she hadn't touched them, Dean was the one who saved her. Maybe the man who called for help thought it was her "Dammit.." Delia had to make sure they didn't find Dean, if she were caught he could tell Ana. She also didn't want him t get hurt. Delia had to think, but she didn't have long. They were in the building. Delia just did what her mind told her to do; run. She ran down the hall then down the stairwell, she had to get them away from here. She ran through the lobby where the men were walking around "There!" Bullets rang through the lobby "Moron! Don't kill her! He wants to talk to her!" Delia's heart raced, she could hear them behind her. A pack of wolves were chasing their prey. Delia crossed the street "She's getting away!" Delia almost smiled "No she's not." her smile left when the pain struck her. A single bullet had been shot at her thigh "You idiot!" The man that shot her chuckled "Don't worry, I just got her leg. It's not even that bad, just a flesh wound." Delia was flipped onto her back, the barrel of the rifle pointed at her face "Come on." Delia was pulled to her feet by two men "Get your hands off of me!" she yelled as she began to thrash around. The men tightened their grips on her arms "Hurry up!" The man commanded who was holding the truck door open.

The men threw Delia into the back of the truck, where they held the prisoners. She yelled at the top of her lungs as she beat her fists on the doors. It was no use. Soon the truck revved to life and powered down the road. Delia started crying, not because she was sad or scared, but because she was furious. She looked down at her injured leg, luckily her left leg wasn't too damaged, but it still hurt. Suddenly the truck flipped. Delia was thrown around while the truck flipped, who knows how many times, before coming to a stop on it's back. Delia was dazed, but not too injured, she had a few gashes and cuts. She sat there for a moment, trying to collect her bearings before trying to escape. The back door had come loose and only took a few kicks before it flew open. "Where am I?" she asked herself as she exited the vehicle. She couldn't be too far from where they had caught her. She knew she had to hurry, if they were alive they would come looking for her, she and Dean needed to leave. She limped down the road, she looked like she just walked out of a horror movie. She had a large gash on her forehead that was bleeding rather heavily, painting her once gray t-shirt red.

Soon, the city came into the distance, just as the sun began to rise. They were a day late, they would have been back to camp already if they weren't slowed down. Delia was exhausted, so exhausted. She would do anything to just lay down and sleep. Finally, the hotel came into view, a smile of relief came to her face. She had to find Dean and tell him it was time to leave. It didn't take long to find him. She wrapped her arms around his torso, she has never been so happy to see anyone in her life. She fell to her knees, exhaustion taking over "We have to go, they will be coming." She laid her head on his chest, she was fighting sleep, she knew they weren't safe here. Delia tried to stand but just fell down, not from her injuries, her body just needed to rest, but she didn't want to. "Let's just go, I'm fine." she insisted. It was hard to change her mind once she had it set, but she couldn't deny that she could seriously hurt herself if she pushed her body to hard "Okay, maybe I'll rest for a few minutes."

I hope this post was okay, I tried PMing you but it wouldn't go through. If you want me to change it, feel free to say so C:
Sorry for the long post X.X I tried to keep it short..It didn't work out very well.)
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 16, 2013, 05:45:32 am
((Haha, no worries. And your post is fine by the way. :) ))

Dean Martin

A few moments after Dean had laid down he was out cold, I guess you could say he was more tired than he thought. As the Marksman had fell into a deep sleep the world around him had disappeared and he started to picture the world how it once was. It was like he was looking through another man's eyes when a picture of him and Alice showed, they were holding hands while sitting on the tailgate of his truck, Ana-Lucia was with her boy toy, Jack next to them. Things seemed to be perfect you could say. As the dream Dean went to kiss his girlfriend, he paused. Soon, Delia was standing behind Alice a couple of yards away, uncontrollably, he walked towards her not hesitating to lean in for a kiss, when he snapped out of it. He wasn't aware of the guns fired nor what was happening to Delia, not until he saw her rushing through the door and flinging her arms around him.
 At first he was shocked at the site, speechless. "What the hell happened to you!?" He demanded as he followed Delia to her knees, her head on his chest. When she warned them about they were coming, who knew exactly who she meant. "No, you're not fine. You need to rest." He argued as Delia tried to persuade him into believing she was OK. When she finally came to her senses and rested, Dean took it upon himself to tear pieces of the bed's sheet and wrap it around her leg, just over her bullet wound. It won't heal it, but it will stop the bleeding a bit. For the gash on her forehead, he managed to find a half bottle of Alcohol and a rag. Instead of pouring the Alcohol, he damped the rag and gently patted the wound. He saved the Alcohol for later used, perhaps when she is awake.

 As Delia laid passed out on the bed, Dean went ahead and packed the bags, grabbing all the supplies they brought with them, and the ones Delia had snagged with Food, water, and medicine. He could tell by the way Delia was positioned that she was out cold, and probably won't wake up for a good while, but he also knew they must head out, at least if they wanted a good lead. So, he swung the bags onto his back, places a few inside each other to save room, and lifted her into his arms before nudging the door open and heading back home.


((If you want me to change something, just let me know.))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 16, 2013, 06:26:26 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia was out cold in a matter of seconds of laying on the bed. Her dreams were painful and peaceful at the same time. Happiness also took over her dreams, dreams of old times when life was 'normal'. Then her dream turned into a terrible nightmare. The once sunflower covered field turned into a wasteland,covered in waste and burnt ground. She didn't know what to do, she just ran, she ran for help. She ran for Dean. But there was no help in sight, she was alone. Then there he was, he looked as if he were glowing, she ran to him. Then he was shot down, just like all her friends have been. Then she woke up. Her cheeks were moist from her tears, at least she was out of that nightmare. She looked up and saw Dean, he was carrying her. She yawned, how long was she asleep? It didn't seem like a long time but it was about 8 p.m judging by the sun.

She kept her head against his chest, she wished she could stay like this but he couldn't carry her forever. "I can walk." she said through a yawn. When her feet touched the ground she stumbled forward, her muscles still not ready to carry her weight. She grabbed onto Dean, waiting for her body to be ready to carry itself. Finally, she was able to walk on her own, but with a slight limp. When she looked at where they were she knew they were close to the shed they had slept in "Thanks, for carrying me. And cleaning my cut." Delia stayed close to him, in case she stumbled, but she was confident she could walk. Soon, the sun began to set "Wow, it's pretty." she stopped to admire the beauty of the setting sun, she missed watching the sun set and rise. She grabbed Dean's hand then smiled at him before looking back at the sun "We should keep moving. We can't risk them catching up to us." With their hands still locked she began to head towards the shed that was about a mile ahead of them.

Once they arrived at the small shed again Delia was tired again. "If you want to keep going, we can." For once Delia thought it would be a good idea to stop "Actually, you need rest." she poked his chest "You have been walking all day." Delia bent down to retrieved her sleeping bag then laid it out. She was quick to slide in and lay down. She waited for Dean to lay down before, while in her sleeping bag, to wiggle next to him. When she was as close as she could get she faced him "Sleep well." she said with a smile before falling sleep.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 16, 2013, 06:47:13 am
Dean Martin

As Dean walked in the direction they had came with Delia in his arms he felt a slight jump and hear Delia yawn. "Are you sure? ... OK." Dean mumbled before setting Delia gently on her feet, and catching her as she almost stumbled. After Delia was able to manage on her own, they continued their journey, the silence was broken when Delia thanked him for carrying her and cleaning her wounds. "You're welcome..." At first Dean thought about asking her what the hell happened, but, quickly thought otherwise, he already knew it had to do something with patrollers or what not.

 When Dean's ears heard the sound of Delia's voice talk about how pretty the sunset was he felt her hand wrapped around his. When she looked up to admire it's beauty, Dean kept his eyes on hers, "Yeah, sure is." He admitted while smiling at her. Before she spoke again he looked straight ahead, not sure if she noticed him staring at her out of the corner of her eye. "I agree." He barked as they continued to move forward.

As they reached the shed and opened the squeaky door, Delia started to lecture him into resting, he nodded, knowing their was no way of talking her out of anything. It was one of the things he liked most about her, but would never tell. "Alright, if you insist." He barked playfully before laying his head down on his backpack next to Delia's sleeping bag. Their faces were inches apart when she wished him to sleep well. "You too." He smiled back, before rolling onto his back with his right arm suppoting his head and closing his eyes.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 16, 2013, 07:46:32 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia slept very well that night, better than most. Was it because she was extremely tired? Or was it because she knew she was near him? She didn't know. She didn't dream that night, well she didn't remember what it was about. When she woke up her arm was over Dean's head, she yawned then tucked it back into her sleeping bag, it was freezing. Delia looked at the small hole in the ceiling, it was still dark out. Delia could tell this year's Winter was going to be harsh, hopefully she had grabbed enough supplies to last. Delia yawned again, her breath visible in the icy air, she ducked deeper into her sleeping bag, using her body as a heater. When she felt warmer she poked her head out and almost jumped, she forgot Dean was right there. She laughed at herself then sat up, her legs still covered up. She rubbed her arms with her hands "Damn, it's cold. I wish I brought my coat."

Delia sat there for a moment, she looked a mess. She had dried blood in her hair and on her clothes, her hair was also a complete mess, she looked like she just got electrocuted. She looked over to Dean, who looked fast asleep, before quickly putting clean clothes on. She dug around until she found her brush, then she began to brush through the mess on her head. After minutes of painful brushing, she finally had it under control. She looked at Dean, she didn't want to wake him so she quietly went outside. It was so peaceful out, Delia could tell the sun would soon rise, the sky was slowly lighting up. "I should wake him up, we should be heading out." She went back inside then packed her things back up. After she was finished she sat next to Dean "Hey, wake up." She said calmly as she poked his shoulder "We should get going." Delia waited for him to get up before hoisting her pack over her shoulder. She looked at Dean, she truly adored him, she smiled "Shall we?" she pushed open the door and stepped out into the cold morning.

The cold air nipped at her bare arms, but she was able to ignore it. Her mind was set on getting back to camp and giving these supplies to Ana. Delia kept the same pace as Dean, her shoulder sometimes touching his "Are you excited to be getting back?" Delia knew he was looking forward to seeing Dawn, his little sister. Delia loved Dawn, she was adorable and so sweet. Delia's hand managed to lock into Dean's once more, she showed a shy smile, her cheeks turning red. She felt like a little kid again, so embarrassed when she was around her crush. Finally, the camp came into view "Finally." she chuckled, she looked up at Dean, happiness in her eyes. She stood there for a moment, just looking at him, her body felt frozen there.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 16, 2013, 04:15:36 pm
Dean Martin

 Dean didn't sleep all that well, not as good as the night before. For some odd reason he was sweating in his sleep, he didn't have anything on other than the shirt he had been werin and his pants, he never like to sleep undercovers for some unknown reason. He planned on changing before they headed back to camp. When Dean heard Delia calling for him to wake, he immediately got to his feet. As Delia got her stuff and headed outside Dean snatched his black/dark grey button down shirt that was resting on a small table in the shed and quickly changed his shirt.

"We shall." Dean smiled before walking out into the cold air, but, it didn't bother him. As he walked at a medium speed he he kept looking over at Delia, not wanting to move to fast due to her wound, she was going to need antibiotics to stop any infections. "Yeah, I'm excited... You?" He implored as their hands locked again with Dean smiling at the ground. He hid his embarrassment, afraid his hand was sweaty. His head jolted up when he heard Delia chuckling, and he saw the camp in the distance. "Thank God." He smiled, looking over at Delia, never feeling this kind of relief before.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 16, 2013, 04:35:47 pm

 As Ana-Lucia continued to try and get all the tried blood off her face, she looked at her reflection in the broken piece of mirror on the wall. Her eye was already black and blue, there was no way she could cover it up, nor the deep cut under her eye, but the split on her eyebrow wasn't near as bad as the rest. The Latina turned slightly and held her side, she could tell none of her ribs were broken, just badly bruised. A few moments later her door swung open, Drake, another supplier stood in the door frame. "Come quick, it's Dawn." He barked. Before even answering Ana made her way, passing the living room and seeing almost everyone circled around. "Let me through." She demanded as she pushed people out of the way.
"What happened!?" She asked Dotty who was holding the damped rag on Dawn's forehead as Ana kneeled beside her.  "I'm not exactly sure, her and the kids were playing and she got sick. She is burning up." Dotty implored, her voice was shaky as she was scared for the child. "Still no sign of Delia and Dean?" Ana asked a looking up into the crowed of people. "No." Someone replied.
"Guys, give her some room." The Latina ordered as more and more people started to squeeze in. "It's going to be okay Dawn, alright." She calmly stated into Dawn's ear as she held the childs hand. She knew they needed Pepto, or some other type of stomach calmer you could say, and just hoped Dean and Delia were lucky enough to find some.

 Few moments later Dotty spoke as people started to leave the room. "And may I ask what happened to you."
"Nothing, I took care of it." She hissed back, she hated people asking her questions. She just hated having to speak about the things she does that no one is aware of, and if they were, she knew they wouldn't want anything to do with her.
"You need to put something on that cut." Dotty continued, "I said I'm fine." Ana hissed again, although she didn't mean to.
"Okay..." The elderly woman whispered, the tone in Dotty's voice revealed she was disappointed at her, but Ana shook it off. She didn't' care what people thought of her, or anything. Not anymore.

Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Need of Males||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 16, 2013, 05:40:49 pm
Delia Zambrano
Delia grinned, finally being able to move her body again "Let's hurry." She pulled him along, the pain in her leg suddenly gone, she just wanted to get home. They walked through the old city, the camp was just a few blocks away. Delia adjusted her pack on her shoulder before continuing "I wonder if anything has happened while we were gone." Soon the apartment building came into view, Delia walked a little faster, something was wrong. She could feel it in her gut. Hand in hand they entered the building "Hello? Ana, we're back!" she called through the building "Where are they?" She pulled Dean through the building along with her "Maybe they are in the living room." Delia looked at Dean then jogged down the hall to the living room. When they arrived there was a group around the large couch "What's happening?" She asked, but no one answered her. Through the crowd Delia saw Dawn on the couch "Oh no." she dropped Dean's hand then pushed her way through "Excuse me, sorry." she said as she bumped into people "Ana, here." she handed her the large bag full of supplies. Delia turned around then began to push people back "Come on, give her some room." When there was a circle around the couch Delia went to grab Dean's hand "Come on." She gently pulled him along with her to the couch.

The sound of multiple trucks sounded outside the apartment "Oh no.." Delia let go of Dean then ran to the window, there was a whole army outside "..Guys..We gotta go." She saw men pouring out of the trucks, rifles in their hands. She ran to Ana "They must have followed us." Wait, maybe they could get away if she just surrendered, as far as they knew she was alone. "You guys hide, I'm going out there." She wouldn't let any of her friends get hurt, she looked at Ana then placed a gentle hand on her shoulder "If they get me they will leave you all alone, they don't even know you are here." Delia hoped this was the case. Delia needed to tell Dean something, something he might already know. She grabbed his arm then pulled him to the back of the room "You need to get Dawn out of here, as well as everyone else." She looked down at the ground before going on "You should know that I like you." she took in a deep breath, she wasn't too good at telling people her feelings. "If this goes to -Removed by Moderator-, get them out of here. Okay?" She looked at him, she couldn't hold it back anymore. She kissed him.

Delia broke the kiss then began to leave the room "Get them out of here, now." She ran down the hall then down the stairs. There men were already aiming at her "Put your hands up!" Delia did as she was commanded. A larger man came up and placed cuffs on her wrists before slamming her onto the hood of the truck "What's your name!" Delia chose not to answer "God dammit! What's your name!" the man slammed her onto the hood again "Screw you." Delia spat. The man growled then put his forearm on the side of her head "I'll kill you, you know that?" Delia smirked "Sometimes dead is better." The man was getting ready to take her into the truck when another man yelled "There's more in there!" Delia's heart stopped "I saw them in the window!" Delia began to panic "Storm the building! Make sure no one gets out." Delia began to thrash around "No! Leave them alone!" The man that was restraining her slammed her onto her back "Shut the hell up!" He punched her in the gut, she bent over and fell onto the road, coughing "You leave them alone." she said through her coughing fit.

The man kicked her side "I said shut up!" she fell on her side, pain going through her body "I should have killed you when I had the chance." he said as he walked away. If anything happened to any of them she couldn't live with herself. Delia laid there for a moment, not knowing what to do. She knew what she had to do, she had to get inside. Delia struggled to get up, finally on her feet she quickly ran to the side of the building, she had to find a way inside. Then she remembered there was an emergency underground passageway for things like this, she just hoped Ana remembered. She took in a deep breath, she went to the back to find the exit of the underground passage. "Okay, where is it again?" Her eyes darted around "Oh! There." It was under one of the tents, under the cot. She pulled her hands under her feet so that they were in front of her, she ran into the tent then pulled out the cot. She lifted the old blanket then went down the ladder.

Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: FantasyDawn on August 16, 2013, 06:08:24 pm
(http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh504/Arrinanna/tumblr_lmqk3nqIcY1qj7adao1_500.jpg) (http://s1249.photobucket.com/user/Arrinanna/media/tumblr_lmqk3nqIcY1qj7adao1_500.jpg.html)

Anya Rose Williams

     The brown-haired girl couldn't tell  why Ana-Lucia was so reluctant to tell what happened to her.It was clear she got in a fight,and even if she still was able to walk,help was still needed.Anya decided that she shouldn't interfere in the woman's bussines,and in the end,someone will see her state anyway.The leader left swiftly,leaving the girl alone.Because night was approaching,the trainee decided to go in the apartment building and see what others were doing.However,she was soon stopped by two girls Anya started to hate:Bella and Lucy.With nobody around,they were able to do anything they wanted,which would definetely lead to a fight.
      "Hey,Lucy!Check this out!If it isn't the little freak that seems to enjoy being a nasty thief!One of them started as she saw her and both of them quickly surrounded her. "When was the last time you were punished to mop all the halls of the buildings?Recently?I can bet that!the other one smirked."Now the camp has a new maid!.Bella and Lucy were twins.They had blonde hair but Lucy had longer bangs than her sister and dark green eyes.Anya tried to do her best and ignore them,continuing her way to the building but the twins wouldn't give up easily."Oi!Miss Whiney!Where you think you're going?We're not done yet!Bella said,letting a hand on the girl's shoulder,preventing her from moving further."I really don't feel like talking now,especially with you,so why don't you just be nice girls and leave me be,you're taking away my air!"Anya finally replied,but this only angered them more."Listen,pipsqueak!We're older than you and you must learn to respect us,ok?If not,we're gonna have to punish you!"Lucy said,grabbing her arm,sinking her fingernails into the shirt's fabric."I don't have to listen to you!Let go of me right this instance!Anya protested,trying to escape their grip but it was too strong."Or what,sweetie?"Lucy provoked her,giving her a devilous smile."Or I'll do this!"Without waiting,Anya punched the girl with her free arm in the eye,leaving a bruise to slowily appear.Lucy backed away,screaming and Bella began pulling the trainee's brown hair with great force,as punishment for daring to hurt her sister.Anya sunk her nails into the girl's cheek,scrathing her,leaving red trails behind.She pushed her away and attempted to run but was caught by Lucy's grip."Why,you little...!I'm going to teach you a lesson!She raised her head so she could face her.Lucy's left eye had a bad bruise,it felt good hitting her,after everything she had done to her.But it wasn't over.With all her force,Lucy hit her in the nose and kicked her in the fresh mud.Anya's nose started to bleed."Now we're even!Suits you best,filthy!Lucy then turned to her sister."Let's go.Leave her be!Anya could hear Bella's laugh but she paid little attention to her,for now she was caring about her nose.She wiped off the blood and the mud from her face with her sleeve and held her hand to her nose in order to stop the blood pouring.What wa sthat in her eyes?Tears?No,she coudln't be crying!She rarely did!And not after what those girls did to her!She never felt so furious before.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 16, 2013, 06:08:42 pm
Dean Martin

 Dean's heart nearly stopped when they reached the loving room and saw Dawn laying on the couch. She saw Ana kneeling next o her and Dotty holding the rag on Dawn's forehead. "Oh God." Dean mumbled to himself, he wasn't sure what happened but, he prayed it wasn't anything too serious. He couldn't bare to lose his sister, no, not now. When he saw Ana-Lucia's beaten face he gave her a harsh look, as in saying 'What the hell have you got yourself into' The Marksman was too busy paying attention Dawn to hear the trucks outside, it wasn't until Delia was telling everyone to go that he snapped out of it.  Before he knew it Dean was being pulled by Delia into a back room. She was telling him to get Dawn and everyone out, then she told him she liked him. For some reason his heart started to beat, he wasn't used to people actually liking him, most call him a -Content Removed by Moderator- For a minute Dean was speechless, and when she kissed him he just wanted to hold onto her. But, then she broke out from it, chasing after her only to be stopped by Ana-Lucia. "Delia!" He grew angry, he already lost to many people he came to care about to those fuckers out there, and he didn't want to lose anymore.

But Ana-Lucia slapped him as he tried to break from her grasp, for a woman who was shorter and smaller than him, she knew how to hold someone back. She handed him the bag(s) o supplies Delia gave her earlier and told him to head into the Underground passageway. "What about you?" He demanded to know, he wasn't going to leave her behind if that's what she thought. But, knowing Ana, she always has a plan. As Ana-Lucia told him about where he wanted him to take the rest he just stared at her.

Dean jogged over to the couch and picked Dawn up into his arms, rushing down the stairs and into the courtyard where their tents and everything is fenced in. As everyone headed into the passageway underneath the cot in a tent, Alexis took Dawn from his arms and told her where to move to while he went back for the guns and ammo in the Armory, Dean was one of the 3 people who knew the code to access it. As he slung the M-16's over his shoulder, he packed his bag with the 12 boxes of ammo and the few knives they have, he looked up towards the rooftop of the building and noticed Ana. Then it hit him, she was looking for vengeance. In the back of his mind he prayed for Delia and her to be safe, he knew they were both one tough women.

Dean then came to realise he didn't see Anya anywhere, but then he heard yelling in the close distance. It sounded like Lucy and Bella, when he went to check it out, sure enough it was them heading towards the front of the camp. "Get down to the underground passageway, now!" He ordered before jogging over to Anya who was by herself, and he noticed her nose was bleeding. "Anya..."  he said fast and calmy, "We have to go, now." He implored before he motioned her to head to the front of the camp. "Go to the underground passageway, I'll be there in a second." he demanded.
Once he headed back to the passageway, he started following the directions Ana had gave him, and headed for East to the old house she had mentioned.   
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: Star12 on August 16, 2013, 06:34:34 pm
Emma-Louise Weran
Emma-Louise stood at the very top of the tree, it was swaying dangerously but she had to get away from the men below her. She had woken up to the sound of a gunshot near her. If she hadn't of been nicked by the knife, she would of actually jumped down to the ground. But, one of the men below her had attempted to throw a knife at her, but she had moved at the right time, but not fast enough to dodge the blow completely. She wiped impatiently at the cut on her forehead, watching silently as more and more men began to surround her tree. She pulled out her gun, her finger itching to pull the trigger. She hesitated, knowing that they would shoot before she could escape. She applied pressure to the trigger, the sound of the shot ringing out over the area. One man dropped, the others stared at the body for a fraction of a second. Emma-Louise took this as her advantage to attack, swinging down from her branch and smirking as her boots met one man's face.
She continued to ward the men off, receiving the odd blow from a knife or the barrel of a gun. She finally stopped when she felt the cold metal of a knife against her neck "Get down on the ground."  She heard a voice whisper in her ear, she did as she was told, her chest heaving. She spat out some blood on the ground, "Any last words?" She felt the blade press into her neck and began to pierce her skin. She smirked "Go to Hell."
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 16, 2013, 06:51:20 pm

Ana-Lucia jumped up to her feet and stopped Dean from running after Delia, "She'll be fine!" She argued, as he tried to get our from her grip she clinched harder on his arm and handed him the bags of supplies. "I need for you to take the others," She started to state when Dean tried to interrupt her, "Listen to me. I need you to take the others into the underground passageway, head straight for a few blocks and you'll come to a right turn. Take it. Keep going for a few more and you'll come to an opening on your left. Go through there and you'll see an old white hose with windows boarded up. Wait for me there." Ana held Dean's gaze for a second before ordering the rest to go with him, as she looked back she gave him a nod. Taking a deep breath the Latina pulled the Desert Eagle from the back of her pants and made a beak for the roof, she witnessed as Delia fought to get free. She knew the supplier soon would, and then she could make a move.  Soon enough, Delia got free and Ana watched as Delia made the break for the passageway.

Ana-Lucia held the gun in her hand as she ran along the connected rooftops, a few second later a couple of soldiers busted through the door, "There's one! Get her!" One of the commanding officers ordered. A couple of shots were fired, but none hit her. Soon she reached a small gap, about 5 feet wide, as she she came to a stop she almost lost her balance on the edge. She knew she had to jump it, so, she backed up a few feet and sprinted leaping right at the edge of the roof and landing on the other side. A sharp pain went up her side but she ignored it. "Shoot her!" The man yelled again, this time she recognized his voice. It was him, Commanding Officer Martinez,  the one who tried to recruit Ana into joining his squad before all hell broke loose. And when she refused, he tried to track her down, since he revealed information 'civilians' weren't allowed to let their ears hear.

As Ana tried to make a break for a small red door, she was tackled to the ground once more and her pistol slid across the gravel. "Where you think you're going?" A young woman's voice echoed.  As the woman put handcuffs on the Latina she smirked, her plan was going perfectly. "Well, well, well, look at what we have here." Martinez spat once him and his men reached her. "Long time no see, eh?" He paced in front of her.
"You can say I have been busy." Ana smirked
"Right, 'busy'" The man continued, "So, you and your little group have made quite a mess." The Latina's eyes followed the man's pace as she continued to smirk . "What, don't like our little party gift?" She shrugged her shoulder, giving the woman who held her back a harsh look as she shouldered her in the back.
As Martinez stopped pacing and face her, he lifted his gun in the air and collided it with her cheek.
"I see you had gotten into a little rumble?" He spoke motioning towards her wounds.
"What can you say? I like violence." The Latina's smile was bloody.

A few moments later Ana was walked towards their trucks,  then a small smile appeared  on her face. *BOOM* Everyone flew backwards as the trucks exploded, pieces flying in the air. As Ana landing on her side, she saw woman who handcuffed her release the keys, as her ears rang she managed to get to her feet and hustled to where the keys now lied, quickly unlocking them and getting her hands a an M-16.

((Sorry for the long post....))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: FantasyDawn on August 16, 2013, 07:10:03 pm
(http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh504/Arrinanna/tumblr_lmqk3nqIcY1qj7adao1_500.jpg) (http://s1249.photobucket.com/user/Arrinanna/media/tumblr_lmqk3nqIcY1qj7adao1_500.jpg.html)

Anya Rose Williams

     Noise began to occur around the camp.It coudln't be,could it?They were attacked,no doubt.Anya froze,she didn't knew what to do and in which direction to run.Her heart stopped beating incredibly hard when she saw Dean.He helped her get up from the fresh mud."Dean!"she said,feeling relieved that she saw him.He told her to run to the underground passageway for that was the safest way and that he'll be there soon.Now having a destination,the girl nodded before starting to run into its direction,wiping away in the meantime more blood from her nose.
      She was about to reach the entrance when she bumped into a man while looking back to see if anyone was follwoing her."Ha!Where do you think you're going?He smirked as he caught her by her arm.Luckily,Anya's eyes quickly landed on a knife attached to the man's belt.While he was preoccupied to carry her away,the girl quickly took the weapon and stabbed him in the arm.The man screamed,cussing under his breath as he was trying to remove the knife out of his arm,which was enought for Anya to run away.Having her trail lost,the trainee made it safely to the underground tunnel where she joined the group.The 15-year old was still shocked about what she has done since she never stabbed a person before.

ok,so I'm going camping for 10-11 days and I doubt I'll find some means to post anything during this time starting from tomorrow.I know it's long(or at least it is for me),so you may have Anya controlled throught your posts if you want to.When I come back I'll have to catch up with you guys anyway,sorry :(  See you then!))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: Star12 on August 16, 2013, 07:30:51 pm
Hope you have a great time!))

Emma-Louise Weran
Just as the man drew back his arm to slit her throat, Emma-Louise heard a distant booming noise. The man stopped for a second, probably wondering what had happened. She took this moment to her advantage, gripping the man's arm and twisting it, hard. He screamed in agony as a sickening cracking sound was heard, sending her knife skidding to the right. The young woman lunged for it, gripping it tightly and standing up to face the man. He slowly stood up, his arm at an awkward angle, she blinked furiously to try and clean the blood out of her eyes. As she did so, the man lunged for her, wrapping his arm tightly around her neck. Emma-Louise gasped in shock and made the biggest mistake of her life. She dropped the damn knife. The man's grip began to tighten, causing her to gasp for breath. She slowly lifted her leg, closing her eyes and falling back. The man didn't expect her to go down so easily and fell back in shock, loosening his grip slightly. She brought her foot back to the ground, it met with the man's groin. Hard. He doubled up in pain and Emma sprang forward, not taking a moment to catch her breath. She grabbed her knife by the blade and made a run for it, stumbling every so often. Her vision began to fade as she arrived at a clearing that seemed to be empty. She dropped to her knees, couching up blood and gasping for air. Once she had finished coughing, she shakily stood up, only to collapse back onto the ground once more.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 16, 2013, 07:38:19 pm
Delia Zambrano
Delia's mind was still stick on Dean, maybe ti wasn't a good idea to kiss him. She couldn't concentrate. Once in the tunnel it branched off, one path went to the apartment building while the other went to the other house for an emergency. Delia needed to get these cuffs off, but how? She needed to find someone who could. If she could find Dean he could probably help, but she knew he was long gone..hopefully. Delia followed the path that went into the house, passing by a few of her friends "Go to the left, that will take you to a house, stay there." Her friends were shocked by her condition, she had bruises on her face and on her arms "Hurry." she told them as she jogged through the passage.

Once in the house Delia had to make sure that no one had been left behind. She couldn't hear any footsteps, Delia went to the backyard only to see Emma laying on the ground with a soldier holding a knife to her throat. "Get off of her!" she yelled as she rammed into the man, they both landed on the ground, his knife a few feet away. Delia and the man both fought, rolling and kicking on the ground "Emma, I got this one. Remember that passageway? The one over there." She pointed with her head "Now go! Make sure you go right, just keep going straight." The man broke out of her hold then crawled to the knife. He managed to grab the knife then quickly spun around the stab her. Luckily he just managed to cut her side "Damn you." she spat as she wrapped her legs around his neck, attempting to strangle him. She tried to get the knife away from him but he managed to slice her forearm open. Soon the man quit his struggle, he was dead.

Delia fell over, out of breath. She looked around to make sure Emma had made it to the passageway, she didn't see her so she hoped she went underground. Delia stood up, the pain in her arm and side was almost unbearable. Her left side was bleeding, but not too bad, her right arm was bleeding pretty bad but she will survive. She had to get to the safe house, that's where she would find everyone. Hopefully..Boom! Delia fell to the ground instinctively "What the hell was that?" Delia had to find out what it was. She ran through the building until she came to the front where their trucks were lined up, they were all on fire while debris was scattered along the road. Then she saw Ana who had a M-16 in her hand "Ana!" She called but had to take cover behind the wall when bullets were shot at her. "Ana! We gotta go!" She knew Ana would want her to leave without her but she wouldn't do that "I'm not leaving without you!" Delia was about to go get her until something rolled though the door "Grenade!" she yelled as she began to run. The grenade went off, sending her right into a wall.

She laid there for a minute, her vision blurred and her ears were ringing. She knew she had to get out of there, she went back to the doorway to look at Ana "Be careful!" She knew Ana was a tough woman but she had her limits, just like everyone else. She hoped Ana would follow after her soon. Delia looked down a her clothes, she looked like she had rolled in red paint. Delia ran to the back where the passage was located then made her way to the safe house. Soon Delia came to a ladder that went to the surface, she poked her head out and saw a large white house, she could also see some of the group going inside. Tears of relief rolled down her cheeks as he rushed up the steps. "Delia!" her close friend, Ben, yelled from across the living room. He ran to her and picked her up into a tight hug "I thought you were gone! I saw you being taken by hem."  Ben had been her friend for a very long time, her only homosexual friend she had, but that's what she liked about him. He was different and very understanding. "Is Dean here?" she asked when he let her go "I don't think so. I haven't seen him." Delia nodded "Okay." She knew he would be here soon, Dawn needed medical attention. Delia had forgotten about the cuffs, she just hoped that Dean was alright. When she heard the door open she looked up and saw Dean enter the house with Anya and Dawn in his arms. She stood up and looked at him, Dotty son came over and grabbed Dawn and Anya to take them to one of the nurses. When Dean's arms were free she walked up to him and put her arms around him, her face buried into his neck "I'm so glad you and and Dawn are alright." Delia lifted her cuffed hands over his head then put her hands back in front of her "Ana stayed behind, I tried to get her to come with me, but she was determined." She held up her cuffed hands "Can you help me get these off?"

(Alrighty, I hope you have fun. ^^)
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 16, 2013, 08:02:59 pm
Dean Martin

 As Dean walked through the doors of the safe house and placed Dawn onto the sofa, the first person he saw was Delia, who flung her cuffed hands over his head. "I'm glad you're okay too. And yeah I know." Dean looked down to the floor, he knew Ana cold take care of herself, she proved that to him many years ago. But, she has a tendency to do most things out of anger, which make her rush into situations blinded. "So, you gone criminal now?" Dean joked as Delia held up her cuffed hands, "Sure." he smirked. "I'm sure we have pliers somewhere." He mentioned as he pulled Delia down the steps into a room which looked like a workshop. To the left sat a large red toolbox, as he searched the drawers he came across a small yellow handled pair. "Hold still." He spoke as he cute the chain of the cuffs, then working on the part that wrapped around her wrists.

"There ya go." He smiled looking at her face that was bruised, "You should have one of the nurses look at your wounds and the big one on your leg." He argued before they both went to join the group. Dotty was leaning over Dawn with Amanda, one of the nurses, "How is she doing?" Dean asked, his voice was shaky. "She'll be fine. Would you mind carrying her upstairs to one of the rooms, she needs rest." Amanda implored before leading Dean up the stairs. "Yeah." Dean replied as he lifted Dawn up and walked up the stairs into a small one person bedroom with a twin-sized bed beside the window. "I'll be back in a few to check on her. If she wakes before then, holler for me." Amanda barked before heading back downstairs to care for the others who are wounded.

After holding Dawn's hand for a few minutes, Dean got to his feet and Walked to the window, staring off into the distance. He was worried for Ana, who knows what that crazy chick is up to now. Many didn't know the true reason why she started the Raiderz, Dean only knew the basics, but, knowing Ana there was something a lot deeper than just wanting the world back the way it was before.    

((Have fun camping!))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 16, 2013, 08:26:41 pm
((Thanks for the heads. & Have fun!!))


When Ana managed to get her balance back she heard a familiar voice, Delia call for her "Get out of here! Go!" Ana ordered, she planned to stick around and finish what Martize started. When she heard Delia protest she gave her a harsh look, than hear her yell "Grenade!" "Delia!" She yelled, but as she ran to her, a wounded soldier grabbed her ankle making Ana headbutt the ground. She quickly turned around and kicked the man in his face, causing him to let go and his head to drop down. Moments later she heard Delia call for her to be careful, without replying Delia had already headed to the tunnels.
As Ana-Lucia was left in the middle of the street surrounded by dead bodies and burning machines, her gaze went to Martinez, who was trying to gain his stance again. As the Latina made her way to him, the passed flashed before her.

"Welcome, Mrs. Cortez, so nice for you to join us this evening." A man who covered his eyes with dark sunglasses was sitting in a chair on the other side of a metal table. "So, we are here to offer you a job..." The man continued as Ana sat across from him, holding onto his every word. "We offer you a spot on our special forces, you would lead a team a Delta Squad under my command." As the man got up and sat on the table right in front of Ana, he looked down on her. He then started to talk about how everything was soon going to change, giving out information that is highly classified. When their time was up they both stood and shook hands, Ana had only a day to get back to him.
The next day out on the street she ran into the same man, who she now knew as Commanding Officer Martinez, where she declined his offer, only to soon be chased down by him and his men. It was protocol, since Ana was not apart of the team, she knew information that others were not allowed to know, which made her a threat. As he chased her into an alley, she was trapped. There, he raised his pistol and shot her in the stomach before walking off and returning to where ever he was off to.

As Ana-Lucia remembered everything that took place before the world blew to hell, anger filled her veins. When she reached Martinez, Ana pushed him down to the ground with her combat boots, and grabbed her secondary pistol from the inside of her other one. As the ashes fell like snow, Ana spoke, "I was pregnant." She hissed before unloading 3 shots into the man. When he was motionless on the ground, she unloaded 3 more before walking off heading towards the safe house.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 16, 2013, 08:56:30 pm
Delia Zambrano
Delia followed Dean to the basement where he found pliers to cut off the cuffs "Thanks." she said as she rubbed her sore wrists. She and Dean walked back up to the main floor where Dean was asked to take Dawn upstairs to one of the rooms. "I'll be up soon." she had to get her gash treated before she lost too much blood. She went to find one of the nurses "Oh dear! What happened?" One of the nurses, Claudia, began to stitch up her wound "I just got in a tussle with one of the soldiers, but I'm alright." Claudia shook her head "You need to be a little more careful." Delia chuckled "Yeah, Ill try." A few minutes later Claudia took of her gloves then threw them away "There, all done." Delia smile "Thanks." Claudia smiled then nodded.

Delia made her way upstairs to check up on Dawn. Delia was directed to a small room with a twin bed inside with Dawn sleeping on it. She slowly walked over to the bed then sat next to it, "Hey girl, you're safe now." Delia grabbed her small hand, if anything happened to her she knew Dean would be in pieces. Delia brushed Dawn's hair away from her face, she was still hot. Delia yawned, today's events had tired her out. She backed up to the wall then laid her head against it, soon her eyes traveled over to Dean who was looking out the window. She got up then walked over to his side "I'm sure Dawn will be fine." She looked at him then out the window, "You should rest, I can keep an eye on her." Delia didn't want to sleep just yet, she wanted to make sure Ana got here safely. She patted him on the shoulder before pulling a chair next to Dawn's bed. She took a seat on the chair, the stress of all this had finally taken it's toll. She put her face in her hands and began to cry to herself, this was all too much for her to handle. When was this going to end?
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 16, 2013, 09:20:39 pm

Dean heard Delia come into the room but he remained staring out the window, in his mind he picture a swing set below as Dawn would laugh and swing as high as she could. He always looked after her, since their mothers accident and their drunken father would disappear for days, he always looked after her. "I hope so." He mumbled when Delia was sure Dawn would be OK. When he heard Delia telling him to rest, "Thanks." He nodded before walking over to Dawn and kissing her on the forehead. He walked out the room and down to a hall to an empty room with a bed. THe minute his head the pillow, he was out.

When Dean came to about an hour later, he felt like exploring the room and see what he could find. When the opened the closet, there sat an acoustic guitar. Dean's face had a smile on it, he hadn't played the guitar, nor seen one in forever. As he felt the guitars neck into his hand, he felt it's cold wooden surface. After he strung it's strings for away, he started to play a tune and sing "I'll Be" He made sure he wasn't that loud so he wouldn't wake Dawn, nor, no one had ever heard him sing other than Ana.

((If you want to hear how he actually sounds, this is him xP ))
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUH7ON1OWCo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUH7ON1OWCo)
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 16, 2013, 10:20:27 pm
Delia Zambrano
Delia didn't realize she had fallen asleep while watching Dawn. She quickly looked up to check on her but she was still sleeping "Come on Dawn." She pleaded "Just wake up." Delia got up then began pacing around the room, so many things had gone wrong. Delia jumped in surprise when Claudia came in to check on Dawn. Once she looked over her she frowned "What's wrong?" Delia walked over to her, Claudia looked at her "It doesn't look like she is getting better, but it is still early. I'll be back in a few hours." Claudia hugged her then left the room. Delia fell to her knees next to Dawn. Why did Delia feel so attached to her? Was it because she once had a daughter? Yes, she had a daughter. She has never told anyone, not even Ben.

Before this all started she had her life all together, she had a good job, a beautiful home and the perfect daughter. Eliza was ten years old when she was taken away from her. Delia couldn't do anything about it, she tried so hard to keep her safe, but in the end it wasn't enough. Delia doesn't know what they wanted to do with Eliza, why her? Why did they have to take her baby girl away from her? Just thinking about that day made her want to cry, and that's what she did. She got up then walked to the window, her eyes still puffy from the tears. Why was she so damn emotional? Delia thought it might be from the loss she suffered just a few months ago.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 16, 2013, 10:56:20 pm
Dean Martin

 Dean stopped singing in the middle of the sog as a tear rolled down his face. and Dean dropped his head. He sung that song on him and Alice's lasts nights together.The way he lost her replayed in the back of his mind, and now, he was afraid of loosing Dawn. Dean stayed silent when he heard a knock on the door, and the light creeped into the dark. It was Claudia, the nurse who has been looking after Dawn. "How..How is she." Dean asked with his head hanging low holding back the rest of the tears. "I'm sorry, but she shows no improvement so far. But, I want you to know we aren't going to give up." Claudia explained as she stood still in the doorway.

Dean couldn't help but clench his fists to where is knuckles were white. "Thank you." His voice was shaky, all he wanted to do was go on a rampage, but that wouldn't solve anything. As he walked down the hall back to Dawn's room without saying a word, he noticed Delia over by the window and still stayed silent. When he reached Dawn, she was shaking underneath the covers, still asleep, Dean stroked her long brown hair and bent down and whispered into her ear, "It's okay, I won't let anything happen to you." he remembered saying these words to her on the night she was born, the night their mother had the accident. Dean reached down into his bag a pulled out the teddy bear that he gave her on the night she was born and placed it beside Dawn.

Dawn Marie Martin

As Dawn shivered uncontrollably, she heard Dean's voice. She 10 year old fluttered her eyes open slightly, "De..Dean?" She couched, for some odd reason she was freezing underneath all the blankets that they tried to sweat out her fever. Dawn was weak, and her vision was blurry, but she knew when she would wake up, that Dean would be the first face she would see. She lift up her hand and touched his cheek, her thumb softly stroking it.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 16, 2013, 11:33:40 pm
Delia Zambrano
Delia heard someone enter the room, she knew who it was but she was too deep in thought to really care. Delia's eyes traveled from building to building, down below some of the children played happily. If only they knew how bad the world was, how unforgiving it had become. Delia turned around to face Dean and Dawn, who had woken up. "Oh my gosh. Claudia!" Delia called for the nurse who was helping with Dawn. Delia knelt down next to the bed "Hey sweetie, how are you feeling." Delia felt tears of happiness slid down her cheeks. Soon enough, Claudia ran into the room with another nurse, the both checked on her "She still has a fever, but at least she is awake. Keep a close eye on her." Claudia said as she gave her some medicine. Delia nodded then smiled at Dawn then to Dean before standing up.

Without saying a word she went back to the window, this is what it was like when she lost Eliza. She became distant and less responsive to the real world. She always told herself she wouldn't go back to this, but with what happened to Dawn it just opened old wounds. Delia took in a deep breath, holding back her tears, the only way she has been able to keep going is knowing that her daughter is still alive. She always wonders what Eliza is doing, what did the military want with her? Were they going to make her into a soldier? Raise her into the violence and killing. If this was the case she would be a stone cold killer.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 17, 2013, 12:08:49 am

20 Minutes later Ana-Lucia made it to the safe house, but, instead of going inside Ana sat on the steps. SHe still held the pistol in her hand as she as she cupped her head in her hands. She's killed many people, but, never out of vengeance. Ana jumped when she heard the door open behind her, it was Dotty. "You've been out here for 10 minutes, why don't you come inside?" Dotty asked with concern in her voice. "Maybe later." Ana kept her eyes on the ground, "You know, Dawn's wake." Dotty figured some good knews would make the Latina smile or at least make her come out of her shell. But still, Ana stayed silent, even though she was smiling in her head, but she thought Dean should be with his sister before Ana went to go see them.

"What's wrong, honey? I haven't seen you this upset in a long while..." Dotty's voice became softer now, "I'm not upset!" Ana was fast to snap back, although she didn't mean to. "I'm sorry..." She whispered quietly, "I'm sorry..." She continued to repeat. When Ana looked down at her hands, she saw blood, not hers, but the blood from the men and women she have killed, the ones she had  tortured, beaten. Their blood was on her hands. "I can't do it anymore." Ana looked dead into Dotty's eyes, "They need a leader, one who they can count on. One, who, doesn't do her acts upon vengeance." She mumbled. At first Dotty was silent, "They do count on you, Ana, you given these people hope that things can change. They things could be the same as they once were."
"Things will never be the same. Never. Were savages, nothing more." Ana kept telling herself to shut her damn trap, but, it's like her mouth had a mind of it's own. Dotty just nodded and went back inside.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 17, 2013, 12:46:28 am
Dean Martin

Dean held on to Dawn for a few more minutes, when Claudia came into the room to check on Dawn, Dean was still by her side. "Alright." Dean answered when Claudia told her to keep a close eye on her. His eyes followed Delia to the window. Something was bothering her, something deep.  He kissed Dawn's head and walked over to her, "What's wrong?" Dean lightly placed his hand on her shoulder.

Dawn Maria Martin

Dawn held onto Dean's hand before he got up and followed Delia to the window. She was still shivering though as she rolled over onto her side and snuggled up to her teddy bear. A tear ran down her cheek when she finally came to realize this was happening, everything was real, deep down she just thought this was a bad dream. That, she'd wake up in her bed next to her dog Ranger, but, no. The 10 year old has to grow up fast, but, it's hard when you're being treated like a little girl by your older brother.

((Sorry for the really short posts...))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 17, 2013, 01:43:17 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia didn't feel the hand on her shoulder, nor did she hear Dean's question, that's why she jumped when she turned around. She assumed he asked what was wrong "..Nothing..It's nothing." She was terrible at lying. She couldn't hold it back anymore. She spun around and hugged him "It was my fault." She was referring to Eliza but Dean wouldn't know that. Delia began to sob, she pulled away from Dean "I'm sorry." she wiped the tears off of her cheeks. She didn't like crying, especially in front of people. She took in a few deep breaths, trying to compose herself. She hugged Dean, holding on for a moment before letting go and sitting on the floor. She put her face in her hands, she began to think about what she should do. Eliza was still alive and Delia wanted her back. But if she wanted to get her back she would have to tell someone.

She stood up then looked at Dean, she might as well start with him "I have something to tell you." she looked at the ground, building up the courage to tell him. She stood there for what seemed like hours, but it was only a few seconds "..I..I have a daughter." she looked at him, her face serious. Her face felt hot, hot with anger and sorrow. "I need to get her back." Delia clenched her fists, "If I was strong enough I could have kept her away from them, but I wasn't. Now she is paying the price..It's all my fault, it's always my fault." Delia dug her nails into her palms, causing a trickle of blood to flood around her nails "Can you help me?"
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 17, 2013, 02:19:21 am
Dean Martin

He could tell Delia was trying to lie and act strong around him, when she turned around he held her in his arms. When he heard Delia speak about how something was her fault, Dean gave her an uneasy look. "Wha..What are you talking bout?" Dean asked, as Delia started to sob he kept her wrapped in his arms. "It's okay to cry..." He whispered into her ear.

When was able to control her crying, she looked at him, "Whatever it is, you can tell me." Dean looked into her eyes, his face was serious yet understanding. When Delia finally told him that she had a daughter his expression eased, "Wha..." He began to state, though stopped himself and let Delia finish. "It's not your fault." Dean tried to stop her from beating herself up. When he glanced down,  he noticed Delia was clawing her fists and he quickly held her hands to make her stop. When she did, he lifted her chin up and looked her into the eye, "Tell me what I can do..." Den agreed to help get her daughter back before wrapping his arms around her once more, and kissed her cheek. "We'll get her back, I promise..."
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 17, 2013, 04:14:30 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia wrapped her arms around him once more "Thank you." she held her embrace for a moment longer before pulling back a little "We need to find out where they took her. When they caught us we were in this city, if I'm correct they took her to a training camp." Delia began to tear up, she could only imagine what they could be making her do. She held his hands for a moment longer before releasing them. "I have to tell Ana." She was about to exit the room but gave him a small kiss. She smiled then exited the room, she was sure Ana was back by now. She walked down the steps, it was almost dark out. Before she had to look she saw Ana sitting on the front porch, she looked pretty shaken up. "Ana, are you alright?" She didn't want to be nosy so she told her, straight to the point "Ana, I have a daughter. She is still alive in one of those camps." Delia took in a deep breath "I want to get her back. So I'm here to tell you that I will be gone again, hopefully for not as long." She was afraid of what Ana might say, but she honestly didn't care, this was her daughter. She would do anything to get her back.

Delia left the front porch to go back inside, she needed to sleep. She grabbed her sleeping bag from off of her back pack then went to Dawn's room. She looked at Dean the laid out her sleeping bag next to the wall by the window. Before she laid down she walked over to Dean "We can go whenever you are ready, I know you want to stay with Dawn for a while." She hugged him again, her head against his chest. She wish she could stay like this and forget about the harsh world, but she couldn't, the world around them was crumbling. She pulled back "Make sure you get some sleep." she smirked then walked to the sleeping bag. She laid there for a moment, there were too many thoughts running through her mind. Her face showed her emotions, she was worried and sad all at the same time. Delia rolled onto her side, looking at Dawn's bed. She sighed, she hoped that she would fall sleep soon.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 17, 2013, 07:38:13 pm
Dean Martin

"You're welcome." Dea said softly as he held her once more. "Trust me, we'll find out where those bastards took her." Dean whispered, he didn't want Dawn hearing him using that type of language. "Alright, I'll wait here." Dean spoke before before Delia gave him a soft kiss and exited the room. When Delia disappeared he walked over to Dawn's bed. "Hey Pumpkin Belly," Dean smiled. When Dawn rolled over to face him, he sat in the chair and just smiled at her. To him she was fragile as a glass vase, but, he knew she was growing up and he soon would have to let her go through the training with the Trainees. "How you feeling? Need anything?" Dean offered, Dawn's eyes were chocolate brown and she had stars in them.

Dawn Marie Martin

Dawn still held tight onto her teddy bear, and once Dean walked over to her bedside she rolled over and looked at him. Dawn couldn't help but smile when Dean used her nickname he used to always call her. "I'm good." She spoke softly before reaching out and grabbing his hand. Her fever has gone down a bit must she was still warm and shivering.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 17, 2013, 09:40:46 pm
Delia Zambrano
Delia couldn't sleep, her mind was wandering on too many other things. She sighed then got out of her sleeping bag, maybe she could go out for supplies around the camp, she was sure someone needed something. She looked over and saw Dawn and Dean, she smiled then exited the room. Delia was about to ask around but Dotty, one of the cooks, came to her "Hey dear, can I ask you a favor?" Delia nodded "Sure." Dotty grinned "Well, one of the frying pans broke, I was wondering if you could go out and get me another one." She thought this tasks shouldn't be too hard "Yeah, sure." Dotty smiled "Thank you." Delia smiled "No problem." Delia went to find Ben, another supplier, he was good at his job but he could be a little 'weak'. Whenever they went out Delia was the one who pulled the wight while he went into the hard to reach places. "Hey Ben, want to come out on a run with me?" Ben looked bored, he was just sitting on the couch. When she asked him his eyes lit up "Yeah! Sure!" Delia put her finger to her lips "Shh, there are people sleeping." Ben's hand flew up to his mouth "Sorry.." Delia giggled then went upstairs "Make sure you have everything." Ben nodded then went to his room. She entered Dawn's room once again, she didn't pack her sleeping bag since she shouldn't be gone too long.

She slung her bag over her shoulder then looked at Dean "I'll be back soon. If I'm not back before midnight, I probably just ran into a little problem. I'm taking Ben so we should be fine." Whenever she told someone she was taking Ben they would usually try to get her to take someone else. She didn't know why, Ben was a good companion. Delia walked over to Dawn "Get better soon, okay?" she smiled then left the room. When she got downstairs Ben was waiting "Saying good bye to my dream man?" Delia raised a brow at him before shaking her head "Come on, let's go." she chuckled. Ben was something else. When they got out onto the street they made a right "I think there is a diner down here, we might be able to find what Dotty needs." Ben nodded "What does she need anyways?" "She needs a frying pan, I'll try to get her some other things as well." The street was dark, almost like a horror movie. "Keep an eye out, those soldiers are still out here somewhere, I know won't give up that easily." Ben's eyes went wide in terror "What if they see us?" Delia looked at him "Try to get away, or kill them."

Finally, the Diner came into view "There." she said as she pointed "Let's get in and get out." Ben nodded "Alright." The two suppliers jogged to the building, they walked through the broken window then went to the kitchen. "I'll get the frying pan, you grab whatever else you think they might need." Ben gave a quick nod then began opening drawers, throwing things into his pack. Delia was quick to find the assortment of frying pans, she grabbed all of them, they all were different sizes "These should be good. I think that's all we need, let's get back." Before Delia could get a response, Ben dropped down onto the ground "-Removed by Moderator-!" she whispered as she dropped down as well. "Search the block! If you find any of them, do not kill them. We will need em to find out where their base is." Delia looked to Ben 'Don't move' she mouthed, Ben looked scared, very scared. Suddenly they heard broken glass being crunched by heavy boots "Dammit." she looked around, trying to find a weapon. She saw a large knife on the floor, she carefully reached over to grab it. With the knife in her hand she looked at Ben, who was now crouched. She looked confused, one wrong move and he would be spotted. He had a cleaver in his right hand and with his left he pushed his supply bag to her "What are you doing?" Ben looked angry now, then she remembered. His family had been killed by them, he always said he would try to kill them.

Delia's jaw dropped, she couldn't lose him, not like this. Ben stood up, the cleaver at his side "You! Drop the weapon! Now!" The soldiers aimed their rifles at him, Ben then ran forward, the cleaver above his head. "Stop! Now!" The soldiers pulled their triggers. In almost an instant Ben was on the ground, motionless. Delia's slapped her hand over her mouth, this couldn't be happening. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks, she was angry. She quietly placed her bag on the floor, she held the knife in her dominant hand. She peeked over the counter, there were four of them, two of them had shotguns while the others had M-16's. Delia decided she would take out the closest one. She took in a deep breath then jumped over the counter, she jumped onto the back of the soldier with the shotgun. She struggled to get her grip but when she did she drove the knife into his neck. "It's her! Get her!" The men were about to shoot but Delia grabbed the shotgun then shot them before they had a chance. Delia fell to the ground, she had never done anything like that, ever. Delia crawled over to Ben, she couldn't tell if he was alive "Ben? Ben!" She shook him "Why did you do that! You're such an idiot!" She laid her forehead against his bloodied chest, her cheeks soaked with her tears "You should have waited, waited till we had help.." This was her fault. She should have done something, she should have stopped him.

She hugged his lifeless body, it seemed like anyone close to her was dying or being taken away. She tried to pick up his body but he was heavy. She would have never guessed he weighed so much. She dragged him into the kitchen where the bags were, she laid him on the floor between the counters. She sat against the wall, anger surging in her veins. She jumped up then punched the wall repeatedly. She slammed her hand against her face then slid down the wall, she was going to kill those bastards. She looked up at the broken clock, she knew it was late but she didn't want to leave. Delia pulled the shotgun onto her lap, if soldiers came into the diner she would kill them. Delia hoped that not too many of the raiders would notice her absence since only two people knew she left. She put her face into her hands, her nails digging into her scalp, "It's always my fault. I'm sorry Ben."

Sorry for that super long post T.T)
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 17, 2013, 11:45:01 pm
((I'mma change the color to maroon, the cyan was hurting my eyes...^^))
Dean Martin

 When Delia came to Dean and told him she was bringing Ben to go with her on a supply run he gave her an uncertain look, "Ben? Are you sure? ... Okay, be safe." Dean watched as she walked out the room and headed off to her destination before walking back over to Dawn, who was playing with her bear. Dean hadn't slept since he got here, he was just afraid, could you blame him? "Have you even named him...or her yet?" Dean joked as he motioned to her bear. "Why not? You've had him for 10 years now." He laughed. A few moments of silence passed before Dawn started to speak more, she started to ask questions about their mother who she had never met. "You have her eyes." Dean smiled before continuing, dodging the bad stuff "Well, you certainly have her personality," He continued, "Stubborn, when can make anyone's day brighter." Dean smirked, "Let's see, at night she would go and sit on the back balcony and read stories. She'd...Cook the best spaghetti." For a moment Dean hesitated, and as if he tried to remember his mother. Then he smiled at Dawn, "She was beautiful..." His voice started to lower as he held back tears. "Do you remember when you were, I'd say about 6, you put on that show for the entire neighborhood. You got up on the bench and started to sing in your care bear pajamas?" Dean quickly changed the subject by bringing up the good memories him and Dawn shared. "Yeah, I got up there and started to shake my butt off.." He smiled.

"Or the time you ran around the apartment on Ranger's back, pretending he was your horse?" Dean stated, Ranger was their German Shepherd they had when Dean was in his teens, Dawn used to ride him all the time when she was small. "Yea, he was a good dog." As the two started to take a trip down memory lane, Dawn's eyes suddenly closed and the room fell silent. "Dawn.." Dean's voice was to a whisper, "Dawn! ... Dawn!" as his hearts started to race he called for Claudia. "Claudia!" A few seconds later Claudia ran into the room, "What's wrong?" Claudia asked as she ran to Dawn's side passing Dean. "I don't know, she was fine." Dean started to freak out. A few more seconds passed as Claudia listed for Dawn's heartbeat Ana-Lucia ran through the door. When she realised what was happening she ran to Dean, flinging her arms around him. Dean knew what was happening at this point, deep inside he already knew things were going to get worse. As Dean's eyes filled with tears he watched as Claudia gave CPR to Dawn and everyone else started to burst through the door along with a few other nurses.

10 Minutes passed before it was over, Claudia walked over to Dean and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I'm so, so sorry Dean." She whispered in his ears, her voice was shaky. One after another everyone went to hug him and told him "I'm sorry for you loss." When everyone left it was just Dean, Ana-Lucia, and Dawn's lifeless body in the small room. Ana walked back over to him and hugged him, her arms were wrapped around his neck and he patted her back as a tear rolled down his cheek. The room was silent as Dean walked over to Dawn and kissed her forehead, Dean held her teddy bear in his hands and placed it on her chest, laying her hands over it before pulling the covers over her head to where all you say was a figure underneath the sheets.

He walked out the room and headed back to the back bedroom where he was once before, leaving the light off the room was almost pitch black as he sat on the window seal and stared out it. It was night, August 17, 2013, the day his little sister, Dawn, passed. "Take care of her mom..." Dean implored softly, he felt guilty, part of him wanted something like this to happen, Dawn was in a better place, she didn't have to deal with -Removed by Moderator- anymore. The other part, he was destroyed, she was the only thing that kept him going, the only thing he truly loved anymore...

Dawn Maria Martin

"No, not yet. And, he's a boy!" Dawn smiled at Dean's question. "I don't know, he nameless." She smirked as she poked the bear's chest. After a few moments passed Dawn spoke, "Dean, what was mom like?" She asked looking into his blue eyes. "Really?" She smiled when he told her she had her eyes, "What else?" When Dean started to list things that Dawn had of her personality she couldn't help but laugh. "She sounds nice..." Dawn stated as Dean tried to think of more things to talk about. "Yeah! I was rockin it!" Dawn started to fill with excitement as Dean mentioned the show she put on for their neighborhood. "You were shaking your booty!" She smiled. As Dean described all the things Dawn used to do, she pictured them in her head.

"Ranger! I miss him, he was a good puppy." Dawn stated as Dean mentioned their old god they used to have before he passed. As soon as Dawn finished that statement, her eyes softly closed and she felt warm. Everything went black. In the far distance she could hear Dean call for her, but she was unable to speak or even move. What was happening? As Deans voice faded, she heard another voice, much closer though. It was a female, her voice was soft, calm, and warm. Seconds later a woman appeared, she had ling brown hair and big chocolate colored eyes like Dawns, right then Dawn just knew, it was her mother.As she reached out her hand Dawn grabbed it, instantly all of Dawn's emotions faded. She was now, legally dead.

R.I.P Dawn Maria Martin  :'(
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 18, 2013, 12:18:04 am
((Dawn!!!  :'( ))


Ana-Lucia was half startled when she heard a familiar voice, it was Delia. She saw Delia's mouth move but heard no words, although she read her lips, "I'm fine." She stood. When Delia mentioned she had a daughter and where she was located, the Latina was caught off guard. Knowing a mother would do anything to get a child back, she knew she had to let Delia go. "Alright, I understand." Ana-Lucia nodded, and it was true, knew did understand. Eve though her son/daughter wasn't born yet, she still killed for it.

As the night went on the Latina decided it was time to head back indoors, it was chilly, and all she had on was a thing jacket, pants, and a tank top. Her eyes went straight the Dotty when she walked through the door, she was the closet thing Ana had to a mother figure, ever. And she felt bad for snapping at her lately, she couldn't control it. Ana quietly tiptoed up the stairs as people slept, she just wanted to find a small, empty, and dark room to just sit in and think. Hours or minutes later she heard Dean yelling down the hall for Claudia, that instant she knew something bad happened. When she ran through the door she noticed Claudia standing over Dawn, trying to find a heartbeat. Tears instantly formed in her eyes when she ran to hug Dean.

Why this? Why now? Why ever? She thought as she wrapped her arms around Dean's neck. What more can you possibly want!?" She started to yell inside her head. 10 MInutes of CRP and Dawn still hasn't responded, Ana knew then, she was gone.  As everyone walked over to Dean and hugged him, Ana stood in the corner on the opposite side of the room, she remember every conversation her and Dawn had. But she will always have that one that will haunt her forever. Once people left she went to hug Dean again, "I'm sorry..." She whispered into his ear before giving him a soft kiss on his cheek and letting him go.

"I'll keep you safe. I promise." Ana-Lucia argued as she hugged Dawn tightly in her arms. Only a week ago the world was normal, her, Dean, and Dawn left the city they once called home and traveled to a new one. They thought it would be better there, but, they were wrong. It was practically worse. As months passed by Ana recruited stranglers she came across and offered them a place to stay, later giving them all a job that would help keep everyone alive. Next thing you knew, the Raiderz her born. A group to almost 25-30 people at the start, some were killed, injured, and missing. But, they still agreed to fight. Ana objective for the group was to overpower the President and give that fucker what he deserves. But, now...She was having second thoughts.

When Dean left the room, Ana stayed, leaning over Dawn's body she whispered, "I'm sorry. I failed you." She leaned down and kissed her forehead before walking out the room. Ana-Lucia walked down the hall and stopped at the door Dean disappeared behind, as she went to knock she paused, he needed time alone. And alone time she'll give him. As soon as she reached the bottom of the steps everyone was freaking out, "What are we going to do?" One screamed. "Whatever Dawn caught we all can catch!" Another one freaked, "What if it's contagious?" At this point it was like a small riot broke out in the living room. "Enough!" Ana yelled her voice was filled with rage. "All of you, stop scaring yourselves, we have kids here." She continued. "I know you're all scared," Her voice lowered and became calmer, "We all are. But freaking out isn't going to change anything." The Latina glanced at the floor before continuing. "Now, lets all just take a breath, eat with dinner is ready, and get a nights rest." As she finished glancing she looked around the room, two people were missing. Delai and Ben...Where the hell are they? She asked herself.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 18, 2013, 12:41:25 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia stood up, she had to get back, she wanted to see if Dawn was getting better. She stood over Ben's body, she lost a very good friend, she couldn't lose anyone else. She got an old apron off the counter then covered his face "I'll be back for you..I won't let you rot in here." she meant that. She grabbed the supply bags then made her way back to base, she moved at a fast pace, trying to save time. Whens she got to the house she jogged up the steps then dropped the bags onto one of the couches. Dotty came to her, sadness in her eyes "What's wrong?" Delia's heart began to race, what happened while she was gone? "..It's Dawn, she passed away." Dotty tried to give Delia a hug but all she could do was back away, "If I brought that medicine sooner she would still be alive." Dotty stared at her "This isn't you fault darling. There was nothing you could have done." Delia was angry, not at Dotty but at herself "First Eliza, then Ben and now Dawn." Dotty looked confused "What do you mean? What happened to Ben?" Delia didn't need to answer, the look on her face gave Dotty her answer "Oh lord." Dotty walked away from Delia then began passing around the news of Ben's death. Delia called over a group of men "His body is in the Diner, could you bring him here? He needs to be buried." The men nodded, they each gave her shoulder a rub "Sorry for your loss." Delia nodded, she still hadn't went upstairs. She was the supplier, the one who was supposed to make sure things like this wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to keep the medicine stocked and food so that things like this could be averted, she failed.

Delia could feel eyes burning into her, she was sure they were upset about Ben. She was sure they were blaming her, she was supposed to protect him, like always. It was only a matter of time before Ben's adoptive mother came to confront her, Delia wasn't looking forward to that. Before his 'mother' came to find her she went upstairs, she had to see Dawn. She slowly went up the stairs, tears streaming down her face, she didn't know if she could take another loss like this. When she entered the room a bed sheet covered Dawn's small body. Delia closed her eyes for a moment, trying to end this terrible nightmare, but this was reality. This was really happening. She stumbled onto the floor next to Dawn's bed "I'm so sorry Dawn." She wiped the wetness from her cheeks, but it was no use, tears just kept coming. Delia just wanted to end the suffering, but she had to get Eliza back. If Delia found out she was dead, she wouldn't be able to go on. She stood up then left the room, she didn't go find Dean. He needed to be alone. Delia could hear yelling downstairs, was it about Dawn? She could barely understand what they were yelling about. Delia needed to sit down, anywhere. She went into one of the rooms then switched on the light, Dean was in it "Oh..sorry." her voice was dry and dull, she turned the light off then left the room, closing the door behind her. She went to the room directly across from the one Dean was in, she knocked this time. When she got no response she entered the room, leaving the door open a crack.

She went over to the window that faced the backyard then opened it. She hoisted herself onto the windowsill then looked down. It was a decent drop, but of someone were to jump it wouldn't kill them, she slapped her forehead, why was she thinking like that? Delia sighed then began to fiddle around with her fingers, so much had happened, it was a wonder that she were still alive. She wished she had her right now, she needed someone to hold onto after all this. Delia didn't know how much longer she could go on, even though she wanted Eliza back she was still afraid that she might die because of her. Everyone close to her was dying..What if she got Eliza back? What if they hunted them down? If that was the case she couldn't come back here, she would have to leave this all behind. Ana, her friends, Dean...She loved him but if that's what it took to keep them all safe, that's what she will do.

(That actually made me really sad X.X)
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 18, 2013, 01:21:20 am
Dean Martin

Dean was still frozen when the light was switched on, then he heard Delia's voice, but he didn't even flinch. The tears disappeared from his eyes as he stared out the window, he was broken. All he felt right now was rage, Dean clinched his hands in fists to where his knuckles were white. You could see the veins in his arms stand out, next thing you knew there was a loud banging sound as his fist collided into the wall. When he pulled his hand out his knuckles were bleeding, not much, just a little. Dean rushed out of his room and went downstairs and opened the front door leaving the house. Only to be followed by Ana-Lucia. As she called for him he continued to walk and headed for the backyard. As Ana caught up to him she grabbed his arm asking where he was going, "Nowhere, just need some fresh air." He said in a surprisingly calm tone. "It looks like it's about to rain, again." Dean smelled the air, it felt heavy outside. You could barely see the stars through the thick grey clouds that traveled across the midnight sky.

"You remember when we went camping in the weather?" Dean asked as he looked into the woods behind the house. "Just me and you. We'd go and hunt down food, find water, and a place to sleep..." Dean continued. "I used to have the biggest crush on you." He couldn't help but smirk at his statement. Though, it was true, Dean used to like Ana when they were teens, but, once he met Alice and fell for her. His feelings for Ana faded away. After a few moments of silence Dean laughed at Ana-Lucia's statement. "What?" Dean laughed. "She's not into me." Dean smiled. "Girls like her don't go for dicks like me." He admitted. 

((I was getting sad when I was writing Dean's post.))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 18, 2013, 01:33:29 am

As Ana-Lucia finished giving her 'speech' she sat on the arm of the couch letting everything sink in. When suddenly Delia came through the door. After a few minutes Dotty stared passing around the news about Ben, and Ana lowered her head. As the room was silent she jumped when she hear a loud noise from above and soon Dean came rushing down the steps and vanishing out the door, Ana followed. "Dean!" She called, "Dean!" But still he continued walking to the back yard. "Where are you going?" She asked as she caught up to him. When Dean mentioned it looked like it was about to start raining again, she looked up. "Yeah, it does."

Moments later Dean went on talking about how they used to camp in weather like this, it took  Ana a minute to remember something that happened, but she soon did. "Yeah. I do." She agreed. When Dean admitted he used to have a crush on her, she couldn't help but smile. "Oh, really?" She gave him a flirtatious eyebrow lift and smiled. "So, you and Delia, you hittin that?" Ana_luia smirked and gave Dean another flirtatious look and eyebrow lift. "She's hot, you're hot. It's what people do." She said with a straight face. "-Removed by Moderator-! She's totally into you. What's up with guys always deflecting, stop deflecting. You always deflect" This was probably the most Ana and Dean had talked in the last couple of days. "And you're not a -Removed by Moderator-...At least not anymore." Ana made a fake cough. This made them both smile. As they stood in the backyard she tried her best to ease Dean's mind from what was happening, and it seemed to be working.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 18, 2013, 02:58:24 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia decided that she needed to leave, she had to get Eliza back. She didn't even pack her bag, she just left the room then went downstairs. Delia remembered she left the shotgun outside the front door, she would be needing that. She left the house with shotgun in hand then went down the street, she could faintly hear two voices, but she couldn't tell who they were. She didn't really care either, she just needed to get to the training camp. Before she kept going she stopped at the diner to get some ammo from the fallen soldiers, luckily she had a good amount of shells and was able to take a rifle with some mags. She didn't know how to shoot it but she was about to learn. Delia was about to make her way out of the diner until she saw the stain of blood on the floor, this time no tears were shed but her fists were clenched "I'll finish this for you Ben." Delia jumped over the broken glass and back out onto the street. She looked down towards the house and saw who the two people were, Dean and Ana. She looked at them for a moment, she couldn't tell if they saw her or not, she sighed then kept walking towards the camp.

Delia began to think, if she remembered correctly the camp was on the outskirts of the city, but it was heavily guarded. Her pace quickened, anger and revenge flowing through her veins, she was getting her back. No matter how many men and women she had to kill. Delia thought it was kinda strange that she hadn't run into patrol yet, especially since the camp was right around the corner. She slung the shotgun over her shoulder, the strap was a little loose on her smaller frame but ti didn't bother her. Delia thought she heard footsteps behind her so she turned around. When she turned a barrel of a shotgun was aimed at her head "Don't move." Delia did as she was told "I'm not going to hurt you, just don't draw your weapon." The man lowered his gun "My name is Daniel, Daniel Crawford." Delia glared at him "What do you want?" she spat. Daniel lowered his gun "I can help you, I know what you're looking for." Delia was confused "Why would you help me? And how do you know what I'm looking for?" Daniel took in a deep breath "I just don't want anymore men killed." He hesitated "You're looking for your daughter." Delia went stiff, how did he know that? "How do you know?" Daniel looked a her with kind eyes "I was there when she was taken from you."

Delia tackled him "You took her from me!" Daniel flipped her over onto her back "I didn't do it, they did!" he held her hands above her head "I would never take a child away from her mother. Now, are you ready to calm down?" Delia nodded, he released his grip then helped her up. "I'm her trainer, I have been tracking you down so I could give her back." Delia was shocked, would this be easier than she thought? "Where is she?" Daniel smiled "I have her in that building over there, I told my captain that I was taking her out on patrol with me." Delia was surprised they started training her "Why are you guys training children to be soldiers?" Daniel's smile faded "The president wants us to start training them so they are accustomed to battle." Delia covered her gasp with her hands "Take me to her, now." She couldn't take it anymore, she had to see her. Daniel nodded "Of course." He began to walk towards the building he had pointed at earlier "I'm sorry this had to happen to you." Delia looked at him but didn't respond.

Once they got to where Daniel said she was supposed to be Delia became frantic "Where is she?" Daniel's head darted around "She was just here." Delia became furious, she slammed him into the metal beam "If anything happens to her you're dead, you hear me!" Daniel stared at her "Let's keep looking." They searched the building, but nothing "Maybe she went outside." Delia glared at him "She better be." As soon as they stepped foot outside, there she was. Eliza was standing in front of the diner, facing the street where she had seen Dean and Ana "Eliza?" Delia could barely control herself "Eliza!" As soon as she said that she ran, she ran to her daughter whom she hadn't seen in months. Tears of joy rolled down her face as she ran down the street until she made it to her "Mommy!" Eliza cried as Delia fell to her knees with her in her arms. "Oh, baby! I missed you so much." She pulled back to look her over "Are you hurt." Eliza shook her head "No mom, I thought I heard you so I came looking for you." Eliza hugged her again "I missed you mommy." Delia began to cry "I missed you too."

Delia heard Daniel behind her, she stood up and turned around "Thank you." She gave him a hug then backed up to pick up Eliza "No problem, just get out of here. I know they won't believe me when I saw she was killed, they will come looking for you, I'll try to stall them for as long as I can." She nodded "Thanks again." He nodded then jogged back to the camp "Let's go, we gotta pack alright?" Eliza nodded then held onto Delia's neck. Once back at the house, she saw Ben's 'mother', she walked past her and went straight to her backpack. She sat Eliza on the couch while some of the raiderz stood in the doorway, confused. Delia didn't want to leave, but she knew they would be safer if she was gone. "Mom, what are you doing? Why can't we just stay here?" Delia sighed "If we stay here..If I stay here all these nice people might get hurt." Eliza nodded "Okay." Delia kissed her forehead then finished packing, she wasn't planning on leaving the city yet, they were just going to move, for now. Delia had mixed feeling about this, she knew it would be better for them to leave but she wanted to stay, she didn't think she could bear being away from him. She would have to tell Ana the situation. She grabbed Eliza's hand and pulled her though the crowd that had formed in the hall, she heard their many questions, mainly consisting of 'Who is that? What are they doing? Where are they going?' Delia ignored them and went straight to Ana. When Delia finally found her she began to explain the situation "I just don't want anyone to get hurt or killed because of me." (I left it at that so I didn't have to type it all out and make this post any longer.)Delia looked down at Eliza, who was hiding behind her "It's okay, these people are nice, no need to be afraid anymore."
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 18, 2013, 03:18:35 am
((Your post made me smile ^^))


As Ana and Dean talked in the yard it felt like old times to the Latina, having her best friend laughing and making him feel better. Although, she knew he wasn't 'happy' inside, I mean, c'mon he lost his sister. A while later Delia walked up to them, but she wasn't alone, she was with a little girl who didn't seem older than Dawn was. When Delia was finished explaining what was happening Ana nod. "If you feel this is what you need to do, it isn't my place to say otherwise. It's not my place to keep you here. Be safe. And, if you need anything, we won't be too far." Ana implored, and looked at Dean. She wasn't sure how he would handle this. "Do you need anything before you take off? Ammo? Food? Water? Anything?" Ana wanted to make sure she had everything she needed. Ana-Lucia looked down at the little girl who was hiding behind Delia, "And who's this?" She asked putting her hands on her knees. The little girl reminded Ana of Dawn, dark hair, dark eyes, height, they looked around the same age.  
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 18, 2013, 03:27:12 am
((Sweet post  :) ))

Dean Martin

Dean's rage calmed, somehow just talking to Ana made him calm down and relax. Of course he wasn't over his sister's passing, but, he knew with Ana by his side he can get through it.

After Delia came up to them and told them what was happening and her planning on leaving, Dean looked to the ground clenching his teeth. He didn't want her to leave, but, once he saw the little girl who was hiding behind her he knew it was her daughter. Damn, she reminded him of Dawn and how she would do that when she was frightened. "No one was killed because of you." Dean mumbled through his teeth as he had a staring eye contest with the ground. He tried to keep from making eye contact with her as he licked his lips. "People die. That's life." He spat. "We're born. We live. We die." For some odd reason Dean couldn't keep his trap shut, tonight had just been a stressful night for the poor guy, and Delia leaving wasn't helping. But, he managed to calm himself, he knew she was doing it for her daughter... "Be safe." He said as he glanced at the little girl then back at the ground.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 18, 2013, 04:14:08 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia nodded "Thanks for understanding." She smiled when Ana knelt down to talk to Eliza. "Oh this is-" before he could finish Eliza ran off to a young buy who was calling her over "Eliza, That's Eliza." she chuckled. Eliza began running and playing with some of the other kids "Who knows how long it's been since she could be a kid, I don't even want to imagine what they made her do in there." She clenched her fists then released them "One of the soldiers, Daniel, told me they are starting to take kids and train them to become soldiers." She looked at Ana "They hope they will be ruthless, just like a killer." Delia watched Eliza play with about three other kids, her giggles making their way to her ears. Suddenly Eliza bolted to her, her small hands clinging to her shirt "Can we please stay! Tommy said he can show me some cool stuff once it gets light out." Delia knelt down, she looked at her eyes, they were full of happiness and life. She couldn't say no to her "Okay, we can stay, but just for a while." Eliza squealed with happiness "Hold on." Delia chuckled "Why don't you say hi?" Eliza looked up at Dean and Ana "This is Dean and Ana." Eliza smiled then shook their hands "Nice to meet you." Delia laughed "Now go play, but you have to go to bed soon." Eliza nodded then ran back to Tommy. When she told him the news his eyes lit up, then they both went into the backyard.

Delia looked back at Ana "I guess we're staying for a little while longer." She smiled. "Oh, I got something for you." she got the M-16 and shotgun then handed them to Ana "These might come in handy." She grinned then looked at Dean then made her way to the backyard. Once she got back there she saw Ben's mother, holding a candle. Delia looked at the ground then walked up to her, she couldn't avoid her forever. "Sarah..I'm sorry." Sarah spun around, "It's your fault, you could have went by yourself. But you had to take him!" Delia nodded, she has been down this road before. Sarah swung at her, but she was able to clock it "Sarah! Stop this." She pulled her into a hug "He was my friend, a very close friend. You think I did this on purpose?" She could feel Sarah's body quivering then she heard her sobs, then she fell to her knees "I'm sorry Delia, I didn't mean what I said." Delia helped her to her feet "He was a good man." She rubbed her shoulder "Stay strong, for him." Sarah nodded then picked up her candle before turning away. Delia sighed then went to find Eliza, she needed to sleep "Eliza! Time for bed!" she called. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Delia ran to her calls, many thoughts were running through her mind, did Eliza get captured again?

Delia skidded around the corner to find Eliza, Tommy and the other kids gathered around something "Look what I found!" Delia felt relief flow through her "What did ya find?" Delia walked over and immediately let out an aw "Oh my gosh, where did you find him?" The kids were are circled around a puppy "He was just walking around." The kids began to stroke him and the puppy began to lick their hands "Can we keep him?" All the kids began to plead "If it were up to me I would, but you have to ask Ana." As soon as she said that all the kids ran off to find Ana, leaving the puppy with Delia. "You're a cute little guy aren't ya?" The puppy sat there, his small tongue rolling out of his mouth. From her knowledge of dog she looked like a German Shepherd pup, but she couldn't tell yet. His ears were still floppy and he was all black, Delia couldn't resist, she had to pick him up. "Hey there little guy." she chuckled as he licked her face, "Let's take you to see Ana."

Delia walked to the front where the children had mobbed Ana "Kids, calm down." she chuckled. Delia held the puppy up and began making growling sounds, she began to laugh at her terrible dog sounds "He could make a good guard dog one day." Delia was a sucker for puppies, she just absolutely loved them. She gave the puppy to Eliza then waited for Ana's verdict. "Please Ana." Eliza begged, she held the puppy up to her "Just look at him." This was definitely Robert's daughter. Robert was Eliza's father but he wasn't in the picture much so Eliza didn't really know him. Last Delia heard about him was that he was with the military. Delia laughed as Eliza held up the pup to Ana, she didn't know who could say no to her. "Eliza, let's give Ana a break. Ask her tomorrow, this isn't exactly an easy decision." Eliza looked at her "Okay, but I get to sleep with him." Delia chuckled as Eliza ran into the house with the puppy in her arms. Delia turned back to the other kids "You all should get some rest also, then you can wake up early and play with him." The kids nodded their heads then ran inside. "So.. a puppy." She knew puppies were a lot of work which is why she didn't get Eliza one, she was too busy to clean up after one or take care of it. Delia smiled to Ana then just looked at Dean, she didn't know what to say to him. She went inside to tuck Eliza in, but when she got into the room she was already fast asleep with the puppy under her arm "Goodnight baby." She whispered as she kissed her forehead. Delia sat on the floor, she couldn't sleep, she felt the need to stay awake and watch over her. She wouldn't let anything happen to her again.

(Mind any spell errors, this keyboard is screwed up and I type kinda fast x.x)
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 18, 2013, 04:55:42 am
((It's fine, we all have typos ^^))

Dean Martin

Dean hid his smile when he witnessed Eliza getting excited, and the fact that Delia agreed to stay, even if it was for a little while longer. When Dean bent down to shake her hand, he smiled. "Nice to meet you, Eliza." He said in a calm voice.And he smiled inside when he saw Eliza run off to go play, the only thing he could think about was Dawn. When Delia handed the guns over to Ana he kept his head low, looking pass Delia's smile. His eyes followed Delia as she walked off, "I don't like the fact about them leaving." Dean admitted to Ana once Delia was out of hearing. He didn't want to lose one of the few people he actually cared about in this -Removed by moderator- up world now.

When Ana-Lucia started to argue and tell him it isn't his decision Dean turned around and faced the woods. "Yeah, I know." he snapped. "How are two girls going to survive on their own out here? Huh?" Dean was growing frustrated, though he tried to calm himself down. He kept picturing himself walking down the street and finding Delia's body with bullet holes in her chest. Dean quickly shook that thought out of his head. Moments later a bunch of kids, and Delia walk back over to them and crowd around Ana asking if they could keep the puppy they found. "A puppy?" He mouthed. What the hell was a puppy doing here? Where did it come from? Dean walked off and let Ana deal with the situation, she was their leader so it was up to her.

As he walked through the doors into the living room Dotty offered him  a slice of bread but h denied it politely and headed up stairs. As he passed Dawn's room he paused and stood in the doorway. She still layed there, lifeless, on the bed."Rest in peace." Dean spoke silently before shutting the door. He didn't want anyone to wander in here, like the kids. When he came across the room he had been in before he quickly shut the door and lied on the bed. Maybe he'd wake up and this would all just be a dream?
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 18, 2013, 05:42:39 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia left the room, she wanted to see Dawn again. She slowly opened the door where Dawn's body lay then knelt down beside the bed. "Hey girly, I wish you were still here so you could meet Eliza. I think you two would have been great friends." Delia looked at the ground, trying to compose herself "I know you are in a better place, a place where you don't have to be afraid anymore." She took in a breath of air "We all miss you, I hope you know that. I know the big man in the sky wanted you back, make sure you keep him company." Delia kissed her forehead then left the room, closing the door behind her. The pain of Dawn's death was beginning to fade now that Eliza was back with her. Everyone was sleeping now,well she wasn't sure about Ana, so she made her way outside quietly. She went to Ben's grave out by the woods in the backyard, the crisp air gave her goosebumps but it didn't bother her. When she arrive there was already a cross made out of two sticks with his necklace wrapped around it. "Hey Ben, I miss you a lot." Delia took in a deep breath, she could feel the urge to cry but she tried to fight it "I didn't mean what I said..When I called you an idiot." she chuckled, she knew he would be laughing. "You're actually pretty smart, I just wish you didn't have to leave us so soon." Delia sat next to his grave "I wish you could have met Eliza, I'm sure she would have loved you..I wish I told you about her." She looked down at her hands then back to his cross. She gently cupped the necklace in her palm to look at it, there was a picture oh his mother and father on either side "Your parents are beautiful, I'm sure they would be proud of you."

Delia placed her hand on the dirt mound, "I know you are with your family now, probably waiting for me to stop talking." a tear rolled down her cheek but a small chuckle left her lips. She could picture him laughing at what she just said "I'll let you go now, make sure you keep an eye on Dawn." Delia wiped the tear away then stood up, she went into the backyard then sat on the wooden swing. She looked up at the sky, which was slowly lighting up as the sun rose above the mountains. She lost two people today, but she got what she loved most of all. When the sun was shining through the trees Delia got off the swing, she knew Dotty would be awake and making breakfast. Before she could go say hi she knew she should let the puppy outside so he could go to the bathroom. She walked up the creaky steps then entered the room, the puppy had somehow managed to get on the floor and was about to pee on the carpet "No! Bad puppy!" she scolded as she picked him up and held him out arms length. She rushed to the bathroom then held him over the toilet "Now pee." She didn't think he would have made it to the backyard. After he was done she put him back with Eliza, when he fell asleep she went downstairs. When she entered the kitchen she was surprised when she didn't find Dotty "That's odd." Delia didn't go looking for her, she could still be sleeping. Delia yawned then grabbed a bottle of water, she took a sip then saved the rest for later, they had to preserve as much as they could. Delia could feel the sleepiness coming over her but she needed to stay awake or she would sleep all day. If she did that she would turn into a night owl, and that wasn't a good idea. Delia left the kitchen and went to sit on the stairs, she decided she would wait for Eliza to wake up.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 18, 2013, 06:01:39 am
((Puppy!! ^^))


"Nice to meet you sweety." Ana-Lucia smiled as as shook Eliza's hand. Few seconds later Delia handed over the guns she picked off of the patrollers earlier, "Thank you." She said, when Delia leaves soon she will hand them back over to her, they cant go out in the world without protection.  When Delia and Eliza was out of sight Ana shot Dean a harsh and cold look at his comment. "It's not your decision." She kept repeating herself. "She'll be fine, she can hold her own." When Ana put her hand on his shoulder Dean shrugged it off. This is his way have throwing a -Removed by Moderator- fit... He'll get over it.

When Ana-Lucia heard a bunch of screaming she turned around afraid something bad happen, turns out she was getting swarmed with kids who were asking if they could keep it. Turns out, it was a puppy. "Ummm," Ana was a little caught of guard, she never expected a puppy to wander around here. When Delia mentioned he could be a good guard dog Ana nodded. "He would, with training of course." Ana nod when Delia stated it wasn't a easy choice, which, it isn't. A puppy is a big responsibility and work.

Later when everyone went to sleep, Ana stayed outside, she hated the place the picked as a safe house. Mostly, because the man she tortured a few days back lays in the basement underneath the house. She dug a hole and put him in it, but she still knew he was there. Deep inside she hated what she did, she hated killing people, it seemed after every life she takes she becomes more and more unstable. It was understandable if it was life threatening, but the man she tortured and killed wasn't. She did that out of...I don't know what she did it out of to be honest. Ana cupped her hands over her head and closed her eyes, her heart was racing oddly as she sat against a small fence that surrounded the house. It had to been close to 3am when she fell asleep where she sat, out in the cold. 

((Sorry it took a LONG while to write that, I was playing Black Ops 2 with my brother and his friend...))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 18, 2013, 06:40:31 am
Dean Martin

Dean laid on the bed staring at the ceiling, tomorrow all he had planned was Dawn's funeral. He never thought of the day he had to bury his own sister, a small girl who was just starting out in life, one who was so fragile and new. He blamed the President for her death, if he didn't start this whole mess of things, things would be how the used to. He would've been able to bring Dawn to a doctor where they had all the right supplies that could treat here. Hell, maybe she wouldn't even of been sick. Dean forced his eyes closed for a second as he tried to just stop thinking about everything, tomorrow, the world, reality, everything. He just wanted to shut his brain off and just stop. But, it isn't that easy.

 Dean was exhausted, he has been off and on for the last few days now. He couldn't help his self, Dean got up and walked into Dawn's room. As he kneeled down beside her bed he whispered. "How's it like up there? Is it beautiful? It probably is." Dean lowered his head, "Listen, I want you to know, I'm going to kill those -Removed by moderator-. They did this, if it wasn't for them..." Dean's voice started to soften. "Have you met mum? And I bet Ranger is up there with you now, Y'all having a good time?" He smiled. "I love you..." He kissed her forehead once more and walked out the room back to his own.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 18, 2013, 07:06:13 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia stood up, she didn't think Eliza would be waking up soon so she went back outside, where she saw Ana sleeping against the fence. Delia quickly walked over to her then gently put Ana's arm around her shoulders "Let's get you inside." she said as she carried her into the house and into one of the rooms on the main floor. She gently laid her onto the bed then covered her up before leaving the room,she closed the door so she wouldn't be disturbed when the kids awoke. Delia yawned heavily, she hadn't slept in two days, too much was going on. She went upstairs to check on Eliza, Delia felt this need to have a constant eye on her now. When she entered the room Eliza was still sleeping with the pup. Delia smiled then closed the door before going downstairs. Delia guessed that it was about 8a.m, that's usually when the group started to wake up. Surprisingly Dotty still wasn't awake "I wonder how late she stayed up." Delia chose not to wake her, she needed rest. Delia said her good mornings to some of the early risers before going out to sit on the front porch. "I could really go for a drink right now." she said to herself as she rubbed her forehead with her index finger and thumb.

Delia looked behind her when she heard little footsteps hit the porch "Hey honey." she said as Eliza sat on her lap "Sleep well?" Eliza nodded "I had a dream that we all lived on a farm with a bunch of animals and Me and my friends got to pet the animals." Delia smiled then kissed her forehead "Maybe you and I can do that." Eliza looked at her "Really mom? Can we do that?" Delia grinned "Yeah, it will be so much fun." Delia knew that they should leave but Eliza was having so much fun with the other kids that it hurt Delia to even think about taking her away from them. "Where's the puppy?" Eliza pointed towards the backyard, "He's back there with Tommy." Delia nodded "Have you played on the swing yet?" Eliza jumped up "There's a swing?!" then bolted off to the backyard. Delia laughed, this was the first time she has been happy in a long time. Delia yawned then leaned her head on the post that held the roof up, her eyes slowly closing until she fell asleep.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 18, 2013, 07:34:46 am

Ana-Lucia remained asleep when Delia lifted her up and brought her inside. This was the first time Ana had slept in three days, the poor woman was exhausted. When Delia softly placed her on the bed, Ana turned as she was dreaming. She watched herself as she held a small child that was wrapped in a blanket, her child, the one who was killed while still in the whim when she was shot by Martinez. The Latina smiled as the baby made those cute little baby whines. It seemed like the scene went on forever. Hours later Ana woke, the sun was rising and it's rays lit up her room. "Huh?" She cocked her head, not sure of how she got here. As she rubbed her eyes and stretched, she got out of bed. Her hair was still pulled back with little fly away hair around her chin, this is how she wore her hair most of the time.

As she walked downstairs Dotty was in the kitchen making something for breakfast, something new. "Sure smells good." Ana smiled as she smelt the nice odor of toast. "Sure does." Dotty agreed, her voice was shaky, and Ana knew why too. "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday..I." Ana started to state but Dotty interrupted, "You have your reasons. Yesterday was a stressful day.It's just, have you ever considered about telling someone how you feel? Dotty stopped what she was doing and looked Ana in the eye. "Out of everyone here, I thought, maybe, I don't know, you could talk to me. I've only took care of you since you were four." Dotty protested. "I know, I don't know. I'm just not the person to talk about feelings, that's all." Ana protested. Dotty just gave her a weird smile and went back to cooking and Ana walked out the room.

When Ana went outside he noticed Dean in the distance across the yard standing underneath a willow tree with his hands in his pockets. As she got closer she realised what it was...Dawn's grave. Ana reached out and put her arm on his shoulder,
"Rest in peace, Dawnie." Ana whispered as the hairs around her face blew in the slight breeze. The two of them stood there for a few more minutes before they walked off and sat on the porch. "Breakfast should be ready soon." Ana spoke to break the silence. She hated seeing Den like this, but there was nothing she could do. And it killed her inside.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 18, 2013, 07:47:17 am
Dean Martin

 At the crack of Dawn, Dean woke up and went outside, being careful shnot to wake anyone. He walked acrossed the street underneath a willow tree and started to dig, this was where he was going to bury Dawn. Once he finished a few hours later he went back to the house and picked her up along with her teddy bear. As he lowered her into her grave he felt emotionless, then he laid the teddy bear down in it as well. When he finally finished covering her grave back up her found sticks and made a cross where her head lies. And stacking a few rocks as well.

Moments later Ana-Lucia walked over to hi and put her arm on his shoulder, "Rest in peace." He mimicked Ana. After a moment of silence they walked back to the house and sat on the porch. "Not hungry." Dean implored as Ana mentioned breakfast will be done soon. He just sat there and stared at Dawn's grave in the distance. All he could think about was killing the President and getting this -Removed by Moderator- done and over with. He was tired of losing everyone he loved and cared for. He was sick of it! First his father practically beat his mother into a grave, then he overdosed on drugs a few years later. Then Alice was taken away from him by patrollers on the first nights of the riots., now Dawn. If he lost Ana-Lucia, Dean would just commit suicide to get it over with. He couldn't lose her, and he'd do anything to protect her now.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: Star12 on August 18, 2013, 09:01:41 am
(http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o95/Dyfer_Rehosee/kristenstewartHQmodel2.jpg) (http://media.photobucket.com/user/Dyfer_Rehosee/media/kristenstewartHQmodel2.jpg.html)
Emma-Louise Weran
Emma-Louise woke up to light flooding into the room, her cheeks were still tear-stained from her crying herself to sleep and she couldn't bear to move. It turns out that she had broken three ribs and had to wear a stupid bandage that wrapped right around her torso underneath her clothes. She wined as she slung her legs over the side of the bed, examining them for any bad injuries. They were just badly bruised, thank goodness. She hated being injured, it made her feel weak and helpless. She wasn't one to feel sorry for herself, either. She found it easier to just ignore the pain and get on with life. She shakily stood up, stretching out her arms and cracking her knuckles. As she glanced out of the window, she spotted a small mound of earth framed by stones. The sight brought tears to her eyes, "Poor Dawn. Poor Dean. Poor everyone." She said to herself, slipping her clothes on and quietly going outside. She pulled out her book, Red Riding Hood, and placed it gently on the grave. She didn't look down, but she looked up to the heavens.
After a while of standing there and remembering the memorable times she had with the young girl. "Goodbye." She whispered, turning away and heading back to the apartment. She stopped next to Dean, who was sitting on the porch, his expression impassive. He looked dead inside. "I'm really really sorry." She said softly, before turning away.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 18, 2013, 05:20:58 pm
Delia Zambrano
Delia was waken up, but not by Eliza, but by Daniel "Come one you gotta get out of here!" Delia yanked her arm way from him "What are you talking about?" Daniel looked around "They are coming, my captain has commanded a search for Eliza." Delia stood up "Why would he be searching for her?" Daniel shrugged his shoulders "I don't know but he is desperate." then it hit her "Is his name Robert? Robert Williams?" Daniel looked at her "How did you know that?" Delia almost fell backyards but Daniel caught her arm "Now we have to go. You can always come back once he moves onto another city." Delia looked up at him "I have to get Eliza." Daniel let her arm go "Please hurry." Delia nodded then ran through the house, bu now everyone was awake and doing some chores "Eliza!" She called, some people began to look at her with concern. Delia got to the backyard where Eliza and the other kids were "Eliza, come one we have to go!" She ran over to her "Why mom? I thought we were staying?" A tear rolled down her cheek "Please mom, can't we just stay?" Delia hugged her "I'm sorry baby but we have to go, we'll be back though. Okay?" Eliza nodded then turned to Tommy "Take care of Bear until I get back." Tommy nodded then told the other kids. Suddenly she heard screams coming from inside then Daniel burst through the back door "I'm not very welcome here." Delia glared at him "I wonder why." Daniel ran of to her then grabbed her arm "Hurry!" Delia held onto Eliza's hand "Stay close to mommy." When they got inside there was a line of people in front of the door with Dotty in the front "You aren't taking her." Daniel looked at them "It's for her won safety." Dotty scowled "-Removed by Moderator-! That's what you guys always say." Before this could get worse Delia stepped in "Dotty. he is telling the truth. If I stay you all will get hurt because of me, I'm not letting happen." She hugged her "I'll be back, I promise." Dotty held onto her "You better." Delia released her then watched as the line backed away from the door "Let's go." Daniel said as she opened the door.

When she got to the porch Dena was there "Bye Dean." Eliza said as she followed Daniel. Delia stopped in front of him "Come on! There's no time!" Delia ignored him then knelt down in front of Dean "I'm sorry. I have to go. As long as I'm not here you all should be safe." She kissed him. She almost forgot about the world around her, she even almost smiled when she heard Eliza say "Ewww." She didn't want to let him go, but she was thrust back into reality when Daniel pulled her away "We have to go Delia." There were no happy endings anymore. Daniel pulled her down the street with Eliza between them "You can stay in a house a few blocks away, but don't come out, ever. I'll be there everyday do drop off some supplies, if one day I don't come then I was caught." He looked at her "If that happens I promise I'll tell them you guys left the city, then wait a few days before going back to your group." Delia nodded "I understand." Delia looked back to look at Dean before they went into an alley.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 18, 2013, 11:09:25 pm
((Sorry i haven't posted all day. We just adopted another puppy! : ))


As Ana watched as Emma walked over to them while they sat on the porch, and she looked away when she told Dean she was sorry about his loss. About 10 minutes later Delia came up to them and said she was departing, her eyes traveled to Dean. At first Ana was confused, why weren't they safe if she was here? What was she talking about? But she decided to keep her mouth shut until Delia was done, "Be safe. And here." Ana handed over the M16 and a revolver with a few clips. "Just incase."She teen hesitated for a second, "If there's anything you need..."Her voice faded as she looked down as Dean as Delia was finished kissing him. When Delia was out of viewing distance, she took his hand. "She'll be fine." Ana stood up and pulled Dean along with her, "C'mon, I wanna show you something." She implored as she led him into the backyard.

((Sorry again, it's not a long post :/))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: silverMarie on August 19, 2013, 06:05:59 am
Delia Zambrano
Delia was waken up, but not by Eliza, but by Daniel "Come one you gotta get out of here!" Delia , Eliza and, Daniel came to the street that was one the other side of the diner, then she thought 'Why was she trusting him?' She stopped "Why should I trust you?" Daniel stopped "Just trust me, okay?" he turned around the look at her. Delia was wary, she grabbed Eliza then put her behind her, "Give me a good reason." Daniel stared at her "Just...Because..Just come on!" He went to grab her but Delia slapped him with the butt of her rifle "Get the hell back." Daniel sat on the ground for a moment "I thought this would be easy." He stood up then smirked at her "You should have just come with me." He jumped at her, knocking her to the ground. Delia landed on her back "Get off of me." she spat as she attempted to get her hands free "Calm down, calm down. I'm not the one you should be worrying about." Delia looked back, trying to see Eliza, but she was gone, Delia hoped she went back to the house. "Why did you help me?" Delia glared at him "I was just doing what I was told." Delia waited for him to back up a little but before ramming her knee into his groin. He fell over in pain "You -Removed by Moderator-." he said though his coughing fit. Delia grabbed her rifle then aimed it at him "Get up." She commanded "I don't have to take-" Delia shot at the ground next to him "Alright! Alright!" He slowly got up with his hands above his head "Let's..Let's just take this down a notch." He began to slowly walk towards her but Delia took a few steps back "Don't move." Daniel stopped "Just let me go." Delia raised her brow "Why? Just so you can tell him where I am? Where my friends are?" Suddenly Delia heard trucks "You should have just taken the easy route." Daniel lowered his hands with a smirk on his face.

Delia didn't risk it "Sorry Daniel." His smirk faded "Wha-" Delia shot him, she didn't count how many times, she just did it. Delia lowered the rifle then turned to where the sound of the trucks were coming from, she knew they had to have heard the gunshots. Delia hid behind a dumpster in the alley they had come down, she couldn't go back to the house and risk Eliza's safety, if she was there. She peeked over the dumpster, there were three men, wait four. She could recognize the fourth one, it was Robert. "-Removed by Moderator-." she whispered, he must be the one who told Daniel to come find her. "Damn, poor Daniel." She couldn't recognize the voice "Yeah, poor bastard. I told him she was dangerous." That voice she did recognize. "Delia! Come on out sweetheart!" Delia pressed her back against the dumpster as hard as she could, she didn't know what to do. Then she heard the walking towards her, she had to make a move. She jumped up with her rifle aimed at them "Get the hell away from me." She backed up, her eyes darting from man to man then they landed on Robert. "Delia, long time no see." Delia glared at him "What do you want?" Robert removed his hat "I want my family back of course." Delia laughed "Really? You had ten damn years, how many times did you visit her?" Robert frowned "I'm sorry I was never there, I was busy." Delia scowled "Busy with what? Getting drunk with your friends. Then only time I ever saw you was when you wanted money." Robert looked at the men that had come with him "Go back to the truck." "But sir-" "No buts, I can handle this." The men looked uneasy but did as they were told. Delia watched them leave the alley "You might as well go with them, there is nothing to discuss." Robert sighed "That's where you're wrong." He pulled out his pistol and shot her in the shoulder, Delia stumbled back, her rifle falling to the ground. "You bastard." She placed her right hand over her left shoulder "That's for killing Daniel." Robert pushed her against the brick wall "Where is she?" Delia spat at him, Robert wiped her spit off his face before punching her in the face "Let's do this the easy way, where you come out of this alive."

"Why do you want her so bad, huh?" Robert looked at her "She is my daughter of course. What father wouldn't want his daughter?" Delia tried to get out of his grasp but he held strong "I just want us to be a family." Delia  glared at him "We don't want anything to do with you." Delia head butted him, sending him stumbling backwards into some trash cans. Delia didn't hesitate to run out of the alley and back onto the street next to the Diner. Her eyes searched frantically for Eliza, then she saw her running into the backyard of the house the camp was in "Good girl."she said before running into the diner. She stopped when she came to the bodies of the soldiers she had killed just days before, luckily their guns were still on them. She grabbed the M-16 then ran into the kitchen, taking cover behind the counter. Delia looked at her shoulder, fortunately it wasn't a critical shot and the bullet went clean through. Delia crouched behind the counter, peeking over every so often to see if he was coming. She didn't know how long she waited until she heard the men jogging over to the diner "She's in there, see the blood?" Delia cursed, she didn't even bother to see if she were leaving a trail "If you have a shot, take it." The men looked at Robert "Are you sure sir?" Delia gulped "Make sure she dies."

Yay for puppies! ^^
Once again; Mind any errors. When I make posts this long I usually don't feel like reading it over x.x))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: WolfBrother on August 19, 2013, 10:19:58 pm
((OMG she's SO cute and small, Rayne. I'mma come over later tonight and bring Zuko! :) ))

Dean Martin

As Ana and Dean sat upon the porch Emma came over and apologised for the passing of Dawn. "Thank you." Dean nodded before Emma walked off to her whereabouts. Moments later Delia, Eliza and some new face come outside, when Delia mentioned that they were departing now he looked towards the new face. Wondering who the hell he was. By his posture and the way he dressed Dean knew he was apart of the military in some way, but, the Marksman decided to keep his trap shut as he scowled the man. "Bye, Eliza." Dean smiled as Eliza said her goodbyes, then he came to realize Delia stopped in front of him. When Delia explained the basics of why she was departing, he gave her a strange look, as in saying. "If that's what you think, then so be it." The she kissed him, at first he was caught off guard, he didn't want this to be the end. Before he knew it she was gone.

Dean turned to look at Ana who tried to comfort him, he just shrugged. "If you say so." After he finished his sentence Ana pulled Dean to his feet saying that she wanted to show him something. 'What could you possibly show me?' He thought. When they reached the backyard Ana let go of his hand and smiled before hopping onto a swing. Dean just laughed and shook his head, "This is what you wanted to show me?" He smiled. "You know, you can be one of the biggest kid I've ever seen." He laughed before placing his behind on the swing next to Ana's. They swung slightly in silence for a few before he decided to speak, "You know, this is probably the most peaceful day we have had in a long time. Even before the riots began." Dean admitted as he kicked his legs back and forth like a little kid.

As the two went on taking a trip down memory lane, Dean's mind was somewhere else, he kept going from thinking about his feelings for Ana, to Alice, then to Delia. Thinking about Dawn, and just thinking about how Dean and Ana would get in so much trouble with the cops in their neighborhood. Since, they both grew up on the streets and right next to each other, you'd always see them together. That's why most people thought they would make one of the cutest couples, but, Dean had his type and Ana had his. Though, he had been there once or twice in his lifetime, it just never lasted as long as he wanted, most of the time he though Ana just did it to do it, out of boredom. He never expected anything more than that though. Ana-Lucia was always a though nut to crack.

No worries, and I just usually skim through my posts if they're long. If you misplace a letter I'm sure people can figure out what you meant... ^^
Title: ?? Arisa Hunther and Cedric Hunther Applications ??
Post by: Arkayy on August 25, 2013, 10:34:24 pm
Arisa Hunther

"We are all scattered pawns of this vicious dictator. Because of him, thousands of lives are now passed, even more so forcibly turned into desperate scurrying rodents, doing anything to survive. I merely play the role he has forced upon us. Now tell me, who's the real villain?"

Name: Arisa (Ah-ree-sa) 'May' 'Rose' Hunther

Alias: To strangers, she uses 'May Florenzo'. She rarely uses her actual name for security purposes and even carries around a forged ID card in case patrols ever seized her. The few associates that do know her call her 'Primrose' or 'Rose' as a cover up Alias.

Gender: Female

Rank: Rogue/Loner

Age: 23

Personality: A very cautious individual, but also very protective and fiery. Her mindset and methods seem harsh at times, though most of the time she has a reason behind it. She is very upfront with opinions and for the most part very truthful. Arisa can also be as stubborn as an ox and very sadistic, two key reasons she has roamed in solitude. Though much of this changes if the person she is interacting with is very dear to her.

Appearance: Arisa is around 5'6", approximately 160lbs. She is a lighter redhead with a tinge of wavy locks reaching to the middle of her back, sometimes braided and has clear crystal blue eyes. Her skin is fairly pale but has minor battle scars scattered around her. A standard outfit would be a rough leather tank top and/or jacket, tattered old blue jeans and worn out black boots. Her inventory is kept both hooked around her waist by a belt in a leather flip up pouch and a small light backpack slung around her shoulder with holes and one strap missing.

* Stubborn and Persistent
* Unwavering
* Experienced in combat, (Mainly hand to hand and with pocket knives.)
* Protective
* Motivated
* Ruthless and merciless

* Impatient
* Ignorant (In the sense she hates listening to others.
* Lousy Long range fighter. (Has terrible aim with guns from a distance)
* Fierce temper
* Snappy Attitude
* Animal lover (Absolutely hates abuse to animals and refuses to just sit and watch, even if it puts her in danger.)
* Her younger brother

Crush: None

Relationship Status: Single. "And probably always will be."

Other:(I may put more later.)

Cedric Hunther
"No one ever has to walk alone."

Name: Cedric 'Alfred' Hunther

Alias: He does not have much of an alias as his sister but normally goes by his nickname 'Al' because of his dislike for his first name.

Gender: Male

Rank: Quarantined

Age: 16, almost 17

Personality: Cedric has a very calm and solitary personality. He can be viewed as caring, trying to help the less fortunate of the quarantined, though much of the time his generosity is taken advantaged of. He isn't much of a fighter, though he will stand up for those he sees the need to. He spends much of his time trying to gather supplies inconspicuously, but never daring to challenge the patrols or get into real mischief for what he needed. Much of his speech is in monotone and its difficult to get him to even a crack a smile anymore.

Appearance: Cedric stands about 5'4" at 130lbs. His hair is a almost blackish brown, reaching a little past shoulder length, always seeming messy and pushed to the side. He has the same bright blue eyes as his sister with similar clothing choices, but much more ragged and cheap.

* Lean and Agile
* Focus and Concentration
* Stealth
* Minor medical knowledge (Learned from others he associated with.)
* Well informed and a thinker

* Weak
* Fighting skills (He isn't a great fighter although he tries to practice)
* Children
* Animals (Especially dogs.)
* Gullible
* Generosity over self needs.

Crush: None

Relationship Status: Single

Other: None

Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 26, 2013, 02:29:15 am
Accepted! You may post when you feel free! :D
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: Arkayy on August 27, 2013, 03:16:11 am

Arisa Hunther

"We are all scattered pawns of this vicious dictator. Because of him, thousands of lives are now passed, even more so forcibly turned into desperate scurrying rodents, doing anything to survive. I merely play the role he has forced upon us. Now tell me, who's the real villain?"

August 25, 8:51 pm

     I've been anxious all week for this day. That, and naturally a bit worried. Our mischievous little bundle of rogues plan on infiltrating the quarantined zone in a few hours from now in an attempt at a raid. The last time it went pretty smoothly, but then again that was a few months ago. More of the military must be patrolling by now. But it will be worth it, I know it. Not only will we have a surplus of supplies for a week or two, but I'll get to see him again... As an elder sibling, I can't do anything but worry when I'm not in there with him. I don't know how he survives in there, with all the other rogues sneaking in and killing whoever has a decent amount of equipment. I swear I will get him out of there, no matter the cost.

     Arisa paused and flattened her slender figure against the crackled wall behind her. The air around her tensed as she heard the dreaded footsteps of the military patrols stomp past at a slow rate. She weaseled herself, huddling up in a crevice of the darkening alley and lightly tapped the cheap electronic head piece that fuzzed irritatingly against her ear drum. With the lowest and quietest tone, she uttered into the tiny microphone, "I'm blocked in there. Kamikaze, how far is the entrance from your stand point?" She tuned into the static, tapping the piece again to get the buzzing to stop until she heard a masculine voice emit over it, "Approximately 50 meters, but I think the patrol discovered our normal passage. It's no use, we'll have to find another route Rose." Arisa gritted her teeth and shook her head reply back in a demanding tone, "Fine. Half a block ahead I see a metal gate we can leap over, but it probably barbed. That's our only other option." She regains her stance a bit to get a better view and murmurs into the mic, "Make a distraction."

     "What? How am I supposed to-" "You still have that smoke grenade on you? Here's a plan, throw it as far as you can away from you and run like hell," she barks over the man's stuttering, making him fall silent. Primrose reached for her belt and unsheathed two machete's she normally used as weapons in these situations. She crept low, leering out of the darkness she was lurking in and waited for the signal. There is no way they could afford to screw this up.  There was too much as stake. Her gaze automatically locked on the blooming cloud of smoke that went off in the distance and took off as discretely as she could. Most of the soldiers were hurrying to the epicenter of the grenade, but Arisa could feel the glares of a few patrols as they pursued after her. She bit her bottom lip darted into part of the large cloud of smoke, covering her mouth with her hands. A few gasps escaped her throat as she choked on smoke.  Drilling shots rang into her ears as she gazed side to side, watching an array of bullets miss her blindly, only a few nearly grazing her. She grinned confidently but froze, finding herself tumbling over as a clump of bullets lodged in her knee. Her hand clasped against her maw to muffled the small scream of agonizing pain. The few soldiers were nearing her and her heart pumped uneasily with adrenaline and fear. With her injury, she knew it was pointless to outrun them and would never make it without collapsing. Those crystal eyes of hers blazed as her body shuddered in misery. Arisa bit her lip and swerved back around in the fog, turning to confront her pursuers within a few moment's time.

     The first solider she meet stared as her as if she was mental charging full force at him. He steadied his M60 and met the woman's gaze from only a couple feet away. The solider blasted away but she was already too close and agile on her feet. Rose swept behind him and smacked up his helmet so she could lodge a machete in his gullet and sever his vertebrae for a swift kill. She retrieved the blade and grasped the bloody knife between her teeth, her free hand feeling to see if the corpse had any beneficial arsenal she could use. As she reached to stash away a few minor stolen treasures, Primrose flinched back as more bullets grazed against her arm. With eyes flaring with anger, she forced the heavy corpse up as used it as a bullet shield and snatched the former solidier's gun his cold hand was still holding. Arisa took no attempt to really aim and blasted the gun in the direction of the enemy. She watched relieved when the wild spray took effect after a few seconds and the figure fell. Her hands grasped the gun loosely as she stood up and U-turned towards her destination. A second after, her vision blurred with warmth and she felt a tad light headed. Three soldiers had ambushed her. The one wielding the bloody metal gun that impaled the side of her face clawed at her wrists and lifted her up, keeping her wrists restrained as the two readied there pistols smirking confidently. Arisa flinched and shut her eyes tight as the dreaded noise echoed close to her ear drum.

     A few moments passed in wonderment for her. Her blue eyes revealed again, curious to know where they had shot. Blood streams stroked her face, but she felt no pain other then that in her kneecap. The two soldiers had there backs facing her and began to spring in the opposite direction. Her eyes widen as she peered up. Low and behold, the one holding her had a dangerously precise bullet tunnel through a crack in the helmet's visor. She smiled a bit reluctantly as she thought, Damn Kamikaze... Trying to scare the hell out of me? A little sooner next time would be nice... Arisa shrugged the body off of her and leaped as silently ahead as she could. When in range of the two, she stabbed the machine gun she picked up into the left ones back, letting the trigger loose. The solider screamed in agony any by the time the other gazed over in horror, she had kneed him and stuck both machetes into his neck, watching him collapse instantly. This time she quickly retrieved her weapons, leaving the empty gun discarded and sprinted ahead painfully in a sort of limp. She breathed hard from the near death experience and was thankful she could climb over the metal wire gate with no real problem. Her first action after was slumping down against a ruined brick wall and laying her head back, her hand over her heart as she murmured a small praise for escaping alive from the scene. A few minutes later when she calmed down, Arisa tilted her head up watching a familiar shadow near her and sit down chuckling smugly. The girl rolled her eyes, "Don't think you're so smug for saving me one time," she chimed a bit playfully before coughing hoarsely and continuing, "I've helped your sorry ass plenty more times."

     She gazed at the man about half a decade older than her that was by her side, listening to him snicker, "Ok, both of us have helped the other. That's what us members of the faceless wolves do." "And now you're naming 'your' group? You know Einstein, there's only two members of this great 'Faceless Wolves' group," Arisa chuckled, "Why pick a name like that anyways?" The man shrugs honestly and retorts, "Cause of sounds cool? I'm not quite sure. I guess being an ex dog of the military kinda leaves feeling like a lone wolf. They brainwash your ideals and you loose your senses of compassion and feelings. If I had stayed any longer, I'd be a hollow shell of myself." She perked up curiously at his words and nodded in agreement. "Yea... Suppose you do. Wouldn't know much about that though since I never did enlist. Had other priorities, and still do." Primrose brought her knees closer to her chest and picked a bit at the bullet wound in her knee, twitching in spurts of pain when trying to get the bullet out. "Alright, the patrol must be done searching for us. Let's go meet up with your brother so we can treat that wound Prim." Arisa winced up out of the blankness of her thoughts and watched Kamikaze rise to a stand. She pushed up against the wall for support and limped up following after him as they entered the quarantined area stealthily.

((Hope you don't mind the little journal entry I included for Arisa. I felt it would blend well as a start for introducing the character. And sorry its kinda length x.x))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: FantasyDawn on August 27, 2013, 08:48:04 pm
hey guys,I'm back!))

(http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh504/Arrinanna/tumblr_lmqk3nqIcY1qj7adao1_500.jpg) (http://s1249.photobucket.com/user/Arrinanna/media/tumblr_lmqk3nqIcY1qj7adao1_500.jpg.html)

Anya Rose Williams

       All the events that took place in these days upon their group were indeed sad.Not to mention Dawn's death.It was shocking for all of them,especially for Dean.Anya felt sorry for the poor girl who just passed away.She has always been the sweet,obedient type of girl,she didn't deserved the death she got.The trainee couldn't do anything but observe Dean,grieving for his sister.
        Anya was simply wandering around outside,having no objective in mind.Ever since the last encounter with the hateful twin girls that were ready to bully her anytime,she wasn't bothered by them anymore.Perhaps because of the bruises Anya gave to them as a reward for their "kindness" towards her,but it's a matter of time untill they'll start again.Atleast her nose got better.The girl will definetely not let them anymore make fun of her as they did last time,that's for sure.Sobbing interrupted her thoughts.As she walked towards the source of the sound,Anya saw a small boy,curled up against the cold wall of a building,crying.Anya couldn't stand seeing or even hearing children crying,not because she hated it,it made her even sad.She thought that it would benice if she was to talk to him and see what's his problem.Who knows,maybe she could be of help?"Sunflower" slowily approached the child and knelt down in front of him.The child didn't even noticed her,crying his soul out."Hi there.What's the matter?"she asked him but the boy didn't answered.He just raised his head,his eyes completely red from crying.""Will you please stop crying and tell me what happened?"she asked him as softly as she could.Anya wasn't the best when it came to children,not only that they turned her into quite the softie,but she didn't really know how to talk to them.THis was her weakness:children.
          "M-my...m-mommy....she...died.These were the only words the boy managed to tell throught sobbing."E-ever since the camp was attacked....s-she was shot and...I miss her!"With those words,the child wrapped his hands around her neck and continued sobbing in her shoulder.Anya was shocked of the sudden movement but it was clear that the boy needed comforting so she started rubbing circles on his back.((i think this is how it's written,correct me if I'm wrong))"I'm sorry for your loss..."she said as soothing as she could."B-bring her b-back!Please!I want her...b-back"the boy cried in her shoulder.She completely understood him.The boy looked about nine years old,and he lost his mother,it was painful."Ssshh,please don't cry.I can't bring her back,but know that she still loves you very much,I'm sure of it!she told him.the boy let go and rubbing his watering eyes he said:"If she l-loves me...why d-did she l-left me?"Anya smiled a little."She didn't left you,she's still with you."The child blinked in surprise."W-where?"The trainee pointed towards his chest."There.In your heart,don't forget that."He seemed to have calmed a bit.Anya wiped away his tears with her finger,smiling."Now...what is your name?"she asked him."Timmy."the boy simply answered."Well,Timmy,will you please stop crying now?Atleast for your mother?"Timmy nodded and wiped away the rest of his tears with his sleeve."Thanks."Anya then ruffled his black hair."Good boy."Both stood up on their feet and just as the trainee was about to leave,Timmy grabbed her hand."Uumm,I never asked your name.The 15-year old girl turned around."It's Anya."she answered.The boy let go of her hand and facing the ground,he asked."I was wondering...if you have anyone that you care much about.L-like your parents?"The girl hated to think about her past again,yet she answered his question as briefly as she could."My father never loved me,and I've never known my mother.I don't know who she is or if she's even alive,so it's safe to say I have never grown attached to them.The boy raised his head."Oh...ok...sorry for asking."Timmy clearily took notice of Anya's reluctance to talk about her parents."No..it's okay."she quickly added,trying to show the boy that she didn't minded it much."Well,Anya...Timmy added,his face completely emotionlessI-I guess I should be g-going,especially since I ran away from Dolly,s-so I'll see you around".With that,he turned around and ran away."Goodbye..."Anya said,mostly to herself.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: Arkayy on August 30, 2013, 08:06:45 pm
((Bump? Welcome back btw ^^))
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: lionheart2061 on August 30, 2013, 08:34:31 pm
Welcome back Remixx! :) And sorry I haven't posted in a while. School has been crazy along with work. Though, I have a long weekend this time and will be able to post later on. I can't at the moment due to the fact I'm getting ready for work and going to the football game afterwards. Y'all feel free to post and even post Ana-Lucia into it if you wish, I'll be back later tonight though! Again. welcome back Remixx.
Title: Re: ?? ||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||??||Accepting||??||Now accepting Loners||??
Post by: Arkayy on September 06, 2013, 07:12:28 am
((It's fine lol I understand. I'll post later on tomorrow as well))