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Help & Guidance => Member Made Tutorials => Character & Roleplay Tutorials => Topic started by: Birdi on November 19, 2013, 01:26:48 am

Title: How to be a Better Roleplayer
Post by: Birdi on November 19, 2013, 01:26:48 am
Hi there! It's Birdi here with a cool lesson I've had in mind. Okay, so maybe some of you think you're bad at roleplaying and want to get a little better! I'm not the best, let me tell you, but if you want to be 'literate' by Feral Heart standards, I don't know if this is the right topic for a beginner. Alright, I hope you likey!

For this tutorial you will be learning [some] proper vocabulary, how to improve it, and about 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person views. But remember, everyone has their own style so don't get too carried away with copying my exact use of language.

Table of Contents

And away you go!
Title: Re: How to be a Better Roleplayer
Post by: Birdi on November 19, 2013, 01:27:10 am
Using the correct language

Often times I see people using language known as 'wolf-speak.' This is a type of roleplaying that uses generally incorrect terms in the place of the regular eyes, ears, legs, head, etc. This 'wolf-speak' is frowned upon by many, yet used by many. It is not a necessarily bad thing that you may roleplay like this, but it is not accepted in certain places. To ease yourself out of this, try using 'less descriptive' language and try to use the 'right' terms as much as possible. A list below will show you common terms of the common 'wolf-speaker.'

1. Orbs, Pools, Optics, Opticals, etc. - These are all words for eyes. They sound descriptive, yes, but none are really correct. Try using something equally descriptive-sounding yet not these, like: 'Eyes flecked with silver shone like blue pools.' Notice how I used the word 'pools' in the sentence, but not as a noun that represents the eyes; a noun that describes how they look. Imagine someone who has eyes as blue as a swimming pool. That is basically what I said in the sentence.
2. Pillars, Columns, etc. - These words all mean legs. They may sound right, because a pillar holds something up, right? No, a pillar holds a building up, not a character. To fix this, one may write a sentence somewhat like this; 'Using her legs to support herself, the canine's limbs were almost like pillars holding up a common structure made by humans.' See how I used 'pillars' in that sentence? Again, not to use them as words for the legs, but to show what the legs look like.
3. Audits, Auds, Auditories, Radars, etc. - These are all words for ears. They may sound 'official' and very 'intelligent,' but these words do not mean ears. Though, one may use the word in a context like this: 'The buck's ears were large, and having movement that some creatures did not have, they swiveled around like radars.' Once again the word 'radars' was used not to replace 'ears,' but to describe the deer's ears' movement.
4. Maw, etc. - The words for mouth. Ah. Well I don't really think there's any explanation for this at all; for it's the incorrect term and should not be used. Just make your mouth a mouth! xD
5. Incisors, Ivories, Daggers, etc. - Well well well. The words for teeth. These can simply be replaced by something like this: 'The feline's sharp teeth shone like daggers in the soft glare of the moon.' Again, the word describes the teeth, it doesn't replace them.
6. Daggers, Talons, etc. - These are words for a creature's claws. Ah. Well they can simply be replaced by: 'As the canine made his way through battle, his dull claws that resembled nothing to the talon of a bird's sank into the mud.' Once again it describes his claws, not replacing the word.
7. Banner, Whipcord, etc. - The words for tail. Easily replaced with: 'The phoenix's large tail waved like a banner in the sky, red hot against the cool color of the sky.'
8. If you have any more, let me know.

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Title: Re: How to be a Better Roleplayer
Post by: Birdi on November 19, 2013, 01:27:22 am
Title: Re: How to be a Better Roleplayer
Post by: Birdi on November 19, 2013, 01:27:31 am
Title: Re: How to be a Better Roleplayer
Post by: Birdi on November 19, 2013, 01:27:42 am
Title: Re: How to be a Better Roleplayer
Post by: Chunky_Squirrel on November 23, 2013, 06:23:21 pm
This is really helpful. Truelly i'd nuzelle you, but my phone dosen't let me, and my computer isin't working.
Anyways, could you do one for like a lion/cat?
If so, thank you! :)
Title: Re: How to be a Better Roleplayer
Post by: Birdi on November 23, 2013, 11:49:29 pm
I can try c: Thanks for the idea, but this was really geared towards everyone and not just wolves. Those were just examples
Title: Re: How to be a Better Roleplayer
Post by: Luuxas on November 28, 2013, 02:05:52 am
Very well done. :)