Community > Leaving

Summer is too short>.<



Sadly tomorrow my school begins D:...meaning I probably won't be on FH as much. But I will try to get on some days or even if I don't have that much homework to do>_<..But if you'd like your more than welcome to pm me or I could just give you my YouTube channel name which is probably easier to find me on although it's very old o-o Link: More than likely I'll be on during the weekend really soo yea:3Have to say...this was the best summer ever ^w^. kbaii<3[/size][/color]

Bonannos :D:
I have school too ;-; It's sad to see how school takes us away from having fun >8I. Just deal with it until it's over and be a smartical partical 8D -Salutes- I salute chu bellah, and hope that you do good in school ^-^

-salutes back and nuzzles- c: thnx and ikr D;


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