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New patch music question. (solved)

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I know there is a new thing for it, but does it do anything yet? I've tried several things, but I'm not getting results, has anyone figured it out yet?

edit- Changed the questions name, I named it the same as another topic, LOL.

What are you having trouble with? Sending the maps, and the music not playing for other people, or the music not playing for you?

I'm not actually sure how it works with the new bar. What do I need to enter in it to make music happen? I know when it is empty it plays default, but what needs to be entered so it plays something else?

Either the file name for just one song to play or the group name for a playlist. To create a group, I believe that has to do with the music.cfg files playlist layout. [groupname] song;song;song etc. but I haven't played with groups yet so...yarr.....

For a single song, you need to type the file name in, and the .mp3 (or whatever you have) after it.
The file also needs to be in the sounds folder, not music. (or so I have been told, and it works for me)


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