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Still no detentions for me. I just don't do bad things!
But someone else in my class got detention for throwing a stink-bomb into a bin in the First-Year resource area... The whole place smelled of rotten eggs, and everyone knew who did it! XD

And another time, but I don't know if they got detention, it was really, really, really cold in a classroom, and a student asked for the teacher's coat. Since she was a good student, he said yes and she put it on. During the lesson, she searched through the pockets and found a packet of...
...what you never want to find in a teacher's pocket. To keep it as suitable as possible, I'll just say a packet of plastic. She like screamed: "OHMIGAWD, -------! *Blanked for those who would be... offended?*
So... yep. Good times XD

My school has ISS [in school suspension] not detention, and OSS [out of school suspension]. I've gotten both x3

Lets see, the first time I did something bad was when I was in first grade. I was always acting like a smart aleck in class and was mad that my teacher told me I could never get away with anything, so at recess I hid behind one of the tire tube things when it was time to go in and stayed there for half of the day thinking "hurr hurr i cant get away with anything can i mrs. mean teacher?" =D. My parents never got told because my teacher was freaking out when she found me X3

Second time was in sixth grade when I flipped someone off. Unfortunatly, the teacher was right there and seemed to think I was flipping her off :C ISS for Whip.

And I got suspended for three days in eight grade [only a few months ago, actually =D!] for slapping a girl c:

Oooh dear! x-x

Be teh school I in, have no detention. You get yelled at abit and thats it. SO NO DETENTION FOR MAW.


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