FeralHeart Creations > Screenshots

Screenshots! Taken by Sylph! Oh no!


Mkay, here's some of my screenshots from ingame. :3 Hope you like them. Also with captions. >D

-Thought this one was cute. :3

-I lurve this one. But I'm mad that I forgot to take the chat box off. -_-

-You know that really big tall mountain peak? I made it the top! :3 -proud- xD Again, chat box fail.

-In this one, well, we're just relaxing. ;P

These are my screenshots. : D I hope you add more though. xD Anywho, if you wish to see me ingame, just throw me a friend request. Sylph. <--that's my ingame name.

Love et O:

Thanks Lurina! :3

Great shots! 8D Nice character too! ^^

Haha, thanks Sarine. ^^


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