FeralHeart Roleplay > Misc. Roleplays

[.Legend of the Black Shuck.] [Inactive since 24/09/2013]


(Figured this would be more fitting here in Misc.))

In Medieval England, tales of a terrifying dog-like demon haunt the citizens of Suffolk, England. The beasts, known to locals as the Black Shuck or Old Shuck, are often seen stalking the wooded areas and coastlines. According to legend, anyone who comes across one will immediately fall ill simply by the mere sight of it- and the appearance of it is also said to be a death omen.
       The creatures are demons; their sole purpose to terrify and harass the townspeople. They murder, destroy, and merely scare the citizens, targeting the local churches, namely, but only appearing in the evening and night time hours.

You can be either a human, or one of the ghostly demon dogs that terrorizes this town. As a Black Shuck, the people both loath and fear you, and each raid you launch on the small town gives the people an equal chance to wound you. Though you are a demon, you are a solid form, making injury quite possible, but difficult. Your sole purpose on this earth is to harass and destroy. You are part of a pack made up of your own kind. Humans often launch search and hunting parties to find and end your existence.

~The Black Shuck~

The Black Shuck can come in two forms:
One body type is the form of a typical dog or wolf.

The second body type is that of a cyclops hound.

The Black Shuck, no matter which type, comes in various sizes. From the size of a German Shepherd all the way up to the size of a small horse. While they do run in packs, they lack the structured hierarchy that a wolf pack would have, and are often hostile towards each other. Their eyes vary from a burning red color to a dark green, and are large, described as "saucers." Once reaching an adult size, they do not grow or age, some of them in the area being as old as the area itself. Difficult to kill, they are able to be wounded, and once their physical body is dispatched, their demonic soul can be reincarnated, making their existence a never ending cycle. They often fight amongst themselves, only really united when they launch village raids, even then, it tends to a more solitary activity than anything. They can go months without a bite of food and do not need sleep, though they often will kill just for the satisfaction rather than eating.

1. No Powerplay/Godmodding
2. Mild cussing allowed
3. Descriptiveness is encouraged
4. Blood/Gore is allowed.(Duh)
5. Hate the character, not the user.


The town

The "pack" camp

The Coastline

.:Mini Plot:.
Season: Autumn
Weather: Cloudy, chance of rain.





Occupation(If human):

Equipment(If human):


Form(Cyclops or Regular)(If Black Shuck):




Temlar/ Male/ JimMoriarty

My Character

Name: Temlar

Age: 4,038 (Adult)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Photo

Species: Black Shuck

Form(Cyclops or Regular): Regular

Mate: None

Personality: Crude, merciless, impatient, Temlar is very mature and has a twisted mindset. He won't hesitate to rip apart a packmate or pick senseless fights, and rather enjoys the sport of fighting. Driven by an incessant bloodlust, he makes frequent trips to the village, and being a demon, gets pleasure from interrupting church services. He's short fused, and has an 'every man for himself' 'mentality.

Extra: Has numerous scars from frequent scuffles with humans as they attempted to defend themselves.


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