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Users you looked up to?

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In-game it was HellCat. I dunno who they are and I don't even think that they're active on the game anymore. They always had the coolest characters, to me. Even though half the things they'd talk about would be over my head and off to naive world, I thought they were awesome and I wanted to be like that. I did make a character similar and not-so similar to theirs (same markings, just different colors). That is when I began to appreciate character colors and design, thus came a wave of awesome characters (at least to me and my friends). I am trying to revive some of them and turn them into adoptable for other people to cherish. Anyway, off to the tangents we go!~

Hmm, on the forums it'd have to be Tigg and Delay. Tigg, for one, she's an awesome mesher and all-round magnificent creator of sorts. I attempted making meshes, but that failed. Though it was worth a try, and I'm sure I will try it again someday. Delay inspired me to make my own FH creations, such as GUIs, presets, and markings (I only do personal markings). Also, anyone who was older than me and British ... I looked up to them, mostly because I was a Euro-fanatic back then. I loved British accents, lol. It nothing to do with 1D, I can tell you that. I just loved the British culture as a whole, haha. Ohh, I keep going into tangents. I better stop here.

Ah yes, my idols. There were a pleasant few I adored and longed to be akin to, such as the Staff team at the time, #2Fab4U, and members such as Delija and Kiaz who were really experienced and seemed... perfect community members in my eyes. There's probably a few more, but that was years ago and there's no need for me to have a nostalgia attack ahaha.

Pretty much anyone who joined any of my groups. On a different account I really looked up to Raksha. She was very laid back and very helpful and treated me like a friend.

Ah, I'd say Vespian (Creux)! She'd never admit it, but she's incredibly humble, generous and kind. I miss her.

One of the first people I really remember looking up to (and still do) was Lord Suragaha. Sura was always one of those people who really had everyone's best interest at heart and put about five times as much effort as you could possibly imagine. She has such a fun and beautiful personality, and I admired how she would face difficult situations head-on, even if she ended up taking the heat for things that weren't even her fault but helped better the people around her. Sura was always so friendly and polite, and I felt very welcomed by her presence.


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