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What is your strong fear?

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Spiders. Long drops. I am SO normal. T~T Unless explosions in your area and/or wildfires. If those count >->.

- Drowning
- Spiders, well I don't scream when I see them or anything like that. I just avoid them. I'm actually fascinated by them but I don't want to be anywhere near them. If they are trapped behind a glass wall in a zoo or in a jar then I'll observe it.

Drowning heights airplanes D: bugs creepy noises annnd i think thats it....?

The White Lion:
Guns >.<
Sharp things being waved around
Some sharp things in general

Today in Physical Science my teacher opened a bag full of deer hearts and showed them to us as she got a tad bit of blood on the floor and I thought it was cool. What shocks me is that I can handle something like that but I can't handle being around insects. Something about the eyes of an insect creep me out. Perhaps it's the fact that they seem to be staring at you every second. To be honest I'm not even sure what's with me and insects. Just the thought of insects will give me chills. I'm also scared of dying. I'm pretty sure most of us are scared to die too.


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