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Let's have a talk about censorship

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Yes, this is a double post real quick. Ignore that part, though. There's a reason and it doesn't fit with my previous post.
But the thread Bird posted earlier, right above TimesNewRoman, either they deleted or a staff member deleted.
I'm going to assume it was a staff member who doesn't want others to truly see the extent of what happened because there's also an admin viewing this topic at the same time I'm posting this.

I'm gonna repost the links real quick, because the post was deleted while I still had them open, but if it turns out Bird did delete the post herself then I will remove the links at her request.
Removed by moderator

To answer the original question asked in this thread, I will quote what Ressy has said:

--- Quote from: PrettyReckless on July 18, 2020, 07:31:12 pm ---The reason behind why the thread was removed wasn't due to any kind of censorship, but simply that FeralHeart does not want to be responsible if something was to happen to their users. Let's say the thread told them to contact someone and they didn't get the help they needed.
People who are struggling mentally shouldn't turn to a forum to start with, unless it is a genuine mental health forum.
Why? Because there are trolls everywhere.

I've struggled with my own mental health since I hit puberty, it took a while but I can finally say that I've overcome my issues.
The only reason I'm mentioning my own problems, is because I want you to know that I can relate to the topic.
Not once have I looked to turn to feral-heart or a similar forum regarding my troubles.

The best thing anyone struggling with mental health can do, is call their doctor or local charity.

The thread won't be remade.
I know some of you guys are coming from FHU, and I understand if you have concern for people's mental well being.
I'm sure xSpirit would be happy for you to post a similar thread on his forum.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: PrettyReckless on July 18, 2020, 08:44:31 pm ---The reason why there is a big difference between Suras post and my post, is that I was asleep when previous comments were made. Meaning, so was Raz.
I had to read back on the posts and then have a discussion with Raz as he was the person who deleted it, to see what his reason was.

--- End quote ---

FeralHeart does not want to be held accountable if anything were to happen to a user who used our platform to seek help and failed to get the help they needed. As Ressy has said, the best thing for anyone to do is reach out to their doctor or local charity for these types of situations, or to seek out a specialized organization with professionals who are trained properly to handle these types of situations. Not an online roleplaying game. I understand all of your frustrations regarding this, however Razmirz has given his reasoning as to why he does not want that kind of thread on this game's forum, and there is nothing we can do to change his mind. If you do not agree with how he wants things to be run here on FeralHeart, then you are more than welcome to seek out a platform that meets your standards. I am terribly sorry.

As for this thread itself, I will be locking it due to an answer being given to the original question, as well as the subject being thrown off topic with continued harassment towards others.


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