Community > Leaving

Laptop Issues x.x


Hey, guys. Urm, my laptop got a virus (A virus the size of, the like, USA. ^3^;) and i wont be on for a day or two, my laptop is the only one with FH on it so.... Yea, my laptop's virus is so bad. My laptop wont even let me on its desktop. X_X

But dun worry In-game buddies! I ish coming back on the game soon! ; D Spirit, Cyrus, and Sheiba, i be missing you guys. <33 (Spirit ish SpiritWolf, Cyrus ish CyrusFox and Sheiba be SheibaTheLioness. ;3 <33333)

Sorry to hear that! Hopefuly you'll be back on soon. ^^

Yea, my laptop's kinda old so, meh. And yesh i will be back soon, im taking my laptop to the store today so it can get fixed! ^3^

EDIT: Couldnt make it to the store today, going tomorrow. @__@


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