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Every time I try to get on the Forum on my home computer, it gives me a 403 Forbidden error and says I'm blacklisted. Is this happening for just me or others? I don't recall being banned or getting a message or anything...

if you're trying to sign into the site itself  that is disabled,  or atleast doesn't work anymore.

It happens when I just try to get on the site, not log in. And yet on my iPod I can get on fine...

  A blacklisted IP address means that your IP has been marked as bad. Nothing can really be done about it I don't think. Either change your IP (Which a lot of people can not do) or try and see if you can get a mod to unblacklist it but I don't know if they can even do that.

I never even got a notification about being banned. But if I am banned, I'd like to know what I did. And it seems I'm only banned from the forum, not the game itself.


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