Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Tessel. on August 16, 2012, 06:30:05 pm

Title: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: Tessel. on August 16, 2012, 06:30:05 pm
 So this is just a little topic I came up with. Who introduced you to FeralHeart? How did you enjoy it at first?

This probably what isn't exactly what happened, but this is atleast what I think.

So I was searching through Youtube looking at IT videos. I found a video about a game called Feralheart. I looked it up, and found the website. I eventually downloaded it, and at first, I didn't really know what to think about it. But now, I am addicted.

So how did you find out about the game?
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: SoulRevenge on August 16, 2012, 06:39:20 pm
I played WolfQuest, hated it, found FeralHeart, loved it, and joined it.

'Nuff said x3
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: Bloo. on August 16, 2012, 07:17:44 pm
I used to play Wizard101 ALOT and one of my friends on there said she was getting bored of it and i said so was i. She told me about FH so i immediately downloaded it. When i first appeared in bonfire island i was all like woooaahhh. I was confused about the controls because they are SO different from Wizard101 lol. But i was so lost eventually i found my way around and have been playing ever since! ;D
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: Abomine on August 17, 2012, 01:56:38 am
I heard about this game on The Endless Forest forums (of all things), and I heard about The Endless Forest on deviantART.

I'm also curious about Impressive World and Sanctum of Eventide, which I heard about here on the FH forums.
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: LordSuragaha on August 17, 2012, 06:23:59 pm
It all started when one day I was doing some research online for a book I am writing about wolves. I some how stumbled into the weird section of Youtube and that when I discovered a game play video of WolfQuest. I thought it looked really cool so I looked it up downloaded it and I stayed using it for a while to RP etc. Soon enough another day came that I was searching up videos of WolfQuest gameplay on Youtube and I once again ended up in that weird section of Youtube where I found a bunch of videos about Impressive Title. Once again I thought it looked cool so I looked it up but sadly found out that at that time it had been shut down but that a new game from the same creator was being made called FeralHeart and that it had a group page on DeviantArt. I joined the group and watched it up until it finally was released and I got to be one of the lucky people on the first day of release :D! Back then the game was soo full of people and so buggy it was alot of fun... I had some great memories of those times ;)
Here's a throwback from my old account Korugoha: lol

... And that's the story of how I became a member of the Feral Heart family :) *Nuzzles to you all*
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: Zirconia on August 19, 2012, 12:07:37 am
I used to play on IT a couple years ago. The announcement came out about Feral Heart...then all we could do was wait. It was scheduled to come out at a certain time, but it was pushed back, and I eventually forgot about it. Then one day, I remembered it, searched it up, and BAM! There it was.
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: animals_rock on August 19, 2012, 03:27:57 pm
I was stalking people on dA and came across HinaUchi's screenshots of Fh. I thought it looked epic and stuff so I found the website, downloaded it, and here I am :3
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: kimlou on August 19, 2012, 09:46:07 pm
I was bored of playing my games and looked up some new ones and found this played it and will Here I am!
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: zRichtofen on August 20, 2012, 11:50:48 am
@Bloo OMG U dont like w101 anymore? WHAT ABOUT AVALON .3. NEW WORLD WILL COME SOON BRO D:<

ANYWAYS, I was in w101 talking with my best friend and she was playing this game and I wanted to join. I thought I had to pay to play (ex. wizard101, pay to play) but I couldnt believe it. It threw me to a new world and now here I am  :)
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: CloudFish on August 20, 2012, 12:20:07 pm
found it through a friend who was playing, spurred on by inner dork and the need to troll on something while playstation home was down. i eventually got more into it beyond the trolling, obviously
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: RavenShai on August 20, 2012, 01:54:50 pm
@Bloo&codacc: I didn't think there were past (or current) W101 players here xD

A friend was telling me about the game, they heard about it some months before it's release and was basically waiting for it to come out. I thought it interesting and asked her to tell me when it did come out and she said she would. Then came the day it was released, sent me the download link, and I downloaded it. When I first came on, in one way I was disappointed because being used to WolfQuest I thought that one area (which was Bonfire before Lonely Cave was made) was it and that's where everyone had to hang out. With the chat streaming of people talking, I thought it'd be impossible to talk or RP for that manner XD

Then I figured out that black hole in the mountain was a portal, and later on I was amazed at how many places you could go to. It took me a bit, though, to figure out which keys to use to move with instead of clicking on the ground all the time with the mouse, but later on someone told me and I was relieved. After that the game became completely enjoyable for me! I spent most of my time exploring on the first day, and then even a little more afterwards until I was satisfied x3
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on August 23, 2012, 02:54:16 am
One of my younger siblings did. At first I hesitated to try it, but I did eventually. Now I can't get enough of FH  ;D
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: nyxghostrider on August 23, 2012, 04:49:10 am
i did it myself ._.
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: BigSkippy on August 23, 2012, 04:56:16 am
Being completely honest with you lot here, My nephews did. They didn't have a computer but had played FH at their friends house which resulted in them begging their uncle Skippy to let them use his computer mind you they had no idea they could even leave bonfire. But eventually after some convincing they got me to have a mess around on FH. Now...I never let them use FH becus I wanna use it. And thats the end of the story.
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: Haruki on August 23, 2012, 05:07:30 am
I've been around since Impressive Title in '09. -oldfart-

Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: Ouuka on August 24, 2012, 03:32:56 am
Was looking for animal games that are somewhat mmorpg. Came across IT, went to the site and turned out i was two days late, game/server was shut down, sticked around the forums there to see if any news of a reopening until the discussion of a new game of Kov's was to be made...FeralHeart. Waited since that post till the day FH opened, and been here ever since.
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: Keyyva on August 25, 2012, 04:43:12 pm
From google and youtube.
Title: Re: Who introduced you to FeralHeart?
Post by: Insoholic on June 04, 2019, 06:46:16 am
Mute (https://feral-heart.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=295290) introduced me to FeralHeat, as he has been playing since the early days of Impressive Title.
I'm truly grateful to be here and as the years has passed by I've learned to love and care about this community.