Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Site/Forum Help => Topic started by: Fifteen on April 11, 2013, 09:58:16 pm

Title: Icon/Logo wuteverz at bottum screen? WUT TEH HECK?!!!?!!!!?!?!!?!?!??!!?
Post by: Fifteen on April 11, 2013, 09:58:16 pm
~le sigh~ I know there is a 'Signiture' thing on your 'Website Changes' or whatever thing, but IDK how to use it. I've looked at a post of how to, but I just don't get it I'm so dumb. ;3; x3 IDK how to change the colours, or add smileys or add a picture! So ashamed. xD plz help??!
Title: Re: Icon/Logo wuteverz at bottum screen? WUT TEH HECK?!!!?!!!!?!?!!?!?!??!!?
Post by: ThrillexForLife on April 11, 2013, 10:03:31 pm
It's alright^^ Anyway to add to a color..Look below
Code: [Select]
[color=yellow]Write words between here[/color]
Next, to add a smiley..Just simply click 'Reply' In bottom of page..Above 'Quick Reply' And above everything..You'll see the smiley faces. :D

Lastly, the pictures..I would be a example from Feareh^^

Ok so first you are going to need to go to a image sharing website such as tinyurl.com or photobucket. Ill use photobucket as a example since I use this often
Click into photobucket and search up the image you are wanting.
Once you find your image then your screen should look more or less like this. On the right hand side gives you coding so this certain image can be viewable on other websites
from there all you need to do is copy this coding only in the IMG section found on your right hand side of photobucket. After that you need to shuffle back to Feral Heart and go into your profile and click on Forum Profile Edit
After you click that then it will give you options such as "Signature" which is what you want. From there you just input the IMG coding you have gotten and then save it. In a few minutes or so you will have a signature.
Again I do hope this visual representation helps you in some way. It's the basic general form of putting images on feral heart and just a reminder that there is a limit size to what signature you are able to put in.
Good luck

Title: Re: Icon/Logo wuteverz at bottum screen? WUT TEH HECK?!!!?!!!!?!?!!?!?!??!!?
Post by: Fifteen on April 11, 2013, 10:29:13 pm
Already a post =D x3 so anyways, thnx. HOPEFULLY IT WILL WORK .3.
Title: Re: Icon/Logo wuteverz at bottum screen? WUT TEH HECK?!!!?!!!!?!?!!?!?!??!!?
Post by: ThrillexForLife on April 11, 2013, 10:30:57 pm
Lml. I'm fast typer and also, your welcome.
Title: Re: Icon/Logo wuteverz at bottum screen? WUT TEH HECK?!!!?!!!!?!?!!?!?!??!!?
Post by: Fifteen on April 11, 2013, 10:31:37 pm
Omg scary o.o CHU STALKIN' MEH?!
Title: Re: Icon/Logo wuteverz at bottum screen? WUT TEH HECK?!!!?!!!!?!?!!?!?!??!!?
Post by: Feareh on April 15, 2013, 02:37:49 pm
 Yes, like my example says
I should work when trying to get your signature on the forums. Now it might take time for it to become effective but surely this will work.
Title: Re: Icon/Logo wuteverz at bottum screen? WUT TEH HECK?!!!?!!!!?!?!!?!?!??!!?
Post by: Fifteen on April 21, 2013, 01:42:20 pm
Ugh. I just realized I have to still make one. Off to my drawing app-- Oh no I have to make a photobucket to .3. FFFFFF
Title: Re: Icon/Logo wuteverz at bottum screen? WUT TEH HECK?!!!?!!!!?!?!!?!?!??!!?
Post by: Feareh on April 22, 2013, 04:54:47 am
Ugh. I just realized I have to still make one. Off to my drawing app-- Oh no I have to make a photobucket to .3. FFFFFF
Good luck floof, registering on Photobucket is totally free
Title: Re: Icon/Logo wuteverz at bottum screen? WUT TEH HECK?!!!?!!!!?!?!!?!?!??!!?
Post by: Huskystar on May 08, 2013, 07:03:29 pm
You could go on Tinypic.com it easily gives you pictures above, but you don't need a account, and you can resize it.