FeralHeart Creations > Art Gallery

Just Ironing Work

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Somewhere we start xD anyways, you're doing good still! with practice you'll see that you will make great art. Great job too! can't wait for the thread to fill :3

We all start somewhere.  You should have seen my first digital art

Nice art! I think you should try do some sketches on paper or how community calls it- t r a d i t i o n a l  a r t. Then if they go satysfacting, take a photo and download IbisPaintX on mobile/tablet. It's (in my opinion) best digital art app on mobiles. Also, guides are on their site!

But you don't have to listen noob's tips lmfao

welcome to the wild wild world of creating digital art.
there's a million pieces of jaded practical advice pieces i could lay down in my years of program crashes, 'how the heck do i achieve this look's, wrong layer drawings and general mayhem that comes with devoting time to the craft.
but the best thing i can offer is keep doing it, there's something to be said for muscle memory.

also that is real good for a first attempt, style replication is something i fall really, really short at. +floof


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