Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Topic started by: hugrf2 on September 05, 2015, 10:26:54 pm

Title: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: hugrf2 on September 05, 2015, 10:26:54 pm
This topic is not implying you will or will not become one, but I'm curious how people would feel if they were asked to be a moderator here. (Or anywhere.) Would you accept or decline? How would it make you feel exactly?

Just out of curiosity.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: DreamerDay on September 05, 2015, 10:44:33 pm
Personally, I will feel honor and take the job. I will not take the job to feel worthy or whatever, but just have fun and just do same thing as possible: Help others. But since I don't necessarily do the helping out anymore I don't know. Anyway, off topic. Yeah ill accept.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Jango_Fett on September 05, 2015, 11:25:06 pm
I would be very, very, very confused.

I've had these kind of positions before(Many eons ago), for roleplay forums and wip games, but for a game/forum like this.....
I'd wonder how insane you would be to ask me to be a Staff member.
Might deny it, so they can save face, as, let's face it, I'm not the greatest role model or most dedicated person. If they insisted for a long period of time, or asked multiple times, then that'd be a maybe.

But probably a no.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Morqque on September 05, 2015, 11:31:08 pm
Is probably what I'd say because I personally do not think I have what it takes
to be one though I am very active and helpful it's a big responsibility. If I was
asked now I'd probably deny it until I have more experience
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: StarrieNova on September 06, 2015, 02:42:26 am
Honestly when it comes to good things like this happening to me I am rather negative. xD
I know this type of thing would never happen to me, but I have to admit my reaction to being asked to become one would most likely be me being dumbfounded. I would probably sit there confused and wondering if they whispered the wrong person. Then I would most likely accept it after much thinking, and smacking my head to realize they messaged the right person.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: ritat on September 06, 2015, 12:39:47 pm
I honestly found this question of yours rather weird, but since you're curious: questions are questions! :3

Well, if I was asked, I might make a quick speech before saying yes or no and asking some questions about 'why' it's happening. Plus, I'll be very confused and wonder if they really trust me to take this role. Of course everyone will be willing to take this opportunity, but seriously, it's hard work and I know that because I am part of a student council in my school and... you have to work 6 times as hard than you did before. You don't stop walking, writing and working. Basically in the end of the day, that's the only time where you feel the cramps on your knees, shoulders and your head aches like crazy. Although when you get into it, you feel happy and know that you're standing out infront of everyone. Sometimes, like I noticed, people show off with this role rather than lending a hand to people and showing like they take it seriously with care.

So I'm asked, I'd think about it first to see if I'm very busy throughout my days and definitely make it up to them if I have time to. :)
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: wolfsquad on September 06, 2015, 12:47:11 pm
Honestly, I would feel extremely honored and also confused.

Such as DreamerDay said, If I felt like I wasn't going to do a good job and that I didn't deserve it, I'd decline but I would at least give it a shot to see how I'll do and get a hang of sorts.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: XxCheyPawsxX on September 06, 2015, 09:08:45 pm
I would be very, very, very confused.

I've had these kind of positions before(Many eons ago), for roleplay forums and wip games, but for a game/forum like this.....
I'd wonder how insane you would be to ask me to be a Staff member.
Might deny it, so they can save face, as, let's face it, I'm not the greatest role model or most dedicated person. If they insisted for a long period of time, or asked multiple times, then that'd be a maybe.

But probably a no.
haha I think I'd be the same, but I kind of get carried away some times so I might say yes if that ever happens. I'm horrible at giving advice yet I have some deep words saved in my heart. I'd probably just like to be a mod-in-training because I'd need to be professionally trained.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Echoing harmony on September 06, 2015, 09:12:38 pm
Shocked or surprised.
I may or may not take the job either. Just because of school & such, also I may be treated much differently by players. I really don't want anything to change with that, but overall, I would be honored and if school wasn't a problem, I would become one.

Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: DreamerDay on September 06, 2015, 10:10:15 pm
You know what will be crazier? After being asked to be a mod and you said yes, then suddenly the staff members pulls up a load of questions about What you will do and stuff. Now, right there, I will totally decline.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: hugrf2 on September 07, 2015, 12:28:13 am
Haha, all your answers interest me actually. And yes, Rita. Embrace the weird questions. x3

But anyway, I think I'll go ahead and say what I think I'd do, since I didn't before. Just wanted to see what other people thought before I proceeded.

Sometimes I've actually asked myself this a little more than once, so sorry if this gets a little long. I'll try to make it as clear as possible.

First off, I've actually been a moderator on other sites before. Not much I was able to do, and on a slightly more popular site I wasn't even able to be trained so I was confused, and didn't have much use since a lot more people were better at the job than I. Today I might have a little more experience, maybe, but most likely not enough.

I'm still super young, and I don't think I can handle responsibility as big as that. I like to focus on other things, like perhaps writing a book in the future or whatever I can think of to make up my time. Not ready for that kind of job yet.

To sum it up, no, I'd decline because I'm still inexperienced and I'd probably get inactive from all the attention and stress.

It is definitely an honor (Although I'd doubt it happening in the first place) but still a really big question, you know?
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: angelre0702 on September 08, 2015, 01:19:45 am
tbh i'd probably just look at them for a moment before making some awkward excuse like "i- i cANT, UH, UH, I HAVE LEAF STUDIES TO DO"

but on a shorter note

Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: xXQueenXx on September 10, 2015, 05:42:28 pm

I'd have alot of questions. xD
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: alexterri on September 11, 2015, 09:24:32 pm
I'd be extremely confused
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Scornhound on September 12, 2015, 01:54:58 pm
I would be honored and do my best for the community.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 12, 2015, 02:40:03 pm
Mein Gott
First I would probably be in a bit 'a shock, but I'd quickly get my ducks in a row.
I'd definitely feel very honored, and very humbled at the big responsibility, and the fact that they chose me.
I would do my very best for the community and help out in any way possible to make it an even better environment for everyone.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: WolfQueen on September 12, 2015, 07:55:41 pm
i'd be very surprised because honestly i did a lot of bad things here in the past. i'd think the staff members are high on coke if this ever happened. lol

i would reject the offer. i'm obviously not suitable for the job.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: magicfairy on September 12, 2015, 08:05:45 pm



Red: And..?


Red: Yes...?


Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: shayy on October 13, 2015, 01:01:09 am
 Haha! I had a really fun time reading all your responses! Honestly, I would be extremely grateful and honored by the motion, but I would have to decline. I'm am not near as experienced as one should be if they were to help run the entire community
Give me like a year or two xD
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: .BlackCrow. on October 21, 2015, 08:12:10 am
I would be delighted to be a Moderator. Although, I will have to decline just because I have college and I need to study for exams and just everyday life is busy. Also, I am not that experienced as a Mod should be. c:
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: xXLockedXx on October 21, 2015, 05:54:34 pm
i wanna be a what
sorry what i wanna wat

Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Enoki on November 11, 2015, 05:19:44 pm
Ah, what a lovely question! Of course, I'd accept, but I would ask questions as what they would expect me to do, such as moderate Stone Bridge, host movie nights, 'ave parties, and whatever else mods do. 'Twould be such a pleasure and a honor to work beside such lovely floofs.

I would be most happy to be apart of the staff, as Feral Heart has b'come m'adopted baby and the community m'family. I would do everything in m'power to make sure everyone is as happy as can be and enjoying their stay in the many realms of Feral Heart.

Of course, 'twould be a lot of work, keeping an eye on things, watching the help board with a keen eye to make sure no one needs help, and just moderate all the boards themselves to make sure no drama begins.

The staff do such a lovely job, and if they picked me to help them in their quest to keep good ole Feral Heart running, why, I'd drop m'fruit cup and begin right away! 'Twould be a very nervous few days, however, trying to keep up with the staff standards, but I'd be most excited and happy. I'm sure I'd pick it up soon 'nuff though.

But yes, being apart of the staff be one of m'dreams in this game. This game and the community truly 'ave a special place in m'heart. Why, if it weren't f'er this game, Enoki wouldn't exist, I wouldn't be writing a book, nor working on a Enomated short. {Hueh, see what I did there?}

I suppose I took up m'allotted word count and then some, yes? Terribly sorry f'er the speech.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: hcj2000 on November 11, 2015, 09:55:19 pm
I think it would be cool I mean stuff like that never really happens to me XD but if I were a mod I would try and do my best by being one I would accept cause I think it would be cool and fun
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Preach on November 11, 2015, 10:25:20 pm
If I was to get promoted,to a higher rank, I will most likely accept. Even though i usually like to look for Impressive title servers that are accepting staff and have been a staff before, I would feel like a newbie since this community is much larger and is extremely active. Then again, I will feel honor.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Dacota101 on November 25, 2015, 10:53:44 am
I would be like, *Screams* YUSSSHSHSHSHHS!!!! OHMAHGAWHS! Ahm, I was meant to say, Yes xDD
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Berrymutt on December 09, 2015, 02:25:04 pm
I would feel pretty honoured that I was the one chosen to do this job. However I would immediately decline. I'm not interested in moderation as crazy as that sounds. There are plenty of other people in the world that are both interested in the job and would do good at the job. Plus I am a legally consenting adult as well as I'm not only married but I live with my wife and our animals. Adult life and work takes up more than half of my day everyday. I'm not in the position do anything but that.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: G4RG0YLE on December 09, 2015, 04:24:22 pm
Firstly, I would be extremely happy to be seen as capable of taking the job in the first place; the Staff must always make sure they're getting the right people on their team, and even though it doesn't seem like it, it is actually and incredibly big deal for them and the community.
Secondly, I would think about what I have done to deserve this offered position, and what I would do in the future; what I am capable of that adds to the skills of a Moderator, what I would need to work on and how the rest of the community might see me.
Finally, I would take the job if I felt like I was actually worthy enough. However I would not go rubbing it in to everyone, I would put all of my dedication into making sure I'm good at what I have been placed into doing, and know that many situations I'll come across can sometimes mean I have to sacrifice many things. It's a big responsibility guys; I would happily take the job, but I wouldn't see it as a way to get 'famous', just a way to help FeralHeart in all, and feel honoured to be trusted by the rest of the Staff to help them look after the game and the people inside it.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Sherlockian on December 11, 2015, 11:10:48 pm
Speaking from past experience huehue;
I was pretty confused tbh, or well, surprised partially because I was too young at that stage (was 15 when I was offered, I think the limit was 16 back then). And whilst I was honoured and flattered that I was offered the position, it wasn't a decision I wanted to rush into. So I asked for a day to think about it before accepting :P
If I was asked again now though.. I'd be.. Surprised and confused since I've been gone for a year xD Not sure if I'd accept tbh. Like, I'd want to because I've missed the community but at the same time it feels like I don't know that much anymore about FH due to my absence. So -shrug-
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Agentpaws on December 12, 2015, 08:12:14 pm
I would most likely accept, because even though it is obviously not all fun-&-games, the community on Feralheart is so loving. I simply adore it. I would definitely be shocked, though. Although I love to help people out, make friends with you lovely floofs & make things for this game, etc etc, I think there would always be better-suited people for the job. I would truthfully be nervous that I would screw up somehow, hehe. I'm a butterfingers--always have been! I feel like I am a rather kind person when it comes to helping people out & chatting with fellow members, but I have a hard time telling people 'no!' That's not a very admirable quality if you wish to be a moderator, unfortunately. :D
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Viperther on December 12, 2015, 09:34:04 pm
I'd be pretty shocked... As much as I would want to accept, I'd probably decline, since I don't really know how to tell people to stop, and I would probably get crowds all over me! cx
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: ArizonaRanger on December 14, 2015, 06:03:44 am
I would be really confused >.< Like if they messaged the wrong person or something. Like I have been in these kinds of positions before in role plays and stuff. But I honestly don't think I'd take it because I'm not the most dedicated person in the world.
I'm also too rude to people xD
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Vwang on December 22, 2015, 07:20:58 pm
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Ellen11v on January 17, 2016, 11:53:06 am
I would go eat some lasagna. :3
^ I'm not mature enough my friend.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: PartyyRockinn on January 20, 2016, 04:44:37 pm
Yes, I would definitely accept! Being a FH mod used to be the absolute dream. xD I've encountered so many people in my years and years of FH and it would be so cool to help some people out if they needed it. I'd also love to meet some new people.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: yourlocalcrow on January 25, 2016, 12:19:36 am
Oh boy, I'd be stressed out. I'd be honored, but I don't know if I could handle that kind of pressure. I would probably reject. ^^'
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Rostova on February 14, 2016, 04:53:55 pm
I would be really happy

:intense happy screaming :o:
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: wolfdog01 on February 15, 2016, 06:53:10 am
A big PPPPHAT no. ;~;
Surreh not surreh. I am defiantly not the best role model lol plus who KNOWS when I can be active and Lord knows if I became one I'd want to be on all the time with my sweg glasses like those popular gurls at skewwl. Totes....
jk. But I would have to decline. Because honestly, I get in and out of FH so I would not be too reliable unless my phone number was given out to the rest of the staff, because I always respond to my phone. It's like holding a mighty God in your hands @-@
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Tessel. on February 15, 2016, 10:10:50 pm
 Honestly, I have no idea how I'd react.

It would come as such a shock, but I would also feel honoured. I've been on FH for 5 years now, and I guess I do have quite good knowledge on the rules, how it runs, etc. so it would be cool to be in a position where I can help others. But, it would definitely be something to think about if I had that chance. There would be a lot of things to take into consideration.
For example, would I have the time? I wouldn't want to say yes to being a moderator if I was not active around both the forums and game.
Another example would be if I would fit in right. Do I have what it takes?
Why would they pick me?

This is one of those things where it would have to actually happen for me to give a specific answer because of the things I'd need to go over and think about. If I was in a good place in my life and wouldn't be busy, then yeah, I'd most likely say yes. But if there were things that might affect my activity and mood, I'd have to say no.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: CosmoFursi on February 15, 2016, 10:19:01 pm
I'd be honored, but I'd have to decline.
1. I'm probably waaay too young to be someone of that much importance.
2. I'm... Not really the best person to go to for help or whatever social things.
3. I just overall don't want to be an important person.
I also like playing the Count to 50 game :3
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: barghosts on June 19, 2016, 03:07:43 pm
I would probably decline, even though in the past I was inspired to reach the goal of being a mod.
However nowadays I doubt I'd be able to keep up my role what with work and other important things going on in my life. And I highly doubt I even fit the role as mod, there ain't a lot of things I can do that would be of significance to the website or the game.
But this is just my current opinion, so my response may or may not change in the near future. cx
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Raddlegoose on June 19, 2016, 05:45:50 pm
 I would die.... and then come back to life and take the job. It's a total honor to be one of the staff! ^^
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Hakumi on June 19, 2016, 05:54:29 pm
Oh wow, surprised I didn't see this before, Lol.

As for whether I would decline or accept,  I wouldn't be too sure. It's different if you were actually asked instead of guessing per say because the outcome could be different(?)
But if I had to choose, it would be an interesting experience to say the least, and of course, a lot of hard work that would be put into it as well. My schedule is already wonky and unpredictable but that'll be interesting to see how it'll all turn out.

Mod or not, I'm still going to be the same ol' awkward and loveable floof to friends and family and such, Lol.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on June 19, 2016, 06:45:19 pm
I think the feeling was a long the lines of this:


You know, for people to look at you and think "I want them on our team", it's....it's really nice. Especially for someone that needs a lot of reassurance and validation from others.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on June 19, 2016, 07:10:03 pm
A couple of months ago I would have been like "OMIGOSH YAS! I WOULD TOTS GO INSANE!" now it's like "Oh, that would be cool." I'm not near as driven toward it as I was a couple of months ago, but if I was offered a position, I would take it, although I would be like "Uhhhhhhh....why me?"
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: DarkLustyHumor on June 26, 2016, 09:59:15 pm
Personally I would actually like to be a mod, yes it would mean extra work but at the same time I enjoy trying to make sure everything is peaceful and people play nice with each other. If I was asked to be a mod I would most likely accept it in a heartbeat and I would work hard to make sure Feral Heart is a safe and friendly place for everyone. Yes I would be busy at times with my college and eventually work, but I would still stay quite active on the forums and on game when I can be. Of course I don't really expect something like this to happen, I already know someone else who deserves to be a mod more than I do and if it came down to it, they've contributed more and I feel that they would do a better job than me. At least with what they've shown so far. So I would be truly surprised if I was offered the position when there are so many other helpful floofs out there!
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Kalaban on June 26, 2016, 11:09:21 pm
I would probably decline, but be thankful for being asked.

You see, as I am a horse-riding trainer assistant that works with newbies and knows the horses a lot, my regular time range is only Saturdays and Sundays that I can really be active. Even then, I have games I want to play or groups I wish to fix up/create- such as Pimienta! He is my first big boy project and takes up a lot of my spare time. :)

I also do not have the best personality, and can be really rude or off-putting because of my bad behaviors. This makes me being in charge of people making them nervous and all since I'm a little power abusive (not too much anymore but I still come off as controlling a lot.) I really ask people if I am doing something too controlling, but still. XD
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: RecklessHoodie on June 27, 2016, 12:21:54 am
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: DarkLustyHumor on June 27, 2016, 12:35:19 am

Reckless man, your reaction killed me xD
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: RecklessHoodie on June 27, 2016, 12:37:15 am

Reckless man, your reaction killed me xD

Just doing my job
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: cytofin on June 27, 2016, 01:15:50 am
 I myself would be suprised, shocked, and honored.
 This is a dream I have had ever since I joined the FeralHeart community in 2012. I may be young, but that does not stop me from dreaming big. Though, I would have to work around social problems because I am a little shy. I personally think being a mod would bring me out of my shell of thoughts and allow me to speak with more floofs of the community who I have been dying to have a conversation with, though I do not have the guts to pm or whisper in-game. I have very low confidence at times and also would see this as a confidence booster and also as a chance to gain responsibility skills.
If I declined why?
I would rarely decline being a moderator in a game due to that it is one of my dreams which I fear will never happen since I am mostly just someone who skims through things and tries to help others out even if I have no idea how to, also with my age. I am only thirteen. Who would want a kid as a mod?
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Rizzla on June 27, 2016, 01:22:10 am
Oh, haha... I'd be flattered, believe me, but I would definitely have to decline. As much as I love to help people, my social skills are so bad that if people were to actually depend on me for in-game moderation I would be too nervous to log on ever. Plus there's the thought that people might hate me for doing my job because they think I'd done something "unfair"... ehh... well... that's a big ol' bag of "hell naw im not doin that' for me.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: ToxicWolf9876 on August 06, 2016, 11:45:13 pm
i would be surprised but i would say no because im not even a good administrator/mod so i would be shocked too but i wouldnt accept tbh
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: RenegadeRaptor on August 11, 2016, 04:04:10 am
If I was offered, Im stuck between accepting and declining... I would accept to help the community out, become friends with new people, but at the same time I would decline because I am not so power driven, nor would the whole taking on the responsibility would be my niche... plus I would feel like a let down to close friends of mine. Sure some of them would be happy for me, but to me it wouldn't feel the same. Like I said though if I was offered it, Id have to think about it and talk it out.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: I Ship It! on August 11, 2016, 04:07:18 am
I honestly don't know how I would react and there's reasons why I'd decline. Just because being a moderator is a tough responsibility and I know I won't be ready for it for a long time to come. I'm still young and I'm still growing. Being a moderator may be too much for me.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: NaiaRulez on August 15, 2016, 09:22:06 am
I would obviously be delighted because the staff choose me, but I would be very confused too.
I mean, I've been moderator and administrator in some IT servers or in TLK forums, so I know that being part of the staff is a big responsability... But I? being moderator in Feral Heart? In a such big community? There are over 10.000 users in here, how can I control such massive number of users?
Most importantly, school and dance lessons are first; I just finished middle school and after summer I'm starting high school... and about dance lessons, I proposed to work so hard this year to impress all my friends and my teacher who's my mother.
In conclusion, I guess I would decline it, maybe if I were asked if I were older I would accept xD
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Aclediptus on August 20, 2016, 08:01:43 am
That'd be very surprising, although I may like helping out communities and helping people out, I don't think I could invest much in that position. Heck, I'm not even a people's person, sure I have experience in coordinating and building communities at a moderate level, but those were localised groups that existed outside the internet, so it should be quite difficult for me to actually engage with the community directly. And in conclusion, I would rather not.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Kuri on October 29, 2016, 09:26:06 am
*Old thread bump*  I'd be really surprised, but i'd be the best ever, i'd try to help people where i could and people could ask me stuff and i'd give them the best answer i could, and i'd be really approachable.

And probably change the flag of one of the nations on here to be a flightless bird with lasers coming out of its eyes, because that's be cool.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: FluffyPluff123 on October 31, 2016, 01:16:36 pm
I would be really shocked, and be speechless like O..M..G
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Algebra on November 01, 2016, 09:38:34 pm
I'd definitely decline. I'd rather be something that involves programming since thats what I excel at :P
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: VortexAlive on November 02, 2016, 10:29:39 pm
I might actually accept if given the option to become a mod, not out of wanting a high title or any of that but to better myself and my skills to help others as well as having a positive influence on the community. Since my schedule is made almost entirely of free time it would not be a problem at all. I would be surprised of course since offers like that do not usually get extended to me because in my past I was always the quiet one, however, I have tried to improve my ability to be outgoing and have come a long way from where I started. I feel I would qualify for the parts of being a moderator that I know about, it's the parts I don't know about that leave me wondering if I even have a chance.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: toonanimals317 on December 14, 2016, 06:26:15 pm
What an interesting question!

If I wasn't involved with an Impressive Title server already I would accept.

I would be shocked of course. To choose me for a position without like that without an application of some sort would be incredible. That being said, it would be an absolute honor to be chosen by the staff team to be a moderator. That means putting a lot of faith in me as a person personality wise and trust in my ability to make sure no one breaks the rules and help those in need, and that's a really amazing feeling. It means they believe I can help make the community a friendlier, safer, and overall better place, and that is something I strive to do even as a simple member.

Since I'm otherwise occupied as a moderator on an Impressive Title Server I'd currently have to decline since I want to dedicate myself wholeheartedly to one project at a time, however if I wasn't engaged elsewhere I would most certainly accept.

Thanks for this question! It really made me think.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: TwistedSorrowzz on December 14, 2016, 07:11:13 pm
At first I think I would be very confused. As most of the mods don't really see me as a good person, I am around my friends.
So as becoming a mod would be a very risky thing to ask me, I would most likely accept.
Yes I mess around on FeralHeart, But if I had the duty I would take it seriously, As mostly every mod on FeralHeart does.

Although I may not get along with the other mod's, I would accept the request.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Skat on December 20, 2016, 10:53:43 pm
Here is how I would have reacted/felt tbh

Stage 1: Shock
"OMG? Me? I mean, b-but why? I-I- But I ate all the Candies in the party wh-- oh you forgot? O-oh you did? Oh.."

Stage 2: Denial
"I-I can't do it! I-I'm sorry but I am not fit! What if I fail? What if my time zone won't work it out and my work and school will get on the way? Oh I'll get paid you say? Oh

Stage 3: Anger
"So I was the last resort because you think the game ain't going well hm? And what am I to you? Just some toy-mod to play with? How dare you!?"

Stage 4: Reflection/Depression
"-Sniff- B-but I was so mean to them and I didn't mean too wwaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh"

Stage 5: Possitive thoughts
"Hmmmmm, now as you have said that, It won't be a bad idea.."

Stage 6: Working through it
"W-well I guess, if you trust me so much senpai, I will accept"

Stage 7: Acceptance
"And I promise to the law of floofs, I will protect and cherish my moderator role to the game til the day I will step down from it from personal reasons A.K.A. they will keep me out for using my rank to get free cookies!"

Stage 8: Wake up
"Oh well it was just a dream. WELP time to order Humburgers Krabby patties for my gf and I!"

Yep pretty much me xD
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: WaterMelons4lif on January 02, 2017, 05:41:11 pm
accept! , because I have a dream of becoming a moderator , on any game , one day.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: WinterWolf on January 03, 2017, 05:42:38 pm
I would try to be calm, and act very mature about the offered position.
I would try my best to help everyone as much as possible, make the game a fun but safe place.
I'm very active as it is now, and that would continue. I'd treat everyone with respect.
And I wouldn't boast or take advantage of my power.

But good things come to good people. :)

~ Winter
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Klipspringer on January 10, 2017, 01:44:23 am
I would honestly be rather surprised. Especially on this new account with like no posts or anything. I think I'd have to sleep on it, but if I did accept, I would try my best to hold down the fort where I'm needed and help some folks out when I can.
Title: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Erranti on January 01, 2018, 02:37:15 pm
Old thread: https://feral-heart.com/smf/index.php?topic=53167.0

Was afraid to bump it!

This topic is not implying you will or will not become one, but I'm curious how people would feel if they were asked to be a moderator here. (Or anywhere.) Would you accept or decline? How would it make you feel exactly?

Just out of curiosity.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Azurain on January 01, 2018, 02:59:34 pm
It would have been fine to bump it since it was still on topic. ^^

But I'd like to answer it again since...a lot has changed. This time last year I'd jump at the opportunity because I wanted to be one so bad I couldn't see straight. After some events and some....rather bad experiences staffing with another game, I'd be a bit hesitant to take it because I would be so paranoid I'd screw up and get tossed off like in the last game. And to be brutally honest, I'd never be trusted with a staffing job here because of my rather sketchy track record, and many people still feel I can't be trusted, that I'm too short tempered and show poor judgement at the best of times which is true. So if I were asked be to one now? I'd be scared and totally shocked. Would I take it? Ehhhhh depends. Probably would but would be extremely nervous, but I would try my best not to fail this time around.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: FlyingGrass on January 01, 2018, 04:16:51 pm
I don't know how I'd staff... I'm a bit unforgiving to those whom I've only first seen.

I like justice being served... Probably a bit too much, and will try to teach a lesson that I hope will stay... By making the person feel bad about the wrong they did(If they repeat that wrong). If I were in control of kicking/banning rulebreakers, I'd feel I'm in control of other ways to teach them lessons.

I'm okay with more in custom maps, but wary if there's many users in the custom map as well.

I'm a guard dog when I'm tabbed into the game, knowing this is a child-friendly game, I make sure others keep to that rule, mostly by setting a good example to others about behavior. But I am a bit too guard-y and think it's wrong to even sit in the wrongi angle atop another character that is in an odd position, dancing atop others is also wrong in my eyes, I wouldn't set a good example to others about how to be a mod.

If I were suddenly offered a position of mod, then the amount of power I have over handling rulebreakers has to be specified, and really well specified too, 'else there'll most likely be a bit too many kicks from me.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: teanovai on January 01, 2018, 04:20:34 pm
if i was asked to be a moderator, i'd be extremely confused and probably say no. i don't know a whole bunch about how the game works or fixing bugs and all that, so i'd be a pretty useless moderator lol. as well, i don't think i could handle that kind of responsibility, at least at the moment. i'm not assertive enough to address people for their actions if they break a rule, let alone kick and/or ban them. i'm way too anxious and a massive push-over lol.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Kuri on January 01, 2018, 05:33:52 pm
I'd probably be really relaxed about it and get very little done.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Astraea on January 01, 2018, 05:48:14 pm
Ooh, I haven't seen this topic before.
In my opinion and truthfully, I'd take the opportunity with open arms. Why?

- I've been around almost since the game began.
- I would love to become more involved in the future of Feralheart and the community. <3
- I know most of the bugs, I know the maps and I know everything pretty well.
- My attitude is more of the friendly kind, I'm not rude or moody.
- Very, very creative.
- I'd have the time to commit to Moderating in general. (Daily)

So, that's why I would say yes! And, good topic. It's nice to see other member's responses.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Erranti on January 01, 2018, 06:20:54 pm
Im jump in!

The staff have evolve over the years of my appearance and disappearance. When i was around and like..12, the team was very outgoing live - and still is today. I would be really honor and very happy for this position. If i have strict 1x1 help on what to do, I'm sure I'll do fine.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Warriorstrike on January 01, 2018, 08:54:36 pm
I’ll be locking up this topic since there indeed has already been another thread discussing the same subject; it’s okay to comment on an older thread as long as it’s still relevant and would make sense to be posted on. (Feel free to post on the other thread if you’d still like to discuss.) c:

If you’re not sure when or when not to bump/comment on a thread, this (https://feral-heart.com/smf/index.php?topic=62227.0) thread may be of some use. ^^
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Insoholic on January 02, 2018, 11:11:11 pm
Yes, I would accept. Trying out new things is the only way to develop new skills and interests. And life is all about experiencing new things and developing new insights based on those experiences. Plus, as a Moderator, you're in the community a lot and you get to meet new and interesting people. The community works because everyone pitches in and contributes. Being one is a great way to do your part to keep the community great.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: sanrio on January 02, 2018, 11:23:47 pm
If I was ever offered the position I would probably accept, depending on things going on in my personal life. Though I'm very young and incapable of being contacted through the day due to school, I definitely would try my best to keep FeralHeart a safe and comfortable community to be around. I've grown so much with this community over the year and if I was ever offered the position I'd be very honored and of course, confused. I've done my fair share of mistakes but that's taught me lessons that I'll never forget and I've grown from them. As Valhayes said, trying out new things like being a moderator gives you many skills like communication, time management, and all that crazy stuff. As I get better with socializing and overcoming my anxiety I wouldn't be afraid to 'set people in their place' and help out floofs who need help. Being a moderator for this game would truly be a great honor, even though it's a very unlikely chance.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Vrisk on March 23, 2018, 02:58:39 am
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: ShadowMT13 on March 31, 2018, 03:01:46 pm
I probably already replied to this but oh well. Me honestly I would be honored, I would love to get training to be the best moderator that I could, but I feel like later on I would start to get stressed too easily by day to day events, but I would no doubt still jump at the opportunity there is always a first time for everything and sometimes you don't know how much you can take until you try it. I would love to try and help the moderators out with members, but I lack some of the requirements as stated in the forum post that had the FAQ about being a moderator. But if I could make some people's days better by helping them out like the moderators do with the more serious stuff I would at least try my best.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Admirer on May 06, 2018, 11:47:04 pm
If I had been around for awhile and had the knowledge of the game that is required then I'd probably take the position. I've done that kind of stuff for roughly 6 years now so I definitely have the experience for it. Currently, I'd be baffled considering I only just came back. But if it were a few months from now or years I'd probably be thrilled.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: FlyingGrass on May 17, 2018, 05:07:17 pm
I already replied on another topic of the same name, but my views have changed since then.
I would decline the offer to become a moderator, because my judgement drifts away from me when I'm tired.

I become grumpy and complain-y whenever I'm tired. Both early in the morning and late at night is when I have a huge tendency to snap at anything.
I don't have good social skills at any time of day, and I'm easy to annoy with repetitive things. I'd quickly not be able to handle the reports that'd be sent to me.
I'm not as active ingame as I was before. I might do better at moderating the forum than I do at moderating ingame, but there is still the problem of how irritable I get when I'm tired.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: turtlies on May 17, 2018, 09:12:58 pm
If I were asked, I'm not sure if I would accept or decline. I guess it'd be an honor to even be considered, but I'm not that assertive and super sensitive. I'm kinda a background lurker, I don't really like being in the spotlight or a leader or anything. On the other hand, I do have a lot of ideas about Feralheart, and I'd love to be able to actually implement them and make them a reality. I just have terrible social skills though, so I probably wouldn't be a good moderator at all in that regard lol. So maybe I'd decline now, but if it were in a few years when I would be hopefully more mature or whatever, then maybe.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Astraea on May 19, 2018, 02:12:15 am
I replied on the other one with similar responses.
In my opinion and truthfully, I'd take the opportunity with open arms. For these reasons;

- I've been around almost since the game began, August of 2011. I'm very, very passionate about FeralHeart and helping lead it would make me extremely happy and proud. <3
- I would love to become more involved in the future of FeralHeart and the community.
- I know most of the bugs, I know the maps and I know everything pretty well. I am able to create maps, heightmaps, terrain masks and more.
- My attitude is more of the friendly kind, I'm not rude or moody. I am able to keep a level head.
- Am very mature when needed to be, but I have a friendly and silly side to me as well! Maturity is something I can switch on easily.
- Very, very creative. I love coming up with new ideas!
- I'd have the time to commit to Moderating in general. (Daily)

Good topic here. It's nice to see other member's responses.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Lucius on May 19, 2018, 04:29:04 am
To put it short and sweet: You’d probably have to catch me after a few drinks for me to even consider saying anything remotely close to “yes”.

From my experience, moderating requires good judgement and good social skills. Usually though, people with those qualities are not keen on being thrown into such a position.

It’s a thankless job, and most of the time you’ll feel like you have a big target painted on your back. Moderators are often the focus of insults and attacks from the community’s less than savoury members, not to mention the potential for a ruined reputation should someone online write a hit-piece about you because they disagreed with one of your decisions.

Just in this community alone, there’s been quite a few threads (on this forum and elsewhere) created by either frustrated or malicious folks, who write long rants about how much they hate the staff team. It’s not exactly a pleasant feeling to find one of those written about you simply because you were doing your job.

It's sad, because a lot of good moderators just want to help shape and give back to the community that they care about. But volunteering for such a position can go from a fun hobby to an outright exhausting dread. Kind of like working at a retail job for free… no one does that.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on June 21, 2018, 10:45:50 pm
How would I feel about it? I would be honored, but I would not jump right into it. In fact, I don't know if I would take such responsibility, not because I don't want to help the community, but because how some of the community treats the staff.

It’s a thankless job, and most of the time you’ll feel like you have a big target painted on your back. Moderators are often the focus of insults and attacks from the community’s less than savoury members, not to mention the potential for a ruined reputation should someone online write a hit-piece about you because they disagreed with one of your decisions.

Just in this community alone, there’s been quite a few threads (on this forum and elsewhere) created by either frustrated or malicious folks, who write long rants about how much they hate the staff team. It’s not exactly a pleasant feeling to find one of those written about you simply because you were doing your job.

It's sad, because a lot of good moderators just want to help shape and give back to the community that they care about. But volunteering for such a position can go from a fun hobby to an outright exhausting dread. Kind of like working at a retail job for free… no one does that.

Glad you bring this up.

I have a lot of respect for the staff team who has to put up with such nonsense on a daily basis. I wish I could have the patience to deal with dramatic individuals who want to rant and bash the staff for doing their job. If these people would follow the rules, and respect other members of the community, there would be no problem. I guess it's just too hard for some individuals.

I too have seen people in local chats talking about how they hate certain members of staff, or the staff in general, or they talk about what a certain staff member did. It makes me wonder where they come up with such stories and accusations. I don't take them seriously, but it just makes me wonder why they would make it personal and spread lies like that. It's one thing to disagree with a staff member, but to make it personal is really uncalled for. These players make personal attacks against the Feral Heart staff team, saying the staff don't do their job, or ban people for no reason... yet  these same players go running to the staff with a report when they catch someone breaking the rules in game.

Long story short, I wouldn't take the offer. It's a very responsible job, but I see it can have its frustrating aspects. I like to come on Feral Heart to relax, roleplay, talk, hang out with friends, and forget about my troubles. I don't want to deal with people who can be ungrateful, sour, deceitful, rude, snarky, or overly dramatic.

I have much respect for what the Feral Heart staff team do. They keep the game going with what they can work with, try to keep the community alive, even if some try to tear them down or say their part has little to no relevance in the game.
I would appreciate the offer,  but this kind of job is not for me.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Azurain on June 21, 2018, 11:14:31 pm
Might as well reply again since my views have changed.

I'd turn it down. Right then. Right there. I'd feel horrified. The staff team change people that join their ranks and I personally wouldn't want to be changed like that. Plus all the hatred flung at you from players? Yeah no. It's not even worth it in my opinion.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: spicy on June 22, 2018, 03:00:13 am
I posted on this thread when I was a wee youngin' in 7th or 8th grade. A moderator job within the Feralheart community is a goal which I never see myself ever accomplishing. I've got enough upon my plate with School and a relationship, but I'd never decline if I was offered. Unless of course I'm going through rough times. How would I feel? Honestly, shocked speechless. I've never been a moderator, except for in Feralheart related groups. I have managed to gain high status's within roleplays, due to be active and showing up to the events. I am indeed an active Feralheart player, ever since 2012. So..

 To sum it up, I'd be honored and shocked. Despite possible criticism, such a feat could not be passed by.  I've had my own hardships and personally, it may be a big boulder to climb but I'd be willing to climb that boulder any day.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: WolfQueen on June 22, 2018, 03:47:41 am
oh boy. i've posted here a few years ago as well but i sure as heck want to redo it.

if i was ever asked to be a mod i would be pretty surprised. i don't have a reputation of being well-rounded and nice through my time on this game tbh. not just that though, i don't think i would be set for the responsibility ether. it seems like an easy job on the outside but there's constant communication and involvement behind closed doors, especially with a big game like this. i'm way to aloof for the job. i get annoyed when people try to call me on my phone lol. communicating with people on the spot gives me anxiety, especially if i haven't ever seen their face. i'm going to college this fall too. i would focus on that more than the internet for sure.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: BlueMuzzleFlash on June 22, 2018, 05:30:50 am
I'd be quite eager to help the team, but the responsibilities of that position would severely impact my response to the offer.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Ame88 on July 06, 2018, 03:31:15 pm
RRREEEEEEEEE-plying to this cause it's interesting to me lmao

Uhm, to be honest, as most of everyone here said, I'd be completely confused as to why pff.

I've never been in a staff position other than, what, twice? The first time was for a group here on FH, but sadly the group died off quickly for the creator never carried through with the plans, and I guess lost interest in the group. The second time would be ALSO with a group on FH. That "term," if you will, of being a mod/admin, lasted a fair while. I loved every moment of it, and I wish I could bring it back. Simply for the fact I loved that group and I wish it didn't die xD It was the creator's choice however to shut it down.

Any-who. I, again, would be honestly confused as to why they'd ask me, but because I love this game so much, I'd possibly accept and try my hardest to be the best mod I could possibly be for everyone~
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Gelid__ on August 27, 2018, 01:02:45 am
Personally? I'd nope the heck out.

I only come onto FH when the mood strikes and having to enforce rules or monitor the forums would, honestly, be a massive drag. Why on earth would I want to watch over other players when I could be RPing or chatting with them instead?

I've held moderator positions at a few casual RP sites in the past (though none have ever been close to the size of Feralheart's) and it's nothing I'd want to do again just because of how demanding they were.

Seems like thankless work, anyways.

Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Maliceowo on September 08, 2018, 11:45:06 am
if I was asked to be a mod id love do do it bc they have helped me and id help in return with anything they needed like moderating peoples decisions IN THE GROUNDS XD and in the forums also! if I was to be asked to be a mod I would work by their side helping with whatever they wanted or needed ^^
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Flurr on September 08, 2018, 12:40:12 pm
If I was asked to be a moderator, I would be so surprised! I would take the offer. I'm always happy to help users, and I think it would be pretty neat to be one! It might be a lot of work, but I'm sure it would be worth it.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: pickles82 on October 10, 2018, 06:13:06 am
I would be very freaked out. Not because I've never been a mod, but because I know I'd want to say yes so badly but I still have irl to attend to (including a boyfriend). The reason I'd be so eager is because this community has given a lot to me. Fh pretty much raised me. I only would want to give back and help the best I can to aid in the growth of the community and the game itself. Being a mod doesnt make you better than everyone else, nor is it something to flaunt. It's a responsibility that takes real people to work together to achieve goals. Given that, I would immediately say yes xD I love this game and community so much and if I were offered such a responsibility, it's one I'd gladly bare.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: GeekyScout on December 01, 2018, 04:51:54 pm
I wouldn't mind to be Staff. But I will have a terrible grammar and people wont listen me. I will takecare of Feral Heart as I can.
But my reaction will be like; "Wait, im Staff? SINCE WHEN?!" Then full of shock and confusing. That'll be my first time to be staff and first deaf staff in feral heart? I dont know.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Noella on June 16, 2019, 04:45:45 pm
I'd be honored. I like to see communities flourish. I guess you could say a friendly and active staff team always attracts others to join in the fun. So myself asked to be a mod would make me happy and excited to contribute to the community.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Ironic on December 29, 2020, 03:48:53 pm
Originally, I was going to repost this so I can get an accurate number on the poll...But hey, I am sure everyone would love to be on the team ^^

My opinion on the matter is...I would be so speechless if I woke up one morning and saw I was given the title. I think I would cry before even replying. To see my work finally recognized and my love, hm, truly a God giving moment, c; I've never been a staff before, but I have been a staff on some other roleplaying site. Then again, roleplaying site and FeralHeart are two different things...so heh.

Anyway, very confused and other mixed feelings.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Dark_heart on December 29, 2020, 03:51:14 pm
Scared of responsibility
And my timezone
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Telluric on December 29, 2020, 10:08:45 pm
i'd decline.

doesn't matter what anyone would see in me- heck, from my end i don't post often- only if i know i can impact a thread and that my opinions have a good reason to be out there do i pipe up, i'm only on 3-4 hours a day now that i'm trying to fix my sleep schedule and can't be online most of the daylight hours, i have plans that will take me far but will severely reduce my activity in 2021..

i don't agree with how some of the rules are presented, i prefer less people have less control over me, i'd hate to have to bring out the modhammer on my friends, i'd hate to have that sort of edge over them when i play this game solely to have fun and as a creative outlet- to tag responsibilities and incentive onto that would crush my already spotty drive for it.

i don't know most of the current staff team at all- mutuals at best and strangers at worst, i'm stubborn with my views, easily fired up, quick to disagree and i'm very guilty of saying things i don't mean or haven't thought through.

end of the day? i'm just a leave me be and i'll leave you be kinda person.
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Ame88 on December 30, 2020, 02:15:12 am
RRREEEEEEEEE-plying to this cause now that this scenario has actually happened, I would like to say a few things.

RRREEEEEEEEE-plying to this cause it's interesting to me lmao

Uhm, to be honest, as most of everyone here said, I'd be completely confused as to why pff.

I've never been in a staff position other than, what, twice? The first time was for a group here on FH, but sadly the group died off quickly for the creator never carried through with the plans, and I guess lost interest in the group. The second time would be ALSO with a group on FH. That "term," if you will, of being a mod/admin, lasted a fair while. I loved every moment of it, and I wish I could bring it back. Simply for the fact I loved that group and I wish it didn't die xD It was the creator's choice however to shut it down.

Any-who. I, again, would be honestly confused as to why they'd ask me, but because I love this game so much, I'd possibly accept and try my hardest to be the best mod I could possibly be for everyone~

^ my first reply to this thread here. Wow I've grown since then lol

I was completely in disbelief when it happened. I was shocked at the very least when I was offered to join the team- something I thought wouldn't ever happen, well, happened. Not only that but I was asked by the, in my opinion, most unlikely person. In all honesty I accepted out of excitement at first rather than thinking about what I may be getting myself into, however, through all the hardships I've had up until now I will say that without a doubt I do not regret a thing. I thought joining the team was going to be all rainbows and roses when actually, while those things are included it's not always easy, and unfortunately it tends to stay on the tough side rather than fun I hate to say. Especially now if all times if I may say.

In short, joining the team is like opening your door thinking it's that delicious pizza you ordered when actually it's just a immature kid throwing a snowball into your face. You eventually get the pizza, but you will run into little trouble makers here and there.

More times than not you will run into unfair situations and undoubtedly you will be put under a lot of pressure by the people around you. Not by your fellow staffers but by the community you volunteer for. You will be mocked, ridiculed, stabbed in the back and targeted for no reason, by people you have never even interacted with personally just for the simple fact that you are now a trainee for staffing or are a full staff member. You will be deemed to be things that you are not simply by association. Now not all situations will be the same, but I am speaking from my heart and personal experiences from this place specifically.

Now I don't want to scare anyone off from staffing, however I do want others to be aware that you will run into these things one way or another no matter where you go, no matter what/who you staff for. Among the bad you will have the good. I have had countless good times and made so many memories while staffing. I love this game and it's community to pieces and I, again, do not regret one thing.

All in all, if you want to staff and are offered a position, I would take all of this into consideration. My best advice is, if you love this community, the game, want to encourage fun and provide a place for everyone to enjoy themselves, then go for it. In the end you may decide staffing is not for you but at the very least you can say you gave it a shot. Just always remember that it won't always be easy. Stay strong and you will pull through no matter the circumstances.

I can only hope that I have been able to be, to quote myself, the best mod I could possibly be for everyone~
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Oddonelynx on December 30, 2020, 05:23:57 am
I'd accept it! The staff seems to be pretty low on members and I wouldn't mind being able to help out with the game!
Title: Re: How Would You Feel If You Were Asked To Be A Moderator?
Post by: Ellen11v on December 30, 2020, 09:48:49 am
I wouldn't have the time, but I'll thank them for thinking about it.