Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: x.tucked.away.x on July 30, 2018, 05:58:41 pm

Title: Ideas for a new RP group
Post by: x.tucked.away.x on July 30, 2018, 05:58:41 pm
I'm looking to create a semi literate possibly mapped and even a custom marking pack group. I'd love to create something big but I'm unsure what people want to see and join! Thanks for voting and keep an eye out for my hopefully new rp coming soon!
Title: Re: Ideas for a new RP group
Post by: Kastilla on July 30, 2018, 09:40:44 pm
I voted for stray dogs, just because that is what I roleplay all the time.

Just an excuse to give you some tips! (─‿‿─)   

If you want to know what the people want, try to snoop around the roleplayers. See who they are, what they are, and don't be afraid to click on them to see their bios / group bios. F3 their movements if need be.

You can make whatever roleplay you want, people will join. Just think to yourself, "I don't see many of these types of roleplays, maybe I should make my own." Usually, there are people thinking the same thing but hide in the shadows. To develop a roleplay people like and will want to be more active in, you should definitely create tiny lore. It doesn't need to be 10,000 words long, it can be just a sentence. Entice your audience to develop more of a plot, writing down and creating more details as you go along!

For example, I see there is another vote for wild horses. Are these just regular equines? Or are they some sub-type of horse? I dunno.

Just slowly mark things you notice, such as the trends and interests. A good place to gather information is The Grounds, or even here on the forum! As you have already started a thread, asking for advice. It is definitely a step in the right direction, and you may know the things I have told you. I am only guiding you, in case you are unsure. ^_^ You do your thing.

Here are some things roleplayers (including myself) enjoy within a roleplay:
- Eloquent leaders, you are able to approach them and ask them about the roleplay. Understanding, passionate, sensible.
- Mapless or has maps, either or is good, you can be nomadic if you so choose. Ask yourself, why are you nomadic? Did something happen to your homeland? Etc. (I see you are going with maps.)
- Semi-literature, having the ability to story-tell and type more than one sentence is always good. Having a biography on your character definitely helps for those of us who crave reading a story. It also aids those in your roleplay who are unsure if their characters will fit the bill.
- Friendly advertisements, the movie maker is fun. Use all types of poses, emotes, camera pans. Make it fun, but not too chaotic! Headaches are bound to happen, and some people don't like the movements period. Again, look at other's videos for examples and inspiration.
- Lore hub, somewhere (whether on a website, in a biography) there is a string of words that inspires!

Once again, you may already know these things and you don't have to take my advice at all. =) Have fun finding your muse!
Title: Re: Ideas for a new RP group
Post by: Arandomperson on July 30, 2018, 11:16:58 pm
If its Stray dogs, i wanna join. Specially if its a street/city one. Those are one of my favorite types of rps next to a good multi species rp. And if you are looking to have it map, I am map maker c;