Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: Astralskye on December 09, 2018, 04:49:41 am

Title: Origin: A Warrior Cats Roleplay
Post by: Astralskye on December 09, 2018, 04:49:41 am
The idea behind Origin was to create something that everyone can enjoy and feel uniquely a part of.
Not just a roleplay where staff members and high ranks decide everything, and others are just along for the ride.

Origin is what we - the community - make it to be.

We are plotted, mapped, inclusive, long term, sited, realistic, and literate.

Warriors roleplays tend to follow a set formula. A group gets together, brainstorms characters, a plot, gets a staff team, and fills up their high ranks.
With Origin, we decided to change that formula. While we don’t claim to be complete revolutionaries,
we hope that Origin will be a roleplay where members decide their own fate, and the fate of the roleplay,
and where their voices will count just as much as any staff member’s or high rank’s.

Origin began as a community. Members who joined suggested settings. Plot ideas. Map concepts. And then those same members voted on what the roleplay would do.
We built the roleplay ground up, not as a tiny select group of friends on a staff team, but as a 30+ member community with contests, voice chats, and more.

What’s more? We don’t plan to stop letting Origin be run by the members. As the roleplay progresses, members will choose their own high ranks.
 Their own plot twists, event times, and plot outcomes. This isn’t an entirely new concept,
but it’s certainly the first time our particular staff team has tried something this extensive, this open, and this member dependent.

Origin is what YOU make of it. And that’s what makes it yours.

After numerous submissions by various members of the community, we all voted for New Zealand!
Because of this, the four future clans will inhabit the territories of Coastal, Rainforest, Meadow, and Mountain.
How exactly the clans form will depend on the outcome of our first plot arc, and of course, what the community votes for.

Each group will develop their own culture down to traditions, ceremonies, and naming, and more.


Want to join our lovely community? Click the link below to apply on our website and feel free to have a look around!
If you'd like to join our discord and ask some questions before joining, feel free!


Origin is set to officially open it's doors December 28th, 2018!

Watch Our Roleplay Trailer!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhjGINlLqAc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhjGINlLqAc)

Title: Re: Origin: A Warrior Cats Roleplay
Post by: PinheadLarry on December 09, 2018, 05:49:48 am
Come and join this amazing Roleplay, Origin!
We have some spicy stuff planned in the future and the process is something that the staff team and the members have worked extremely hard on! I'm so proud to be a moderator of this amazing group of people and I'm excited to see what the future holds, and hopefully that future includes you guys! <3
Title: Re: Origin: A Warrior Cats Roleplay
Post by: Arandomperson on December 09, 2018, 12:43:09 pm
Join. My cat Star needs a hot Boyfriend to steal for himself.
Title: Re: Origin: A Warrior Cats Roleplay
Post by: PocketMutt on December 09, 2018, 01:27:18 pm
Just wanted to say I love the look of this !! The layout and the map itself are both really great !
Title: Re: Origin: A Warrior Cats Roleplay
Post by: Likuu on December 09, 2018, 07:55:40 pm
Definitely think this role play will be a hot success, map is gorgeous! I see it going pretty well and you can definitely find me in this rp!
Title: Re: Origin: A Warrior Cats Roleplay
Post by: Flurr on December 09, 2018, 10:15:07 pm
I desire the map much! I wish you luck in your RP. <3
Title: Re: Origin: A Warrior Cats Roleplay
Post by: RoloWagon on December 10, 2018, 01:50:51 am
Join and discover your origin story. ;D
Thanks so much for all the faith and excitement, guys! We really hope we're gonna be a fun experience for all. Unique setting, fun storyline, and unique member involvement opportunities like high rank elections (not selections), plot voting, spoiler squads, and more! Origin is designed to be member dependent, and mostly member-run. Staff is mostly around just to facilitate discussions, keep an eye out for trouble, and have fun with all of you! Give us a chance, and I promise you'll have at least a bit of fun! We have a great community already, and all it's missing is you.

(Keep an eye out on December 21st for an Origin preview trailer. MMM)
Title: Re: Origin: A Warrior Cats Roleplay
Post by: RoloWagon on December 23, 2018, 04:10:47 am
Now complete with a Youtube roleplay trailer! Click on the link in the main post to check it out! <3 Edited by yours truly and compiled by various artists in our community. Origin is almost here, and you should be a part of it!