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We Need Leadership
I'm going to be the devil's advocate here, but without the intention of hurting anyone personally.
Consider ^ a disclaimer, as it's really not what I'm trying to do. Yet, there are two sides of every story and/or situation.
Therefore when I mention names, please do not feel disheartened by the point I'm trying to put across.
The current state of Feral Heart has been a state that, I believe, is beyond saving by now. This has been an ongoing problem for years and will perhaps continue to be this way for years to come. If things could be different and there was hope, I don't believe the two administrators would have resigned from their position. Especially LordSuragaha, as she was loyal to the community and tried her best to cater towards everyone's needs while also hitting the criteria that Razmirz would set out before the Staff Team.
Why has it been this way?
As we all will have come to terms with by now, there are several factors.
While yes the Staff work for the community and have tried many handfuls of times to make things work, their work is also a factor of Feral Heart's downfall.
The Feral Heart Staff Team were a very close-knit team and their behaviour very much displayed this. They were, maybe still are, family to one another.
However, they had and will continue to have a bad side to their reputation. There have been claims of wrongful bans being handed out, as well as in-game kicks, etc. and there was even plenty of pages of evidence to prove this, Tumblr/deviantArt being the most popular. Of course, these situations were denied & ignored.
As well as this, there have been occasions where overall attitude radiating off of Staff's attitude or the Team as a whole have been disheartening, causing more to leave. After all, how can someone feel welcome when they're spoken down to?
This is an issue that was not generally mentioned because of lingering fear of being shut down. If people tried to express such concern and publically posted, they were locked and moved out of the sight of the community, being told to Private Message the Staff instead. Yet if a member was feeling so intimidated, taking it to a PM was the last thing on their mind.
There are countless examples of times when members of the Staff Team give very emotionally driven responses that are actually unprofessional. Lack of professionalism will not help the game survive, in fact bury it even deeper.
This has come from Razmirz's lack of activity and drive/workload for them to finish whilst he's busy running errands with his job. It has also come from them being irritated by the community begging the same questions, over and over... which is what happens when the question(s) go unanswered. Simply because those that ask it has FH's survival in their best interest.
Much of the community have left because of the Staff Team alone.
So while yes, they have put A LOT of effort into keeping Feral Heart alive, they have also put a lot of unintentional effort into killing it all the same.
Razmirz, FH Staff, Toxic Community Members.
We all play a part.
Yet, some more than others.
We may need leadership, but is it really need new Administrators we need, or a new Server Master?
That's why Feral Heart Unleashed exists and a lot of people have migrated. xSpirit has made promises that he can actually keep, while also proving that he's much more capable of handling FH in comparison to Razmirz nowadays.
Now I know I'll receive the "but they're two different games" but the community will always be the same. The same users. The same game. Different features & updates, staff, standards. No matter how much people will avoid it, it's a matter of fact that FHU will continue FH's legacy upon release and FH will still have the occasional activity on the forum and briefly in-game, but overall perish.
Unless Raz has something up his sleeve?
Who knows.
But again, I only play the devil's advocate because I like to see balance in discussion.
We have to take in all or the major factors, before we can conclude what the best route is to take to keep a heartbeat on FH.
I agree with a lot of what has been said here. It's been very disheartening to watch so many staff members, and even people that have recently gotten MOTs or well known people in the community decide to leave. To me, it feels like there must be something going on behind the scenes that is making the staff and some recent MOTs want to leave. I hope that it's nothing too bad, because I really want to see the game thrive, but I don't think anything that's been said here is wrong.
I think the staff team have been doing the best they can with what they have to work with, but we're down to so few staff members now and no administrators. We have no idea what happened or why some of them left. It's just upsetting.
As someone who has left the game and come back before, sometimes I worry that if I ever decide to do that again just out of simple disinterest, I won't have a game to come back to.
Most of my best online friends have come out of this game. I cannot imagine my life without them, and I don't want to have to think that the game is going to die. Luckily I have other methods of contacting them now, such as Discord, but back in the day the only way to hang out with them was really this game. This game means a lot to me because of that, and I still really enjoy making new friends and sitting in the Grounds, or RPing with groups.
Of course all good things come to an end eventually, but this shouldn't have to be one of them any time soon. There's still life in this game, and the community and staff need to work together to keep the game alive. I don't disagree that we need more leaders. We need more people speaking up about this, so I'm glad you made this thread Ironic.
I hope that members of the community and the staff will see this and understand how important this game is to so many of us.
Staff, you're trying your best, and I'd like to say thank you for everything that you do to keep this community and game alive.
--- Quote from: toonanimals317 on April 08, 2021, 06:14:33 pm ---Staff, you're trying your best, and I'd like to say thank you for everything that you do to keep this community and game alive.
--- End quote ---
I agree with that!
It's sad seeing this game drop from 100[even more at one point] players to around 12. It doesn't help that many players are leaving either, a couple of my friends on this game have left! :-\
I agree with most, if not all previous posts in this thread too. Couldn't have expressed it out better.
Scallywag/VRTCLLYCHLNGD made a few good points but FHU could end up the same way as FH at some point.
I do think the staff have tried their best but most are at their wits end. I would be too, everyone here is human and we all get exhausted after doing something for so long. If they lose their cool every now and then, I don't blame them.
I don't see FH getting any better any time soon if at all. I honestly don't know why Raz continues to pay to keep it up, unless for nostalgia. Not trying to be mean, but it's with so little activity ingame and on the forums, it seems like it would be wise to let it go already.
Toonanimals is right, all good things must come to an end and it feels like FH is being held on by a thread.
I don't think we need leadership, I think we just need a memeber of staff, perferably Raz of course, to let us know what now. A single update thread about the future or if FH has one. I don't think we will be seeing any new staff memebers anytime soon and Raz will always be the server master. Not too many people left to lead at this point, so I'm guessing things will stay as they are until it ends.
Kinda depressing lol but it's honesty
All the staff who left recently left for similar reasons actually. They shared some of the same frustrations about the game going nowhere essentially. But at the same time they were getting bullied and harassed by toxic members of this very community. And after a while it broke their spirit. That is why they left. It is obvious to those who saw everything that happened to them.
As for lack of progress, progress with game development is never instant. I know from experience how many months or even years it can take to have something complete enough to show. Showing a bunch of partially complete buggy code isn't going to impress anyone. And there are times when one idea fails to work and must be replaced by another that will work. Why show something that may have to be changed when it fails to work with something else later on? That would be unprofessional. Seems more like people need to start trusting that the staff know what they are doing and will show progress when there is something complete enough to show.
As for FHU, why in the world are you still bringing that up and comparing FH to it? That game has nothing to do with the direction this game will go or what it's future will hold. It seems more like FHU has become everyone's bargaining chip for demanding change over here. Because every time someone wants something different here they start talking about how FHU is doing something differently. They have their own concepts and we have ours. The whole reason they left and started FHU was because they had differing ideals that conflicted with the ones over here. So stop comparing 2 games that must take their own separate paths. It will only start more unneeded drama and hurt more people like what happened in the past.
As for lack of leadership and dwindling staff numbers, how should we know who may or may not be working behind the scenes on this very game. Expecting daily progress updates is quite unreasonable and would greatly slow down progress on the very updates you are seeking.
Furthermore, if Raz was gonna close this game, he would've done it when Kov left. But instead he has kept running it despite all the drama and crap that has gone down over the years. I seriously doubt he is just gonna shut it down now or anytime soon tbh.
Looks like we all need to calm down, be thankful for what we have right now, and look forward to what is to come.
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