Game & Forum Discussion > Forum Discussion
We Need Leadership
--- Quote from: delores on May 01, 2021, 10:40:46 pm ---I'm not old to the IT or FH community, but I wanted to say SpicyDirt, Kerriki, and Ame seem to be doing their jobs quite while. SpicyDirt especially seems passionate about this community. I don't know what Bloo is doing, so I can't say with as much confidence 'they also excel at moderating' if what I see of them is more limited. Razmirz logging in infrequently is a red flag of irresponsibility, though. Also, I find it mildly suspicious that there are ZERO global moderators. No need for them currently or something? Also, there's no mention of LordSuragaha in that post listing moderators, and Lord also hasn't logged in for 4 months. I wonder what's going on with not listing them and them not logging on for 4 months with no goodbye post. (Not necessarily asking for details into LordSuragaha's personal affairs, just curious if they stealthily quit administrating Kovu-style.)
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Just wanted to add in - Raz does log into the forum quite often he just keeps himself hidden. :) Users can do that (somehow - don't personally know how to). Also thank you for the kind words <3
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