Game & Forum Discussion > Forum Discussion
Ever wonder...
.. Who gave you your karma, and why? xD
Not sure if this goes here, but if it doesn't, mods can move it. c:
Uh, yeah, pretty much as the title says.
Here, if you're wondering who had given you +Karma, you can find out~
The one who'd given it to you can just speak up, I guess.
.. Please no b'awwws with saying "who took mai karma!!1one" ._."
Yes, I do get curious about this. (: I'm also curious who smites me, of course, but I don't mind, although I'd love to know what I did wrong so I may improve, and what I did right to keep doing that! ^^
Yeah i wonder where i got all the karma from ;o
100+ Thanks everyone i feel loved xD
Some of my friends have nuzzled me and i nuzzled back <3
But i also wonder who bit me, not important but i wanna know what i did ;o
Maybe i don't do the same bad thing next time or? ^.^"
Lol, yeah, I agree with both of you. c:
Of course, I wouldn't go right ahead and b'aww/freak out at the person who'd bit me, but I'd at least ask what I've done wrong.
Durr, I nuzzle Avani at least two times a day <3
EDIT: Durp, I have 34 karma...o-o Last time I checked it was like..5
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