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Choose Your Own Path (Okami Edition)
Another Choose your Own Path Game, Hazaa!
This one, your a two year old white female wolf (NOT Ammy. Just in the World Ammy Lived in- Older Japan AKA Nippon) in search of a home, a mate, and to start a new family in the Okami World. You dont need to know okami to play this, ill desicribe as best as i can >.<
I'll Provide Your Stamina, Location, and Time Of Day each post.
Lets Start!
The Eary Morning Sun Blinds you momentarily. The Sun has just risen, and your about to start on your journey. Before you set off, you hear the Guardian Sapplings Blossoms rustle behind you. You look back and see Sakuya, the woodsprite, floating behind you. What do you Do?
A) Talk to Sakuya, she's a close friend of yours.
B) Ignore her and head down iinto the village.
Location: The Base of The Gardian Sappling (Kamiki Village)
Time Of Day: Early-Mid Morning
Stamina: 85%
Lets talk to shirtless girl! :3
(Sorry havent been on in like a week >.<)
"Hello young wolf. Leaving so soon?" The look in her eyesare fairly sorrowful. You nod. "Good luck~" And she disapears. You soon notice that you feel stronger!
Your Stamina Is FIlled 10%, Credit To The Shritless Wood Sprite
Now You Turn Around and Walk down the pathway, and find yourself at a fork in the road. You-
A) Go Left, theres peace and quiet over there.
B) Go right. You hear some humans, maybe they have food!
C) Turn Back. Maybe that Sexy Lady has some words of advice for you!
Location- A Fork In The Road, By The Guardian Sappling. (Kamiki Village)
Time Of Day- (Im just gona use real time :P) 6:07 AM
Stamina- 95%
Maybe she'll tell me how to be sexy! :3
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