Help & Guidance > Presets & Markings Tutorials

Preset Tips and Scripts || Updated with Iridescence

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Great tutorial and great things you're showing us! Really neat things you have here indeed! +nuzzle


Thank you so much for providing the community with an organised/well-structured tutorial on the tips and tricks you can do with a preset when using the correct coding. I love how easy it is to find everything and an excellent use of images.

This tutorial is amazing! Thank you very much for bringing the outline effect for presets further into the light! The tutorial was also very easy to follow and the colors made it easy to read. +floof!

Thanks for taking the time to look at this everyone!

I am currently working on a tutorial on how to implement Toon Shading (or Cel Shading as it's called in OGRE) and various other shaders that require extra files (like Outline) into a .fhp preset file that won't require everyone else downloading extra files to see these effects.

Stay tuned, it'll take some more time since I'm juggling college and everything else.


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