Game & Forum Discussion > Game Polls

Language Rule

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This thread should be locked away because this rule will stay at current date, and is in fact needed. I will quote what I've written in this thread earlier to show the reason of "why" it is just as right to have this rule as others can see it's unfair.

--- Quote from: Red on August 21, 2011, 10:54:12 pm ---I do honestly not know which side I stand on here.

But just a thinker for everyone out there no matter what.

If the users doesn't even understand the slight of the English language..

How do we know they read/understand any of the rules that exist for the game?

How do we know they actually follow the rules and terms given that everyone else must follow no matter what? Some mods and rules here are rather strict, and if they don't even understand when they're warned for an action they're doing it's 100% their cause if they end up getting kicked off the server.

It shouldn't matter if they don't understand them if everyone else that does must follow them. We can't just give them an exception, and even though I have a rather small vocabulary when it comes to other langs I catch people saying swears in other langs fairly often actually.

Maybe tolerance will be needed from some of the users in the game when it comes to other languages in the chats. Local is fine and all, but since this is general chat we're most likely talking about now I can see how both parties have a valid point.

Kicking and banning someone for speaking their language does sound wrong, but kicking and banning someone that doesn't follow the given rules doesn't. I personally think that stopping people from using the general chat in another language would be just as hard as stopping the trolling/pointless crap people write in english.

Rule for only english in general I'm not sure about if I'd like to see. But making it a situation where using the "not understand warnings" as an argument feels kinda dry to me since every user should follow the given rules even if we add a new one.

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