Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Other Mods/Creations => Topic started by: Brokami on October 01, 2012, 09:13:34 am

Title: Bro's Super High Res Textures! [Replaced by FHD]
Post by: Brokami on October 01, 2012, 09:13:34 am

This mod is now a part of FeralHeart HD, which can be downloaded here. (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=45124.0)

I will not check these threads very often now as they are considered obsolete.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: animals_rock on October 01, 2012, 01:14:53 pm
Oh wow.. These are absolutely beautiful o3o
Great job, they look amazing. :3
I'm definitely downloading this. c:
Wish you the best~. +Floof
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Zaroque on October 01, 2012, 01:17:34 pm
Blown away Bro, incredible! +Nuzzle.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: LiesUnderOath on October 01, 2012, 08:06:36 pm
So gorgeous. +Floof
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Zaroque on October 01, 2012, 09:44:59 pm
As a suggestion, I'd add downloading instructions, such as 'where to put them' etc.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Nightfangy on October 01, 2012, 11:46:46 pm
That is very awesome O___O +floofs
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Nightfangy on October 01, 2012, 11:52:25 pm
Derp ignore the stupid question I just asked
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: BlackVortex on October 02, 2012, 03:44:50 am
Wow... +Floof
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: OfficialSwifty on October 03, 2012, 05:41:25 am
Mind Blown.
 This looks so much better then before.
 Thank you C:
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: BlackVortex on October 03, 2012, 02:41:49 pm
Wow...It lags like, one movement per a minute e.e Now I need back up files....
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Thierry on October 03, 2012, 03:27:04 pm
It looks awesome, going to test it :)
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: WhysoSerious? on October 03, 2012, 05:33:58 pm
asdfghjkl. So epic ! But it kills my Computer, im sure..
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Slydragon99 on October 03, 2012, 09:15:55 pm
When I get home I will probably download this~  +floof
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on October 04, 2012, 09:41:50 am
For the people who have lag issues, I'll see about making lower res versions. But in the mean time, just flick back to the default textures, I guess. Which translates to reinstall the game to a new folder, copy that folder to your current folder, and overwrite. You won't lose any custom content that way.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Slydragon99 on October 04, 2012, 11:42:50 pm
Or, just tell em to use the ones they like the most, to lessen the effects of lag~
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: -ToTheArk on October 05, 2012, 12:05:07 am
Wow this is amazing! 0:
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Thierry on October 05, 2012, 06:32:33 pm
Runs fine on my Ati HD 6310M, but oh my... lags as hell on the FX5500....
In both, at start-up takes a bit to load after the logos.
Anyway, good work on these textures.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: sarabi26 on October 06, 2012, 12:17:02 pm
I really love these but my computer is really slow and horrid, so if I got those. My PC would bust at any moment.. But I still really want them ;(
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: BlackVortex on October 06, 2012, 06:19:21 pm
Thanks for telling how to fix it.... X3 I was so confused...
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: i be trollin on October 17, 2012, 10:57:04 pm
this is so cool!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: kyrotonia on October 26, 2012, 12:40:09 am
do you think it would run on a NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE Nforce 430 graphic card? my guess is no, but i'll try anyhow.  but yeah, for the record this computer is getting old ;_;
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on October 31, 2012, 02:28:20 am
In reality, almost all modern games, even all the way back to 2001, use at least 1024x textures. Most, 2048x. I'm pretty sure one of the grass textures in here is a retiled version of the grass texture from Half Life 2 (Which is free to use, considering I modified it, fyi) Also, considering there aren't that many textures at all in FeralHeart, this should run on most medium to high end pcs.

Let me sum it up. If you can run Half Life 2, you should, in theory, be able to run this.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Abomine on October 31, 2012, 03:09:42 am
These are gorgeous textures. If I wasn't already using Feralistic, I'd be using this. :)
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Kashii on October 31, 2012, 09:25:19 am
WOW. I'm just.
-speechless- Oh my word! :o these are amazing! Bravo! -claps- :D <3

(My computer is probably the oldest out of all of yewrz. :3 It's 11+ years old, so if my computer can run this AND secondlife at the same time, my god. xD)

Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on November 02, 2012, 04:49:20 am
These are gorgeous textures. If I wasn't already using Feralistic, I'd be using this. :)
Thank you for leading me to discover Feralistic. I've managed to adapt the character shading plugin and make it compatible with the newest version of FH, and it will soon be in my ENB pack. Thank you. Thank you thank you.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on November 24, 2012, 11:39:33 pm
Okay, just saying, update will be out soon. Check back here for the next couple of days or so, I'm doing a foliage update. And don't worry, no big download again, the updates will just be smaller patch files.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Redlinelies on November 24, 2012, 11:45:30 pm
I like what I see here, it doesn't look very screamy and I do find this very enjoyable to watch with very smooth done job with the textures. I might want to try this out, I try to stick low on modding the game out but this is quality work.

Sorry if you answered this earlier in the thread, but are you planning on re-texturing pretty much the whole game? And if you feel like giving it out, where do you get the resources for the textures you create?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on November 25, 2012, 07:49:30 am
I get them from royalty free websites, then mix them together, recolour and contrast to make them match the previous textures better. And no, I won't be retexturing the characters, though I will be attempting to retexture the UI and maps. One day.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Redlinelies on November 25, 2012, 03:53:33 pm
Well skipping the characters I have no problem with since I prefer them textureless, but if this is all royalty free material I do like what I'm hearing tooz.

Good job on stuffies here arr. Quality textures can do a lot for the game.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Fallenleaf on December 10, 2012, 01:54:06 am
I would download it if my Internet wasn't such a turtle. It's extremly beautiful >D
I shall brofist you for being an Okami Bro >3
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on December 13, 2012, 12:28:41 am
I would download it if my Internet wasn't such a turtle. It's extremly beautiful >D
I shall brofist you for being an Okami Bro >3

Oh, sad to hear. The textures could be half the size they were if FeralHeart maps weren't made so shoddily. Oh well.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Astraea on December 19, 2012, 01:47:09 pm
~Gorgeous... Just.... Gorgeous, I love it, I truly do! Keep at it~ =3
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: -Obsidian on December 22, 2012, 03:44:29 pm
Unfortunately, the ENB mod does not work for me. Also, ground textures do not show up. As far as my knwledge goes, this changes textures on objects, (rocks, etc.) right? :?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on December 22, 2012, 05:31:12 pm
Unfortunately, the ENB mod does not work for me. Also, ground textures do not show up. As far as my knwledge goes, this changes textures on objects, (rocks, etc.) right? :?

Rocks, trees, bushes, ground.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: -Obsidian on December 22, 2012, 10:02:57 pm
Unfortunately, the ENB mod does not work for me. Also, ground textures do not show up. As far as my knwledge goes, this changes textures on objects, (rocks, etc.) right? :?

Rocks, trees, bushes, ground.

I've just downloaded, and even without ENB, it looks beautiful!~ Thanks in advance.~
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on December 24, 2012, 04:33:44 am
Unfortunately, the ENB mod does not work for me. Also, ground textures do not show up. As far as my knwledge goes, this changes textures on objects, (rocks, etc.) right? :?

Rocks, trees, bushes, ground.

I've just downloaded, and even without ENB, it looks beautiful!~ Thanks in advance.~

Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: xXHells_AngelXx on December 24, 2012, 02:15:28 pm
These are amazing! <3
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Chimaera on December 26, 2012, 05:00:15 am
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on December 30, 2012, 12:21:58 pm
New screenshots! :D
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: FeralFireHeart on December 30, 2012, 12:51:20 pm
Woah, I have to admit this is pretty impressive.
Maybe I'll download it one day, but there's a big chance it'll make my computer overheat.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: HollowWolf on December 30, 2012, 03:29:14 pm
@.@ Well blow me down! That's just.....amazing! :DDDD -downloads- +floof bro!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on December 30, 2012, 10:18:58 pm
And a big +floof to you too. o.o
But I'm not blowing you down, sorry. ^_^
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: HollowWolf on December 31, 2012, 05:50:03 am
One question, where do i put it to make it work?

Thanks for da floof ;)


Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: HollowWolf on December 31, 2012, 10:44:24 am
Weird, the only thing that changed was the tree and rock texture :/ Lol, but it ish awesome!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on December 31, 2012, 09:41:34 pm
Weird, the only thing that changed was the tree and rock texture :/ Lol, but it ish awesome!

Hmm. You're not running FH+, are you?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: HollowWolf on January 01, 2013, 03:02:41 am
Dun worreh, i fixed it xD

sorreh for double postin :P

Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Darkx on January 05, 2013, 02:59:37 pm
wooooowwwwwww  :o its fantastic! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: RisingLife on January 06, 2013, 03:20:43 am
This looks awesome! Not that I dont hate the FH textures but im totally downlading this! +floof for you
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 13, 2013, 10:05:15 am
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 17, 2013, 08:29:03 am
And updated again!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 19, 2013, 05:38:44 pm
Yet another update bump.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Abomine on January 19, 2013, 11:46:53 pm
I'm a little sad that I can't use the ENB mod (my FH won't even start when I install the ENB mod), but I'm enjoying the textures. :)

I love them just as much, if not more, than the Naturalistic textures.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: sonicTH1554 on January 21, 2013, 06:36:42 am
i crash... from this...
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 21, 2013, 08:02:54 am
i crash... from this...

Would you be so kind as to send me your FH.log so I have a chance of working out why?
Also, how much RAM do you have? This mod generally needs about 1gb or so.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: sonicTH1554 on January 22, 2013, 07:31:45 pm
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 23, 2013, 06:01:52 am

Random access memory. How much memory does your computer have. Not the hard drive, the memory on the motherboard. You can find out by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Escape, and clicking the Performance tab.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: sonicTH1554 on January 24, 2013, 01:34:00 am
can i just find out in my windows explorer where i can see my memory bar?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 24, 2013, 12:15:06 pm
can i just find out in my windows explorer where i can see my memory bar?

I just told you, it's not your hard drive, it's your motherboard's memory.

I also told you how to find out. Please, try not to waste so much time.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: sonicTH1554 on January 24, 2013, 03:25:54 pm
sorry just confused
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 25, 2013, 12:28:59 am
sorry just confused

And yet again, you ignore my instructions on how to do it and leave another useless reply.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on January 25, 2013, 12:53:08 am
Uhh... *Clears throat* At the risk of stepping in on a slightly awkward moment happening above, I've gotta say that's one impressive download, there. o-o It looks very beautiful! Great job!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 25, 2013, 09:06:48 pm
Uhh... *Clears throat* At the risk of stepping in on a slightly awkward moment happening above, I've gotta say that's one impressive download, there. o-o It looks very beautiful! Great job!

Thank you kindly, I trust you got it working just fine? :P
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: sonicTH1554 on January 26, 2013, 02:47:03 am
i tried and look for the mother borad and idk where it is so yeah.. sorry that my REPIES are useless.. but im not as SMART as most ppl are so i guess just for get my replies
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 26, 2013, 12:36:36 pm
i tried and look for the mother borad and idk where it is so yeah.. sorry that my REPIES are useless.. but im not as SMART as most ppl are so i guess just for get my replies

I didn't ask you to look for your motherboard. I gave you clear instructions as to what to do.
Please follow them.
It's hard being 16 in a game populated by 11 yearolds, you know.
Very frustrating.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: sonicTH1554 on January 27, 2013, 01:16:35 am
im 18 not 16 if ur asking.. but sorry i have a hard time with instructions
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on January 27, 2013, 05:40:11 pm
Thank you kindly, I trust you got it working just fine? :P

You're very welcome; And no, my computer has lag issues as it is. It's only got one core, so I don't wanna overload it- as beautiful as that texture mod is. XD I appreciate you sharing this with us, regardless~!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 27, 2013, 08:34:31 pm
im 18 not 16 if ur asking.. but sorry i have a hard time with instructions

Stop trying to excuse yourself and just do what I said.
It's not that hard.
It's taken you over a week to NOT hit Ctrl Shift Esc and click the Performance tab.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on January 29, 2013, 12:38:37 am
Psst,playniceplease.Idon'tlikewatchingthissarcasticgrowlingfest. It's not what this community is about.

So anyway. Brokami, what types of programs do you use to create all of these add-ons? GIMP, Photoshop?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 29, 2013, 02:38:30 am
Psst,playniceplease.Idon'tlikewatchingthissarcasticgrowlingfest. It's not what this community is about.

So anyway. Brokami, what types of programs do you use to create all of these add-ons? GIMP, Photoshop?

Heh. I'm impatient over issues like this because I know it would literally take 5 seconds if I were there.
And yeah, I use Photoshop CS6 for the texturing, Notepad for the ENB, and both for the Glossy Eyes.
While the textures are just a matter of image replacement, the other two are mostly code-orientated. And any day you ask me, I'll still recommend Photoshop over Gimp or Paint.NET.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on January 30, 2013, 04:26:30 am
So, Merp. Howdochusetitup

Pretty easy. Just download all 4 links, and drag the "media" folder into your FeralHeart installation folder (Most likely C:/FeralHeart), and replace any existing files.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Commander on February 05, 2013, 08:36:34 pm
Could you upload your high res texture pack to mediafire because the download for version 1.0 isn't working and i really want your high res textures. And its not my computer because i can download everything else just fine.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Tokoa on February 05, 2013, 11:48:05 pm
Sweet Mod!!!!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on February 06, 2013, 02:33:26 am
Could you upload your high res texture pack to mediafire because the download for version 1.0 isn't working and i really want your high res textures. And its not my computer because i can download everything else just fine.

Download link works fine for me, just click "Start in 10 seconds"
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on February 08, 2013, 08:13:29 pm
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Commander on February 11, 2013, 09:17:32 pm
Ok now its working, before when i tried downloading it the window to download it never popped up, must have been something up with the site at the time. Downloading it right now.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: 580star on February 16, 2013, 10:04:19 pm
It took an Hour to download. It was worth it though, I love this Pack. Thank you! x3x {And BlackVortex, Mine Lags as well.} Take the time to read Red's Tutorial on making your Game run Faster. x3 -Gives Brokami le Floof-
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on February 17, 2013, 07:43:50 am
It took an Hour to download. It was worth it though, I love this Pack. Thank you! x3x {And BlackVortex, Mine Lags as well.} Take the time to read Red's Tutorial on making your Game run Faster. x3 -Gives Brokami le Floof-

And yeah, it is annoyingly large as a download, but thanks to the way the maps are made in the game, there's no way to avoid that.
Hell, at least it's not like the Skyrim and Fallout HD texture packs, which are, in some cases, LARGER THAN THE ACTUAL GAME. xD
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: bluesnow26 on February 22, 2013, 05:51:02 am
This mod and your ENB mod...
I might seem like an idiot...
But what's the difference between this mod and the ENB?
'Cause I'm confused whether to get this one or the ENB o3o
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Brokami on February 22, 2013, 07:51:33 am
This mod and your ENB mod...
I might seem like an idiot...
But what's the difference between this mod and the ENB?
'Cause I'm confused whether to get this one or the ENB o3o

...try reading the actual explanations.

The ENB mod adds visual effects and lighting effects. This increases detail on materials.
The idea is, you get both.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: bluesnow26 on February 27, 2013, 10:22:22 pm
Okay o3o'
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
Post by: Crystal72 on February 28, 2013, 01:01:56 pm
Absolutely gorgeous. Just what I was looking for. Wonderful job!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on March 03, 2013, 04:33:04 am
Big fat update.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on March 04, 2013, 08:51:53 pm
Srsly you guys get the update it adds so much stuff.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Ravven on March 05, 2013, 09:15:53 pm
How exactly do you install these, plz edit the post.  I really want it ^^^^^^^^^^
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on March 06, 2013, 04:53:31 am
You just drag the contents of the RAR into your FeralHeart folder.
Why do so many people have difficulty understanding that.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Spartathewolf on March 06, 2013, 06:25:05 am
Beautiful pics but all this did was add lag and a bright bright light to may screen :I
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on March 06, 2013, 12:46:51 pm
Then you've done something wrong.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: kiaz1st on March 09, 2013, 01:57:05 am
I cant seem to be able to download it. when I press skip on the adfly page, instead of taking me to download it, it takes me to a page which says "sorry you have reached your daily download limit" or something like that. I hadn't been downloading that day either.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on March 10, 2013, 12:26:15 am
I cant seem to be able to download it. when I press skip on the adfly page, instead of taking me to download it, it takes me to a page which says "sorry you have reached your daily download limit" or something like that. I hadn't been downloading that day either.

There shouldn't be an adfly page. Click the link, and click Start in 10 seconds on the left.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: kiaz1st on March 10, 2013, 02:55:24 pm
yeah, that's the page, it has the adf.ly logo and I press start after 10 seconds but it takes me to a page that says "sorry you have reached your daily download" and I hadn't downloaded that day.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on March 11, 2013, 05:36:08 am
Then just wait a day, I guess. I can't fix that.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: kiaz1st on March 11, 2013, 08:45:47 pm
ok, waited a few days, didn't work, waited a week @_@ and finally got there! and its AWESOME! you really are talented brokami! I have all four of your mods and my FH looks amazing! thank you very very very very very VERY much!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on March 12, 2013, 02:06:05 am
Thanks for being patient. Enjoy the mods. :3
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: kiaz1st on March 12, 2013, 04:46:08 am
I will x3 +floof for you my kind sir
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on March 12, 2013, 08:21:30 am
Floof in return.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Transatlantic on March 13, 2013, 10:59:54 pm
I'm gonna get this, and hope that my FH doesn't suddenly sizzle to a stop due to my unstellar laptop.

This looks really great, though.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: pkf10 on March 16, 2013, 02:22:31 pm
Uhm, upon downloading this mod all of my white characters have become yellow tinted. .-. is this fixable or no?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on March 17, 2013, 09:42:37 am
Uhm, upon downloading this mod all of my white characters have become yellow tinted. .-. is this fixable or no?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Crystal72 on March 23, 2013, 11:37:05 am
Darn... I can't open RAR files...
Do you think you can make a ZIP download as well?
Again, awesome job. I must say, you're very talented with art, coding, and stuff on Photoshop and Notepad!
I hope you can create one I can unzip, because I LOVE it!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on March 24, 2013, 12:01:58 am
The file is 500 megabytes. I'm not recompressing and reuploading it because you can't be bothered to download 7-Zip, which is free.


I get this question a lot, and the answer isn't changing.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Elohi Adanvdo on March 26, 2013, 08:51:30 pm
I'm not sure if this has already been said or not, but... I've downloaded everything, and the textures are great (I'm huge on visual), however, my rocks on maps from the MyRocks file, and quite possibly stuff from the Default, Misc., etc as well, have disappeared. I looked and tried to restore, but the stuff is still gone.  Any idea to as of how this happened? Any way to fix it? Or do I just start from scratch? D:
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on March 27, 2013, 06:45:51 am
No idea, my rocks show up fine.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Elohi Adanvdo on March 28, 2013, 02:42:59 pm
Hmm... Okay... I found some of the original files... I guess I just have some extra work to do. XD
Sorry for bothering- and great job!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Tokoa on April 01, 2013, 11:53:22 pm
Awesome work floof!!
+Nuzzel great job!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: MasiYumi on April 07, 2013, 09:58:10 pm
Hello, I have downloaded this enb mod, put ALL the files into the main FH folder but everytime I start up FH, it crashes. It doesn't even get to the Kovu screen. (I have AA off, and Direct 3D9.)
I would really appreciate any help, thanks! uvu
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on April 08, 2013, 05:33:29 am
Hello, I have downloaded this enb mod, put ALL the files into the main FH folder but everytime I start up FH, it crashes. It doesn't even get to the Kovu screen. (I have AA off, and Direct 3D9.)
I would really appreciate any help, thanks! uvu

Plenty of people have unexplained issues with crashing. Have you tried the preformance patch?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: linton on April 08, 2013, 10:11:31 am
Can't find where to put it o3o.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Larka98 on April 08, 2013, 02:24:24 pm
May I request a .zip download? My computer doesn't allow .rar files in at all
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Larka98 on April 08, 2013, 02:26:20 pm
and i know its been asked before, but i literally carnt even upload the original .rar onto my files, its a dell
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: kiaz1st on April 08, 2013, 06:15:33 pm
Brokami has already told people they are not doing it, so good luck trying to convince. ;)
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: MasiYumi on April 09, 2013, 12:34:02 am
Hello, I have downloaded this enb mod, put ALL the files into the main FH folder but everytime I start up FH, it crashes. It doesn't even get to the Kovu screen. (I have AA off, and Direct 3D9.)
I would really appreciate any help, thanks! uvu

Plenty of people have unexplained issues with crashing. Have you tried the preformance patch?
No, never heard of it. ono''
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: eeveeh on April 09, 2013, 09:45:50 pm
Wish i could get it..
But it's not a media fire download der.
(My 'cookies' won't turn on. *insert word here*...)
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on April 10, 2013, 05:52:17 am
Hello, I have downloaded this enb mod, put ALL the files into the main FH folder but everytime I start up FH, it crashes. It doesn't even get to the Kovu screen. (I have AA off, and Direct 3D9.)
I would really appreciate any help, thanks! uvu

Plenty of people have unexplained issues with crashing. Have you tried the preformance patch?
No, never heard of it. ono''

"Version 8.0 (Updated 4/1/2013)
Version 8.0p (Performance version, Updated 4/1/2013)"
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on April 10, 2013, 05:53:07 am
and i know its been asked before, but i literally carnt even upload the original .rar onto my files, its a dell

You're doing something wrong, don't blame the computer. Dell don't manufacture computers designed to not open archives. Download Winrar then get back to me.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on April 10, 2013, 05:54:11 am
Brokami has already told people they are not doing it, so good luck trying to convince. ;)

I guess it's rude of me not to, considering there's not much difference between RAR and ZIP other than ZIPs are larger and take longer to upload/download.

Next version, I'll make it a zip. But it'll be a while before I update this pack, as there's no problems with it.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Larka98 on April 10, 2013, 11:36:04 am
Thank you Bro, I am graitful of this, I will be keeping a sharp eye for the download!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on April 10, 2013, 08:16:47 pm
Thank you Bro, I am graitful of this, I will be keeping a sharp eye for the download!

Why don't you just download it as it is now and install WinRar like everyone else?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Larka98 on April 10, 2013, 08:33:44 pm
When the files are in .rar form, my computer doesnt allow them, they say 'permission on requested file type is denied' or something like that. So i couldnt use Winrar if I wanted to anyway
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on April 11, 2013, 03:47:36 am
When the files are in .rar form, my computer doesnt allow them, they say 'permission on requested file type is denied' or something like that. So i couldnt use Winrar if I wanted to anyway

Have you even tried downloading Winrar? At all?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on April 11, 2013, 03:48:04 am
And please don't tell me it won't work, you have no way of knowing that.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Larka98 on April 11, 2013, 03:54:02 am
yes, i have. Ive downloaded it, and it still doesnt let the files.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on April 11, 2013, 07:03:44 am
and it still doesnt let the files.

It's things like this that continue to convince me that you're doing something wrong, not your computer.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Larka98 on April 11, 2013, 12:55:18 pm
all i do is click on the download links, and it comes up with the error code, How could i be doing that wrong?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on April 12, 2013, 10:54:43 pm
all i do is click on the download links, and it comes up with the error code, How could i be doing that wrong?

Try a different web browser.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Larka98 on April 12, 2013, 11:14:33 pm
Ill try downlaod another browser in a moment.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: clouwnt on April 13, 2013, 11:52:43 pm
When I try to download these, it tries to make me install some odd security software??
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on April 14, 2013, 10:03:10 am
When I try to download these, it tries to make me install some odd security software??

Make sure you don't have that checkbox ticked.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: WarOfWolves on April 17, 2013, 01:12:42 pm
I hope you know I cannot say I love you & thank you enough. *o*
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Woofie on April 17, 2013, 04:50:53 pm
ok so i downloaded this today i got lag an whenever i tried to enter portals my fh would crash? i had to reinstall fh an items an marking pack, i like the original wolf texture but would like a hd look on my wolfs an the character realism look, i didnt like the color it changed my wolfs coat o.o 
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on April 17, 2013, 08:30:16 pm
ok so i downloaded this today i got lag an whenever i tried to enter portals my fh would crash? i had to reinstall fh an items an marking pack, i like the original wolf texture but would like a hd look on my wolfs an the character realism look, i didnt like the color it changed my wolfs coat o.o 

Ask someone else, these mods come as is. The HD canine texture is a replica of the original, as close as it gets in higher res, and the character realism shades your character to the colour of the sunlight.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on May 16, 2013, 10:13:15 am
Thinking about updating this as well, might overhaul the flora.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Fantasia_Cross on May 28, 2013, 08:01:07 pm
What kind of Computer do you have? Mac or Windows..?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on May 29, 2013, 04:49:34 am
Windows, why? This should work on both, in theory, though I have no confirmation.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: hugrf2 on May 29, 2013, 05:16:51 am
Awesome. 8I Might download later when FH+ comes out, I guess.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on May 29, 2013, 05:49:34 am
This won't work with FH+.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Jessie Dagger on May 31, 2013, 04:12:50 am
I am debating whether to use this mod, because I really want it. But I have the immense feeling that this laptop would explode once I boot up FH if I have this mod. What computer do you have.. Just out of curiosity, I just wanted to know what comp can run this easily. I have a Toshiba windows 7.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on May 31, 2013, 10:51:05 am
While you didn't really give much of a description of your laptop, and the fact that it's a laptop alone is a bad thing, this mod really isn't hard to run at all.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on May 31, 2013, 10:51:48 am
I'm judging, based on it coming packaged with Windows 7, that it was brand new in the past 3 years. As long as it isn't a low end budget laptop, it should run it fine.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Jessie Dagger on May 31, 2013, 07:50:48 pm
It was new 3 years ago x'D And it is a single core laptop. I'll make a copy of my FH folder, and see if this will run on my computer. If not, I have a back up. But None the less, this mod is very awesome.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Reanaw on June 04, 2013, 04:27:17 pm
It's cool, but F-secure says there are spyware and adware while I'm downloading it. Just to let you know and/or warn you
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on June 04, 2013, 08:21:28 pm
Did you click the right download button?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on June 04, 2013, 08:22:36 pm
You have to untick the "Use Download Accelerator" checkbox to get just the file, otherwise you will indeed get spyware and adware.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Whinp on June 28, 2013, 06:59:47 pm
I would like to download it, but it has adware. 3:
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on June 29, 2013, 03:32:43 am
I told you guys, you have to turn off the download accelerator.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Zoey on July 18, 2013, 04:29:39 pm
Help,i can't download it.When i enter in uploading.com,it says my ip is downloading other thing...Anyone can upload this in mediafire o other server?Please ^^''
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on July 19, 2013, 05:55:35 am
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Zoey on July 20, 2013, 06:27:10 pm
Well,it's works now but...The speed it's 14Kb/s ._. And my normal speed is 300Kb/s. I think it might be Uploading...
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on July 21, 2013, 06:02:24 am
When I have time, and enough reason, I'll put it on Mega.co.nz.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on July 21, 2013, 02:26:54 pm
Oh my :o This is pure beauty I'm looking at right here :3 IT'S AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm downloading this right when I get back to my computer 8D +Floof for YOU!!!!!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: 17Cynder on July 22, 2013, 05:11:55 am
Hmm, is it normal for the characters to be blocky...? I replaced the material files and it fixed it, but is there a fix to use it fully without the blocky ness?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on July 22, 2013, 11:16:24 am
Go and download my character realism mod from here. (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=31650.0)

That'll fix it.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: 17Cynder on July 22, 2013, 02:52:51 pm
Okay, thank you! I'll go try that.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: 17Cynder on July 22, 2013, 04:33:48 pm
Hmm. Nope, it doesn't work, sorry. Here is what it looks like, before and after I used the other mod;

Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on July 24, 2013, 03:55:42 am
You just... pasted me a link to a file on your computer.

Are you sure you're up to modding a game?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: 17Cynder on July 24, 2013, 04:13:36 am
Oops, well... It's a screenshot. Also, I've had many mods before, so, I don't understand? EDIT: By the way, you just copy tje link and open it in a new tab. It's a picture of the blocky model. Now, 'modding a game'. I didn't know I'd be the one to mod.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on July 24, 2013, 10:45:42 am
That file is literally SAVED ON YOUR COMPUTER.
I can't access it. It's not online.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: 17Cynder on July 24, 2013, 02:51:03 pm
Well, fine. It's only a screenshot of the blocky ness. Now, is there absolutely no fix to this?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on July 24, 2013, 02:55:44 pm
Would you mind me asking, but, where do you put the files? x.x
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on July 25, 2013, 04:56:06 am
Well, fine. It's only a screenshot of the blocky ness. Now, is there absolutely no fix to this?

Not that I know of, I've already said that. Just use the default material files if you can't use my ones.

Would you mind me asking, but, where do you put the files? x.x

Just into your FeralHeart folder.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on July 25, 2013, 09:56:11 pm
Well, fine. It's only a screenshot of the blocky ness. Now, is there absolutely no fix to this?

Not that I know of, I've already said that. Just use the default material files if you can't use my ones.

Would you mind me asking, but, where do you put the files? x.x

Just into your FeralHeart folder.
I did that... nothing seemed to happen, am I doing something wrong?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on July 26, 2013, 03:14:13 am
You have to extract the RAR file with WinZip, 7Zip or WinRar.

7Zip is free, and WinRar's trial never expires. Go get a copy of the one you want.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Pumix on August 19, 2013, 07:24:08 am
I downloaded it, opened it, Replaced all the original files with this one and when I open FH nothing happens; it just looks like always. I already reset my CPU (just in case) and still not working ;_;
Oh and I downloaded your glossy eyes mod and it looks fantastic! the weird thing its that only works on felines.. Am I the only one having this issue?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Pumix on August 19, 2013, 08:29:30 am
For some reason it doesnt let me edit the last post.. Now somehow it works, I wonder what I did xD.
Thanks a lot for this mod, it is really great! I read all those comments, I dont understand some people.. How they can be THAT rude? Anyways thanks a lot lot lot again! You have a lot of talent, keep up the good work!
[EDIT] oops I dont have enough posts to give you a floof D:
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on August 23, 2013, 12:10:11 pm
Hehe, tis fine, you can have some floof yourself~
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Satsuki on September 10, 2013, 05:14:55 pm
I had to restart my OS because the OS was messed up after having a bunch of viruses in it. It had deleted some of my files, your files included so I had to re-install your mod again. The only problem I now have is the HD texture files for the site you have saved it on. When I unchecked the accelerator thing and download the HD Texture pack, it still force you to download that third party software... Can it be another way that you can get the file somewhere else?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on September 10, 2013, 05:57:43 pm
It downloads as a RAR for me, so, to pit it simply, yer' just doin it wrong.

I'll put it on Mega tomorrow, if I remember.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Satsuki on September 11, 2013, 08:01:40 am
Never mind yer right. I guess I was doing it wrong. Thanks for the reply... -nuzzle-
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: ritat on September 11, 2013, 02:26:00 pm
Oh mer god, amazing textures. I look it a lot, fantastic work floof. c:
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Morqque on September 14, 2013, 11:36:14 pm
These are awesome .o.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: SafireWolf on September 26, 2013, 06:35:43 am
I already had a test with this pack before I deleted Feral Heart from my computer (Months ago), and it was a pretty good texture pack. The only problem is: I sadly can't have the same experience again, because I almost lost my Google Chrome (Somehow) only with the download. -sighs- Dumb PC is dumb.

By the way, you had a sweet job on those mods.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on September 26, 2013, 06:49:24 am
Thanks. :P

The downloading service is fine as long as you do it right.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: TaintedMemories on October 01, 2013, 08:58:35 am
I'm in love with this~! <3
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: crazylove123456 on October 04, 2013, 07:02:35 am
Does It lag  :-\
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on October 06, 2013, 01:46:26 am
Does It lag  :-\

Well, that depends entirely on your computer. If you already get less than 60 frames per second running FeralHeart then this may reduce your FPS by around 15, 20%. But not much. If you get over 60 then the effect won't even be noticeable, literally.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: cloudfire on October 10, 2013, 06:12:07 am

Great work! One warm nuzzle for you! :D
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on October 11, 2013, 06:51:22 am

Great work! One warm nuzzle for you! :D

I think you'll find it was returned! Oh, and a fellow Kiwi. :o
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on December 05, 2013, 04:31:04 pm
I'm defiantly getting this :D (Lol, can't get enough of your mods)



Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Shally on December 05, 2013, 07:12:08 pm
Indeed your mods are quite amazing Brokami :3
Please do keep up the beautiful work ;3

Cheers~ // Shallow
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Morqque on December 11, 2013, 12:04:05 am
Nevermind for the question is asked. >3<
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: magicfairy on December 11, 2013, 03:20:51 am
Epic! I gotta try it sometime!
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: speedingcheetah on December 19, 2013, 01:46:13 pm
very nice...but.....feral city map.....unplayable....extreme lag....don't think the game engine can handle it...

then again...maybe its the map server...lagging on non moded version...
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on December 20, 2013, 02:26:29 am
very nice...but.....feral city map.....unplayable....extreme lag....don't think the game engine can handle it...

then again...maybe its the map server...lagging on non moded version...

The game engine can handle these textures just fine, it's your computer that can't.

If you have a multicore processor, try this link for help: http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=11278.0 (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=11278.0)
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: LookingForAStar on December 23, 2013, 12:53:50 am
It said I needed another program after it downloaded it. What should I do?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on December 23, 2013, 12:10:32 pm
It said I needed another program after it downloaded it. What should I do?

Download WinRar or 7Zip.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: LookingForAStar on December 23, 2013, 04:14:18 pm
I have WinRAR I guess I'll download 7Zip later. c:
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on December 24, 2013, 01:43:52 am
I have WinRAR I guess I'll download 7Zip later. c:

WinRAR should be all you need to extract it.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Talonpelt on January 02, 2014, 03:42:56 pm
It keeps crashing when I enter a new map. I don't want to deinstall it because it's just the best textures ever, but I don't know what to do about it...
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on January 04, 2014, 09:11:10 am
It keeps crashing when I enter a new map. I don't want to deinstall it because it's just the best textures ever, but I don't know what to do about it...

I think it might just be the total size is too much for FH. I'll look into reducing some of the lesser used textures.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Riku. on January 17, 2014, 09:36:02 pm
The textures look amazing.
The smallest bit of lag since my computer can handle about anything
But this is really good mod.
Well done

Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: spiritwolf123 on January 18, 2014, 06:09:00 pm
I would download it, but my comp hates rar files, and whenever I DO download a rar file, WinRAR never wants to work.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on January 18, 2014, 11:04:16 pm
I would download it, but my comp hates rar files, and whenever I DO download a rar file, WinRAR never wants to work.

Then use 7Zip.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: spiritwolf123 on January 18, 2014, 11:53:24 pm
Owait, nvm, it's never worked before but it has this time o.o Strange...
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Pumix on February 19, 2014, 03:53:56 pm
Seems like Uploading.com changed and now it makes you have to download the Accelerator, so no little boxes to check! Here's a screen: http://puu.sh/72eS1.png (http://puu.sh/72eS1.png)
I had to download the acclerator anyways, I really want your texture pack D: But it should be no problem if you know how to avoid the ad.

I tryed your other mods pack at the max quality, they are awesome! Congrats! I would give you a lot of floof, but I dont have enough posts D:
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on February 20, 2014, 10:57:31 pm
Seems like Uploading.com changed and now it makes you have to download the Accelerator, so no little boxes to check! Here's a screen: http://puu.sh/72eS1.png (http://puu.sh/72eS1.png)
I had to download the acclerator anyways, I really want your texture pack D: But it should be no problem if you know how to avoid the ad.

I tryed your other mods pack at the max quality, they are awesome! Congrats! I would give you a lot of floof, but I dont have enough posts D:

D'aww. Well, in a couple of weeks I'll be totally remaking this so. Just wait until then, I guess.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on February 20, 2014, 10:59:02 pm
Seems like Uploading.com changed and now it makes you have to download the Accelerator, so no little boxes to check! Here's a screen: http://puu.sh/72eS1.png (http://puu.sh/72eS1.png)
I had to download the acclerator anyways, I really want your texture pack D: But it should be no problem if you know how to avoid the ad.

I tryed your other mods pack at the max quality, they are awesome! Congrats! I would give you a lot of floof, but I dont have enough posts D:

D'aww. Well, in a couple of weeks I'll be totally remaking this so. Just wait until then, I guess.

Also, it's different for me. This page comes up and when the countdown ends it removes the option. I.e. try doing it quickly.

Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Treiga on February 24, 2014, 11:27:32 pm
I installed your mods, and they all worked beautifully(and looked beautiful too), but for some reason, after I installed and extracted this file to my FH folder, nothing in-game changed. All the textures edited by this mod stayed with the game's default textures (even though the default textures were replaced by new ones and are no longer in the game's files? o_O)  aliens
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
Post by: Brokami on February 25, 2014, 03:10:50 am
I installed your mods, and they all worked beautifully(and looked beautiful too), but for some reason, after I installed and extracted this file to my FH folder, nothing in-game changed. All the textures edited by this mod stayed with the game's default textures (even though the default textures were replaced by new ones and are no longer in the game's files? o_O)  aliens

That is really, really weird.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! [Replaced by FHD]
Post by: Mohatu on July 03, 2018, 04:21:49 am
I cannot download, may this be in a dropbox?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! [Replaced by FHD]
Post by: Kuri on July 03, 2018, 07:25:35 pm
I cannot download, may this be in a dropbox?
I'd repackage it for you but the link is broken in a way i can't fix.  Hopefully one of the staff people are able to fix it?
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! [Replaced by FHD]
Post by: Oddonelynx on January 31, 2019, 11:13:54 pm
The link is broken.
Title: Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! [Replaced by FHD]
Post by: Jango_Fett on February 01, 2019, 12:46:07 am
The link is broken.
this was discontinued ages ago and replaced by FHD, which valar has made compatible with the most recent patch here:
