Game & Forum Discussion > Game Suggestions & Ideas
FeralHeart Game Idea List
FH Game Idea List
There are many scattered threads of what people are looking for but I think it would be a cool idea to bunch all of them up in one place for easy, clear access. c:
If you haven't seen already, find my forum idea list here!
Ideas (so far)!
- Yawning animation or laying down poses.
- More preset slots.
- The ability to use hex codes for color in the character creator.
- More items/markings for the base game.
- Bringing back the banners on the forum.
- Bring image embedding into posts or video embedding (if possible).
- Ambient/NPC critters in the maps.
- More shards/auras/particles in the maps.
- New maps and animations/animations overhaul.
- Put the items and markings packs into the game.
- Chat tabs.
- Face-lift to meshes in The Grounds.
- Dens/RP areas in The Grounds.
- Updated items and markings.
- Forum pin system for important information.
- More group options (name tags on member list, ranking system, more people able to accept members into group, etc).
- Claw option toggle in character creator as well as claw colors, and whiskers.
- Official release of the animation files to edit if any new ones are released.
- Able to edit character order in-game.
- Fix preset sync.
If anyone has anything to add that isn't on here already, please reply to this post that I may add it! <3
I couldn't agree more.
I will like to a yawning animation or laying down poses c; Otherwise, I don't much to say c; Those are my two high requests.
>>General Improvements<< by Insoholic
this thread has a lot of chat features/bits and bobs that would Not upset me if implemented. i know some of it's being mulled over/worked on behind the scenes but the mod situation does take priority.
maybe small things like more preset slots, the ability to use hex codes for color if you're into that sort of thing in the character creator, maybe a couple more items for the base game? more markings? just small things that keep things fresh.
+ bringing back the banner forumside. ik there's an ongoing discussion about this a couple threads over.
maybe add image embedding into posts? bring back video embedding? i know that's not entirely our choice if our host forum doesn't allow that anymore then there's nothing raz can do, but we do still have dedicated creators all around and honestly? i would post more of my stuff if i didn't have to haul over to another site, upload what i like and relocate all the links here.
--- Quote from: Telluric on May 03, 2021, 12:40:35 am ---
maybe small things like more preset slots, the ability to use hex codes for color if you're into that sort of thing in the character creator, maybe a couple more items for the base game? more markings? just small things that keep things fresh.
--- End quote ---
This would be something I would love to see! In the beginning, I never thought I'd fill up FH preset slots, but I find myself constantly swapping out which ones are active and I'd love to have even just a few more to work with.
Oh, this is cool and thoughtful of you!
Honestly, since the game is mostly based around the animals- It would be cool to see more ambient / NPC critters in the maps. Kind of like- The swimming Salmon in Kibou Ridge, or the secretive snakes in some maps. Also, I think it would bring life to the maps, if there were more shards / auras... Like what we had in Fluorite Plains. Those little stars floating up to the sky? They may be passive, and the detail is unnoticeable... Although, the movement is what brought that magic / atmosphere to the maps.
You know how you sit by a campfire, roast marshmallows, and at times just watch those burning, bright ashes shoot to the sky? Usually you walk by, and say; meh, it's just fire. Nothing interesting. But there are times, when you seek comfort and relaxation. You come back to that fire, and just observe... how the flames peacefully dance in tune with nature. It's soothing. Especially, since FeralHeart is mostly about RolePlays, and people love chilling- this would be a good and maybe- a cozy addition~ x'3
So yeah! I think NPC animals ( be it in form of textures / particles / shards ) and more auras / shards - will do well. It's simple for developers, you can easily flip the colours of the same shards to fit any map! Is it a blue cavern with blue crystals? Add blue auras! Is it a Tropical Forest with hidden treasure / gold in the map? Add golden auras to mark the 'X'!
Though... It's just my point of view, however. Personally, I think this is what the old players miss, after all.
Since I am one of those players, too.
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