Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Topic started by: linna2007 on March 01, 2011, 05:48:44 pm

Title: Linneh's Charas- WIP
Post by: linna2007 on March 01, 2011, 05:48:44 pm
Linneh's Charas

Hello! Here you can Find all of my in-game characters. I'm currently working on it so i'll appreciate your patience.
Here is what each character info will look like:
Name Green=Rping Character Red= Non Rping Character
?Description: What it looks like
?Gender: Male (?) or Female (?)
?Age: Usually shown as Pup/Cub, Young Adult, Adult or Elder
?Biography: It's the character story, usually before I started RPing with it
?Pride/Pack: It's the character's clan. If doesn't have one, it'll be shown as Need Pack or None
?Mate: It's the character's mate. If doesn't have one it'll be shown as Need Mate or None
?Offspring: It's the character Offspring. If it doesn't have any, it'll be shown as None

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, post it here!
Thank you for checking.
Title: Linneh's Charas - Felines
Post by: linna2007 on March 04, 2011, 05:05:48 pm

◘Description: It's an black lioness With neon Blue markings and intensive blue eyes. She's rather small and has long fur.
◘Gender: ♀
◘Age: Young Adult
◘Biography: Insert Bio here
◘Pride: Needs Pride
◘Mate: Needs Mate
◘Offspring: Maybe after getting a mate.. :P

◘Description: A light green lioness with dark green Swirly Markings.
◘Gender: ♀
◘Age: Cub
◘Biography: Insert Bio here
◘Pride: Needs Pride
◘Mate: Too Young
◘Offspring: Too Young

◘Description: A huge White/Light Blue Lion, Tiger or Wolf
◘Gender: ♂
◘Age: 15 Years (Human Years) Or Unknown (If treated as a god)
◘Biography: Chylus exists for two simple reasons: He's the god of my species (insertnamehere) and is also my Deamon (Thoese that read/watch the golden compass knows what I'm talking about! xD)
◘Pride: None
◘Mate: None
◘Offspring: None
Title: Linneh's Charas - Canines
Post by: linna2007 on March 04, 2011, 05:06:20 pm