Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Stories => Topic started by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:13:23 pm

Title: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:13:23 pm
                                   -----------------------------------------Chapter One----------------------------------
  Blue woke up.  She woke up knowing she'd go back to that rassit school of hers. She petented to sleep in.  "Blue! Wake up! You missed breakfast!" A loud vocie screamed. The steps came up, higher and higher. It was Blue's sister, Snowbell. Snowbell was the most popular student in the whole school. She was half dog and half wolf, but the school is only aware of the dog side.  "Come on Blue! You can't miss school!" She growled.

  "I don't like that school, it's all dogs. You know that I'm the last wolf alive." Blue barked.  She got off the hard rock floor. The wolf growled at Snowbell.

  "I don't care! You're still going!" Snowbell showed her teeth at Blue to let her know, she's not kidding about going.  "You know how strong my teeth are, do I have to bite you?" The wolf jumped high. Her bones shoke. "I'm not kidding. So are we going or not?"

  "Yes! We're going!" Blue yipped in a fearful way. "I'm coming!" She ran outside. "Are you coming?"

  "Yes. Just wait up." Snowbell followed Blue.  "hey Blue..."

  "What?" Blue asked. She stopped walking and turned around to talk to Snowbell.

  "How's the scar? Do you think it'll go away?" Snowbell barked in a slow, kind way. Blue nearly snarled.

  "The three marks? Ha! It's never going away!" Blue laughed. "How did it even happen? I've had it since I was a puppy."

   Snowbell sighed. "I don't think I should tell you." Snowbell pushed Blue to the side. She walked to a dog quickly. "Nate!" She yipped happily.

  Nate is Snowbell's boyfriend. He never liked Blue and Blue never liked him.  Blue gave a light growl and went the other way. Snowbell saw Blue trying to walk away from the school. She ran and pounced Blue. "Don't you dare!" She snarled. Snowbell's teeth were the strangest part of her. Her teeth were more powerful than a dog's and a wolf's teeth. Those were some real fangs. She snarled loudly at Blue. All the students stared. They froze in fear.  "Blue!You didn't think I didn't see you!" She growled. Her white fur shoke as she got louder and louder.  Blue layed there in fear. "Don't try that again!"  Snowbell screamed. She let go of Blue. The other students walked away like if nothing happened.

  "Nice going Blue!" Nate barked. "Geez No wonder there's no more wolves. Heh. They're too stupid to live!" Nate and Snowbell walked away slowly to class.

  Blue slowly walked close to her class, but she was stopped.  Three dogs that would bully her every school day came.  They were brothers.  Their parents were to lazy to give real names.  The big one with a non-human collar, their leader, was Ken. Then there was the sort skinny one. He had a giant scar on his tail and two round puple dots above his eyes. That was pen. The last one was the short, fat one, he had a scar on his face. It was creepy just to look at, but no dogs seemed to care. His name was Ben.

  "Hey stupid wolf!" Ken barked at Blue. "Did you get yelled at by Snowbell?"

  "I think Snowbells hot!" Pen yipped. "She is cute."

  "I don't have time for you," Blue snarled at the three.

   Ben pinned Blue down. "I think you do." He growled.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:15:31 pm
--------------------------------------------------------Chapter two-------------------------------------------------
   Ben's fat body had pinned Blue down. She had no way out. A strange voice came out of behide Blue. "I'm sick of you." It was a male voice so it couldn't be Blue, but it seemed to be on the same subject.  Blue passed out, while she was passed out, she misssed everything. When she woke up, Pen, Ken, and Ben were gone.  She looked around. There was blood all over the floor. She looked up. Above her was a teacher, not just any teacher, it was Sen. Sen was the leader of the school, he always hated Blue. He growled loudly at Blue. Blue slowly got up.

  "Blue!" Sen snarled. He was more upset than Blue has ever seen him before. "You almost killed three students! In fact, you didn't almost! You killed two of them! Pen told me it was you.  You all of a sudden jumped out of under Ben and kept slashing with your claws." He garbed Blue's jaw with his large paw.  "You better listen! You ate some of their insides! You ate them alvive Blue! You ate them!" He slamed Blue's body onto the ground. Then Snowbell ran to them.

  "What happened?" She asked. She gave Blue a look. "What happened?" She asked again.

  "Blue killed two students." Sen barked.

  "I didn't!" Blue yipped. "My claws aren't that strong!"  Sen slamed  Blue's jaw shut.  Blood slowly came out of the jaw. Blue kenw she didn't do it. She just knew it, she was passed out the whole time. She pondered intill Snowbell slaped her.

  "Blue?! You ate them?!" Snowbell growled.  While Blue was thinking Sen told Snowbell everything. "How could you?!"

  Sen let go of Blue. "I'll tell you what'll happen to her in three days."

 "Okay." Snowbell grabbed Blue's paw. "Let's go now!" She growled.

  When they got home, Snowbell made lunch. She kept sighing every time she saw Blue.  Blue wanted to cry.  She didn't know what was going on. As far as she knew, she did nothing.  Then the door was knocked on. "Blue!" Snowbell growled. "Go to your room!" She showed her teeth to Blue and Blue ran upstairs quickly.

  Snowbell opened the door. It was Nate. "Hello!" Snowbell barked. "How are you?"

  Nate's tail wagged. "I'm great! Do you want to go out to eat?" He asked.

  Snowbell almosted walked out. Then she looked and saw the moon. "I can't go."

  "Why not?" Nate asked.

  "I have a curse... I don't think it's best to go out."  She sighed.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:16:54 pm
--------------------------------CHapter three--------------------------
"Curse?" Nate's head tilted. "What?"

  "The moon light. It turns me into an awful form. I'd go out tommorow." Snowbell barked. Nate walked home. While they were talking Blue was thinking to herself.

  She walked back and fourth. "I know I didn't. I know.  This school thinks I do every thing wrong just because I'm a wolf. Well they're wrong. I'm going to run away! My life has been nothing but getting yelled at. It's time that ends. It's time all that ends. All awfull things go away. SNowbell won't mind. She doesn't care for me. She didn't help me in the mess today. I'll just run away!" She told herself. She opened the window.Her paws slowly move out. She heard someone walking up the stairs so she just jumped down. She ran into the 'human lands.' She didn't see any humans, only trees.

  Blue followed the nosie of paws snaping branches and crackling  leaves.  Then she stopped. She couldn't walk any futher.  The wolf heard something runing around her, over and over. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Blue yipped.

  Blue looked around. She kept fearfully yipping. SHe kept trying to make an image of it. She didn't know what it was, and she was dying to know. She thought it was a human going to slice her neck open for food or the blood for fuels. She had heard about humans before at her school. She knew the year was 9089.   The dogs knew that the humans ran out of fuels and tryied to stay in lagre groups, that's how the dogs got the houses. The humans who lived there left and are never coming back.

   Then she could see it. It was just a dog. "Thank goodness. I thought you were a human." Blue barked. The dog didn't stop running at her.  It kept growling.  "Are you okay?" Blue asked. The dog leaped onto Blue. It had pinned her down.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:18:16 pm
Chapter Four
  Blue was confused.  There was no way this dog knew she was a wolf.  The dog snarled at her.  Blue knew something wasn't right. "Why are you growling at me?" Blue asked. The dog did nothing but show her teeth. They were different. They were yellow.  The teeth were sharp. Sharper than normal dogs, but not as sharp as Snowbell's teeth.  Blue didn't know what to do. So she just showed her teeth at the dog.

  The dog got off. She gave a few barks, "Hello. I'm Penny. Who and what are you?" She sat on the dirt, with her tail wagging.

  "I'm a wolf. My name is Blue," yipped Blue. Her tail didn't seem to move at all.

  "Is your tail not working? Or are you not happy to meet me?" Asked Penny.

  "Yeah. It's strange. Sometimes it wags, but it usally  just stays there. Does it matter?"  Blue barked.

  Penny looked at her tail. "Yep, your tail is strange! It's breathing! I can tell. I can just tell!" Penny barked loudly.

  "My tail is breathing?!" Blue yipped. "That can't be! Tails don't breathe!" She looked at her tail. She barked at it loudly.  It didn't say anything. She put her paw on it and it moved away from her paw.  "Is my tail living?!"  She yipped.  The two animals looked at the tail. And it looked back  them, not one, but two.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:18:52 pm
"It's nothing. It's just a tail. It can't do anything." Blue barked fearfully.  The tail raised. The eye's of it gave Blue a look. The other one stayed on the ground. "It can't do anything right? All it does is have eyes and breathe. Right? Right?!" She barked.

  "My name isn't 'It'. Last time I checked my name was 60." The tail that raised snarled. "And this is 3. You forgot to freak out about him, but I guess it's too late. Blue. I know how to do much more than just talk, breathe, and see. You've never saw a talking tail? I wouldn't call myself a tail. All 'Tails' are made from some type of inprotant object, like 3 is the only 'Tail' madeby oil. The only 'tail' made from oil is an idiot. Just like you Blue."   He rasied higher. "I'm the one who killed those students."

  Blue just looked at 60. She didn't know what was going on. Then another dog came to them. He had three 'Tails' ad they bit 3. "Tails can bite?" She asked herself out loud. "What is happening?"

  "Fighting is pointless." 3 said, covered in blood. He fell to the ground once the 'Tails' let go.

  "Hello." The dog barked, "I'm Blood.  You're Gen, right?"

  "Gen?" She asked out loud.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:19:39 pm
Chapter 6
 "Who is Gen?" Blue asked.  60 tryed not laugh. "Hey? What's wrong with me not knowing Gen? Who is Gen?"

  60 fell on the floor laughing. "Are you stupid? Gen is our old master! Do you not know anything?" He snarled.

  "Idoit. Everyone knows Gen.  He was one of the wolves that wasn't killed by those savage humans. All humans do is eat kittens and puppies, while using the blood to make fuel for their cars. They find me, I'm going to best the best fuel for them. Do you think I'm coming to their doors saying. Burn me into fuels, burn me alive! Only an idiot would want to go near the humans. Anyways, Gen has had many battles with humans. We killed many of those monsters, but  not all of them. Gen went missing one day. And ever since we haven't seen him." 3 told Blue.

  Blue sat down. She need to think. "What's a car?" She asked. 3, 60, and Blood and his tails were laughing to death. "You're just down right rude. What's so funny about  not knowing what a car is?"

   "Follow me. It's going to rain, 76 told John. Then John told me. So I'm going to lead you guys to our home. Come on!" Blood barked.  "There's lots of food there! We can talk on the way home!"

  They started to walk home. "3, I forgot to ask, but what's a kitten?" Blue asked while following Blood
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:20:40 pm
CHapter 7
"A kitten is a small cat. They're like pups of a dog, but they're kittens to cats." 3 eplained. He being dragged so he didn't have to worry about walking because he is a part of Blue.

  "I hate cats. They're stupid." Snarled Blood, still walking. "They think that they're better than everyone else. Idoits."

  "How many cats have you ever met Blood?" 3 asked.

  "One. And she put an impression that all cats are awful." Blood barked.

  "That's only one cat." 3 growled. "Don't  Say all cats are awful! You've only meet one!"

  Blood snarled, "3! Stop it!" Blood stopped walking. "I know you, you're  going totalk forever about this. Blue, ask something else."

  "Fine, I was just saying. It's only one cat. You can't just judge all cats because of just one." 3 snarled.

  "Shut up! Blue pick something!" Blood growled. He started to lead them more. His paws slowly moved, they got a little more faster. "Blue! Pick something to talk about now!" Blood snarled.

  Blue thought to her self.  "I want to know more about the humans." She barked. 3 looked at Blood and Blood looked at 3.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:21:57 pm
Chapter 8
 "Humans, they're monsters. All they do is kill, They eat living animals. Living!" 3 screamed.

  "No, they used to be nice." Blood growled.

  "Never." 3 snapped.

  Blood growled at 3. "Yes they were!"

  They walked into a big cave. "Hello there!" barked a loud female voice.

  A dog walked up to them. "Found more 'tailers?'" He asked Blood. "Oh. I see you have, my. That looks like Gen and that dog. Yuck! Look at your fur! 678! What's their names."

  A 'tail' came of the darkness. "Ulgy fur one is Penny. And that's Blue,3 and 60." 678 said. He was wagging with joy.

  A carzy she-dog was bouncing around. "More people!!!!!" 678 slamed her to the ground. "Heh.."

  "That's Jamie, her 'tails are 678, 786, and 867." Then 678 pionted to the male dog by her. "That's her older brother, John. He has 76, 500, and 30."  He smiled. "They don't talk much!"

   He walked outside of the cave. "Blood, I need to tell you something, alone."
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:24:22 pm
CHapter 9
 Blood walked outside. Blue and the others were touring the place. Blood and 678 had an important talk.  "That wolf, might have to be killed Blood." 678 snapped.

  "Why?" Blood asked.

  "She has too great engrey. I don't need 3 and 60 around. Kill them first!" He snapped.

  "Okay." Blood said. He walked slowly towards the cave.

  678 wispered to himself. "This is great! Blood fell for it!" He grabbed a cell phone. "Friday, Don't worry, I'm getting rid of Blue and all her friends. And soon, even Blood. It'll be great. Heh..Heh..heh..." He put the phone away. "Blood messed upp on saving the world! HA!"
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:25:15 pm
Chapter 10
678 came to Jamie to yell at her because she was 'loving' her 'tails.' Blood was talking to Blue.  "Are you a child of Gen?" Blood asked.

  "I don't know. I never knew my parents." Blue replyed.

  Blood sniffed around her. "I smell him! Not on you! But outside!"

  678 looked and saw Gen. "Purfect!" He wispered. "Now I can kill Blue and Gen! Can this get any better?"

  An old wolf ran up to Blue. He grabbed her neck with his paw. Puddles of blood formed up him. The blood of Blue's neck.  "I want 3 and 60 back!" He snapped. "Give me back my tails!"

  "If you want them, take them!" She yipped.

  "Blue! No!" 60 screamed.

  "I'm not going to be his 'tail!' I never even want to see his face!" He growled.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:26:00 pm
chapter 12
Gen slamed his bloodly paw on Blue, pinning her down.  He grabbed 60 with his jaw. "3 doesn't fight!" cried Blue, "Blood! Our lives are in your paws!" Blood saw Gen stare at him. Blood backed away.  "3!!!"

  John ran up to Gen. 30 flew in a strang dirlling movement and  went under ground. 76 banged off the left wall of the cave and 500 banged off the right side.Blood watched.  The 'tails' almost hit Gen, but Gen slammed their faces into the ground. The blood splatered every where. He grabbed John's scull and broke it inward.  He ate his 3 tails.  He ripped Jamie's head off with one paw.  He aate 786 and 867, but 678 was smart and ran.Gen ran after 678. Gen let go of Blue but he was still holding 60.

  Penny ran after them with Blood. Gen stopped running. He let go of 60 because he a saw a kitten. 3 caught up with 60.

  "Help!" The kitten cried. Gen was trying to eat the kitten alive. "He's try to eat me!" 60 turned his back waiting for Blue and others to get with them. 3 shut his eyes and cried. He knew Gen had done much worst but this was cruel. Gen riped the kitten's legs off.The blood spalterd all over his lips. He nastly growled. He eat the cat slowly so it would be more painful.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:27:02 pm
Chapter 13
3 had opened his eyes to be in his own world. Crying with a brother. When 60 was kind to him. WHen they were with Jenni. Their mother goddess. He always wanted it to stay that way. It didn't. He woke up. Gen was gone and he was in the blood covered cave. Blue had her arms around him.  She was alseep. Blood shoke Blue. "He's awake." He barked.

  "3!" Blue yipped, "You passed out there, you were vomiting blood no stop. I don't know what happened? What happened to you?"

  "I don't know." 3 cried. Then after he said that he started to voimt pupprle blood.  "oh.. I'm really sick. That is 'tail blood, don't eat or drink it. Don't even test it. It's posinous." He snapped. He passed out. Blue Unconnected him.

  "Do think he's ok?" She asked.

  "Not a chance. Something really made him sick." Blood barked.

   Blood and Blue walked away slowly. They went out to find herbs to heal 3.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:27:38 pm
CHapter 14
Hey... Isn't tail blood bad?" Blue asked Blood.

  "Yeah. I know what you're going to ask." Blood barked. He sniffed around and then said, "Gen is strong, he can eat that blood billions of times. Next time, I'll help you Blue. I froze in fear. I'm sorry."

 "We got it right?" She asked. Blood nodded. They went towards the cave.

 "Huh?!" They both screamed.

  "3 is gone!" Screamed 60.

  "How'd that happen?!" Blood screamed.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:28:05 pm
Huh?" 3 barked. "I'm in my mind. I'm really in my mind."

   A cat walked towards him. "This isn't your mind, every one things that, but it's really a place keeping you from facing death. Only some tails come here. You're one of the lucky tails fromt he Jenni  Goddess, we also take Moonniki Goddess Tails. Welcome 3." The cat mewed.

  "You know my name?" He barked.

   "Yes. And I know how to help you. I will help you learn how to walk. I turned into a cat when I grew legs." The cat kept mewing.

   3 smiled. "I don't know where I am, but I think I'll like it here."

   "Follow me!" The cat grabbed 3.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:29:14 pm
CHapter 16
 "Where's his body! There's no blood trail or anything!" Scream Blue. She sniffed around. "There's no scent."

  "Strange. I guess 'they'  got him." Blood snapped.

   "They?" Blue wondered.

    "A bunch of tails that save bfore death." Blood looked at 60. "Our ticket in there!"

   "What?!" 60 screamed, "You won't use me!"

   "Sorry..." Blue barked.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:29:47 pm
CHapter 17
  3 follwed the cat. "Is your name really 3? I don't think you are 3." The cat mewed.  "3 isn't you is she?" The cat meowed.

   "Yeah... It's not. My name is Volt." 3 barked.  He started to walk. "I did it! I can walk!" He jumped.

   The cat walked in front of Volt. "My name is Mewer." The cat mewed once again. Volt chased Mewer around for a while. Then he stopped and dropped on the ground. "What's wrong?" Mewer screamed.

  "I... I can't breathe. My body.. It hurts." Volt moved around, rolling over in pain.

   "Heh.. You're body just needs to update here!" Mewer meowed. "It'll hurt a while. Soon the pain will go away. Don't worry. You know, you're the last 'tail' we're taking. We can't do it any more. The 'tails' now are dead or they're eaten. Sometimes 'The Death Tails' will take them, and make them live forever, in a hellhole full of your thoughts.  You're lucky. Even after death they'll make you a ghost in that place. And if you leave the place. You're just a ghost, or should I say demon.  You there will scare people.  This is like 'tail heaven' but without the four goddess.  Well... I'll leave you to adapt."

  Volt cried, "It's not adapting! It's killing my soul!"

  Mewer mewed, "That's how it all goes. Every new tail. Heh..."
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:31:12 pm
CHapter 18
  Blue swung her paw's claws into 60's face.Blood jumped on 60 and bit his neck, pinning him on the wall.  His three tails were smacking 60 over and over again. His blood dripped every where.  Blood ripped a tiny scab under 60's eye.  Blood told his tails to start biting. So they did. there was a huge puddle of blood.


"This isn't working."  Blue screamed. 60 started to cry. "Oh! He's crying out blood! We should stop. Wait. Is there anthor way?"

"Yes. I just wanted to hurt 60 so bad. Okay. follow me." Blood barked. "To the goddess!"

  They ran as fast as they could north.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 04, 2011, 11:31:46 pm
I'll continue..... Later.......
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 05, 2011, 12:26:21 am
-When I'm finished, Please comment.-
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 05, 2011, 01:14:05 am
Chapter 18 (Numbers were off)
  Mewer and Volt got a bond. Mewer forgot the name Volt. She forgot him ever being a 'tail' because she only remembered him being a wolf. She even forgot about herself, so did Volt. Then Volt heard a screaming. He also heard some one crying. Some one he almost forgot. He looked behind him, then he saw it. He saw nothing. Mewer meowed, "What's wrong?"

She saw Volt's face. It came back to Volt, 'My name isn't Volt! It's 3. Wait no. What? My mind, it's killing me!' He fell over scratching his face intill blood slowly dripped out.

  He started to cry. "No! No! I know that cry! It's 60's! No! Who's 60? Wait he's my 'tail brother!' Ahhh! What's happening? My brain! It's killing me! It's going crazy! Mewer! Help me! My brain is driving me insane!"

  Mewer hissed, "No! You're brain's memroies! They're too strong! I must help stop them! I'll help you Volt!" She started to claw a his head. She hissed and hissed. Then Volt went sleeping. "That should stop his brain for a while. We don't want him to go back!"
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 05, 2011, 01:49:53 am
Chapter 19
60 screamed. "Guys! I heard 3!" His tears of pain became tears of joy. "I heard his voice. He said, 'Help me Mewer! I heard someone cry!' Something like that. I wonder, whos' 'mewer'."

  Blood kept running. "We're almost at the alter! Look!"  They stopped. There was a metal wolf. It had candles around it. The candles had bite marks, they looked like Snowbell's teeth. Blood grabbed a canndle. He used the fire to burn 60. 60 cired tears of blood. Then coming from above came her.

  She looked at Blue, 60 and Blood. Then she smiled. She put her paw on 60. She licked him once and he was fine. 60 smiled at the wolf. Her fur glowed white.  

  "Hey guys! You forgot me!" Penny Roared. She ran to the goddess wolf.

   "Hello, 60. Who are these wolves you're with?" The wolf asked.

   "This one is Blue, she's the stupid one that looks sort of like you. Blood is the scared one. And Penny is the slow runt. She has none of us." 60 yipped.

    "Hello. Who are you?" Asked Blue. 60 bit Blue paw. A pupplre 'tail bite' formed on her paw.

    "She didn't tell you to talk!" He roared. "Oh no! I put 'Tail blood' in you!"

    "Blue. I am Jenni. And don't worry, you have two more lives of notails blood in you." The goddess barked.
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 05, 2011, 02:29:19 am
"What is it that you want?" Jenni asked, "Is it your wish I should grant 60?" 60 blushed. He didn't want Blue and the others to know that her cared about 3. Jenni put her paw on 60's head. "I know what you guys came for. 3. Right?"

  Blue jumped up. "You knew?" She asked, not paying adtion to her bleeding paw.

  "I know everything that these  'tails' think." She barked. "Here." She moved her paws in a strange way, then she got on her hind legs. Then a portal opened. She stuck her paw through it.
Chapter 20
  Volt woke up with Mew. "What happened?" Mew stared at him in a scard way.

   A paw came and picked him up. "Mewer!" 3 screamed.

  Mewer frowned. She cried. She ran away.

  Then before 3 knew it, he was back. Blue huged him.  "You missed it. Mother was here. But after she brought you. She left. You missed her."

  3 frowned. "Blue!" He screamed. "What happened?!" They told him what happened. He nodded. "Well. Nothing happened for me."
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 05, 2011, 02:29:56 am
To be continued.............
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on August 11, 2011, 11:53:00 pm
I'll continue in a few............ Sorry, If anyone really reads my work. XC
Title: Re: Chibitails (Sorry about spell errors)
Post by: blue360 on September 24, 2011, 05:21:16 pm
PLEASE DON'T READ THIS IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!