Feral Heart

Community => Leaving => Topic started by: Silvertail12 on January 11, 2012, 11:38:04 pm

Title: School-related -.-
Post by: Silvertail12 on January 11, 2012, 11:38:04 pm
hi guys, I just returned to school and since im in 8th grade and my parents want me to focus more on school than video games and whatnot, y'know, stuff to "waste lives" on XD
so yeah, im going to be offline for sometime, but im not going to disappear completely. when i have spare time ill be on FH game, not forums since wont have the time to message and hang out with friends at the same time
so ill be back soon, in like....2 months and a half (wow D8) but in March ill be back, and celebrating my b-day :D
bye guys ^^ be back in March (except there are a few days off so ill be on during those days)

EDIT: So i managed to fit some time in my schedule :D i'll still spend some time on FH, but less than usual tho. i'll get on when i want to but lately i havnt even bothered. it doesnt matter for now since FH is down for a week
*sighs* its like being grounded ALL over again -.-
i'll stop talking now  :)
Title: Re: School-related -.-
Post by: wolfgrrl13 on January 11, 2012, 11:40:13 pm
School just ruins our lives don't it?  Haha, good luck in school though!
Title: Re: School-related -.-
Post by: BlueKinTsukiko on January 16, 2012, 12:23:00 am
Well good luck in school, btw, show them that there is literate rp, and you can actually learn the english language better :D This helps with my writing and typing skills, although I suck at spelling, and im actually writing a book x-x teachers say is good tho, although its gonna be around 700 pages