Help & Guidance > Mapping Tutorials

~How to Download Maps~


Ello dere floofs! I've made this topic to explain how to download maps if u dont know or just need help! ALRIGHT lets get to it!    Step one: Once the map(s) have been downloaded, go to ur downloads and look for a file that has the maps name, click it, remember to have the feralheart MAIN FOLDER open as well!! Once you have opened the map folder, there should be 2 things inside, maps, and READ ME, open the maps folder, there should be meshes,trees,rock ect. COPY,DRAG OR CUT all of those items. Now here's where the feralheart folder comes in, open it up, and click the EXPORTS FOLDER, open that one up, now...put the items from the map folder INTO the exports folder!!, if it asks to replace click yes or ur feralheart will be destroyed! Now, open up feralheart, go to cape of distant worlds and there should be a portal. WELP hope this helps u floofs!!!

gold feathers:
This could be helpful to new members~

[This really belongs in the Tutorial Section, rather then the Help Section.]

This is a lovely guide for downloading maps! Thanks for posting this, it will defiantly help new members.

This should be in Member made Tutorials, hun. ^^

Anyways, thank you for posting this, it'll really help members that don't know how to get maps. <3


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