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Feral Movie Night! (UNOFFICIAL)

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Thank you, Flobbeh, that helps ALOT! :D

Some time when the movie is able to be put as a movie someone should do Pacific Rim.. that'd kill us all 'cause it's epic. *cough*
Can't wait for tomorrow! ;D Whew, glad it is tomorrow. Got my new headphones today and was busy a bit.

Movie Night starts in a few hours! Make sure to grab your tickets and head on over to the livestream!

It's 2:10 PM and it starts at 7:00 PM lol. Alrighty, *grabs drink and food* Hugrf is gonna be there bro. *puts on shades*
Can't wait! I just watched a few movie theater stuff from someone else as you both were there...
This is an epic day. ^_^

Cool beans so at 7PM for me because my Time Eastern :3


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