Community > Leaving
Have to say good bye to Feral hearts for now :(
well.. Since I heard or seen Topics about that in order for me to play feralhearts.. I must update my graphic card :( . I try to do everything before I made my decsion.. I went to update my system but it seems like it's an "2007" Version, and try to update with DirectX..and got the same result. I will just have to get a new Laptop. It really hurts... a little I was waiting all summer for this game to come out. Was all that waiting is wasted..? Well....Not really. I will just have to get me a new laptop :D hopefully this year Unless when the server comes out maybe the White lion/wolf and water will disapear (But I doubt that will work). That's is no biggy though.. So I will say my good bye to the Feral hearts staff and everyone else. I hope you guys have a blast on the game. ^^ Thanks for making the game. This is not a "Game Over" for me. I will be back...someday. :D ;) Until then good bye everyone. ^_^
Sometimes It's hard to get things working properly, and it might not be that easy to fix it. So don't be afraid to try again. And we are sorry if we didn't explain some things good enough. Hope you stay active on forum anyway though and we try to help as much as we can!
Sorry to hear you leaving! But hopefully you will fix your poblem and join us back on the game when it is up :] I hope to see you around on the forum in the mean time; you dont have to leave us completly yet!
Aww, thats sad news, I really hopr you might re-join us someday once the game is working again, we will really miss you on Fh now, I hope we meet you again!
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