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White-Hart Woods | Open World Warrior Cats RP
WHITE HART WOODS is a unique Warriors roleplay & large project that has been in development for a little over two years. We are a group of friends seeking to create a long-lasting, relaxed community. We do not intend to close, even during a potentially sharp decline in activity or otherwise "dead"ness, WHW will always remain open for those to join, leave, join again. We bend traditional rules of Warriors RPs to encourage freedom of action and freedom of thought to the characters within it, and more creative freedoms to their roleplayers. Rather than writing a story for you, we are writing a story together. WHW embraces the balance between order & chaos; action & consequence, morality & wickedness, and politics & tradition. Characters may do as they will--within the limits of the physical universe. In other words, characters are encouraged to act/speak freely and break or obey the code, but should be mindful of the consequences that follow.
Literacy--We welcome roleplayers of any level, beginner or advanced, and do not require a RP sample to join. We are here to improve.
Open World, Freedom of thought, Member Driven--Characters may act as they will, and put their characters at risk with consequences that come, should they escape or face: Speaking out at Gatherings, longing for a rank (IC, rank begging aside) without a stigma, leaving camp as a kit leaves potential for predators, crossing clan borders, to major actions like finding love in another clan, or plotting to overthrow your leader. More about this can be found on our website.
Survival Based-- We'd like to appeal to a sense of excitement and dread--With freedom of action comes the possibility of death. Members may have four characters of any affiliation, but can choose only one character as a Main Character who is exempt from sudden death via dice rolling when finding themselves in a life-or-death situation, while other characters are more susceptible. Staff will never deliberately kill off a character, but one should be cautious.
>>SkyClan camp lies abandoned, to be reclaimed by their descendants.
Leader: Featherflight
Deputy: open
Medicine Cat: open
Medicine Cat Apprentice: open
Leader: Eelstar
Deputy: Irisfrost
Medicine Cat: Daffodilfrost
Medicine Cat Apprentice: closed
Leader: Mintstar
Deputy: Foxpounce
Medicine Cat: Icepoppy
Medicine Cat Apprentice: open
Leader: Scorchstar
Deputy: Goldensun
Medicine Cat: Silverhawk
Medicine Cat Apprentice: open
Leader: Jager
Guard: open
Guard: open
Guard: open
Apply on our website!
Explore the forest territories like you've never seen before. The map finds uniqueness in the culture it contains: Hidden mini maps with lore and mystery to unearth. WHW uses a smaller world size, with custom made meshes and textures to sharply reduce lag, allowing for more detail and less lag. The map has collisions where it counts, and few animated meshes. Our map is updated with each season to create the appeal for a more immersive experience. Consistently changing, the map is subject to fires with burned textures, floods, twoleg development and more.
The custom, hyper-realistic textures that you see were made for WHW by leda/rookfox. Without them, our RP would not be what it is today. Please do not steal these textures for usage in your own maps or claim them as your own! All other meshes belong to their rightful owners. Main Map by Skitty, Moonstone/Outskirts by Gravemind. More maps to come include, Twolegplace, WindClan Tunnels, and unique mini maps for each clan.
If this is the group for you, please join us! <3
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/ua8F2hT
Grynn (Skitty)
Space_Nexus (Nexus)
yes yes yes c: come join us~
already this community is great and welcoming and very comfy to be apart of!
Ooh :o I might have to check you guys out sometime! This seems like a wonderful group to be apart of :D
Thank you Ren ! ^_^ <3
Updated 10/07/2020 to include High Ranks.
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