Game & Forum Discussion > Forum Suggestions & Ideas
Donation page?
I think a donation page would be great. After all, the mods and admins continued to stay with us even though the game is dying.
It could help fund future updates, fix bugs, or just saying thank you. Who knows, it might work out.
As thoughtful as a suggestion as this is, it has already been discussed and the main source of income for FH will likely continue to be through ads on the site.
I feel like there's a thread somewhere that talks about this issue, but I can't seem to find it.
First: game isn't dying and I'll be saying this as long as I am alive.
Second: read this:
But donation page would be nice.
As stated above a few times, money making for FeralHeart will never become an option. The goal is to keep things free for you guys so everyone has a fair chance of playing and can all have fun. While it is thoughtful, it just simply cannot be done. While Dark_heart linked it, I'll quote from our Server Admin himself:
--- Quote ---A topic I keep seeing cropping up... while Its notice to see you all want to help I'm going to have to ask that you all stop discussing the generation of money for the servers/staff for a number of reasons which I won't be stating here. Anyone who's going out of there way to make some extra money I ask you to stop immediately if anyone has any specific problems or questions you can contact me directly by pm. Any further threads/posts regarding the topic will be removed by staff.
--- End quote ---
That all being said, I'm going to lock this thread now. c:
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