Game & Forum Discussion > Forum Suggestions & Ideas
FeralHeart Forum Idea List
FH Forum Idea List
There are many scattered threads of what people are looking for but I think it would be a cool idea to bunch all of them up in one place for easy, clear access. c: I thought I would make a forum idea thread to match the game one, making it even easier to access!
If you haven't seen already, find my game idea list here!
Ideas (so far)!
- Bringing back the banners on the forum.
- Bring image embedding into posts or video embedding (if possible).
- Forum pin system for important information.
- Forum re-vamp in terms of design.
- Member run event board further up on the forum.
- Regarding the PM system, automatically check the "save to outbox" box.
- Responses to thread notifications you have created option.
If anyone has anything to add that isn't on here already, please reply to this post that I may add it! <3
Thank you for putting together this thread Esa!!!
I don't have many ideas when it comes to things for the forum, but maybe under the roleplays area, a place for Discord based RPs? I know we have Forum Based or In Game right now, and people will post Discord based RPs in either category, but I think it would be great to have a Discord category as well, so its more specific/Discord RP runners don't have to guess which category is more appropriate for their post.
Maybe a more official thread for member run events? Sure we have the Community Activities Hub but it's down at the bottom of the forum so it can be hard to gain traction. Also just adding some sub categories to it for events, fun smaller activities, parties, etc. would be cool!
--- Quote from: toonanimals317 on May 27, 2021, 07:06:41 pm ---Thank you for putting together this thread Esa!!!
I don't have many ideas when it comes to things for the forum, but maybe under the roleplays area, a place for Discord based RPs? I know we have Forum Based or In Game right now, and people will post Discord based RPs in either category, but I think it would be great to have a Discord category as well, so its more specific/Discord RP runners don't have to guess which category is more appropriate for their post.
Maybe a more official thread for member run events? Sure we have the Community Activities Hub but it's down at the bottom of the forum so it can be hard to gain traction. Also just adding some sub categories to it for events, fun smaller activities, parties, etc. would be cool!
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Yes yes yes! I agree with these so much!
A Discord sub-board would be very useful for those with Discord based roleplays and help them get off of their feet. c: And member run event board would be awesome too! It is a little out of the way to scroll all the way down, I would love to see it further up where more people can see it easier. Adding these to the list!
Definitely a good idea, Esarossa c; Thank you for making this. Hopefully I can hatch some ideas soon
--- Quote from: Ironic on May 28, 2021, 12:50:09 am ---Definitely a good idea, Esarossa c; Thank you for making this. Hopefully I can hatch some ideas soon
--- End quote ---
Thank you! No problem at all, I look forward to see what you come up with! c:
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