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Realistic heightmaps in WorldMachine

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Worldmachine is a heightmap making program that makes realistic heightmaps.
You won't believe your eyes how amazing this generator is!

So the only thing you need for this tutorial is the program itself. which is through this url.

So once you have the program downloaded and installed, it's time to make maps!

In the window that pops up, you will see three components.
Drop the Layout generator in the window, then connect the top node of the "layout generator" to the purple node of "Advanced Perlin"
Scroll up until you see the box with the white outline, this is your build area.
Now lets make some lines! select the lines tool on the left. we are going to make two organically shaped lines that are not parallel to each other. This will create two mountains with a river in between... for now.
This is what the Heightmap looks like now! much prettier!
You may skip to the advanced perlin part of the tutorial if you do not want to learn about advanced shapes. Otherwise, continue like normal.
To make an advanced shape, you must select the lines that we drew on the map. Selecting is kind of buggy, but I found a workaround. Press the Overview tab at the top, then press the select button that is right next to the Overview tab. Go back to the Layout Generator tab on the right of the Overview tab, then select your shapes by clicking and dragging over the shapes. A box will cover the shapes as you select them.
Now press the "Brush properties" button in the "shape properties brush" section. it looks like a pencil.
Here, you can select the falloff distance, or the distance it takes for the maximum height to go to 0 height.
You can also select the falloff curve, or the shape the falloff makes. If you want normal mountains, use the straight linear incline curve. It's the first of the four preset curves. There is also a custom curve editor, where you can make your own curve.
to do this, press the Edit button above the 5th curve button. You will be in a curve editor. The curve is basically like the side view of a 2 dimensional mountain that is cut in half. The right and bottom side of the curve is the actual terrain, while the Left and top side of the curve is the Sky. You may edit this to your liking, but don't make it too extreme of a change, or your map will look funny.

Go to 3d view at the top, it is a green button right under the "Parameter devices" tab and above the "Layout Generator" tab.
your view will look like this:

Edit the values however you want in the window that pops up, because you will be able to see the difference made in the 3d view as you are changing those values.

I got something that looked like this!
Follow the steps in the image to finish!!!
1. Set: Set where you want the exported file to go
2. Write output to disk: Export!

REMEMBER, set your output as .png! otherwise, it will say you haven't selected the filetype!
Good news to people who don't like setting preferences, the map that exports will always be 513x513 pixels! meaning that it is ready for importing!

Time to import the height map into feral heart! WARNING: it will blow you away!

Thanks for reading this quite lengthy tutorial.. it was worth it right?

Very lovely tutorial! I'm sure many floofs will love this and I might even try it myself some day. Keep it up! c:

Very handy and useful for the map makers. I am sure many will appreciate this. Thank you for creating this.

Whooooaaaa. I have to try this one day! I appreciate you posting this! ?

Woow, this is really cool....Glad to see there's more than one way for making a map. Definitely going to have to give this a go once I find the time to make another map.
Thanks for posting this~!


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