FeralHeart Creations > Screenshots

My pointless adventures. [ More added! ]

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So, I was trying to jump up a mountain in the plains and ended up inside a rock.
There's a little gap where you can walk in and out so it makes for an awesome secret base and whatnot.

However, this is quite creepy.
Anyone else see it?

lol urgent red font. :U
I just got bored~

My Cloud wolf and my friend's Nanaki looking up at the stars after the patch.
What an appropriate way to appreciate the new beautiful music that was added. <3

What a view!
My Terra lion managed to scale a large platform, he had a lovely view of the beach area in the plains.
And yes, I know, lens flare. :V

A size comparison with my friend's Vanitas.

Roxas noms emo Riku's face.
nomnomnom :V

Yeah, this happens to me also.

I wasn't really referring to the glitch itself, rather what's in the right hand corner of the image.

I know. I see it also, is what I meant. Sorry it was late.



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