Game & Forum Discussion > Forum Games
1000 Ways To Get Kicked Out of Walmart/Kmart
Well, this game is simple: post a way to get kicked out off Walmart xD
Here, I'll start:
1. Get all the lightsabers and start an epic war battle. Double points if you get the staff involved.
Now you go 8D
2. Turn on all the TVs and play Simpsons!
3. Sit on a couch and look at the ceiling. Count how many people look up.
Grab 2 bikes and 2 brooms with a friend of your choice and start a Medival Tourny inside. CHAAAARRRGE!
Get some popcorn, a towel (ahem O.o), find the biggest tv in teh electronic area and turn the channel to a swim suit model program. o.O kinkiness D:
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