Game & Forum Discussion > Forum Discussion

You in FH vs. You in the Forums

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I'm a bit more open on the forums. In game, I'm pretty shy and honestly a bit scared to start conversations with people who I don't know too well. I'm also a bit more of a joker when I open up.

I'm more serious/professional on the forums while in-game I'm more silly and laidback.

On the forums, I tend to talk on and on and on and on. As you can probably tell if you've ever seen my posts.

In the game, I really only talk to anyone if they talk to me first. I'm that person who does random awkward things on public maps... (I tend to hang around the Cape, jumping on top of rocks, attempting to get in the tree or "hiding" in the shrubbery.)

I'm also more outgoing on certain characters. Little Arnold talks on and on and I can't stop him. XD Most of the time I'm in my private maps, just chillin'.

I guess I'm a little different in the forums. I kinda just throw comments and all that and run x'D I'm so shy. But in-game I'm more open I suppose. I start conversations sometimes and I'm more relaxed.

Do you act different in the forum then you do on the game?

Usually I try to strive with my grammar and spelling on the forum and game. However, I don't usually make an effort to push myself to others on the game because I'm not in the mood to whisper them an entire link.

How do you act in the game?

On the game, I don't usually go crazy and start bugging people for my health. No, I would just curl into a ball and wait for someone to come towards, to talk with me. Or, I just leave my computer alone and leave my characters to chill. I can be on for hours, but it doesn't make my presence is there. XD

How do you act in the forum?

I tend be more active and speak my feelings throughout the forum. I can help someone to going to debate on something. You also can notice I like to request a lot of art. XD But I tend to be a difference.


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