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Veteran Player Nostalgia?

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Ficho tunnel with them creepypasta, anime, fnaf, pokemon, and whatever else roleplays.
I went through one of my old sketchbooks and found a drawing that was based off of a scene I did in a Pokemon roleplay. Made me so happy.
I remember being a demon and roleplaying with some angels too..
South Pole was my favorite, me and my friend started a pack and I was a brown wolf (bad colors against snow lmao) named Hail. I remade him onto this account ^^
Sadly, I never went onto Bonfire because my (dad's) Mac couldn't handle it.

Also FreeRealms and JumpStart were my jam (more of FreeRealms though), I was a ninja with a fire sword named Jared and I had a shy brown cat named Koko who had a red sweater on.
ToonTown and Club Penguin were also a huuuge part of my life.

I almost totally forgot about the fantasy Temple of Dreams characters that populated that map.

Reading these replies got me in the sads, y'all. I miss old Feral Heart!

This may come off as controversial but frankly the unique "specialness" of the old maps never really translated into the new - it was the history that kept people coming back, not the fanciness or decoration of the maps themselves. Not to be unappreciative of the hard work that went in to them, but I'm of the mind that totally wiping the old face of FH wasn't the best of ideas...

South Pole was literally just endless snowy plains, but it was known as the "wings patch" map because it aired alongside them when LKD came back for that brief Christmas period. Everything grew from there!

I see Mate Centers spring up every now and then but the crowd it used to draw doesn't really exist anymore. I guess they vanished with the old maps.

Last Cave sure was something as well. One of my favorite things to do, back when Atlantis backpacked off South Pole, was to explore the underwater ruins. There seemed to be something around every oceanic corner. The coliseum was, for it's time, frankly beautiful.

I agree with a lot of responses in saying that the activeness is a postcard from the earlier iterations of Feral Heart - people all kind of conglomerate in The Grounds but the meaningless roleplays and sparkledog characters don't exist anymore.

Current Feral Heart has turned itself into an inactive chat hub more than its predecessors, in my opinion.

I miss Ficho to this day to be honest. Along with my Toby Fox's Undyne char. Preset, eye patch, and all.

When it was cool to howl among other cool looking wolves. I totally wasn't a part of something like that *cough*
and like doing it constantly to give some people a migraine perhaps... jk lol

I remember a lot of these, however one always stuck out to me. That would have to be the beautiful collection of creepy pasta RPers in Ficho. Every time I ran through there I always took into account of how many there were. I do miss being able to go anywhere and each map had it's own group of people to converse with. Each one had it's own unique feel to it. However the Grounds that we have today is a very interesting mix of those characteristic faces we've seen grouped together in older maps, so they are still around~


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