Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Other Games => Topic started by: zillyphyn on June 16, 2014, 04:56:21 am

Title: ~New Minecraft Server!~ {WIP} Read to find out!
Post by: zillyphyn on June 16, 2014, 04:56:21 am
So, I've finally made a MC server, but Kiara (Shadow Team {FeralHeart Username}) is mostly offline, and I can't find any nice people to test things out and help.
Here are the openings:
Connection Tester:
OPEN 1/2
Moderators/Ops: OPEN  3/6
Spawn/Builds Helper: OPEN 3/4
Website Maker/Helper: CLOSED 2/2

There are more to come, but for now thats it.
First off, I need the Connection Tester, to see if you can join or not. I need a really patient and kind person for this; I'm kind of a noob at this.
Secondly, I need the Spawn/Builds Helper. I can't make the spawn and builds myself. By BUILDS I mean player-made villages, or towns. So, help would be appreciated.
Lastly, I need the Ops/Mods. I can't keep my server in one piece by myself, right? So I don't want anyone that really wants to force people.

The Server name will be Hoxlaire. But you can contact me by PM here, or PM on my site, which will be up sometime soon, when I edit this post.
Thank you! I need all the help I can get!

** I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to post this type of stuff anymore, you can delete it if so. I haven't been on in a while, sooo.... **
Title: Re: ~New Minecraft Server!~ {WIP} Read to find out!
Post by: ZombieKitteh on June 18, 2014, 12:18:24 am
I could help with building and being a mod/op. If you like I can take screenshots of my builds and the like. I'm curious though is this a server that will be up 24/7 and is it using a paid for host or is it hosted on your own computer and network?
Title: Re: ~New Minecraft Server!~ {WIP} Read to find out!
Post by: zillyphyn on June 19, 2014, 06:26:56 pm
For now, it'll be off of my own computer and network until I gain or figure out how much it is, and gain the money needed. Although I am on everyday, 24/7, working on the server.
It would be great if you would help!
I wouldn't mind images, if you could.
You can communicate to me by my skype, demonz.soulzz
Your minecraft username will also really help for me to Op you.
Title: Re: ~New Minecraft Server!~ {WIP} Read to find out!
Post by: Whisperingwaves on June 22, 2014, 06:47:42 am
I can make a website for you also ^^ If you would like hun ;3

~ Whisper
Title: Re: ~New Minecraft Server!~ {WIP} Read to find out!
Post by: zillyphyn on June 23, 2014, 12:18:02 am
Great C;
I owe you :3
Title: Re: ~New Minecraft Server!~ {WIP} Read to find out!
Post by: Spottedbears on June 23, 2014, 12:54:22 am
i can help out with the website making & being a builder! ahh, i only just got minecraft but i've already learned so much and can send you screenshots on skype if you want!
Title: Re: ~New Minecraft Server!~ {WIP} Read to find out!
Post by: zillyphyn on June 23, 2014, 01:53:26 am
Great! l3
Since you're on now, message me on Skype
Mine is demonz.soulzz
I'd love for you to help!
Title: Re: ~New Minecraft Server!~ {WIP} Read to find out!
Post by: Whisperingwaves on June 27, 2014, 07:26:31 pm
~bump~ Site WIP tho almost done!